Katia Castetbon

L’attirance pour le gras, le salé et le sucré est associé à la corpulence. Etude de la cohorte française Nutrinet-Santé

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Individual characteristics associated with fat liking

Introduction: Various studies have shown that sensory liking influences dietary behaviors and that individual characteristics, such as socio-demographic or psychological factors, are related to dietary intake and weight status. However, little is known about individual profiles associated with fat liking. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between liking for fat sensation and socio-demographic, economic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics in a large sample of adults. Method / Design: Individual factors and liking scores were collected using validated questionnaires from 37,181 French adults participating in the NutriNet-Santé study,…

research product

Influence des facteurs individuels sur l’alimentation et la variation de poids sur cinq ans, NutriNet-Santé, France

Introduction Les facteurs sensoriels, psychologiques, socioeconomiques, de mode de vie, les consommations alimentaires et le statut ponderal forment un ensemble de relations causales complexes. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette etude est d’etablir et de valider un cadre conceptuel de ces relations en estimant l’influence relative de chaque facteur individuel sur les consommations et la variation de poids sur cinq ans au sein d’une population d’adultes francais. Methode Les caracteristiques individuelles et les consommations ont ete collectees par questionnaire chez 8014 participants a la cohorte NutriNet-Sante, ainsi que les donnees de poids a cinq ans. La modelisation par equations structurelles …

research product

Liking for fat is associated with sociodemographic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics

Sensory liking influences dietary behaviour, but little is known about specifically associated individual profiles. The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between liking for fat-and-salt and fat-and-sweet sensations and sociodemographic, economic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics in a large sample. Individual characteristics and liking scores were collected by a questionnaire among 37 181 French adults. Liking scores were constructed using a validated preference questionnaire. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to assess the associations between liking levels and individual characteristics. In both sexes, subjects belonging to low-l…

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Rôle relatif des facteurs individuels, de l’alimentation et de l’activité physique sur la variation de poids sur 5 ans

Introduction et but de l’étude : Les facteurs individuels, les consommations alimentaires, l’activité physique et le statut pondéral forment un ensemble de relations causales complexes. Cependant, le rôle relatif des déterminants individuels, de l’alimentation et de l’activité physique sur les variations de poids n’a pas encore été étudié. L’objectif de cette étude était d’établir un cadre conceptuel causal en estimant l’influence relative des facteurs individuels, des consommations alimentaires et de l’activité physique sur la variation de poids sur 5 ans au sein d’une population d’adultes français.Matériel et méthodes : A l’inclusion, les caractéristiques individuelles, l’activité physiqu…

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Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19.2 million participants

Copyright © NCD Risk Factor Collaboration. Open Access article distributed under the terms of CC BY.

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Association between intake of nutrients and food groups and liking for fat (The Nutrinet-Santé Study)

Apart from the established association between liking for fat and fat intake, little is known about the association between liking for fat and intake of specific nutrients or food groups. We investigated the association between dietary intake and liking for fat, fat-and-sweet and fat-and-salt. Liking scores were constructed using a validated preference questionnaire administered to 41,595 French adults participating in the Nutrinet-Santé study. Dietary data were collected using web-based 24 h records. Relationships between liking and dietary intake were assessed using linear regression adjusted for age and energy intake. Results are expressed in percentage difference of intake between indiv…

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Association entre l’attirance pour le gras, le sucré et le salé et les fluctuations pondérales sur 4 ans

Introduction et but de l’étude : Des études ont mis en évidence le lien entre l’attirance sensorielle pour le gras, le salé et le sucré et le statut pondéral, souvent évalué par une variation positive ou négative du poids. Les fluctuations pondérales sont également un indicateur pertinent bien que peu étudiées, puisque la multiplication de cycles de perte de poids puis de reprise, communément appelé « yo-yo pondéral » ou « fluctuation pondérales » pourrait avoir d’importantes répercussions sur la santé, tant au niveau physiologique qu’au niveau psychologique. L’objectif de cette étude était d’estimer l’association entre l’attirance pour le gras, le sucré et le salé et l’amplitude des fluctu…

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Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331 288 participants.

Diabetes has been defined on the basis of different biomarkers, including fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2-h plasma glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test (2hOGTT), and HbA1c. We assessed the effect of different diagnostic definitions on both the population prevalence of diabetes and the classification of previously undiagnosed individuals as having diabetes versus not having diabetes in a pooled analysis of data from population-based health examination surveys in different regions.

research product

The risk of obesity is associated with fat and sweet liking

Introduction: Fat, added sugar and sodium are important nutritional factors involved in the risk of obesity, although these components contribute to eating pleasure thanks to their sensory properties. Few cross-sectional studies have shown equivocal results about relationships between liking and weight status. The only one prospective study has shown an increase of weight in individuals who liked sweet taste and no significant relationships for fat liking. However, the tool that assesses liking is unreliable. Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the prospective association between liking for fat, sweet and salt and the onset of obesity in adults. Method / Design: Liking score…

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Development of a questionnaire to assay recalled liking for salt, sweet and fat

Abstract Liking for a sweet, salty or fatty diet may induce overconsumption of simple carbohydrates, sodium or lipids. Measuring overall liking of the corresponding sensory sensations contributes to understanding the determinants of dietary behaviours. However, no standardized validated questionnaire assaying these sensations is currently available. In the present study, we developed a web-based questionnaire, “PrefQuest”, which measures recalled liking for the following four sensations: salt, fat and salt, sweet, fat and sweet. PrefQuest included four types of items: (1) liking for sweet, fatty-sweet and fatty-salty foods, (2) preferences in the level of seasoning by adding salt, sweetener…

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Associations between weight status and liking scores for sweet, salt and fat according to the gender in adults(The Nutrinet-Santé study)

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: As taste preferences may be associated with obesity, the present study investigated whether obese subjects presented heightened liking for the sensations of sweet, salt and fat.SUBJECTS/METHODS: Liking scores were determined by a questionnaire including 83 items on liking for sweet or fatty foods, and the preferred extent of seasoning with salt, sweet or fat. Data from 46 909 adults included in the French web-based observational cohort of the Nutrinet-Santé study were collected and weighted according to the national population census. Relationships between liking scores and body mass index (BMI) as categorical or linear explanatory variable were assessed separately by…

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