Jean-pierre Quenot

Psychological experience of patients 3 months after a stay in the intensive care unit: A descriptive and qualitative study.

Abstract Purpose The purpose was to describe psychological experiences of patients 3 months after a stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) using qualitative methods. Methods Twenty patients underwent clinical interview lasting 1 hour and completed the Impact of Event Scale—Revised and Hospital Anxiety and Depression questionnaires. All interviews were recorded and coded using thematic analysis. Results All patients (100%) reported that they could not remember their ICU stay; half reported confused memories (50%) or disorientation (50%). Negatives memories were also reported (20%-45%), namely, pain, distress, sleep difficulties, noise, fear, feeling of abandonment; 20% reported positive memor…

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High Plasma Concentration of Non-Esterified Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Is a Specific Feature of Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia

Background: The pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 is frequently associated with an uncontrolled inflammatory response. Severe forms of COVID-19 appear to be more frequent in obese patients, but an association with metabolic disorders is not established. Here, we focused on lipoprotein metabolism in patients hospitalized for severe pneumonia, depending on COVID-19 status. Methods: Thirty-four non-COVID-19 and 27 COVID-19 patients with severe pneumonia were enrolled. Most of them required intensive care. Plasma lipid levels, lipoprotein metabolism, and clinical and biological features were assessed. Findings: Despite similar initial metabolic comorbidities and respiratory severity, COVID-19 pat…

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Reply to Chousterman et al.: Delaying Renal Replacement Therapy Could Be Harmful in Patients with Acute Brain Injury

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Prognostic significance of central venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide difference during the first 24 hours of septic shock in patients with and without impaired cardiac function

IF 6.238; International audience; Objective: To investigate the prognostic significance of central venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide difference (cv-art CO2 gap) during septic shock in patients with and without impaired cardiac function.Methods: We performed a prospective cohort study in 10 French intensive care units. Patients suffering from septic shock were assigned to the impaired cardiac function group (‘cardiac group’, n=123) if they had atrial fibrillation (AF) and/or left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 0.9 kPa at 12 h had a higher risk of day 28 mortality (hazard ratio=3.18; P=0.0049). Among the 59 patients in the cardiac group with mean arterial pressure (MAP) ≥65 mm Hg, centr…

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Corporeal Compression at the Onset of Septic shock (COCOONs): a compression method to reduce fluid balance of septic shock patients

AbstractFluid overload in septic intensive care unit (ICU) patients is common and strongly associated with poor outcome. There is currently no treatment for capillary leak, which is mainly responsible for high positive fluid balance (FB) in sepsis. We hypothesized that increasing interstitial pressure with extensive corporeal compression would reduce FB. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy, and safety of a compression treatment during sepsis. This pilot, two-center, single-arm trial enrolled critically ill, non-surgical, septic patients receiving mechanical ventilation. The therapeutic intervention was the early application of compression bandages on more t…

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Family perceptions of clinical research and the informed consent process in the ICU

Abstract Purpose We investigated experiences of families who provide consent for research on behalf of a loved-one hospitalized in intensive care (ICU). Methods Multicentre, qualitative, descriptive study using semi-directive interviews in 3 ICUs. Eligible relatives were aged >18 years, and had provided informed consent for a clinical trial on behalf of a patient hospitalized in ICU. Interviews were conducted from 06/2018 to 06/2019 by a qualified sociologist, recorded and transcribed. Results Fifteen relatives were interviewed; average age 50.3 ± 15 years. All emphasized their interest in clinical research, seeing it as a duty. Involving their loved-one in research allowed them to find mea…

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The concept of a surrogate is ill adapted to intensive care: Criteria for recognizing a reference person

IF 2.445; International audience; Purpose: In the intensive care unit (ICU), caregivers may find it difficult to identify a suitable person in the patient's entourage to serve as a reference when there is no official surrogate.Methods: We developed a 12-item questionnaire to identify factors potentially important for caregivers when identifying a reference person. Each criterion was evaluated as regards its importance for the role of reference. Responses were on a scale of 0 (not important) to 10 (extremely important). We recorded respondent's age, job title, and number of years' ICU experience. The questionnaire was distributed to all health care professionals in 2 French ICUs.Results: Amo…

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Error in Intensive Care

Objective To identify the psychological repercussions of an error on professionals in intensive care and to understand their evolution. To identify the psychological defense mechanisms used by professionals to cope with error. Design Qualitative study with clinical interviews. We transcribed recordings and analysed the data using an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Setting Two ICUs in the teaching hospitals of Besancon and Dijon (France). Subjects Fourteen professionals in intensive care (20 physicians and 20 nurses). Interventions None. Measurements and main results We conducted 40 individual semistructured interviews. The participants were invited to speak about the experience of…

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What are the ethical issues in relation to the role of the family in intensive care?

