A. Mayer
N22e(α,n)M25g: The Key Neutron Source in Massive Stars
The excitation function of the reaction (22)Ne(alpha,n)(25)Mg, the key neutron source in the astrophysical s process in massive stars, has been determined from threshold at E(alpha) = 570 up to 1450 keV with an experimental sensitivity of 10(-11) b. For all resonances in this energy range new resonance parameters have been measured. For a possible resonance at about 635 keV a new upper limit omega gamma < 60 neV for the strength was obtained. Based on the new data, improved reaction rates were calculated as a function of temperature. The new uncertainty limits are considerably smaller than in previous determinations, ruling out the large enhancement factors, up to 500, assumed in some stell…
Thromboembolische komplikationen bei patienten mit becken- und azetabulumfrakturen Diagnostik, therapie, prevention
Patienten mit Becken- und Azetabulumfrakturen unterliegem einem sehr hohen Risiko, eine tiefe Bein- oder Beckenvenenthrombose mit Folgekomplikationen zu entwickeln. Die Thromboseinzidenz liegt bei 10% bis 60%. Proximale Thrombosen mit dem hochsten Embolisationsrisiko treten in 25% his 35% auf, ungefahr die Halfte in den Beckenvenen. Eine symptomatische Lungenembolie entsteht bei einer Population mit Beckenverletzungen bei 2% bis 10%, klinisch inapparente Embolien sind wesentlich haufiger. Emboliegefahrdete proximale Thrombosen werden im Oberschenkelbereich am besten mit der farbkodierten Duplexsonographie diagnostiziert, fur die Beckenetage kristallisiert sich die MRT als Diagnosemittel der…
Verbesserung der postoperativen Thromboseprophylaxe in der Unfallchirurgie durch Dosisanpassung niedermolekularen Heparins anhand TAT- und D-Dimer-Verlauf
Von Februar 197 bis Februar 1998 wurde bei 518 Patienten die postoperative Thromboseprophylaxe mit niedermolekularem Heparin anhand der Laborparameter TAT und D-Dimer dosisadaptiert vorgenommen. Es traten vier Thrombosen (1,6%) ohne embolische Komplikation auf. Die praoperativen TAT- und D-Dimer-Werte aller im Gesamtverlauf dosisangepasten lagen im Mittel signifikant hoher als die der ubrigen Patienten. 83% aller Adaptierungen erfolgten dabei zwischen dem vierten und siebten postoperativen Tag.
Sonographische Diagnose eines Holoakardius
In the 28th week of gestation a normal foetus and a holoacardius were diagnosed via sonography in a biamnotic monochoriatic twin pregnancy. The growth of the foetuses was observed under continuous sonographic control up to the 40th week of pregnancy. The patient delivered a healthy twin by Caesarean section and the acardius was subjected to a postmortem. Macroscopic and histological findings in the foetus, the placenta and the umbilical cords are demonstrated. The pathogenesis of the holoacardius is discussed as being due to chromosomal aberrations and foeto-foetal transfusion syndrome.
Antibodies to PECAM-1 and glucocorticoids reduce leukocyte adhesion in adjuvant arthritis of the rat knee synovium in vivo.
Objective and design: To demonstrate the effect of monoclonal antibodies to the adhesion-molecule PECAM-1 (CD31) and of prednisolone on leukocyte adhesion in rat adjuvant arthritis.¶Material: Adjuvant arthritis was induced in male CD®-rats (five groups of n=6) 18 days prior to measurements.¶Treatment: Mouse-monoclonal antibody to rat CD-31 at 200 μg/kg or prednisolone at 24 mg/kg were administered i.v. 15 minutes prior to measurements.¶Methods: Venules within the intact rat-knee synovium were focused by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Numbers of rolling and adherent leukocytes were assessed in vivo.¶Results: Induction of arthritis significantly increased rolling and adherent leukocytes …
Dose-Adjusted Thrombosis Prophylaxis in Trauma Surgery According to Levels of D-Dimer
In 234 trauma surgery patients, thrombosis prophylaxis with Nadroparin-Calcium low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) was adjusted according to levels of D-Dimer. Basic prophylaxis was 2,850 IU per day. If D-Dimer concentrations rose above 2 mg/L after the fourth postoperative (p.o.) day, LMWH was administered twice a day. Color Doppler ultrasound was performed between the fifth and seventh p.o. days. Patients were divided into a high-risk (group 1: hip, femur, or knee replacement surgery, n=102) and a moderate-risk group (group 2: other surgery of the knee, tibia, fibula, or foot, n=132). Group 1 showed significantly higher D-Dimer levels than group 2 (p0.001). Measurement of D-Dimer on days …
Pr�vention thromboembolischer Komplikationen in der Unfallchirurgie durch Dosisanpassung von niedermolekularem Heparin anhand TAT- und D-Dimer-Werten
Bei unfallchirurgischen Patienten tritt in bis zu 40% eine tiefe Beinvenenthrombose auf. Das individuelle Risiko kann kaum kalkuliert werden. 518 unfallchirurgische Patienten mit Prophylaxe durch eine tagliche Einzeldosis eines niedermolekularen Heparins (NMH) wurden praoperativ und bis zu 10 Tage postoperativ in einer prospektiven Untersuchung beobachtet. Sie wurden in 2 Gruppen unterteilt: Gruppe I mit Huft- und Oberschenkeloperationen sowie Kniegelenkprothesen und Gruppe II mit Knie- und Unterschenkeloperationen. Bestimmt wurden Thrombin-Antithrombin-Komplex und D-Dimer. Eine 2. Dosis NMH wurde bei Uberschreiten des D-Dimer-Cut-off-Wertes verabreicht. Bei sonographischem Verdacht auf ein…
Unusual manifestation of an osteoid osteoma of the capitate.
A case of osteoid osteoma of the capitate in a 29-year-old male is reported. The patient suffered from unspecific clinical findings and a 3-year history of uncharacteristic wrist pain. Conventional radiographs of the wrist revealed a circumscribed sclerosis in the proximal part of the capitate bone beside a diffuse demineralisation of the carpal bones. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a circumscribed, tumorous lesion with marked enhancement after IV administration of contrast agent and a highly calcified nidus, which was sharply demarcated by a small rim of granulation tissue from the surrounding spongious bone. Based on MRI findings, the diagnosis of an osteoid osteoma was establish…
The key reactions in Stellar helium burning: 12C(α,γ)16O and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
Abstract The excitation functions of 12C(α,γ)16O and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg have been determined with a yet unequaled experimental sensitivity of 10−11 b. From γ-angular distributions the SE1-and SE2-factors for 12C(α,γ)16O have been deduced and extrapolated into the range of helium burning temperatures using the R-matrix method. An improved reaction rate has been calculated: NA〈σν〉=(7.9±2.5)x10−15cm3(mols)−1 at T9 = 0.2. For a more precise extrapolation the excitation function has to be measured with better statistics. Therefore a new experiment on 12C(α,γ)16O with a better suited setup has been started recently. The accuracy of the 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction rate could be improved considerably compare…
Transverse sacral fracture with intrapelvic intrusion of the lumbosacral spine: case report and review of the literature.
Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356
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