L. Valentino

Health effects of mercury ingested through consumption of seafood

It is known world-wide literature that seafood consumption is the main source of mercury intake in people not occupationally exposed. Several studies on the presence of mercury in sea water, sediment and fish and its effects on human health have been carried out in many countries in the Mediterranean area such as Greece, Italy and Jugoslavia. Few data have been published on Sicilian coastal population, consumers of high amounts of fish and on seawater status as the starting point of alimentary chains involving marine food. This study was carried out in July 1991 and July 1992 to determine total mercury and methylmercury levels in selected populations of the coast of Sicily: fishermen in a l…

research product

Osservazioni sulla prevalenza e incidenza delle infezioni ospedaliere nel Policlinico Universitario di Palermo

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Operational efficiency of a pilot plant for wastewater reuse

Reuse of wastewaters for non-potable uses needs a higher than normal reliability in treatment plant operation and management, in order to ensure higher safety margins for public health and environmental protection. After a two-years research project on a pilot plant designed for agricoltural reuse, all control parameters used for the plant operation have been examined, in order to obtain useful observations on efficiency of each of the treatment units, for best overall performance. It was concluded that this type of package plant was able to produce a high quality effluent under various conditions, providing a good confidence on the reliability of the system. Reuse of wastewaters for non-po…

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International Journal of Infections Diseases

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Molecular study on nosocomial Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains.

Nosocomial Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were typed by DNA fingerprinting techniques. Chromosomal DNA banding patterns, after endonuclease digestion, of six isolates from a neonatal care unit confirmed the results of O-serotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern analysis. In contrast, the characterization by chromosomal DNA fingerprinting of P. aeruginosa strains isolated from patients treated in a burn unit disagreed with the two classic typing methods: in fact, isolates that varied in serotype and antibiograms showed identical restriction endonuclease profiles, whereas two indistinguishable isolates cultured from individual patients were easily and reproducibly differentiated by…

research product

Valutazioni igienico-sanitarie delle acque in tre invasi artificiali della provincia di Palermo destinate al consumo umano

We report the physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristics of three Sicilian reservoirs. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the reservoirs' sanitary conditions, given tha the water is also used for human consumption. 114 samples (4 locations at each lake) were collected in the period from July 1995 to June 1996. We analysed temperature, pH, oxygen saturation, colour and parameters of water mineralization and pollution of natural or human origin.Pathogenic bacteria (Salòmonellae) and opportunistic patjogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas spp. were also investigated. At present, results are not showing particular levels of pollution, and it seems there is no ris…

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Uno studio di intevento per la prevenzione delle infezioni ospedaliere

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Applicazione di nuove metodiche di tipizzazione allo studio di stipiti batterici responsabili di infezioni ospedaliere.

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Impiego di un substrato fluorogeno per una prova rapida di conferma della colimetria in acque di mare.

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Health effects of mercurv ingested through consumption of seafood

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Coastal recreational water quality and human health

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A survey of tubercolin reactivity in school children and Palermo University medícal school students

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Risk of bacillus cereus and pseudomonas aeruginosa nosocomial infections in a burns centre: the microbiological monitoring of water supplies for a preventive strategy

Opportunist bacteria are a potentially very serious problem in hospital burns units, particularly where the quantity and quality of water supplies may not be reliable, and patients are especially vulnerable. A programme of routine microbiological monitoring is described which minimises the risk to patients.

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A model of microbiological monitoring for prevention of H.A.I. in a Burns Centre.

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Prevention of hospital-acquired infection in the Palermo Burns Center.

research product

Characterization ofBacillus thuringiensisisolated from infections in burn wounds

Four strains of Bacillus thuringiensis were isolated from infections in burn wounds and from water used in the treatment of burn wounds. The strains produced large parasporal inclusion bodies composed of 141, 83, and 81 kDa protoxins. The four strains were tested for insecticidal activity against larvae of Pieris brassicae and Aedes aegypti but showed no activity; Vero cell assays for the production of enterotoxins were also negative. Attempts to classify the strains according to flagellar H-serotype showed them all to be non-flagellated. Apart from two occupational health accidents that occurred during the handling of highly concentrated B. thuringiensis fluids, this is the first report of…

research product

The Carini Experimental Station for Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture – Preliminary Indications

A two year experiment, to study the feasibility of wastewater reuse for a safe irrigation in the Sicilian context, has been initiated. Eight plots in two fields, totalling 629 m2, were planted with cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.), the irrigation water being supplied by a pilot plant treating 22 m3/day of municipal wastewater. The plant consists of an extended aeration biological system followed by rapid sand filtration and a choice of disinfection systems. Analyses performed on all waters used in the experiment indicate that safe irrigation water, virtually pathogen-free, can be produced if careful operational techniques are adopted. Despite all possible care, however, soil samples tak…

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