International audience; A large proportion of patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) are unable to express themselves, often due to acute illness, shock or trauma, and this precludes any communication and/or consent for care that might reflect their wishes and opinions. In such cases, the only solution for the ICU physician is to include the patient's family in the healthcare decisions. This can represent a significant burden on the family, on top of the psychological distress of the ICU environment and hospitalisation of their relatives, and many family members may suffer from anxiety, depression or symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during or after the hospitali…

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Can qualitative research play a role in answering ethical questions in intensive care?

International audience; Scientific and technological progress, as well as increased patient autonomy have profoundly changed the world of healthcare, giving rise to new situations that are increasingly complex and uncertain. Quantitative paradigms, of which the main bastion is evidence-based medicine (EBM), are beginning to reach their limits in daily routine practice of medicine, and new approaches are emerging that can provide novel heuristic perspectives. Qualitative research approaches can be useful for apprehending new areas of knowledge that are fundamental to recent and future developments in intensive care.

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How can we best organise communication with patients’ families?

IF 1.542 (2016); International audience

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Role of biomarkers in the management of antibiotic therapy : an expert panel review : I - currently available biomarkers for clinical use in acute infections

Abstract In the context of worldwide increasing antimicrobial resistance, good antimicrobial prescribing in more needed than ever; unfortunately, information available to clinicians often are insufficient to rely on. Biomarkers might provide help for decision-making and improve antibiotic management. The purpose of this expert panel review was to examine currently available literature on the potential role of biomarkers to improve antimicrobial prescribing, by answering three questions: 1) Which are the biomarkers available for this purpose?; 2) What is their potential role in the initiation of antibiotic therapy?; and 3) What is their role in the decision to stop antibiotic therapy? To ans…

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Sédation profonde et continue maintenue jusqu’au décès en réanimation : mise au point de la Commission d’Ethique de la SRLF

La mise en œuvre de la sédation profonde et continue maintenue jusqu’au décès en réanimation peut s’avérer complexe car il faut tenir compte de la singularité de chaque patient et de son entourage. Cet aspect de la prise en charge devrait être évoqué autant que possible avec le patient et ses proches bien avant que la question de la fin de vie ne se pose. Formation des soignants, information des patients et des proches et adaptation de l’environnement en fin de vie représentent les pistes d’amélioration de la prise en charge de la fin de vie en réanimation.

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Plasma Renin Concentration is Associated With Hemodynamic Deficiency and Adverse Renal Outcome in Septic Shock.

International audience; Background: In septic shock, both systemic vasodilatation and glomerular arteriole dilatation are responsible for the drop in glomerular filtration observed in early acute kidney injury. Angiotensin II has been showed to act on both mechanisms. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of renin angiotensin system activation, on hemodynamic deficiency and renal outcome in patient with septic shock and to assess whether urinary sodium could be a reliable test for high plasma renin concentration screening.Methods: This was a prospective and observational study. Inclusion criteria were 1) early septic shock (first episode) 2) dose of norepinephrine ≥ 0.25 μg/kg/min 3) bef…

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MOESM1 of Nephrotoxic drug burden among 1001 critically ill patients: impact on acute kidney injury

Additional file 1: Figure S1. Acute kidney injury (AKI) worsening cases and control matching. Table S1. Main characteristics of matched and unmatched patients. Table S2. Relative contribution individual drugs to the difference in nephrotoxic burden experienced by cases and controls.

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Non-readmission decisions in the intensive care unit: A qualitative study of physicians' experience in a multicentre French study.

