Cristina Menescardi

Development of a Taekwondo Combat Model Based on Markov Analysis

The purpose of the present study was to examine male and female Olympic taekwondo competitors' movement patterns according to their tactical actions by applying a Markov processes analysis. To perform this study, 11,474 actions by male competitors and 12,980 actions by female competitors were compiled and analyzed. The results yielded 32 significant sequences among male competitors and 30 among female competitors. Male competitors demonstrated 11 sequences initiated by an attack, 11 initiated by a counterattack, and 10 initiated by a defensive action. Female competitors demonstrated nine sequences initiated by an attack, 11 initiated by a counterattack, and 10 initiated by a defensive move.…

research product

Bivariate analysis of taekwondo actions: The effectiveness of techniques and tactics in an Olympic taekwondo championship.

This paper describes the effectiveness of technical-tactical actions performed during a tournament. A total of 14,145 actions of the 2012 London Olympic Games were analysed. Differences emerged in the use of tactics, techniques, zones, legs and guard to score. Regarding tactics, anticipatory counterattacks were the most effective for scoring one and three points. Circular techniques were the most effective for scoring one point, linear to score three points, and spin techniques to score two and four points. Actions to the chest results in a score of one to two points and actions to the head in a score of three to four points. The rear leg was more effective in scoring one, two and four poin…

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Analysis of shots in relation to the outcome in elite women's water polo matches. [Análisis de los lanzamientos en función del resultado en partidos de waterpolo femenino de élite].

Abstract The aim of the current study was to investigate the shot performance of elite female water polo players according to their match outcome during three international tournaments, the 2012 Olympic Games, 2013 and 2014 FINA World Leagues. Twenty-four official matches footage [2012 Summer Olympic Games, n=8; 2013 FINA World League, n=8 and 2014 FINA World League, n=8] were obtained and analysed. The results showed that a similar playing style was used in both the 2012 and 2013 tournaments, independently of the outcome while in the 2014 FINA World League, winning teams performed more shots after displacement, more shots ending to zone 4 and scored more goals than losing ones (and fewer s…

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Estereotipos en las imágenes de los libros de texto de inglés en dos colecciones de Educación Primaria

El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las imágenes que aparecen en los libros de texto de inglés en el tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria y comprobar si existen diferencias en los estereotipos presentes en dos colecciones de una misma editorial. Se analizaron 840 imágenes, pertenecientes a dos colecciones (Bed Bugs y Find Out) de la editorial Macmillan. Los resultados mostraron una mayor representación de los grupos mixtos, adolescentes de raza caucásica y somatotipo ectomorfo. Pese a la disparidad entre ambas colecciones, las dos mantienen algunos de los estereotipos de género, raza, edad y somatotipo, siendo tarea del maestro su análisis y adaptación con tal de erradicarlos.

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Análisis del tiempo de movimiento (time motion) de las taekwondistas cadetes del campeonato mundial

La relación entre los tiempos de lucha (L), no lucha (NL) y pausa (P) en taekwondo (TKD) se utilizado para caracterizar las demandas físicas de este deporte (Santos et al., 2011; Tornello et al., 2013). Investigaciones en TKD han centrado su atención en competidores adultos (Santos et al., 2011), sin embargo, no es posible generalizar la información obtenida a competidores cadetes, quienes tienen normas de competición diferentes (i.e. menor duración del combate) (Tornello et al., 2013). Puesto que el comportamiento de los taekwondistas puede ser diferente en función de la categoría de competición (Santos et al., 2011), el objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el tiempo de L, NL y P en …

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Las imágenes relacionadas con el medio natural en los libros de texto de Educación Física

El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las imágenes relacionadas con el Medio Natural, en los libros de texto de Educación Física (EF) en la etapa de Educación Primaria (EP) y su relación con los bloques de contenido en dicho currículo. Se realiza un análisis descriptivo de 53 imágenes, pertenecientes a nueve libros de texto de EF publicados por seis editoriales diferentes (Anaya, Bruño, Inde, Paidotribo, Santillana y Serbal), a partir de la LOE. El análisis de contenido se llevó a cabo mediante un sistema de categorías elaborado ad hoc. Las variables de estudio hacen referencia al cuerpo: sexo, edad, raza, somatotipo e indumentaria, y a la actividad física: tipo, ámbito, espacio y n…

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Análisis del sexo en las imágenes de los libros de texto de educación física de la editorial Inde

el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el sexo en las imágenes que aparecen impresas en los libros de texto de educación física en la etapa de primaria, de la editorial Inde.

