Rafael Fernández Guerrero
Institutional and economic drivers of entrepreneurship: An international perspective
Abstract Entrepreneurial activity varies significantly across countries and over time. The economic and institutional context is a determining factor that can drive and lend shape to entrepreneurial activity. The search for a deeper understanding of the role of this factor constitutes a promising and important research stream. A thorough review of the specialist literature identifies groups of countries with similar economic and institutional environments. Subsequent analysis highlights differences in entrepreneurial activity and innovation outcomes between these homogeneous groups. Results indicate significant differences, not only in entrepreneurial activity, but also in the type of entre…
La medición de la felicidad en el trabajo y sus antecedentes : un estudio empírico en el area de alergología de los hospitales públicos españoles
La búsqueda de la felicidad en el trabajo es un objetivo de enorme importancia para muchas personas y organizaciones. Sin embargo, existe una carencia importante la investigación acerca de cómo aumentarla (Chivato Pérez et al., 2011), así como una amplia dispersión de medidas relacionadas (Hackman, 2009). No se conoce ninguna medida que recoja con la suficiente amplitud la medición de la felicidad en el trabajo (Fisher, 2010), por lo que en este estudio proponemos un modelo integrativo que nos aporte la medida de este nuevo constructo. Proponemos que la felicidad en el trabajo se compone de tres constructos ya consolidados en la literatura. La primera hipótesis de esta investigación es que …
Supervivencia de empresas sociales de nueva creación. Un enfoque basado en el análisis cualitativo comparativo fsQCA
Las empresas sociales constituyen una realidad de la que multitud de instituciones, tanto organismos internacionales como universidades de prestigio, se han hecho eco dedicando recursos a su estudio y promoción. Actualmente, la literatura se centra, fundamentalmente, en investigar las diferencias entre emprendimiento de negocios y social, las diferentes lógicas de las empresas que, siendo sociales, persiguen fines lucrativos con el fin de obtener un sistema sostenible, o la medición del impacto del valor social que aportan. Sin embargo, poco se ha investigado aún sobre cómo afectan determinadas características del emprendedor y la empresa social a supervivencia, lo que constituye el fin de …
Critical thinking and continuous improvement: a scientific text mining approach
This work aims to propose and argue a new antecedent (critical thinking: CT) of the hard and soft dimensions of continuous improvement (CI) using a text mining perspective. The study employs a prop...
The human side of leadership: exploring the relationship between servant leadership, organisational facilitators and happiness at work
Although human resource management (HRM) research has established a significant relationship between leadership styles and different attitudinal outcomes, few studies have considered the important role of organisational facilitators as a more proximal outcome of servant leadership to explain happiness at work (HAW). This paper explores the relationships between servant leadership, organisational facilitators and HAW, based on the leader-member exchange (LMX) and job-demands resources (JD-R) theories. Individual-level analyses from a sample of 189 machine operators revealed that organisational facilitators fully mediate the relationship between servant leadership and HAW. The discussion revi…
Happiness at work in knowledge-intensive contexts: Opening the research agenda
In today's business environment, management of knowledge-intensive workers has become one of the most challenging elements to consider. To sustain a company's competitive advantage, highly skilled workers who are perfectly aligned and motivated in the organization are essential. However, happiness becomes essential for these type of employees. Happiness at work is a research topic that is growing in importance among academics, but requires further attention. Through a narrative synthesis method, we review, clarify and suggest future research lines to develop research on happiness at work in knowledge-intensive contexts. JEL classification: J28, I310, M120, Keywords: Happiness at work, Knowl…
Nuevas herramientas y nuevas ideas para los responsables de recursos humanos. Validez estructural y predictiva del cuestionario de satisfacción ponderada
One of the fundamental tasks for an Human Resource Management (HRM) practitioner consists in designing a reward system that can be broadly understood and can influence the attitudes and, subsequently, the behavior of individuals to permit achievement of organizational objectives. To do so, appropriate tools are necessary to allow key actions to be identified in terms of motivating employees; thereby, avoiding opportunistic costs derived from allocating resources needed to close the gap in employee satisfaction, with regard to non-priority factors for workers in satisfying their own personal needs. This article, thus, presents a dual assessment scale consisting of 44 items, categorized into …
La economía social ¿alternativa a la gestión pública o vanguardia de la privatización de servicios? Una definición del sector de servicios de apoyo a personas a partir del análisis de sus recursos y capacidades
A number of social economy organizations with different legal forms have appeared in Spain since the eighties and have developed a growing activity in the provision of personal support services, usually in the private management of public services and occasionally in the private sector. The novelty of this type of organization, the peculiarities of their origin and business development, their uncertain future and the relevance of the experience accumulated in the short but intensive years of their existence - as well as their importance in job creation and in training professionals in social intervention - justify a detailed study of their current situation with regard to resource bases and…
Altruistic leadership and affiliative humor's role on service innovation: Lessons from Spanish public hospitals.
Despite literature identifies aspects that might promote innovation, the relationship between the leadership style and nurses' innovative behavior still remains unclear, and little research has provided evidence of this. To help advance in knowledge of effects of leadership on nurses' innovative behavior, we researched the effect of altruistic leadership on nurses' innovative behavior. In addition, the mediating role of affiliative humor in the relationship between altruistic leadership and nurses' innovative behavior was examined. Questionnaire survey method was followed with a sample of 324 nurses working in public hospitals in Spain. We used structural equation models, to check the resea…
Análisis y resultados de un modelo de evaluación, apoyo y mejora de proyectos empresariales impulsados por jóvenes emprendedores1,2
ResumenLas empresas de nueva creación juegan un papel crucial en la generación de empleo, el crecimiento económico, la innovación y la competitividad. Ello ha llevado a un número creciente de instituciones públicas a dedicar ingentes recursos al apoyo y fomento de iniciativas empresariales. Resulta por ello de especial interés analizar la eficacia de los distintos programas e identificar cuáles son las prácticas más efectivas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo avanzar en la mejora de los sistemas de evaluación de programas de ayuda a emprendedores y mostrar cómo las mejoras introducidas pueden tener efectos sobre la calidad de los negocios creados. Para ello se analiza en profundidad el caso…