P. Benes
Steroid hormone receptors in human melanoma.
Human melanomas were investigated for the presence of high-affinity estrogen-, gestagen-, and glucocorticoid-binding proteins. A statistically significant difference was found for mean estrogen receptor (ER) concentrations in melanomas of male versus female origin: female origin 37.6 (0-107) fmol/mg protein, male origin 3.9 (0-8.3) fmol/mg protein. No significant difference between sexes was found for gestragen receptors: 41.5 (0-194) fmol/mg protein for melanomas of female origin versus 99 (0-362) fmol/mg protein for male. Sucrose density gradient analyses revealed specific binding for both receptor types in the 4-5 S region as well as in the 8 S region. The binding affinities were in the …
Our investigation showed that the concentration of SHBG decreased in healthy girls and boys at increased FIE concentrations. It was therefore the aim of the present study to examine the effects of anabolic steroid oxandrolone in SHBG and FTE concentrations in patients with Turner's syndrome. The normal dose to promote growth in patients wilh UTS is 0,1 mg/kg/BW. Our patients received a very low dose of 1,25 mg oxandrolone/doy. We analysed 21 sera of UTS patients. The determination of SHBG concentrations was performed with the IRMA (Famos diagnostics, Oulunsala, Finnland), the concentration of FTE was determined with the RIA (Immunchem.Corporation, Carson, USA). In 7 untreated UIS patients w…
TNFα Primes Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes for an Enhanced Respiratory Burst to a Similar Extent As Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide
We examined whether preincubating polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) with TNF alpha would result in an enhanced respiratory burst upon subsequent stimulation by various agents. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a known primer of PMN, was used as control. We found that both LPS (0.01 to 10.0 microgram/ml) and recombinant TNF alpha (0.001 to 1.0 microgram/ml) act as direct stimulants of PMN as measured by chemiluminescence. Sixty minutes of preincubation of PMN with 1 microgram/ml TNF alpha or 10 micrograms/ml LPS resulted in similar priming for the respiratory burst elicited by opsonized zymosan, phorbol myristate acetate, zymosan, zymosan-activated serum, aggregated immunoglobulin, and f-…
A Highly Decreased Binding of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate to Protein Kinase A in Erythrocyte Membranes is Specific for Active Psoriasis
A cyclic adenosine monophosphate binding abnormality in psoriatic erythrocytes that could be corrected by retinoid treatment has been reported. It was tested whether this binding abnormality is specific for psoriasis and the effects of treatment were compared with etretinate, cyclosporine A, or anthralin on 2-(3)H-8-N(3)-cyclic adenosine monophosphate binding to the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A in erythrocyte membranes. One hundred and fifteen individuals were evaluated, including: (i) 34 healthy persons; (ii) 15 patients with nonatopic inflammatory skin diseases (eczema, erythroderma, tinea, Grover's disease, erysipelas, urticaria); (iii) eight with other dermatoses mediated by i…
Seminal plasma-induced suppression of the respiratory burst of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes.
Summary: Based on recent findings indicating suppression of lymphocytic functions by seminal plasma (SP) we tested the effects of SP from men with normo- and oligozoospermia (n = 7, each) on the generation of luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and monocytes (Mo) stimulated in vitro with zymosan. We found a complete suppression of CL of PMN and Mo by undiluted SP's, 1,000-fold dilutions still induced ≥ 20 percent inhibition. There was no difference between normo- and oligozoospermic men in inhibition of CL both with PMN and Mo. Protein concentrations of SP's were closely the same; all SP were free of the complement components C4 and C3c. After dialy…
Hereditary angioneurotic oedema and blood-coagulation: interaction between C1-esterase-inhibitor and the activation factors of the proteolytic enzyme systems.