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Why do female and male taekwondo athletes win the bout? An analysis based on the Olympic weight category and the result of the bout

Combat sports such as taekwondo, where athletes compete against an opponent require control of technique and tactics, as well as knowing the optimal performance of opponents to win the bout. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyse the Olympic competitors (London Olympic Games), according to the weight category (fly, feather, light and heavy) and according to the performance in their fighting (winner vs. loser) in each gender. An observational methodology was used, following a nomothetic, follow-up and multidimensional design of 302 individual performances. The statistical analysis used an ANOVA and T Student test for comparing frequencies. The results obtained indicate signif…

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Análisis técnico-táctico en Taekwondo con coordenadas polares a través del software HOISAN

Se lleva a cabo un análisis de coordenadas polares en Taekwondo de las acciones realizadas por los hombres finalistas y semifinalistas en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012. Para este análisis, se consideraron como categorías focales las acciones relativas a la efectividad de uno, dos y tres puntos, y como categorías condicionadas variables técnico-tácticas para establecer las diferentes relaciones entre las diversas categorías relacionadas con el comportamiento técnico-táctico de los deportistas y la consecución de punto/s. Los resultados mostraron una relación, de excitación en las perspectivas retrospectiva y prospectiva, entre las conductas CAN (Acción de contraataque), CIR (Pierna de…

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Análise técnico-tático no Taekwondo com coordenadas polares através de software HOISAN

Se lleva a cabo un análisis de coordenadas polares en Taekwondo de las acciones realizadas por los hombres finalistas y semifinalistas en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012. Para este análisis, se consideraron como categorías focales las acciones relativas a la efectividad de uno, dos y tres puntos, y como categorías condicionadas variables técnico-tácticas para establecer las diferentes relaciones entre las diversas categorías relacionadas con el comportamiento técnico-táctico de los deportistas y la consecución de punto/s. Los resultados mostraron una relación, de excitación en las perspectivas retrospectiva y prospectiva, entre las conductas CAN (Acción de contraataque), CIR (Pierna de…

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Las imágenes relacionadas con la salud y la actividad física en los libros de educación física

El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las imágenes en las que aparece la actividad física relacionada con la salud y el cuerpo de los personajes, en los libros de texto de Educación Física (EF) en la etapa de Educación Primaria (EP), valorando la presencia o ausencia de estereotipos corporales y deportivos, que se transmiten en la sociedad actual y su relación con los bloques de contenido en dicho currículo. Se realiza un análisis descriptivo de 196 imágenes, pertenecientes a nueve libros de texto de EF publicados por cinco editoriales diferentes (Anaya, Bruño, Inde, Paidotribo y Serbal), a partir de la LOE. El análisis de contenido se llevó a cabo mediante un sistema de categorías …

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Estereotipos corporales en los libros de texto de Educación Física en Educación Primaria

El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las imágenes del cuerpo humano que aparecen en los libros de texto de Educación Física (EF) en la etapa de Educación Primaria (EP), valorando la presencia o ausencia de estereotipos corporales que se transmiten en la sociedad actual. Se realiza un análisis descriptivo de las variables de sexo, edad, somatotipo e indumentaria de las 821 imágenes que aparecen en las editoriales de Inde, Paidotribo, Bruño y Anaya. Los resultados muestran una mayor presencia de imágenes del sexo masculino, de diversas razas, de cuerpo joven, con un somatotipo ectomorfo, vestido con ropa de deporte y sin necesidades educativas especiales (NEE). El somatotipo ectomorf…

