Kristofs Folkmanis
“New Kids on the Block” — The Game Changers. The Role of Immune Check Point Blockade in Personalised Treatment of Prostate, Urinary Bladder and Kidney Cancer
Abstract Early detection and diagnosis of cancer followed by a personalised approach to treatment is a key and can save lives. It has been an important issue in both the medical and social fields. The search for instruments and/or diagnostics tools able to detect cancers at an early stage has led to consideration of the usage of various approaches, such as exhaled air, biomarkers in blood, urine testing as well as imaging techniques. This actual time and everything that is happening around us could be characterised as a strange and very unpredictable time. This comparison could be made not only due to the actual coronavirus situation, but also the same can be noticed in the personalised med…
Clinicopathological Significance of Exosomal Proteins CD9, CD63 and DNA Mismatch Repair Proteins in Prostate Adenocarcinoma and Benign Hyperplasia
Promocijas darbā vērtēta eksosomu biomarķieru un DNS neatbilstību reparācijas (MMR) proteīnu ekspresija un tās diagnostiskā nozīme pacientiem ar labdabīgu prostatas hiperplāziju (LPH) un prostatas karcinomu (PCa). Retrospektīvā pētījumā iekļauti 92 pacienti ar PCa un 20 pacienti ar LPH. Eksosomu un DNS MMR proteīnu ekspresija audos analizēta ar imūnhistoķīmijas metodi (IHC). Pētījumā konstatēta negatīva korelācija starp DNS MMR proteīnu zudumu un audzēja gradācijas grupām. Bezrecidīvu dzīvildze pacientiem ar DNS MMR deficītu bija ievērojami īsāka nekā pacientiem ar saglabātu DNS MMR ekspresiju. CD63 pārmērīga ekspresija, kā arī samazināta CD9 ekspresija raksturīga īsākai audzēja bezrecidīvu…
Prostate Specific Antigen Dynamics and Features in Prostate Cancer
Abstract Despite the common use of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum level as a tumour marker in diagnosis of prostate cancer, it seems that the PSA doubling time (PSADT) and PSA velocity (PSAV) could be more useful indicators of tumour behaviour and prognosis for patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate the value of PSAV and PSADT in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and their relationship with prostate cancer histopathological characteristics. Eighty-six patients undergoing radical prostatectomy were enrolled in the study. Based on the PSA measurements the PSA dynamic values were calculated: PSADT and PSAV. In addition, clinical and histo-pathological characteristics, includi…
Prostatas specifiskā antigēna dinamika un īpatnības pacientiem ar Prostatas audzēju
Ievads: Prostatas audzējs ir šobrīd otrais biežākais audzēju izraisītais nāves iemesls vīriešiem. Vēl joprojām neeksistē vienota, universāla, lēta, viegli pielietojama, neinvazīva, savlaicīga prostatas audzēja diagnostikas metode, jo seruma prostatas specifiskais antigēns neapstiprina uz sevi liktās cerības un nav ieviests standartizētā prostatas audzēja skrīningā. Par šādu savlaicīgu prostatas audzēja diagnostikas metodi varētu uzskatīt prostatas specifiskā antigēna (PSA) dinamiskās metodes: PSA dubultošanās laiks, PSA ātrums. Pētījuma mērķis un metodes: Izvērtēt PSA dinamisko rādītāju diagnostisko nozīmīgumu prostatas audzēja attīstībā. Pētījumā tika retrospektīvi analizēti 158 pacienti a…
CD63 and Dna Mismatch Repair Protein Expression in Prostate Cancer
Abstract Protein expression levels in immunohistochemistry and molecular biomarkers have been reported for their ability to predict recurrence, progression, development of metastases, and patient survival. The molecular features in low- and high-grade prostate cancer can differ and influence treatment decision and prognosis. The objective of the current study was to compare the expression of exosomal biomarkers CD63 and mismatch repair proteins (MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, and PMS2) by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in tissue of patients with prostate cancer and benign hyperplasia. Altogether, 62 patients with prostate acinar adenocarcinoma and 20 patients with prostate benign hyperplasia were enrolled i…
Current Trends in Prostate Cancer Etiology, Pathogenesis and Diagnostics
Abstract Prostate cancer (PCa) remains the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, with an estimated 1.1 million diagnoses worldwide in 2012, accounting for 15% of all cancers diagnosed. In many cases, successful treatment of prostate cancer is difficult due to late detection and rate of metastasis. Importantly, the tumours of many patients with prostate cancer become refractory to androgen therapy and progress to metastatic castration-resistant disease. An effective treatment course of prostate cancer patients requires predictive biomarkers in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer that support individual treatment. Different risk classification tools have been developed to …