Purpose Deciding not to re-admit a patient to the intensive care unit (ICU) poses an ethical dilemma for ICU physicians. We aimed to describe and understand the attitudes and perceptions of ICU physicians regarding non-readmission of patients to the ICU. Materials and methods Multicenter, qualitative study using semi-directed interviews between January and May 2019. All medical staff working full-time in the ICU of five participating centres (two academic and three general, non-academic hospitals) were invited to participate. Participants were asked to describe how they experienced non-readmission decisions in the ICU, and to expand on the manner in which the decision was made, but also on…

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Pulse wave transit time measurements of cardiac output in septic shock patients: a comparison of the estimated continuous cardiac output system with transthoracic echocardiography

Pôle EAMERSCT3Hors Enjeu; Background We determined reliability of cardiac output (CO) measured by pulse wave transit time cardiac output system (esCCO system; COesCCO) vs transthoracic echocardiography (COTTE) in mechanically ventilated patients in the early phase of septic shock. A secondary objective was to assess ability of esCCO to detect change in CO after fluid infusion. Methods Mechanically ventilated patients admitted to the ICU, aged > 18 years, in sinus rhythm, in the early phase of septic shock were prospectively included. We performed fluid infusion of 500ml of crystalloid solution over 20 minutes and recorded CO by EsCCO and TTE immediately before (T0) and 5 minutes after (T1) …

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Renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury - Authors' reply.

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Inhaled amikacin versus placebo to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia: the AMIKINHAL double-blind multicentre randomised controlled trial protocol

IntroductionPre-emptive inhaled antibiotics may be effective to reduce the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia among critically ill patients. Meta-analysis of small sample size trials showed a favourable signal. Inhaled antibiotics are associated with a reduced emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the benefit of a 3-day course of inhaled antibiotics among patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation for more than 3 days on the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia.Methods and analysisAcademic, investigator-initiated, parallel two group arms, double-blind, multicentre superiority randomised controlled trial. Patients invasi…

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What are the ethical dimensions in the profession of intensive care specialist?

International audience; Two essential components of the profession of a medical doctor are the constant review of the patient's therapeutic project, and collaboration between healthcare professionals. The profession of intensive care unit (ICU) physician goes further in terms of responsibility, vis-à-vis the intensive treatments dispensed to the patients, and the physician's responsibilities towards the patient's family and the caregiving team, also bearing in mind that ICU care is costly in terms of human and financial resources. In this review, we address the profession of ICU physician from the perspective of the ethical questions that arise constantly, focusing on the timeframe of the r…

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End-of-life situations in cardiology: a qualitative study of physicians' and nurses' experience in a large university hospital.

IF 2.335 (2-year Impact Factor); International audience; Background: rofessional societies call for integration of end-of-life discussions early in the trajectory of heart failure, yet it remains unclear where current practices stand in relation to these recommendations. We sought to describe the perceptions and attitudes of caregivers in cardiology regarding end-of-life situations.Methods: e performed a qualitative study using semi-directive interviews in the cardiology department of a university teaching hospital in France. Physicians, nurses and nurses’ aides working full-time in the department at the time of the study were eligible. Participants were asked to describe how they experienc…

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Comparison of two delayed strategies for renal replacement therapy initiation for severe acute kidney injury (AKIKI 2): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled trial

International audience; BACKGROUND: Delaying renal replacement therapy (RRT) for some time in critically ill patients with severe acute kidney injury and no severe complication is safe and allows optimisation of the use of medical devices. Major uncertainty remains concerning the duration for which RRT can be postponed without risk. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that a more-delayed initiation strategy would result in more RRT-free days, compared with a delayed strategy. METHODS: This was an unmasked, multicentre, prospective, open-label, randomised, controlled trial done in 39 intensive care units in France. We monitored critically ill patients with severe acute kidney injury (defined …

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How patient families are provided with information during intensive care: A survey of practices

Abstract Background Many critically ill patients are incapable of receiving information or expressing their own opinion on treatment decisions due to the severity of their disease, or because they are under sedation. French legislation requires that when a physician proposes further tests or treatment for a patient, this proposal should be accompanied by clear and honest information that is appropriate in view of the circumstances and the patient's state of health, and the physician must obtain the patient's consent before proceeding. However, this is often impossible in critical care. We evaluated whether provisions for surrogates are adequate in meeting information needs of patients and f…

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MOESM1 of The Artificial Kidney Initiation in Kidney Injury 2 (AKIKI2): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Additional file 1. Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) 2013 Checklist: recommended items to address in a clinical trial protocol and related documents*.

research product

Vécu des situations à risque d’erreur en réanimation : une étude qualitative auprès des médecins et infirmiers

