Sabīne Skrebinska

Association between symptoms of depression, diabetes complications and vascular risk factors in four European cohorts of individuals with type 1 diabetes - InterDiane Consortium

Aims: To investigate the association between depressive symptomatology and health markers in type 1 diabetes. Methods: Four countries from the InterDiane Consortium had adopted the Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy Study protocol, including the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Associations between depression symptomatology, diabetes complications (diabetic nephropathy, proliferative retinopathy, major adverse cardiovascular events [MACE]) and vascular risk factors (metabolic syndrome, body mass index, glycaemic control) were investigated. Results: In a sample of 1046 participants (Croatia n = 99; Finland n = 314; Latvia n = 315; Lithuania n = 318), 13.4% displayed symptoms of depression (BDI sco…

research product

Divu Helicobacter Pylori asins plazmas testu un fēču antigēnu testa precizitātes izvērtējums pacientiem Latvijas populācijā

Ievads. Populācijās ar augstu Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) izplatību rekomendē „pārbaudi-un-ārstē” stratēģiju, kur priekšroka ir dodama neinvazīviem testiem, no kuriem ekonomiski izdevīgāki ir antivielu un fēču antigēnu testi. Darba mērķis. Noteikt H. pylori neinvazīvo diagnostisko testu (lateksa-aglutinācijas, ELISA (ar enzīmu saistīta imūnfermentatīvā metode), fēču antigēnu testa) precizitāti, salīdzinot tos ar histoloģiju un noteikt piemērotāko skrīninga metodi H. pylori infekcijas diagnostikai Latvijas populācijā. Materiāli un metodes. Tika analizēti pacientu dati vecumā no 40 līdz 64 gadiem (GISTAR pilotpētījuma ietvaros), kuriem tika piedāvāts veikt ezofagogastroduodenoskopiju. Paci…

research product

Achievement of treatment targets predicts progression of vascular complications in type 1 diabetes.

Abstract Background and aim To study the association between achievement of guideline-defined treatment targets on HbA1c, low-density lipoproteins (LDL-C), and blood pressure with the progression of diabetic complications in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods The study included 355 patients at baseline and 114 patients with follow-up data after 3–5 years. Outcome variables were the progression of diabetic kidney disease, retinopathy, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). We used logistic regression and other machine learning algorithms (MLA) to model the association of achievement of treatment targets and probability of progression of complications. Results Achievement of the target bl…

research product