C-1-inactivator (C-1-INA) does not only exert its important inhibitory functions in the complement system but also in the first step in the activation of the coagulation, fibrinolytic and kallikrein system. We therefore determined in nine patients with hereditary angioneurotic oedema (HANE) with obvious quantitative or functional defects of C-1-INA, and one further patient with Quincke-type oedema of different origin, the coagulation factors of the initial phase such as Hageman factor, plasma thromboplastin antecedent (PTA) and high molecular weight kininogen (HMWK). These factors were further correlated with the concentration as well as functional activity of C-1-INA. Nine of ten patients …
Pruritus und Gallens�uren. Bestimmung von Sulfalithocholylglycin und Cholylglycin in der Saugblasenfl�ssigkeit und im Serum
Ob die Gallensauren im Organismus ursachlich bei dem zumeist ausgepragten Juckreiz bei Patienten mit Cholestase eine Rolle spielen, ist bislang ungeklart. Nachdem eine Korrelation zwischen Serumspiegel und Juckreiz nicht gefunden werden konnte, wurde eine Anreicherung von Gallensauren in der Haut fur den hepatogenen Pruritus verantwortlich gemacht. Dies konnte jedoch in Hauthomogenisaten nicht nachgewiesen werden, wogegen sich Gallensauren in den Oberflachenlipiden der Haut vermehrt fanden. Deshalb wurden in den vorliegenden Untersuchungen die Gallensauren Cholylglycin und Sulfalithocholylglycin in der Flussigkeit experimentell erzeugter subepidermaler Blasen sowie im Serum bestimmt. In der…
Magnetic Monopole Search with the Full MoEDAL Trapping Detector in 13 TeV pp Collisions Interpreted in Photon-Fusion and Drell-Yan Production
MoEDAL is designed to identify new physics in the form of stable or pseudostable highly ionizing particles produced in high-energy Large Hadron Collider (LHC) collisions. Here we update our previous search for magnetic monopoles in Run 2 using the full trapping detector with almost four times more material and almost twice more integrated luminosity. For the first time at the LHC, the data were interpreted in terms of photon-fusion monopole direct production in addition to the Drell-Yan-like mechanism. The MoEDAL trapping detector, consisting of 794 kg of aluminum samples installed in the forward and lateral regions, was exposed to 4.0 fb$^{-1}$ of 13 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC…
Interaction between C1-INA, coagulation, fibrinolysis and kinin system in hereditary angioneurotic edema (HANE) and urticaria.
The C1-inactivator plays an important role not only in the initial phases of the complement system, but also in those of the coagulation, fibrinolysis and kinin systems. The present study was concerned with the reciprocal influence of decreased C1-inactivator levels in patients with hereditary angioneurotic edema (HANE, HAE). In 13 HANE-I patients there were significantly increased levels of the coagulation factors XII, XI, V, of plasminogen and of alpha 2-antiplasmin, while the factors IX and VII were decreased. Conversely, it emerged that in patients with markedly raised prephase factor levels, angioneurotic edema occurred in the presence of normal or only slightly decreased C1-inactivato…
Behandlung der ausgeprägten Pubertätsgynäkomastie mit Tamoxifen
Based on the good results of another author 10 boys with marked pubertal gynecomastia were treated with the antioestrogen Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) at a dose of 20-40 mg/d orally for 2-12 months. In most cases the gynecomastia decreased totally, only two patients experienced palpable subareolar glandular tissue at the end of therapy. Side effects were not noted. During therapy levels of estradiol and testosteron increased, with a more pronounced elevation of estradiol. Basal values of LH and FSH remained nearly unchanged, but LH showed an increased response to LH-RH, which could be explained by the antioestrogenic effect of Tamoxifen at the hypothalamic level. The reduction of breast size in spi…
Augmented glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and normal penetration and metabolism of dehydroepiandrosterone in mononuclear leukocytes in psoriasis.
The aim of the study was to determine a biochemical basis for the augmented oxidative metabolism found in mononuclear leukocytes (MNL) of patients with active psoriasis. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is known to inhibit glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH). We determined the activity of G-6-PDH as well as the penetration and metabolism of DHEA - diminished plasma concentrations of which have been found in psoriatics previously - in 16 patients with active psoriasis and 16 controls. MNL in patients with psoriasis possessed 52% more (p less than 0.05) G-6-PDH activity, based on cell number, and 34% more (p less than 0.05) activity, based on soluble protein. No difference in DHEA penetr…
Reduktaseschwäche als Ursache andrologischer Störungen?