Resume Si de nombreux facteurs de risque d’erreur ont ete identifies en reanimation, tres peu d’etudes se sont interessees au vecu du risque d’erreur chez les professionnels. Pourtant, l’approche psychologique du risque montre l’importance de la dimension subjective pour comprendre la maniere dont le sujet apprehende le risque. Sur les 40 professionnels de reanimation, 75 % des professionnels vivent le risque d’erreur comme omnipresent. L’etude met en evidence l’existence d’un vecu differencie du risque d’erreur en fonction du niveau d’experience, de l’encadrement et de cooperation. Ces dimensions participent a la creation d’une culture collective permettant de vivre le risque comme control…

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Correction to: The dysregulated innate immune response in severe COVID-19 pneumonia that could drive poorer outcome

Although immune modulation is a promising therapeutic avenue in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the most relevant targets remain to be found. COVID-19 has peculiar characteristics and outcomes, suggesting a unique immunopathogenesis.Thirty-six immunocompetent non-COVID-19 and 27 COVID-19 patients with severe pneumonia were prospectively enrolled in a single center, most requiring intensive care. Clinical and biological characteristics (including T cell phenotype and function and plasma concentrations of 30 cytokines) and outcomes were compared.At similar baseline respiratory severity, COVID-19 patients required mechanical ventilation for significantly longer than non-COVID-19 patients …

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Delayed versus early initiation of renal replacement therapy for severe acute kidney injury: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials

Summary Background The timing of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for severe acute kidney injury is highly debated when no life-threatening complications are present. We assessed whether a strategy of delayed versus early RRT initiation affects 28-day survival in critically ill adults with severe acute kidney injury. Methods In this systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis, we searched MEDLINE (via PubMed), Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials for randomised trials published from April 1, 2008, to Dec 20, 2019, that compared delayed and early RRT initiation strategies in patients with severe acute kidney injury. Trials were eligible for inclusion …

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Enteral versus parenteral early nutrition in ventilated adults with shock: a randomised, controlled, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group study (NUTRIREA-2)

International audience; BackgroundWhether the route of early feeding affects outcomes of patients with severe critical illnesses is controversial. We hypothesised that outcomes were better with early first-line enteral nutrition than with early first-line parenteral nutrition.MethodsIn this randomised, controlled, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group study (NUTRIREA-2 trial) done at 44 French intensive-care units (ICUs), adults (18 years or older) receiving invasive mechanical ventilation and vasopressor support for shock were randomly assigned (1:1) to either parenteral nutrition or enteral nutrition, both targeting normocaloric goals (20–25 kcal/kg per day), within 24 h after intubatio…

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Timing of Renal Replacement Therapy for Severe Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Patients

Acute kidney injury (AKI) affects many ICU patients and is responsible for increased morbidity and mortality. Although lifesaving in many situations, renal replacement therapy (RRT) may be associated with complications, and the appropriate timing of its initiation is still the subject of intense debate. An early initiation strategy can prevent some metabolic complications, whereas a delayed one may allow for renal function recovery in some patients without need for this costly and potentially dangerous technique. For years, most of the knowledge on this issue stemmed from observational studies or small randomized controlled trials. Recent randomized controlled trials have indicated that a w…

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Ethical challenges involved in obtaining consent for research from patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit

International audience; Clinical research remains a vital contributor to medical knowledge, and is an established and integral part of the practice of medicine worldwide. Respect for patient autonomy and ethical principles dictate that informed consent must be obtained from subjects before they can be enrolled into clinical research, yet these conditions may be difficult to apply in real practice in the intensive care unit (ICU). A number of factors serve to complexify the consent process in critically ill patients, notably decisional incapacity of the patient due to illness or sedation. Obtaining consent for research from a designated proxy or family member, commonly termed a "surrogate de…

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Non-readmission decisions in the intensive care unit under French rules: A nationwide survey of practices.

International audience; Purpose: We investigated, using a multicentre survey of practices in France, the practices of ICU physicians concerning the decision not to readmit to the ICU, in light of current legislation.Materials and methods: Multicentre survey of practices among French ICU physicians via electronic questionnaire in January 2016. Questions related to respondents’ practices regarding re-admission of patients to the ICU and how these decisions were made. Criteria were evaluated by the health care professionals as regards importance for non-readmission.Results: In total, 167 physicians agreed to participate, of whom 165 (99%) actually returned a completed questionnaire from 58 ICU…

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Nephrotoxic drug burden among 1001 critically ill patients: impact on acute kidney injury.

