Giovanni Giammanco

Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding in semen of 36 males with symptomatic, asymptomatic, and convalescent infection during the first and second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Italy

: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), has been identified in the human testis, but the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through sexual intercourse still needs to be defined. The goal of our study was to determine if SARS-CoV-2 is detectable in the semen of patients suffering or recovering from coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), still testing positive at nasopharyngeal swabs but showing mild or no symptoms at the time of sampling. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in semen was performed by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and nested PCR targeting open reading frame (ORF) 1ab. Medical …

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Enterite da Noravirus nei bambini ospedalizzati a Palermo

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Genetic evolution of rotavirus G-types circulating in Palermo, Italy, over the last fifteen years

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Characterization of the first extended-spectrum b-lactamase–producing nontyphoidal Salmonella strains Isolated in Tehran, Iran

The infections caused by Salmonella remain a significant public health problem throughout the world. b-Lactams and fluoroquinolones are generally used to treat invasive Salmonella infections, but emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant strains are being increasingly notified in many countries. In particular, detection of extended spectrum b-lactamases (ESBLs) in Salmonella spp. is a newly emerging threat worldwide. This study was carried out to characterize b-lactamase–producing Salmonella strains identified in Tehran, Iran. Over the 2-year period from 2007 to 2008, 6 of 136 Salmonella isolates recovered from pediatrics patients, including three Salmonella enterica serotypes Enteritidi…

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Ruolo del laboratorio nella diagnosi di infezione da Cytomegalovirus nel paziente trapiantato

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Sulla esistenza di un complesso siciliano di Rickettsia spp

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Epidemiologia delle infezioni da Rotavirus di gruppo A a Palermo: evoluzione genetica dei ceppi circolanti isolati dal 1991 al 2004

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In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of a dental adhesive incorporating the antibacterial agent MDPB

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Confronto di metodiche per la diagnosi di infezione da norovirus in pazienti pediatrici con gastroenterite

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Surveillance of Municipal drinking-water supply after a Norovirus outbreak in Italy

BACKGROUND Norovirus (NoV), in the family Caliciviridae, is the major causative agent of non-bacterial acute gastroenteritis, whose possible routes of transmission include drinking water. During March 2011 an outbreak of gastroenteritis was identified by the local public health service in S. Stefano di Quisquina, Sicily, Italy. Over two weeks, 156 cases were identified and NoV genotype GII.4 v2010 was detected in stool samples from eleven out of twelve patients. The finding of identical genomic sequences between patients suggested a common infection source and an epidemiological investigation indicated a possible correlation to municipal drinking water consumption. One of the wells supplyin…

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Molecular analysis of VP7, VP4, VP6 and NSP4 genes of a canine-like human rotavirus strain.

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Variability of G2 Rotavirus strains infecting the infantile population in Palermo, Italy, over a period of 12 years (1993-2004).

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Shigella sonnei biotype g: a further pandemic multiresistant organism?

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Molecular identification of yeasts from Sicilian red wine

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Disinfezione per immersione di due elastomeri: valutazione dell’efficacia di due disinfettanti e relative variazioni dimensionali

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Genotyping og GII.4 and GIIb Norovirus strains by PCR restriction analysis.

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Obiettivo dello studio: Valutare l’efficienza diagnostica di due tecniche immunocromatografiche (IC) utilizzate per la ricerca di antigeni di Rotavirus di gruppo A (RVA) nei campioni fecali: CerTest Rotavirus+Adenovirus (Biotec) e Vikia Rota+Adeno (bioMérieux). relazione Entrambe le tecniche IC sono state confrontate con la PCR RealTime, considerata il gold standard per la diagnosi delle enteriti da RVA. I RVA sono i principali agenti eziologici di gastroenterite acuta (AGE) nei bambini al di sotto dei 5 anni di età, con elevati tassi di morbilità e mortalità nelle diverse aree geografiche. Metodi impiegati: Uno studio retrospettivo è stato eseguito su 2096 campioni fecali, raccolti dal 200…

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Molecular identification of yeast from Sicilian red wine.

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Shigella sonnei: a further pandemic multiresistant organism?

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Use of Soft Topographic Maps for Clustering Bacteria on the Basis of their 16S rRNA Gene Sequence

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Surveillance of Varicella in the Sicilian Pediatric Population Following in the Introduction of Universal Vaccination

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A case of spotted fever rickettsiosis in a HIV-positive patient

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Caratterizzazione di rotavirus umani non tipizzabili in Italia: identificazione di rari stipiti P3[9],G6 e P[14],G6 e correlazione con i virus G6 animali.

