H. Badran

Lifetime measurements of excited states in $^{169,171,173}$Os: Persistence of anomalous $B(E2)$ ratios in transitional rare earth nuclei in the presence of a decoupled $i_{13/2}$ valence neutron

International audience; Lifetimes of low-lying excited states in the νi13/2+ bands of the neutron-deficient osmium isotopes 169,171,173Os have been measured for the first time using the recoil-distance Doppler shift and recoil-isomer tagging techniques. An unusually low value is observed for the ratio B(E2;21/2+→17/2+)/B(E2;17/2+→13/2+) in 169Os, similar to the “anomalously” low values of the ratio B(E2;41+→21+)/B(E2;21+→0gs+) previously observed in several transitional rare-earth nuclides with even numbers of neutrons and protons, including the neighbouring 168,170Os. Furthermore, the evolution of B(E2;21/2+→17/2+)/B(E2;17/2+→13/2+) with increasing neutron number in the odd-mass isotopic c…

research product

Shape coexistence in Hg-178

Lifetime measurements of excited states in Hg-178 have been performed using the Rh-103(Kr-78, p2n) reaction at a beam energy of 354 MeV. The recoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique was applied to select the Hg-178 nuclei and associate the prompt gamma rays with the correlated characteristic ground-state alpha decay. Lifetimes of the four lowest yrast states of Hg-178 have been determined using the recoil distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) method. The experimental data are compared to theoretical predictions with focus on shape coexistence. The results confirm the shift of the deformed prolate structures to higher lying states but also indicate their increasing deformation with decreasing neutron nu…

research product

Isomeric 13/2+ state in 201Fr

We have identified an isomeric state in 201Fr for which we propose a spin and parity of 13/2 +, and interpret it as arising from the π(i13/2 ) configuration. A half-life of 720(40) ns was measured, corresponding to B(M2) = 0.17(2) W.u., in good agreement with those of other 13/2 + → 9/2 − [π(i13/2 ) → π(h9/2 )] transitions observed in other nuclei in the region. The nuclei of interest were produced in a fusion-evaporation reaction and their decay properties were investigated using the GREAT spectrometer at the focal plane of the RITU gas-filled recoil separator. peerReviewed

research product

In-beam spectroscopic study of Cf244

The ground-state rotational band of the neutron-deficient californium (Z = 98) isotope 244Cf was identified for the first time and measured up to a tentative spin and parity of I I-pi = 20(+). The observation of the rotational band indicates that the nucleus is deformed. The kinematic and dynamic moments of inertia were deduced from the measured gamma-ray transition energies. The behavior of the dynamic moment of inertia revealed an up-bend due to a possible alignment of coupled nucleons in high-j orbitals starting at a rotational frequency of about (h) over bar (omega) = 0.20 MeV. The results were compared with the systematic behavior of the even-even N = 146 isotones as well as with avail…

research product

Stability of the heaviest elements: K isomer in No250

Decay spectroscopy of No250 has been performed using digital electronics and pulse-shape analysis of the fast nuclear decays for the first time. Previous studies of No250 reported two distinct fission decay lifetimes, related to the direct fission of the ground state and to the decay of an isomeric state but without the possibility to determine if the isomeric state decayed directly via fission or via internal electromagnetic transitions to the ground state. The data obtained in the current experiment allowed the puzzle to finally be resolved, attributing the shorter half-life of t1/2=3.8±0.3μs to the ground state and the longer half-life t1/2=34.9−3.2+3.9μs to the decay of an isomeric stat…

research product

Lifetime Measurements of Excited States in Pt172 and the Variation of Quadrupole Transition Strength with Angular Momentum