Abstract Background Nephrotoxic drug prescription may contribute to acute kidney injury (AKI) occurrence and worsening among critically ill patients and thus to associated morbidity and mortality. The objectives of this study were to describe nephrotoxic drug prescription in a large intensive-care unit cohort and, through a case–control study nested in the prospective cohort, to evaluate the link of nephrotoxic prescription burden with AKI. Results Six hundred and seventeen patients (62%) received at least one nephrotoxic drug, among which 303 (30%) received two or more. AKI was observed in 609 patients (61%). A total of 351 patients were considered as cases developing or worsening AKI a gi…

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Intégration de la démarche palliative à la médecine intensive-réanimation : de la théorie à la pratique

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The Artificial Kidney Initiation in Kidney Injury 2 (AKIKI2): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Abstract Background The Artificial Kidney Initiation in Kidney Injury (AKIKI) trial showed that a delayed renal replacement therapy (RRT) strategy for severe acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill patients was safe and associated with major reduction in RRT initiation compared with an early strategy. The five criteria which mandated RRT initiation in the delayed arm were: severe hyperkalemia, severe acidosis, acute pulmonary edema due to fluid overload resulting in severe hypoxemia, serum urea concentration > 40 mmol/l and oliguria/anuria > 72 h. However, duration of anuria/oliguria and level of blood urea are still criteria open to debate. The objective of the study is to compar…

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Intersecting vulnerabilities in professionals and patients in intensive care.

International audience; In the context of healthcare delivery, the vulnerabilities of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) are intricately linked with those experienced on a daily basis by caregivers in the ICU in a symbiotic relation, whereby patients who are suffering can in turn engender suffering in the caregivers. In the same way, caregivers who are suffering themselves may be a source of suffering for their patients. The vulnerabilities of both patients and caregivers in the ICU are simultaneously constituted through a process that is influenced on the one hand by the healthcare objectives of the ICU, and on the other hand, by the conformity of the patients who are managed in tha…

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Mr-Proadm Elevation Upon Icu Admission Predicts the Outcome of Septic Patients and is Correlated with Upcoming Fluid Overload.

IF 3.113; International audience; Background: Among septic patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), early recognition of those with the highest risk of death is of paramount importance. We evaluated the prognostic value of Procalcitonin (PCT), mid regional-proadrenomedullin (MR-proADM), copeptine and CT-proendothelin 1 (CT-ProET 1) concentrations. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study, which included 173 septic patient admitted to one ICU. Blood samples for biomarker measure-ments were obtained upon admission and on day 5. The predictive value of each biomarker regarding the risk of death at day 28 was assessed. The fluid balance was evaluated from admission to day 5. Resu…

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The AKIKI 2 trial: a case for strategy of initiation instead of timing - Authors' reply.

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Effect of Systematic Intensive Care Unit Triage on Long-term Mortality Among Critically Ill Elderly Patients in France

Importance The high mortality rate in critically ill elderly patients has led to questioning of the beneficial effect of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and to a variable ICU use among this population. Objective To determine whether a recommendation for systematic ICU admission in critically ill elderly patients reduces 6-month mortality compared with usual practice. Design, Setting, and Participants Multicenter, cluster-randomized clinical trial of 3037 critically ill patients aged 75 years or older, free of cancer, with preserved functional status (Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living ≥4) and nutritional status (absence of cachexia) who arrived at the emergency departme…

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Impact psychologique de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les soignants en réanimation

Alors que l’infection à SARS-COV-2 s’est rapidement propagée au niveau mondial, on a assisté à une mobilisation massive des soignants auprès des personnes infectées. En réanimation, les conditions de travail déjà habituellement difficiles se sont durcies, avec une augmentation forte de la charge de travail, une nécessaire et indispensable réorganisation des soins, des décisions complexes relatives à l’admission des patients et une modification de l’accueil des familles. Le tout dans un climat d’incertitude générale et d’insécurité personnelle. Cet article propose une mise au point sur l’impact psychologique de cette crise sur les soignants en réanimation et les possibles dispositifs d’accom…

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Specific Features of the Coagulopathy Signature in Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia

Rationale: COVID-19 displays distinct characteristics that suggest a unique pathogenesis. The objective of this study was to compare biomarkers of coagulopathy and outcomes in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients with severe pneumonia.Methods: Thirty-six non-COVID-19 and 27 COVID-19 non-immunocompromised patients with severe pneumonia were prospectively enrolled, most requiring intensive care. Clinical and biological characteristics (including plasma biomarkers of coagulopathy) were compared.Results: At similar baseline severity, COVID-19 patients required mechanical ventilation (MV) for significantly longer than non-COVID-19 patients (p = 0.0049) and more frequently developed venous thrombot…

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What are the characteristics that lead physicians to perceive an ICU stay as non-beneficial for the patient?

