María Del Mar Sánchez Vera
The COVID-19 Crisis: Skills That Are Paramount to Build into Nursing Programs for Future Global Health Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic started at the end of 2019 and can be considered one of the most difficult health crises of the past century. It has had a devastating effect around the world, not only for public health, but also for the economy, labor market, and other facets of individual and societal life. Health systems have been put under high strain, and health professionals have experienced unusual and stressful work circumstances. With the aim of drawing lessons for nursing education, the present study analyzed, during the weeks of peak infection in Spain, the stress experience and coping strategies of a sample of 403 nurses from the Spanish health system. Specifically, we analyzed how tenure,…
Disseny i desenvolupament d'exams a partir d'eines de web semàntica
La Web Semàntica no és una proposta de futur. És una realitat. Davant del creixement caòtic de recursos i l'absència d'una organització clara del web actual, la web semàntica advoca per classificar, dotar d'estructura i anotar els recursos amb semàntica explícita processable per màquines. En aquest article presentem els resultats d'una investigació realitzada a la Universitat de Múrcia pel grup TECNOMOD i el GITE, que de manera multidisciplinar hem abordat l'aplicació d'un programa semàntic denominat OeLE en una assignatura virtual de la Titulació de Pedagogia. Es va dissenyar un entorn d'avaluació en xarxa compost pel programa OeLE i un sistema de consulta del feedback que OeLE proporciona…
El pensamiento computacional en contextos educativos: una aproximación desde la Tecnología Educativa
El pensamiento computacional ha vivido un resurgir en los últimos años, en los que la comunidad científica y educativa ha puesto su foco de interés sobre él como un aspecto relevante a incorporar de manera curricular. No obstante, la falta de consenso respecto a qué es y cómo trabajarlo tiene como resultado que se aborde de diferentes formas en la educación, lo que repercute directamente en el aprendizaje del alumnado. Desde enfoques más técnicos, que tienen el riesgo de no permitir aprovechar el potencial que tiene de ser integrado en la estrategia didáctica del docente, a enfoques más transversales, que sí profundizan en las posibilidades que tiene en el ámbito de la didáctica, pero que a…
How personal resources predict work engagement and self-rated performance among construction workers: A social cognitive perspective
Traditionally, research focussing on psychosocial factors in the construction industry has focused mainly on the negative aspects of health and on results such as occupational accidents. This study, however, focuses on the specific relationships among the different positive psychosocial factors shared by construction workers that could be responsible for occupational well-being and outcomes such as performance. The main objective of this study was to test whether personal resources predict self-rated job performance through job resources and work engagement. Following the predictions of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory and the motivational process of the Job Demands-Resources Model, we exp…
Los MOOC y la evaluación del alumnado : revisión sistemática (2012-2016)
Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la evaluación en los MOOC. En primer lugar, analiza el concepto de MOOC y sus principales características. A partir de ahí, se lleva a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica más relevante producida entre 2012 y 2016 que aborda de modo específico los modelos y propuestas de evaluación del conocimiento adquirido por los alumnos que cursan MOOC. La búsqueda se ha realizado en las siguientes bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus y EBSCOhost. Se han utilizado descriptores tanto en inglés como en español y, tras eliminar las duplicidades, se han analizado 110 artículos. El resultado es que las propuestas de evaluación más frecuentes so…
The predicting role of self-efficacyin the Job Demands-Resources Model: A longitudinal study
AbstractTaking Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory as our starting point, we analysed the predicting role of self-efficacy in the Job Demands-Resources Model. We tested longitudinally the two underlying psychological processes, namely: 1) the motivational process, in which job resources (i.e., job autonomy and social support climate) foster engagement, and 2) the erosion process, in which high job demands (i.e., quantitative overload and role conflict) lead to burnout. Structural equation modelling in a sample of 274 secondary-school teachers confirmed both processes, as well as the powerful predicting role of self-efficacy. Finally, we discuss the theoretical findings and the practica…
Organoplatinum(II) Complexes Self-Assemble and Recognize AT-Rich Duplex DNA Sequences
The specific recognition of AT-rich DNA sequences opens up the door to promising diagnostic and/or therapeutic strategies against gene-related diseases. Here, we demonstrate that amphiphilic PtII complexes of the type [Pt(dmba)(N∧N)]NO3 (dmba = N,N-dimethylbenzylamine-κN, κC; N∧N = dpq (3), dppz (4), and dppn (5)) recognize AT-rich oligonucleotides over other types of DNA, RNA, and model proteins. The crystal structure of 4 shows the presence of significant π-stacking interactions and a distorted coordination sphere of the d8 PtII atom. Complex 5, containing the largest π-conjugated ligand, forms supramolecular assemblies at high concentrations under aqueous environment. However, its aggreg…
Nurses´ stressors and psychological distress during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The mediating role of coping and resilience
This study analyses the cross-sectional effect of sources of stress during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic on nurses´ psychological distress, focusing on the mediating role of coping strategies, both problem focused and emotion focused and resilience.Cross-sectional and quantitative analyses.Structural equation modelling was performed using survey data obtained during the period between 1 April-25 May 2020 in a sample of 421 nurses from 39 Spanish provinces.Results confirmed that: (a) All the stressors have a significant, direct, and negative relationship with nurses´ psychological distress; (b) Emotion-focused strategies is negatively related to nurses´ psychological distress directly and in…