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Formación del profesorado de educación física en el uso de aplicaciones tecnológicas

La inclusión de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en el ámbito educativo precisa de un profesorado con un nivel de competencia digital (CD) suficiente para enseñar al alumnado dicha tecnología. Paradójicamente, en la literatura existe una tendencia emergente por el estudio de la CD, mientras que el uso específico de las herramientas tecnológicas se está dejando de lado, especialmente en el campo de la educación física (EF). Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue valorar el empleo real de las aplicaciones educativas por parte del futuro profesorado de EF. Para ello, se aplicó el cuestionario CUTDEF (Cuestionario sobre conocimiento y uso de las TIC por los y las d…

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Technical-Tactical Actions Used to Score in Taekwondo: An Analysis of Two Medalists in Two Olympic Championships

Research in taekwondo has traditionally focused on specific aspects athletes' overall technical and tactical skills, while ignoring other important issues such as identifying how successful athletes score points. The aim of the current study was to follow two medalists through two Olympic Championships (2012 and 2016) to discover the effective patterns associated with scoring in taekwondo using an observational methodology. An ad-hoc taekwondo observational tool was used to codify the actions performed by the athletes. An observational descriptive and multivariate analysis of 1,688 actions performed by the athletes was conducted. A lag sequential and polar coordinate analysis was performed …

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Tactical Aspects of a National University Taekwondo Championship in Relation to Round and Match Outcome

The aims of this study were to analyze tactical behavior (direct attacks and indirect attacks, in addition to anticipatory, simultaneous, and posterior counterattacks) according to competition round and match, and to compare tactics of competitors (winners and nonwinners) in a university taekwondo championship. The analysis included 334 individual performances from 204 athletes over 169 bouts in the National University Championship. A 2-way repeated measure analysis of variance was conducted with “round” (at 3 levels: first, second, and third) as the within-subject factor and match outcome (at 2 levels: winning and nonwinning) as the between-subject factor. The results of this study show th…

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Generalizability Theory Applied to Olympic Male Taekwondo Combats

Generalizability theory (GT) postulates that there are infinite sources of error variation in any measurement. Generalizability analysis is used to reduce and control this measurement error. To date, there has been no study employing GT in analysing taekwondo, despite the increase of observational studies in combat sports. Through applying GT to six random combat bouts within the Olympic Games in London 2012, the aims of this study are: (a) to determine whether the bouts selected are representative enough for their behaviour to be generalizable; (b) to determine the intra and interobserver agreement and reliability; and (c) to assess the accuracy of the exhaustive and mutual exclusion of ea…

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Perceived movement skill competence in stability: Validity and reliability of a pictorial scale in early adolescents.

Perceived motor competence (PMC) is important to health as it mediates the association between actual motor competence (AMC) and physical activity. Many instruments assess the broader construct of physical self-perception but no scale has been developed to assess PMC in stability. The aim of this study was to develop and analyze the reliability and validity of a new pictorial PMC in stability skill assessment when completed by early adolescents. A Delphi method showed ≥70% of experts' consensus in the seven proposed items. A sample of 904 students (11-14 years old) self-reported PMC in locomotion, object control, and stability using two pictorial scales: Perceived Movement Skill Competence …

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Is It Possible to Predict an Athlete’s Behavior? The Use of Polar Coordinates to Identify Key Patterns in Taekwondo

Elite sport psychologists help athletes develop planned competition strategies from a technical-tactical perspective, through the observation and analysis of previous performances. The aim of this study was to analyze the behavioral patterns used to score points in the 2012 London Olympic Games, by using a mixed observational methodology through a polar coordinate analysis. This analysis is a representation made into four quadrants of the relationships found between focal behavior [i.e., giving score points, (SC)] and conditioned behaviors considered as key factors in taekwondo, occurring before and after the focal behavior (i.e., retrospective/prospective behavior as indicated for each qua…

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Neighborhood Built Environment and Socioeconomic Status are Associated with Active Commuting and Sedentary Behavior, but not with Leisure-Time Physical Activity, in University Students