Lifetimes of the first excited 2(+) and 4(+) states in the extremely neutron -deficient nuclide Pt-172 have been measured for the first time using the recoil-distance Doppler shift and recoil-decay tagging techniques. An unusually low value of the ratio B(E2: 4(1)(+) -> 2(1)(+)/B(E2: 2(1)(+) -> 0(gs)(+)) = 0.55(19) was found, similar to a handful of other such anomalous cases observed in the entire Segre chart. The observation adds to a cluster of a few extremely neutron -deficient nuclides of the heavy transition metals with neutron numbers N approximate to 90-94 featuring the effect. No theoretical model calculations reported to date have been able to explain the anomalously low B(E2: 4(1…

research product

First observation of high-K isomeric states in $$^{249}$$Md and $$^{251}$$Md

Decay spectroscopy of the odd-proton nuclei $^{249}$Md and $^{251}$Md has been performed. High-K isomeric states were identified for the first time in these two nuclei through the measurement of their electromagnetic decay. An isomeric state with a half-life of 2.8(5) ms and an excitation energy $\ge 910$ keV was found in $^{249}$Md. In $^{251}$Md, an isomeric state with a half-life of 1.4(3) s and an excitation energy $\ge 844$ keV was found. Similarly to the neighbouring $^{255}$Lr, these two isomeric states are interpreted as 3 quasi-particle high-K states and compared to new theoretical calculations. Excited nuclear configurations were calculated within two scenarios: via blocking nucle…

research product

Confirmation of the new isotope Pb178

The extremely neutron-deficient isotope $^{178}\mathrm{Pb}$ has been produced. The GREAT spectrometer at the focal plane position of the gas-filled separator RITU was used to study the $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ decay of $^{178}\mathrm{Pb}$ and its $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-decay chain through $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\ensuremath{\alpha}$ correlations. The $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ decay was measured to have an energy and half-life of ${E}_{\ensuremath{\alpha}}$= 7610(30) keV and ${t}_{1/2}=0.{21}_{\ensuremath{-}0.08}^{+0.21}$ ms, respectively. The half-life is consistent with recent theoretical calculations using the Coulomb and proximity potential model. The $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-decay…

research product

Experimental study of isomeric intruder 12+ states in At197,203

A newly observed isomeric intruder ${\textonehalf{}}^{+}$ state $[{T}_{\textonehalf{}}=3.5(6)\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}\mathrm{ms}]$ is identified in $^{203}\mathrm{At}$ using a gas-filled recoil separator and fusion-evaporation reactions. The isomer is depopulated through a cascade of $E3$ and mixed $M1/E2$ transitions to the ${9/2}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ ground state, and it is suggested to originate from the $\ensuremath{\pi}{({s}_{\textonehalf{}})}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$ configuration. In addition, the structures above the ${\textonehalf{}}^{+}$ state in $^{203}\mathrm{At}$ and $^{197}\mathrm{At}$ are studied using in-beam $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectroscopy, recoil-decay tagging, and recoi…

research product

The JUROGAM 3 spectrometer

AbstractThe jurogam 3 spectrometer has been constructed for in-beam $$\gamma $$γ-ray spectroscopy experiments in the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. jurogam 3 consists of germanium-detector modules in a compact geometry surrounding a target to measure $$\gamma $$γ rays emitted from radioactive nuclei. jurogam 3 can be employed in conjunction with one of two recoil separators, the mara vacuum-mode separator or the ritu gas-filled separator, and other ancillary devices.

research product

Isomeric 13/2+ (νi13/2−1) state in 211Th

Using a fusion-evaporation reaction and a gas-filled recoil separator, an isomeric state [T12=83(8)μs] with a most likely spin and parity of 132+ has been identified in Th211. The isomeric state is mainly depopulated via a hindered internal M2 transition [B(M2)=0.0025(5) W.u.], but also a weak α-decay branch of 4(3)% was observed. The present observations fit well to the systematic pattern set by the previously identified states of the same spin and parity in this region of the nuclear chart. peerReviewed

research product

Stability of the heaviest elements : K isomer in 250No

Decay spectroscopy of 250No has been performed using digital electronics and pulse-shape analysis of the fast nuclear decays for the first time. Previous studies of 250No reported two distinct fission decay lifetimes, related to the direct fission of the ground state and to the decay of an isomeric state but without the possibility to determine if the isomeric state decayed directly via fission or via internal electromagnetic transitions to the ground state. The data obtained in the current experiment allowed the puzzle to finally be resolved, attributing the shorter half-life of t1/2 = 3.8 ± 0.3 μs to the ground state and the longer half-life t1/2 = 34.9+3.9 −3.2 μs to the decay of an isom…