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Single enzyme - amplified length polymorphism (SE-AFLP) in Salmonella epidemiology.

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Analysis of the Polymorphisms of Th1 and Th17 Cytokines in Mediterranean Spotted Fever

Background: We have recently reported that the susceptibility for Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) caused by Rickettsia conorii, is influenced by the Th2 and Th1 cytokine genetic polymorphism profiles. Less it is known on the effect of gene polymorphisms of cytokine produced by the Th17. Methods: 70 Sicilian patients affected by MSF and 239 control subjects matched for age, gender, and geographic origin were typed for functionally relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of IFN-γ (+874 T/A), IL-18 (-137 G/C and -607A/C ) and IL-17 (7488T/C) according to our laboratory procedures. Results: No significant differences in IL-18 -137 G/C, -607A/C and in IFN-γ +874 T /A genotype frequenci…

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Molecular epidemiology of Salmonella enterica serotype Infantis from human and non human sources in southern Italy, 2000-2005.

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Variabilità genetica di VP7 e VP4 in Rotavirus G4 in bambini palermitani

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Wild-type Saccharomyces characterization in spontaneous fermentation of red bulgarian wine

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Uso del tonometro e rischio infettivo: valutazione dell'efficacia di differenti tipi di disinfettanti

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Genetic variability among serotype G4 human rotavirus strains circulating in Palermo in the period 1985–2003

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Bioinformatica e database GenEnv nella gestione del rischio biologico

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Localizzazione S1 di Herpes Zooster: un raro caso di ritenzione urinaria.

Donna di 46 anni con ritenzione urinaria acuta e stipsi. Presentava piccola vescicola sul dorso del piede sinistro quale unica manifestazione di localizzazione di virus Herpes Zooster a livello sacrale S1. Viene riportato l'esame urodinamico e le risultanze dei test sierologici seriati specifici per l'infezione da virus Varicella Zooster. La paziente è guarita a seguito di terapia specifica con Acyclovir. Il caso riportato dimostra che anche il segmento sacrale S1 contribuisce al controllo della dinamica minzionale

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Serotypes, antibiotic resistance, and class 1 integrons in Salmonella isolates from paediatric cases of enteritis in Tehran, Iran.

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Attività antibatterica di un adesivo smalto-dentinale: valutazione della diffusione del monomero MDPB

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Israeli spotted fever rickettsia: a new agent of Mediterranean spotted fever in Sicily (Italy)

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Attività antibatterica di un cemento endodontico contenente ortofenilfenolo: valutazione comparativa in vitro mediante direct contact test.

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Wild-type Saccharomyces characterisation in spontaneous fermentations of red Bulgarian wine

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Surveillance of varicella in the Sicilian pediatric popolation following the introduction of universal vaccination

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Isolation of a canine-like human rotavirus strain G3P[3] from a child with acute gastroenteritis hospitalised in Palermo, Italy

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Emerging GII.4 norovirus variants affect children with diarrhea in Palermo, Italy in 2006

Although the genetic/antigenic heterogeneity of human noroviruses (NoVs) is impressive, a few genogroup II strains of genotype 4 (GII.4) are dominant worldwide. GII.4 NoVs evolve rapidly and in the last 15 years six epidemic variants have been identified. In 2005–2006, surveillance of sporadic viral gastroenteritis in children in Palermo, Italy, resulted in the detection of NoV strains in 20.9% of the patients admitted to hospital. By restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequence analysis of region A in the RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp) gene, 59 NoV strains were successfully characterized. Eighty-one percent of the strains were characterized as GII.4, 14% as GIIb/Hilver…

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Metodi molecolari e automazione dell'identificazione e della tipizzazione batterica

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Rotavirus umani ed animali di genotipo G3 responsabili di gastroenterite infantile a Palermo nel 1993-2005.

I rotavirus di gruppo A sono i più frequenti agenti eziologici di gastroenterite virale sia nell’uomo che in numerose specie animali. Per valutare l’evoluzione di tali virus si è rivelato utile effettuare l’analisi di sequenza dei geni codificanti per le proteine del capside esterno VP7 e VP4, per la proteina del capside interno VP6 e per la proteina non strutturale NSP4. Attualmente sono stati descritti in natura: 15 genotipi G in base a VP7, 27 genotipi P in base a VP4, 4 sottogruppi VP6 e 5 genotipi NSP4. I rotavirus umani appartengono più frequentemente ai genotipi G1P[8], G3P[8] e G4P[8], che si associano con il SGII (VP6 correlato) e NSP4B, ovvero al genotipo G2P[4], associato a SGII …

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Sporadic detection in children during a 25-year surveillance in Palermo, Italy, clarifies the zoonotic potential of G6 rotavirus strains

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Caratterizzazione biochimica e molecolare di ceppi di Mannheimia isolati da ovini siciliani.