Purpose We sought to describe the characteristics that lead physicians to perceive a stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) as being non-beneficial for the patient. Materials and methods In the first step, we used a multidisciplinary focus group to define the characteristics that lead physicians to consider a stay in the ICU as non-beneficial for the patient. In the second step, we assessed the proportion of admissions that would be perceived by the ICU physicians as non-beneficial for the patient according to our focus group’s definition, in a large population of ICU admissions in 4 French ICUs over a period of 4 months. Results Among 1075 patients admitted to participating ICUs during the …

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Vécu psychologique des soignants en réanimation : une étude exploratoire et qualitative

Resume Objectifs Apprehender le vecu subjectif et emotionnel des soignants de reanimation face aux sources de stress professionnel lie a l’urgence et a la gravite des pathologies des patients hospitalises. Type d’etude Etude exploratoire, qualitative et descriptive. Patients et methodes Un entretien clinique a ete propose a des soignants d’un service de reanimation au cours duquel ils devaient developper leur vecu personnel a propos de l’organisation du travail et de leur gestion des situations emotionnelles les plus penibles. Tous les entretiens ont ete enregistres et integralement retranscrits. Ils ont ensuite fait l’objet d’une procedure de codage et d’une analyse de contenu detaillee av…

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Intensive care unit strain should not rush physicians into making inappropriate decisions, but merely reduce the time to the right decisions being made

The effect of capacity strain in an ICU on the timing of end-of-life decision-making is unknown. We sought to determine how changes in strain impact timing of new do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders and of death.Retrospective cohort study of 9891 patients dying in the hospital following an ICU stay ≥72 h in Project IMPACT, 2001-2008. We examined the effect of ICU capacity strain (measured by standardized census, proportion of new admissions, and average patient acuity) on time to initiation of DNR orders and time to death for all ICU decedents using fixed-effects linear regression.Increases in strain were associated with shorter time to DNR for patients with limitations in therapy (predicted ti…

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Personalised mechanical ventilation tailored to lung morphology versus low positive end-expiratory pressure for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in France (the LIVE study): a multicentre, single-blind, randomised controlled trial

The effect of personalised mechanical ventilation on clinical outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remains uncertain and needs to be evaluated. We aimed to test whether a mechanical ventilation strategy that was personalised to individual patients' lung morphology would improve the survival of patients with ARDS when compared with standard of care.We designed a multicentre, single-blind, stratified, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial enrolling patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS in 20 university or non-university intensive care units in France. Patients older than 18 years with early ARDS for less than 12 h were randomly assigned (1:1) to either th…

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What are the ethical aspects surrounding the collegial decisional process in limiting and withdrawing treatment in intensive care?

International audience; The decision to limit or withdraw life-support treatment is an integral part of the job of a physician working in the intensive care unit, and of the approach to care. However, this decision is influenced by a number of factors. It is widely accepted that a medical decision that will ultimate lead to end-of-life in the intensive care unit (ICU) must be shared between all those involved in the care process, and should give precedence to the patient's wishes (either directly expressed by the patient or in written form, such as advance directives), and taking into account the opinion of the patient's family, including the surrogate if the patient is no longer capable of…

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Criteria deemed important by the relatives for designating a reference person for patients hospitalized in ICU

Abstract Purpose We investigated the criteria that patients' relatives deem important for choosing, among themselves, the person best qualified to interact with the caregiving staff. Methods Exploratory, observational, prospective, multicentre study between 1st March and 31st October 2018 in 2 intensive care units (ICUs). A 12-item questionnaire was completed anonymously by family members of patients hospitalized in the ICU 3 and 5 days after the patient's admission. Relatives were eligible if they understood French and if no surrogate had been appointed by the patient prior to ICU admission. More than one relative per patient could participate. Results In total, 87 relatives of 73 patients…

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Impact of a stay in the intensive care unit on the preparation of Advance Directives: Descriptive, exploratory, qualitative study.