The role of neighborhood characteristics in promoting physical activity and sedentary behaviors (SB) has not been extensively studied in university students. The study purpose was to analyze the associations of neighborhood built environment and neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES) with active commuting, leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), and SB among university students. This is a cross-sectional study of 308 undergraduate students from two urban universities in Valencia, Spain. Participants&rsquo

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Análisis técnico-táctico en Taekwondo con coordenadas polares a través del software HOISAN

Se lleva a cabo un analisis de coordenadas polares en Taekwondo de las acciones realizadas por los hombres $nalistas y semifinalistas en los Juegos Olimpicos de Londres 2012. Para este analisis, se consideraron como categorias focales las acciones relativas a la efectividad de uno, dos y tres puntos, y como categorias condicionadas variables tecnico-tacticas para establecer las diferentes relaciones entre las diversas categorias relacionadas con el comportamiento tecnico-tactico de los deportistas y la consecucion de punto/s. Los resultados mostraron una relacion, de excitacion en las perspectivas retrospectiva y prospectiva, entre las conductas CAN (Accion de contraataque), CIR (Pierna de …

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La perspectiva de género en las actividades físicas representadas en los libros de texto de Educación Primaria

la investigación trata de analizar el género que aparece en las imágenes impresas en los libros de texto de educación física en primaria.

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Design, validation, and testing of an observational tool for technical and tactical analysis in the taekwondo competition at the 2016 Olympic games.

Abstract Observational methodology uses validated observational tools to collect information in sports with multiple variables that interact in the sporting context. Given the importance of data quality for observational tools, the purpose of this study was to design, validate, and test the reliability of a mixed observational instrument combining field formats and category systems for analyzing technical and tactical actions in an Olympic taekwondo (TKD) tournament. The instrument collects information of six criteria and 25 categories of the tactical and technical actions, kicking zone, laterality, kicking leg, guard, and score. A total of 2 374 actions were analyzed from 10 bouts involvin…

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Polar coordinates in Taekwondo

[EN] In observational methodology, inter‐relational behaviors are relevant for coaches and athletes to know which behaviors are dependent or inexistent while others occur.

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Using concept mapping in the development of the EU-PAD framework (EUropean-Physical Activity Determinants across the life course): a DEDIPAC-study

International audience; Background: A large proportion of European children, adults and older adults do not engage in sufficient physical activity ( PA). Understanding individual and contextual factors associated with PA behaviours is essential for the identification and implementation of effective preventative environments, policies, and programmes that can promote an active lifestyle across life course and can potentially improve health. The current paper intends to provide 1) a multi-disciplinary, Pan-European and life course view of key determinants of PA behaviours and 2) a proposal of how these factors may cluster. Methods: After gathering a list of 183 potential PA behaviours-associa…

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Sensibilización de los futuros egresados y egresadas de Magisterio hacia la diversidad desde la Educación Física por medio de la propuesta de buena práctica “More Than Able” (Diversity awareness in university students from Physical Education with the pro

El presente estudio describe y analiza la valoración del alumnado universitario ante la propuesta “More than able”. Esta es una propuesta de buenas prácticas sobre la sensibilización hacia la diversidad funcional desde el área de Educación Física, y específicamente, mediante tareas relacionadas con las habilidades motrices básicas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue diseñar, aplicar y valorar una buena práctica que ofrezca una propuesta de sensibilización al alumnado basada en el uso de personajes de cómics como son los superhéroes y las superheroínas. Para valorar el grado de satisfacción de la propuesta, se empleó el cuestionario sobre la experiencia de buenas prácticas y el análisis de cont…

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Examining early adolescents' motivation for physical education : associations with actual and perceived motor competence

Background: The dynamic nature of physical education (PE) requires careful consideration of lesson planning and delivery in order to promote health and wellbeing and to achieve various learning goals. One such goal is promoting personal and social development to support students to value and lead a healthy and active lifestyle, especially during transition into adolescence. In order to design learning environments that support students' engagement in PE, it is important to understand how outcomes such as motor competence (MC) influence motivation for PE. There are two approaches to understand MC, actual and perceived MC, and both have implications for healthy lifestyles in childhood and ado…

