Miguel Catalá
Additional file 2: of Prevalence and comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder in Spain: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Key terms for PubMed/MEDLINE search. (DOCX 28 kb)
Additional file 3: of Prevalence and comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Spain: study protocol for extending a systematic review with updated meta-analysis of observational studies
Methodological Quality Checklist for Prevalence data. (DOCX 29 kb)
Síndrome de McCune-Albright: otra forma de neoplasias endocrinas múltiples
Presentamos el caso de una mujer con sindrome de McCune-Albright como paradigma de afeccion tumoral en multiples glandulas endocrinas. El diagnostico de la enfermedad se baso en la presencia de la triada clasica (lesiones hiperpigmentadas cutaneas de color cafe con leche, pubertad precoz y displasia fibrosa). Durante su seguimiento presento hipertiroidismo secundario a bocio multinodular toxico, hiperparatiroidismo, probablemente secundario a hiperplasia paratiroidea, y acromegalia secundaria a adenoma hipofisario productor de hormona de crecimiento. Se comenta la base molecular de la enfermedad y su amplia expresion fenotipica.
Additional file 2: of Prevalence and comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder in Spain: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Key terms for PubMed/MEDLINE search. (DOCX 28 kb)
Additional file 1: of Prevalence and comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder in Spain: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
PRISMA-P Checklist. (DOCX 32 kb)
Influencia del depósito de grasa abdominal en la respuesta terapéutica a atorvastatina en mujeres con hipercolesterolemia familiar heterocigota
Objetivo Analizar la influencia de parametros antropometricos (tipo y grado de obesidad) sobre el fenotipo lipoproteico y la respuesta terapeutica a atorvastatina en mujeres con Metodos Estudio de intervencion no controlado con 20 mg de atorvastatina al dia (dosis nocturna) en 34 mujeres con hipercolesterolemia familiar heterocigota seleccionadas de forma aleatoria. Resultados El deposito de grasa abdominal influye de forma estadisticamente significativa en los valores de presion arterial y concentraciones plasmaticas basales y postratamiento de los trigliceridos. Existe una interaccion negativa entre el deposito de grasa abdominal y la respuesta terapeutica de cLDL, siendo menores los desc…
Prevalence and comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder in Spain: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
[Background] Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder characterised by impaired social interaction and communication, and restrictive and repetitive behaviour. Previous systematic reviews have traditionally assessed the prevalence of ASD on global or regional context, with very few meta-analyses at the country level. The objective of this study will be to systematically evaluate published and unpublished observational studies that present prevalence and comorbidity of ASD among children, adolescent and adult population in Spain.
Supresión del eje hipotálamohipofisario-suprarrenal por la exposición crónica a glucocorticoides de uso tópico. Presentación de dos casos clínicos
Presentamos 2 casos clinicos con psoriasis extensa en los que el mal uso prolongado de corticoides topicos indujo la supresion del eje hipotalamohipofisario- suprarrenal y, como consecuencia, una insuficiencia suprarrenal secundaria. Se comentan los mecanismos y los factores que pueden dar lugar a dicha supresion.
Pancitopenia en un varón de 59 años con feocromocitoma maligno tratado con I-131 metaiodobencilguanidina
Presentamos un paciente diagnosticado de feocromocitoma maligno silente que en su evolucion presento metastasis en cuerpos vertebrales, huesos iliacos, ambos pulmones e higado. El paciente solo referia lumbalgia intermitente y las determinaciones urinarias de catecolaminas y sus metabolitos fueron normales. Se realizo inicialmente suprarrenalectomia derecha y se aplico telecobaltoterapia externa en la region L4-S2 (dosis total de 20 Gy), para control del dolor y por inicio de compresion radicular. Posteriormente, de forma paliativa se administro una dosis unica de 200 mCi de 131-I metaiodobencilguanidina (MIBG), desarrollando al mes una pancitopenia con neutropenia grave, que preciso antibi…
Prevalence of plasma lipid abnormalities and its association with glucose metabolism in Spain: The di@bet.es study
Abstract Introduction Dyslipidemia is a significant contributor to the elevated CVD risk observed in type 2 diabetes mellitus. We assessed the prevalence of dyslipidemia and its association with glucose metabolism status in a representative sample of the adult population in Spain and the percentage of subjects at guideline-recommended LDL-C goals. Material and methods The di@bet.es study is a national, cross-sectional population-based survey of 5728 adults. Results A total of 4776 subjects were studied. Dyslipidemia was diagnosed in 56.8% of subjects; only 13.2% of subjects were treated with lipid lowering drugs. Lipid abnormalities were found in 56.8% of Spanish adults: 23.3% with high LDL…
Additional file 2: of Prevalence and comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Spain: study protocol for extending a systematic review with updated meta-analysis of observational studies
Key terms for PubMed/MEDLINE search. (DOCX 29 kb)
Additional file 1: of Prevalence and comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Spain: study protocol for extending a systematic review with updated meta-analysis of observational studies
PRISMA-P Checklist. (DOCX 33 kb)
The pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
[Background] Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of children and adolescents, with a significant impact on health services and the community in terms of economic and social burdens. The objective of this systematic review will be to evaluate the comparative efficacy and safety of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments in children and adolescents with ADHD.