Abstract Background Our objective was to assess, through a qualitative, exploratory study, the thought processes of patients regarding the formulation of advance directives (AD) after a stay in the ICU. Methods The study was conducted from May to July 2016 using telephone interviews performed by four senior ICU physicians. Inclusion criteria were: patients discharged from ICU to home > 3 months earlier. Semi-directive interviews with patients focused on 5 main points surrounding AD. Results In total, among 159 eligible patients, data from 94 (59%) were available for analysis. Among all those interviewed, 83.5% had never heard of “advance directives”. Only 2% had executed AD before ICU admis…

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Vécu psychologique des patients trois mois après la sortie de réanimation.

International audience

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Impact psychologique de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les soignants

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Vasopressor Cumulative Dose Requirement and Risk of Early Death During Septic Shock: An Analysis From The EPISS Cohort

Septic shock is the primary cause of death in intensive care units, with about 20% of patients dying in the first 3 days. To design future trials focused on early mortality, we require knowledge of early indicators that can detect patients at high risk of early death from refractory septic shock.The aim of this study was to assess whether the cumulative dose of vasopressors (CDV), calculated as the cumulative dose of epinephrine + norepinephrine, is a predictor of early death (within 72 hours) attributable to refractory septic shock (EDASS). This substudy of the EPISS trial was based on 370 patients admitted to a French ICU for septic shock between 2009 and 2011. The area under the receivin…

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Retarder une épuration extrarénale dans l’insuffisance rénale aiguë : la nuit nous appartient

Les indications de l’épuration extrarénale (EER) dans le contexte d’insuffisance rénale aiguë en réanimation sont débattues avec une certaine passion. Il est évident que les situations qui peuvent menacer immédiatement le pronostic vital (hyperkaliémie ou acidose métabolique réfractaire et sévère ou oedème pulmonaire de surcharge chez le patient anurique) nécessitent un recours urgent à l’EER. Hormis ces situations extrêmes, des études de haut niveau de preuve ont récemment montré que retarder l’indication de l’EER n’affecte pas la survie des patients et pourrait même favoriser la récupération de la fonction rénale par comparaison à une EER trop précoce. Cette mise au point se propose de di…

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Epinephrine Versus Norepinephrine for Cardiogenic Shock After Acute Myocardial Infarction

IF 16.834 (2017); International audience; BACKGROUND Vasopressor agents could have certain specific effects in patients with cardiogenic shock (CS) after myocardial infarction, which may influence outcome. Although norepinephrine and epinephrine are currently the most commonly used agents, no randomized trial has compared their effects, and intervention data are lacking. OBJECTIVES The goal of this paper was to compare in a prospective, double-blind, multicenter, randomized study, the efficacy and safety of epinephrine and norepinephrine in patients with CS after acute myocardial infarction. METHODS The primary efficacy outcome was cardiac index evolution, and the primary safety outcome was…

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Role of biomarkers in the management of antibiotic therapy: an expert panel review II: clinical use of biomarkers for initiation or discontinuation of antibiotic therapy

Abstract Biomarker-guided initiation of antibiotic therapy has been studied in four conditions: acute pancreatitis, lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI), meningitis, and sepsis in the ICU. In pancreatitis with suspected infected necrosis, initiating antibiotics best relies on fine-needle aspiration and demonstration of infected material. We suggest that PCT be measured to help predict infection; however, available data are insufficient to decide on initiating antibiotics based on PCT levels. In adult patients suspected of community-acquired LRTI, we suggest withholding antibiotic therapy when the serum PCT level is low (<0.25 ng/mL); in patients having nosocomial LRTI, data are insuf…

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Comparison of heparin to citrate as a catheter locking solution for non-tunneled central venous hemodialysis catheters in patients requiring renal replacement therapy for acute renal failure (VERROU-REA study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Background The incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) is estimated at 10 to 20% in patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU) and often requires renal replacement therapy (RRT). ICU mortality in AKI patients can exceed 50%. Venous catheters are the preferred vascular access method for AKI patients requiring RRT, but carry a risk of catheter thrombosis or infection. Catheter lock solutions are commonly used to prevent such complications. Heparin and citrate locks are both widely used for tunneled, long-term catheters, but few studies have compared citrate versus heparin for patients with short-term, non-tunneled catheters. We aim to compare citrate 4% catheter lock solution versus hepar…

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