H. Schmitter
Report of the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP)-an investigation of the hypervariable STR loci ACTBP2, APOAI1 and D11S554 and the compound loci D12S391 and D1S1656
This paper describes the results of three collaborative exercises which continues the EDNAP theme to explore whether uniformity of DNA profiling results could be achieved between European laboratories using STRs. In an earlier exercise, complex hypervariable AAAG-repeat STR loci were investigated, but reproducibility was found to be poor because of the variation of techniques used by participating laboratories. In the exercise reported here, an internal allelic ladder composed of ACTBP2 and D11S554 fragments was distributed. This ladder was used to size ACTBP2 analysed by a "singleplex" PCR amplification and D11S554 combined with APOAI1 in a separate "duplex" reaction. Laboratories were ask…
Results of collaborative study regarding the standardization of the Y-linked STR system DYS385 by the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group.
Y-chromosome linked short tandem repeat (STR) loci are inherited as a closely linked haplotype, which appears to remain stable in a given paternal lineage over many generations. In forensic cases, Y-linked STRs are particularly useful for the identification of human remains as well as in rape cases with mixed male/female stain samples. DYS385 is derived from tandemly duplicated segments of the Y chromosome thus giving rise to two fragments of variable length which do not behave like alleles but genotypes. The European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group has carried out a collaborative exercise among 14 participating laboratories using DYS385 for typing of five unknown bloodstains and a control samp…
Achievement of Interlaboratory Uniformity — A Summary of Work Carried out by the EDNAP Group
This paper describes a collaborative exercise intended to demonstrate whether uniformity of DNA profiles results could be achieved between different European laboratories. It was shown that this goal would be obtained provided that a common protocol was followed (specifically the use of a common electrophoretic buffer is the most important parameter).
STR analysis of artificially degraded DNA--results of a collaborative European exercise.
Degradation of human DNA extracted from forensic stains is, in most cases, the result of a natural process due to the exposure of the stain samples to the environment. Experiences with degraded DNA from casework samples show that every sample may exhibit different properties in this respect, and that it is difficult to systematically assess the performance of routinely used typing systems for the analysis of degraded DNA samples. Using a batch of artificially degraded DNA with an average fragment size of approx. 200 bp a collaborative exercise was carried out among 38 forensic laboratories from 17 European countries. The results were assessed according to correct allele detection, peak heig…
Report of the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP): an investigation of the complex STR loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA (FGA).
This paper describes a collaborative exercise which was intended to demonstrate whether uniformity of DNA profiling results could be achieved between European laboratories using two complex short tandem repeat (STR) loci. The loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA (FGA) were chosen because they are commonly used by different European laboratories. D21S11 has approximately 14 common alleles (f > 0.001), whereas HUMFIBRA has 19 common alleles. Laboratories were asked to test seven blood stains, one of which was a known control, and to report the results to the coordinating laboratory. The exercise demonstrated that complex STRs were amenable to standardisation.
Forensic typing of autosomal SNPs with a 29 SNP-multiplex--results of a collaborative EDNAP exercise.
We report the results of an inter-laboratory exercise on typing of autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) for forensic genetic investigations in crime cases. The European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP), a working group under the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG), organised the exercise. A total of 11 European and one US forensic genetic laboratories tested a subset of a 52 SNP-multiplex PCR kit developed by the SNPforID consortium. The 52 SNP-multiplex kit amplifies 52 DNA fragments with 52 autosomal SNP loci in one multiplex PCR. The 52 SNPs are detected in two separate single base extension (SBE) multiplex reactions with 29 and 23 SNPs, respectively, using SNaPshot …
Report on the second EDNAP collaborative STR exercise
This report describes an inter-laboratory exercise completed on behalf of the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group. The exercise is one in a series designed to identify STR loci which could be used for harmonisation between participating European forensic science laboratories. Participants were asked to identify the alleles present in five bloodstains at the STR loci HUMTHO1 and HUMVWFA31/A. Two of the stains were prepared from mixtures of two different blood samples. There were no special instructions and each laboratory was requested to use the methodology normally employed for crime case investigations. All participating laboratories achieved the same results for both loci. In addition, …
A report of an international collaborative experiment to demonstrate the uniformity obtainable using DNA profiling techniques
This paper describes a collaborative exercise intended to demonstrate whether uniformity of DNA profile results could be achieved between different European laboratories. It was shown that this goal can be obtained provided that a common protocol is followed (specifically the use of a common electrophoretic buffer as being the most important parameter). Generally, lower molecular weight loci (with lower molecular weight fragments) such as YNH24 perform better than higher molecular weight loci such as MS43a. The results of the exercise are discussed in relation to the objectives of the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP).
A brief history of the formation of DNA databases in forensic science within Europe.
The introduction of DNA analysis to forensic science brought with it a number of choices for analysis, not all of which were compatible. As laboratories throughout Europe were eager to use the new technology different systems became routine in different laboratories and consequently, there was no basis for the exchange of results. A period of co-operation then started in which a nucleus of forensic scientists agreed on an uniform system. This collaboration spread to incorporate most of the established forensic science laboratories in Europe and continued through two major changes in the technology. At each step agreement was reached on which systems to use. From the beginning it was realise…
Analysis of artificially degraded DNA using STRs and SNPs—results of a collaborative European (EDNAP) exercise
Recently, there has been much debate about what kinds of genetic markers should be implemented as new core loci that constitute national DNA databases. The choices lie between conventional STRs, ranging in size from 100 to 450 bp; mini-STRs, with amplicon sizes less than 200 bp; and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). There is general agreement by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) and the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) that the reason to implement new markers is to increase the chance of amplifying highly degraded DNA rather than to increase the discriminating power of the current techniques. A collaborative study between nine European and US laboratories…
The EDNAP mitochondrial DNA population database (EMPOP) collaborative exercises: organisation, results and perspectives.
This paper presents an overview of the organisation and the results of the collaborative exercises (CE) of the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) Group's mitochondrial DNA population database project (EMPOP). The aim of the collaborative exercises was to determine whether uniformity of mtDNA sequencing results could be achieved among different laboratories. These were asked to sequence either the complete mtDNA control region or the two hypervariable regions HVI (16024-16365) and HVII (73-340) from DNA extracts, buccal swabs or bloodstains, proceeding in accordance with the protocol and strategies used in each individual laboratory. The results of the collaborative exercises were employed to id…
Report of a european collaborative exercise comparing DNA typing results using a single locus VNTR probe
A collaborative exercise was carried out in 1989 among 12 European forensic laboratories using the single locus VNTR probe pYNH24, the restriction enzyme HinfI, the same set of human genomic DNA samples, and a standardized DNA size marker. The objectives of the exercise were: (1) to study the degree of variation within and between laboratories, (2) to obtain information on requirements for technical standardization allowing the exchange of typing results and (3) to compare different approaches for the identification of allelic DNA fragments of unknown size. Each laboratory carried out up to 10 independent typing experiments using the same DNA samples. The results were analysed independently…
Legal aspects of forensic DNA analysis in Germany
DNA analysis may be carried out in cases of civil law (e.g., in cases of disputed paternity) as well as of criminal law (e.g., a case of murder). This overview will concentrate on DNA analysis in the context of criminal law. DNA typing of forensic stain samples is generally carried out in laboratories of the Police and of University Institutes of Legal Medicine. The police laboratories are usually part of the State Criminal Offices (Landeskriminalamt, LKA) or of the central Federal Criminal Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA). Each of the sixteen German Federal States (except one) has a LKA with a department carrying out forensic stain analyses. The 25 Institutes of Legal Medicine belong to the…