Fricano Stefano

Patrimonio culturale e tecnologia: un incontro ancora da valorizzare

Today, many factors are driving cultural institutions to adopt digitization strategies. For some of them, as organizations in charge of monument care, historical or archaeological museums and heritage parks, this might be critical. Indeed, making available off-site experiences of heritage places, for instance by augmented reality and/or video games, fuels polyvalent and potentially contradictory dynamics. They lay at the intersection of three main dimensions: understanding how cultural heritage and technology interact; which attitudes people in charge of cultural heritage bear, and how tourist destinations are built and promoted. The paper combines information about the evolution of the lit…

research product

The influence of ecolabels and environmental information on fishery and aquaculture consumption

This paper investigates whether the exhibition of sustainable information (i.e., eco-labeling) influence the consumption of fishery and aquaculture products. Using data from the Eurobarometer survey (ebs-95.1) we explore the consumers’ environmental attitudes by tracking the trend in consumption of seafood products before/after the pandemic situation, with a focus on the products showing ecolabels.

research product

Piattaforme oil and gas e sviluppo turistico: evidenze da una analisi esplorativa sull’accettabilità del decommissioning circolare

Lo studio propone una lettura dell’accettabilità sociale del decommissioning circolare delle piattaforme oil and gas a fini di sviluppo turistico con una particolare attenzione alle installazioni presenti in Italia. Esso mostra come: 1) il pubblico riconosca un certo potenziale di riutilizzo turistico delle piattaforme; 2) l’accettabilità sociale sia ostacolata da distorsioni percettive; 3) la modifica di tali percezioni richiedano compiute policy di marketing sociale. This study focuses on the social acceptability of oil and gas platforms circular decommissioning and its potential for tourism development purposes, especially in Italy. It shows how: 1) the public acknowledges potential for …

research product

Le preferenze dei consumatori verso i marchi e le etichette di qualità dei prodotti ittici

Il consumo dei prodotti ittici è ormai sempre più analizzato per via delle implicazioni socio-economico-ambientali che da esso ne derivano. Se da un lato un maggiore consumo è sicuramente positivo in termini di salubrità, dall’altro mette in crisi il sistema ambiente per l’eccessivo sfruttamento degli stock ittici. Negli ultimi anni, vi è stata inoltre una progressiva crescita dell’attenzione del consumatore all’impatto ambientale dei processi produttivi con la conseguente maggiore presenza sul mercato di prodotti che utilizzando brand e label associati procedure certificate cercano di aggiungere alla qualità dei prodotti ittici percepita dai consumatori anche componenti che valorizzano pro…

research product

La valutazione dell’investimento pubblico nell’industria della trasformazione ittica in Sicilia. Un’indagine esplorativa

This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the effects and impact on family businesses of policies based on public funding to sustain the development of declining regions. It presents the case of a measure promoted the Sicilian Regional Government to try to revert the economic decline of the fishing industry in Sicily. Sicily is the largest Island in the Mediterranean Sea, and Fishing has been a traditional activity in the region for centuries. In the last decades, the industry has been facing serious problems, including increasing obsolescence of the fleet, inefficient marketing facilities, fish depletion in local waters. Mazara del Vallo, located in the South-West of the i…

research product

The economic impact of the EFF on the competitiveness of Sicilian fish companies

The measure 2.3 of the European Fisheries Fund, in Sicily, claimed investments of fish companies in production capacity expansion and modernization of fish processing. Have these investments been effective in supporting the competitiveness of these companies and have they influenced the economic sustainability of the regional seafood chain? Proposed analysis contributes to this assessment through an exploratory survey and a review of the changes in their business performance.

research product