Zusammenfassung Bei 35 andrologischen Patienten ohne Seminalplasmaveranderung mit Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoospermie unterschiedlichen Ausmases wurden die Urinsteroide vor Behandlungsbeginn untersucht. Dabei wurde eine signifikant herabgesetzte Androsteronausscheidung beobachtet (p < 0,01). Der Aetiocholanolon: Androsteron-Quotient, der auf eine 5α-Re-duktaseschwache hinweist, war signifikant erhoht (p < 0,01). Zugleich waren bei den Probanden mit einem E:A Quotienten uber 3,0 die Hoden im Vergleich zu der Kontrollgruppe signifikant unpaarig grosenentwickelt (p < 0,01). Es wird als Ursache eine Enzymschwache an der 5α-Reduktase vermutet, woraus eine entsprechende Hodengrosendissoziation resulti…
A macrophage-suppressing 40-kD protein in a case of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease of unknown etiology. Macrophage dysfunctions are claimed to be involved in the pathogenesis. We investigated phagocytosis and oxidative metabolism of alveolar macrophages in a case of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. These cells phagocytize normally and phagocytizable stimulants cause a normal oxidative burst. In response to the membrane signals phorbolmyristate acetate and aggregated immunoglobulin, however, no stimulated turnover of the oxidative metabolism can be observed. A 40-kD protein found in the lavage fluid mediates this macrophage-inhibiting effect. This phenomenon may contribute to the frequent opportunistic infections seen i…
Persistent skin ulcers, mutilations, and acro-osteolysis in hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy with phospholipid excretion
We observed three children in a Turkish family who from early childhood had deformations of the feet and torpid ulcers with subfocal osteomyelitis and osteolysis, which subsequently led to amputations. The fingers showed ainhumlike constriction bands and spontaneous amputations. Neurologic studies revealed an almost complete sensory and autonomic loss affecting all modalities and a marked involvement of motor fibers. The clinical symptoms fulfill many of the hallmarks of hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type II, including autosomal recessive inheritance, onset of symptoms in childhood, and mutilating acropathy. A high urinary excretion of sphingomyelin and lecithin suggests that …
Radioimmunologische Bestimmung von Dehydroepiandrosteron und 5-Androsten-3�,17�-diol im Plasma von Psoriatikern und Kontrollpersonen
Mittels radioimmunologischer Bestimmungsverfahren wurden die Steroide Dehydroepiandrosteron und 5-Androsten-3s,17s-diol im Plasma von Psoriatikern und Kontrollpersonen bestimmt. Entsprechend den bereits fruher mit photometrischen Methoden erhobenen Befunden war bei den Psoriatikern der Plasma-Spiegel des Dehydroepiandrosterons erniedrigt und der des Androstendiols erhoht.
Steroid hormone receptor analysis in human melanoma and non-malignant human skin
Search for magnetic monopoles with the MoEDAL prototype trapping detector in 8 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC
The MoEDAL experiment is designed to search for magnetic monopoles and other highly-ionising particles produced in high-energy collisions at the LHC. The largely passive MoEDAL detector, deployed at Interaction Point 8 on the LHC ring, relies on two dedicated direct detection techniques. The first technique is based on stacks of nuclear-track detectors with surface area $\sim$18 m$^2$, sensitive to particle ionisation exceeding a high threshold. These detectors are analysed offline by optical scanning microscopes. The second technique is based on the trapping of charged particles in an array of roughly 800 kg of aluminium samples. These samples are monitored offline for the presence of trap…
Zur Penetrationskinetik von Dehydroepiandrosteron durch die Erythrocytenmembran
Bei zehn Kranken mit Psoriasis vulgaris und zehn Kontroll-personen wurde die Penetrationskinetik von freiem Dehydroepiandrosteron (DHEA) durch die Erythrocytenmembran und der Metabolismus des penetrierten DHEA untersucht.