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Parental and Peer Support Matters: A Broad Umbrella of the Role of Perceived Social Support in the Association between Children’s Perceived Motor Competence and Physical Activity

(1) Background: This study aimed to examine the role of social support in the relationship between perceived motor competence (MC) and physical activity (PA), according to the conceptual model of Motor Development. (2) Methods: Participants were 518 students (46.5% girls), 8–12 years old. By using a structural equation modeling approach, path analysis was used to test the actual-perceived MC relationship and the mediating influence of social support on the perceived MC–PA relationship. Analyses were done with age and sex as covariates. (3) Results: The results showed a good model fit (CFI = 0.98

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Analysis of different key behavioral patterns to score in elite taekwondoists according to the weight category and gender

Traditionally, research in taekwondo has focused on athletes' overall performance considering the entire sample of the tournament or analyzed selected bouts while ignoring behavioral differences of athletes according to their gender and weight category. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the behavioral patterns used to score points in the London Olympic Games according to gender and weight category [fin (FW), feather (FTW), light (LW), and heavy (HW)] of the athletes. A total of 24,940 actions were analyzed by using observational methodology, a mixed method methodology where lag sequential and polar coordinate analysis were applied. Different patterns could be seen in the actions pe…

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Detection of behavioural patterns in Olympic male taekwondo athletes

The relationship between athletes’ behaviours is relevant for developing defensive and offensive strategies. Traditionally, sequential analysis has been conducted to assess relationships between two behaviours (one considered as focal and the other as conditioned). The aim of the study was to examine Olympic taekwondo athletes’ behavioural patterns by conducting sequential analyses of tactical actions in bouts. Seventy-five male matches of the London Olympic Games in 2012 were studied to analyse tactical actions: attack (direct and indirect), counterattack (anticipatory, simultaneous and posterior), defensive (cuts, blocks and dodges), and opening actions. A sequential analysis of 2 lags (i…

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¿Me divierto jugando al rugby touch?

La motivación hacia la práctica de actividad física y deportiva ha sido una de las principales preocupaciones de los profesionales de este ámbito porque conocer y comprender los factores que influyen en la adhesión a la práctica físico-deportiva van a posibilitar planificar y organizar una buena oferta y asegurar el éxito en este tipo de actividades). La diversión hacía la actividad física es uno de los motivos principales por los que practican deporte los jóvenes (Rius, 1995). Actualmente, las causas y motivos por los que se práctica actividad física y deporte son dispares. Sin embargo, hay estudios españoles (García Ferrando, 2006) que se centran más en “deportes tradicionales” tales como…

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Profiling children longitudinally: A three-year follow-up study of perceived and actual motor competence and physical fitness.

Longitudinal designs enhance our understanding of children's development and its influence on movement behaviors and health. This three-year follow-up study aimed to develop profiles according to perceived and actual motor competence (MC) (locomotion, object control, and overall) and physical fitness in boys and girls longitudinally including children's temporal migrations among clusters in terms of profiling trends. A secondary aim was to compare physical activity participation and weight status at each time point according to these profiles. One hundred and four typically developing Spanish children (45.8% girls) between 4 and 9 years old at baseline participated in this study. Data were …

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L’Educació Artística i Física per a l’alumnat amb Necessitats Específiques de Suport Educatiu: Manual docent amb propostes de sensibilització, integració i inclusió

L’Educació Artística i Física per a l’alumnat amb Necessitats Específiques de Suport Educatiu: Manual docent amb propostes de sensibilització, integració i inclusió. Material docent presentat als Premis Fernando Sapiña 2022.

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Curso de complementos para la formación disciplinar de la especialidad de educación física

Material docente programado mediante la ayuda del Servei de Política Lingüística. Material docente de la asignatura complementos para la formación disciplinar de la especialidad de educación física.

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