Plasma homocysteine levels are associated with ulceration of the foot in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Background To examine the association of biochemical markers of risk (plasma Hcy, microalbuminuria, lipoprotein (a)(Lp(a)) and diabetic dyslipidaemia) with the prevalence of diabetic foot ulceration in type 2 diabetic patients. Methods Case/control study conducted in 198 type 2 diabetic patients. 89 patients have foot ulcers and 109 have no foot ulcers (control group), in order to establish ORs for diabetic foot ulceration. In all subjects plasma Hcy, Lp(a), total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, HbA1c and microalbuminuria were measured using standard procedures. Results Plasma Hcy, microalbuminuria, HbA…
The pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A systematic review with network meta-analyses of randomised trials.
Background Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders in childhood. A wide variety of treatments have been used for the management of ADHD. We aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of pharmacological, psychological and complementary and alternative medicine interventions for the treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents. Methods and findings We performed a systematic review with network meta-analyses. Randomised controlled trials (≥ 3 weeks follow-up) were identified from published and unpublished sources through searches in PubMed and the Cochrane Library (up to April 7, 2016). Interventions of interest were pharmacolo…
Utilidad de la ultrasonografía endoscópica para el diagnóstico de localización de tumores neuroendocrinos pancreáticos: presentación de 2 insulinomas benignos
Los insulinomas son tumores neuroendocrinos que se manifiestan por episodios de hipoglucemia de ayuno. El diagnostico se basa en la sospecha clinica, que debe ir seguida de la demostracion de hiperinsulinismo y la localizacion tumoral. Sin embargo, la localizacion no siempre es posible con las tecnicas de imagen habituales, por lo que se debe recurrir a otras mas complejas. Presentamos 2 casos de insulinomas cuya localizacion tumoral no fue posible con tecnicas de imagen convencionales, pero si con ultrasonografia endoscopica.
Additional file 3: of Prevalence and comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder in Spain: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Methodological Quality Checklist for Prevalence data. (DOCX 28 kb)
Additional file 3: of Prevalence and comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder in Spain: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Methodological Quality Checklist for Prevalence data. (DOCX 28 kb)
Síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño como causa de seudofeocromocitoma
Los feocromocitomas son tumores neuroendocrinos poco frecuentes cuya manifestacion mas caracteristica es la hipertension arterial. Su diagnostico se basa en la demostracion de un exceso de produccion de catecolaminas o de sus metabolitos, seguido de tecnicas de imagen para la localizacion tumoral. Sin embargo, hay situaciones en las que estas hormonas pueden estar elevadas sin que haya un feocromocitoma; por tanto, esto se trata de falsos positivos. En esos casos hablamos de seudofeocromocitoma. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con un nodulo suprarrenal y catecolaminas elevadas de forma repetida en orina de 24 h. Fue intervenido quirurgicamente, pero a pesar de ello persistian las alterac…
Dificultad en el tratamiento del hipertiroidismo por amiodarona: Presentación de un caso
La amiodarona puede alterar la función tiroidea en un 15-20% de los pacientes que la toman, dando lugar a hipotiroidismo o hipertiroidismo. La sobrecarga de yodo y la toxicidad directa sobre el tiroides inducida por amiodarona pueden provocar hipertiroidismo. Describimos un caso de tirotoxicosis grave por amiodarona que se diagnosticó buscando la causa que descompensó la cardiopatía de base del paciente, condicionando ésta el pronóstico y el manejo terapéutico. El tratamiento precisó un estrecho seguimiento y se basó en dosis elevadas de propiltiouracilo y dexametasona que no controlaron las consecuencias del hipertiroidismo a nivel cardiaco necesitando la tiroidectomia total. Creemos, con …
Plasma homocysteine levels are independently associated with the severity of peripheral polyneuropathy in type 2 diabetic subjects.
Peripheral polyneuropathy (PN) is a frequent complication of diabetes. However, mechanisms underlying the development of PN are multifactorial and not well understood. Our aim was to examine the association of plasma homocysteine (Hcy) with the prevalence and grade of peripheral PN in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). We studied a cohort of 196 subjects with T2DM classified according to the grade of PN (Neuropathy Disability Score, NDS). Subjects with the highest grade of PN were older and had significantly increased levels of creatinine, microalbuminuria, HbA1c, and plasma Hcy compared to the other two groups. The differences in plasma Hcy values were maintained after correcting for co…
Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among children and adolescents in Spain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies
Abstract Background Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a commonly diagnosed neuropsychiatric disorder in childhood, but the frequency of the condition is not well established in many countries. The aim of the present study was to quantify the overall prevalence of ADHD among children and adolescents in Spain by means of a systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods PubMed/MEDLINE, IME, IBECS and TESEO were comprehensively searched. Original reports were selected if they provided data on prevalence estimates of ADHD among people under 18 years old in Spain and were cross-sectional, observational epidemiological studies. Information from included studies was systematically ex…
Prevalence and comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Spain: study protocol for extending a systematic review with updated meta-analysis of observational studies
© The Author(s) 2019.
Low physical activity and its association with diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors: a nationwide, population-based study
Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM; ISCIII Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion); Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo; Spanish Diabetes Society (SED)