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Molecular typing of Agrobacterium spp. isolates from catheter-related bloodstream infections

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Genotyping of the genus Proteus by rpoB sequence analysis

Background. The genetic relationship among different species within the genus Proteus has still not been clarified and previous studies by rRNA gene restriction patterns (ribotypes) suggested a high genetic variability in the presently recognised nomenspecies. Methods. The usefulness of rpoB sequencing for inter- and intraspecies discrimination in the genus Proteus was evaluated on 11 type and clinical strains belonging to the four described species: P. penneri, P. vulgaris, P. mirabilis, and P. myxofaciens. Results. The rpoB sequencing proved able to characterise the different species, showing six well defined rpoB sequence groups in the 1153 bp region analysed. P. myxofaciens and P. mirab…

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Sorveglianza delle gastroenteriti da Norovirus in Italia: comparsa e diffusione della nuova variante GII.4 Sydney 2012

In the 2012-2013 winter season, global surveillance for norovirus circulation evidenced the onset of a new norovirus GII.4 variant, termed Sydney 2012. In Italy, ISGEV hospital-based surveillance revealed that this variant already circulated at low frequency in the winter season 2011-2012 and emerged definitively only in the late 2012. This lag-time pattern mirrors the findings reported elsewhere and suggests that the novel variant circulated at low prevalence before spreading globally.

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Enterite da Norovirus nei bambini ospedalizzati a Palermo

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Use of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and single-enzyme amplified fragment lenght polymorphism (SE-AFLP) to subtype isolates of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis.

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Prevalence of Toscana sand fly virus antibodies in neurological patients and control subjects in Sicily

Toscana sandfly fever virus (TOSV) is an arthropod-borne virus transmitted to humans by sandfly vectors. It has been associated with human cases of meningitis and meningo-encephalitis mainly occurring during the warm season. We performed a retrospective serological study to evaluate TOSV circulation in Palermo, Sicily, and to compare TOSV seroprevalence in patients with neurological symptoms and in a control group of patients without neurological symptoms. When sera from 155 patients with and without neurological symptoms were evaluated, the rate of overall TOSV IgG reactivity was 17.4%. Patients with neurological symptoms showed a higher percentage of TOSV IgG positivity than control patie…

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Evolution of G1 rotavirus strains in Italian children in an 18-year period. Proceedings of the 16th Europen Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID).

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La variante v6 di GII.4 Norovirus identificata a Palermo in bambini con gastroenterite acuta

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Genotyping of GII.4 and GIIb Norovirus strains by PCR restriction analysis

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Caratterizzazione molecolare di ceppi di Mannheimia isolati da ovini siciliani

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Genetic relatedness among isolates of Shigella sonnei carrying class 2 integrons in Tehran, Iran.

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Caratterizzazione molecolare di rari ceppi di rotavirus con specificità G3P[9] in bambini ospedalizzati a Palermo con gastroenterite.

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Use of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)and single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism (SE-AFLP) to subtype isolates of Salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis

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Topographic Map of Gammaproteobacteria using 16S rRNA gene sequences

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Wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 variants in October-November 2022 in Italy: detection of XBB.1, BA.2.75 and rapid spread of the BQ.1 lineage

This study adds insight regarding the occurrence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (VOCs) and Var-iants of Interest (VOIs) in Italy in October and November 2022, by testing urban wastewater collected through-out the country. A total of 332 wastewater samples were collected from 20 Italian Regions/Autonomous Provinces (APs) within the framework of national SARS-CoV-2 environmental surveillance. Of these, 164 were collected in the first week of October and 168 in the first week of November. A similar to 1600 bp fragment of the spike protein was sequenced by Sanger (for individual samples) and long-read nanopore sequencing (for pooled Region/AP samples).In October, mutations charact…

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Single enzyme-amplified lenght polymorphism (SE-AFLP) in Salmonella epidemiology

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Molecular characterization of a canine-like human rotavirus strain G3P[3] isolated in Palermo, Italy.

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Richiamo sulla circolazione di Israeli Spotted Fever rickettsiae anche in Sicilia

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Caratterizzazione molecolare di ceppi di Mannheimia isolati da ovini siciliani

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Analisi della variabilità genetica delle proteine capsidiche VP7 e VP4 in Rotavirus umani di tipo G4 circolanti in Sicilia nel periodo 1990-2003

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Evidence of genetic variation of capsid protein VP7 in genotype G4 human rotavirus strains circulating in Palermo in the period 1990-2003

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