Sophie D. Fosså

Effect of genetic variation in CYP450 on Gonadal impairment in a European cohort of female childhood cancer survivors, based on a candidate gene approach

Background: Female childhood cancer survivors (CCSs) carry a risk of therapy-related gonadal dysfunction. Alkylating agents (AA) are well-established risk factors, yet inter-individual variability in ovarian function is observed. Polymorphisms in CYP450 enzymes may explain this variability in AA-induced ovarian damage. We aimed to evaluate associations between previously identified genetic polymorphisms in CYP450 enzymes and AA-related ovarian function among adult CCSs. Methods: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels served as a proxy for ovarian function in a discovery cohort of adult female CCSs, from the pan-European PanCareLIFE cohort (n = 743

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Role of ondansetron plus dexamethasone in fractionated chemotherapy.

This randomised, double-blind, parallel-group study was carried out to compare the efficacy and safety profile of ondansetron plus dexamethasone and metoclopramide plus dexamethasone in patients receiving fractionated cisplatin (20-25 mg/m2/day) chemotherapy for the treatment of testicular cancer. An interim analysis of 95 patients showed that the ondansetron regimen was significantly superior compared to the metoclopramide regimen (p0.001). According to the study protocol the study was terminated at this stage. At the time the decision to stop the study was taken, a total of 113 patients had been enrolled and were evaluable on an 'intention to treat' basis. Fifty-six of these had received …

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Patient reported outcomes of symptoms and quality of life among cancer patients treated with palliative pelvic radiation: a pilot study

Published version of an article from the journal: BMC Research Notes. Also available from the publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1756-0500-4-252 BACKGROUND:There is limited high-quality research investigating the efficacy of palliative radiation (PPR) with regard to symptoms and quality of life (QOL) among cancer patients with pelvic soft tissue tumors. As a result, clinicians are left with mainly retrospective studies, without reliable data on which to base treatment decisions. As a first step of a subsequent analysis of PPR's efficacy, we aimed to determine whether it is feasible to prospectively measure symptoms and QOL among patients treated with PPR. A secondary aim was to explore pa…

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European consensus conference on diagnosis and treatment of germ cell cancer: a report of the second meeting of the European Germ Cell Cancer Consensus group (EGCCCG): part I.

Objectives: The first consensus report presented by the European Germ Cell Cancer Consensus Group (EGCCCG) in the year 2004 has found widespread approval by many colleagues throughout the world. In November 2006, the group met a second time under the auspices of the Department of Urology of the Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Methods: Medical oncologists, urological surgeons, radiation oncologists as well as pathologists from several European countries reviewed and discussed the data that had emerged since the 2002 conference, and incorporated the new data into updated and revised guidelines. As for the first meeting, the methodology of evidence-based medicine (EBM) wa…

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