L. Suty
Early changes in gene expression in tobacco cells elicited with cryptogein
48 ref.; International audience
Are elicitins cryptograms in plant-oomycete communications?
Stimulation of plant natural defenses is an important challenge in phytoprotection prospects. In that context, elicitins, which are small proteins secreted by Phytophthora and Pythium species, have been shown to induce a hypersensitive-like reaction in tobacco plants. Moreover, these plants become resistant to their pathogens, and thus this interaction constitutes an excellent model to investigate the signaling pathways leading to plant resistance. However, most plants are not reactive to elicitins, although they possess the functional signaling pathways involved in tobacco responses to elicitin. The understanding of factors involved in this reactivity is needed to develop agronomic applica…
Characterization of a proton pump from Acer pseudoplatanus cell microsomes
Abstract An Acer pseudoplatanus cell microsomal fraction was enriched in ATPase by sedimentation through a sucrose cushion and treatment with Triton X-100. This activity, which reached 0.9 μmol P i min −1 mg −1 protein, was specific for ATP, slightly stimulated by K + , inhibited by orthovanadate and diethylstilbestrol, insensitive to oligomycin and azide, and had a K m - value of 0.51 mM for MgATP. ATP-dependent proton translocation was demonstrated by the ΔpH probe acridine orange. This activity had a optimum at pH 6.5, was substrate specific for ATP, and was strongly dependent on K + . Preparations of plasma membrane ATPase from A. pseudoplatanus cell culture thus posses biochemical prop…