research product

Shape coexistence in $^{178}$Hg

Lifetime measurements of excited states in 178 Hg have been performed using the 103 Rh ( 78 Kr , p 2 n ) reaction at a beam energy of 354 MeV. The recoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique was applied to select the 178 Hg nuclei and associate the prompt γ rays with the correlated characteristic ground-state α decay. Lifetimes of the four lowest yrast states of 178 Hg have been determined using the recoil distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) method. The experimental data are compared to theoretical predictions with focus on shape coexistence. The results confirm the shift of the deformed prolate structures to higher lying states but also indicate their increasing deformation with decreasing neutron numb…

research product

A time-of-flight correction procedure for fast-timing data of recoils with varying implantation positions at a spectrometer focal plane

Abstract Fast-timing measurements at the focal plane of a separator can suffer from poor timing resolution. This is due to the variations in time-of-flight (ToF) for photons travelling to a given detector, which arise from the changes in the implantation positions of the recoil nuclei emitting the γ rays of interest. In order to minimise these effects on timing measurements, a procedure is presented that improves fast-timing data by performing ToF corrections on an event-by-event basis. This method was used to correct data collected with an array of eight LaBr 3 detectors, which detected γ rays from spatially distributed 138Gd recoil-implants at the focal plane of the Recoil-Ion-Transport-U…

research product

Chirality of 135 Nd reexamined : Evidence for multiple chiral doublet bands

One new pair of positive-parity chiral doublet bands have been identified in the odd-A nucleus 135Nd which together with the previously reported negative-parity chiral doublet bands constitute a third case of multiple chiral doublet (MχD) bands in the A ≈ 130 mass region. The properties of the MχD bands are well reproduced by constrained covariant density functional theory and particle rotor model calculations. The newly observed MχD bands in 135Nd represents an important milestone in supporting the existence of MχD in nuclei. peerReviewed

research product

Exploring the boundaries of the nuclear landscape : α-decay properties of 211Pa

Employing the recoil ion transport unit (RITU) and a fusion-evaporation reaction, the α decay of 211Pa has been identified via the implantation-decay correlation technique through observation of chains up to four consecutive decays. An α-particle energy and half-life of 8320(40) keV and 3.8+4.6−1.4 ms, respectively, were measured, corresponding to favored α decay. In addition, more precise α-decay properties of 212Pa and 213Pa were obtained due to accumulated statistics. The present data were compared to those predicted by selected atomic mass models and it was used to estimate the possibility of observing proton emission from these isotopes. peerReviewed

research product

Evolution from γ -soft to stable triaxiality in Nd136 as a prerequisite of chirality

The level structure of Nd136 has been investigated using the Mo100(Ar40,4n) reaction and the JUROGAM II+RITU+GREAT setup. The level scheme has been extended significantly. Many new bands have been identified both at low and high spin, among which are five nearly degenerate bands interpreted as chiral partners. Excitation energies, spins, and parities of the previously known bands are revised and firmly established, and some previously known bands have been revised. Configurations are assigned to the observed bands based on cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations. The band structure of Nd136 is now clarified and the various types of single-particle and collective excitations are well underst…

research product

Tilted precession bands in Nd135

Two new excited bands built on the πh11/2 configuration have been identified in Nd135 in addition to the known πh11/2 band. The energy spectra of the excited bands and the available electromagnetic transition probabilities are in good agreement with theoretical results obtained using quasiparticle-plus-triaxial-rotor model calculations. The properties of the bands identify them as tilted precession bands instead of wobbling bands. Our results give a new insight into the interpretation of the low-lying bands in odd-A mass nuclei, and can stimulate future studies to address the nuclear triaxiality.

research product

Evidence of chiral bands in even-even nuclei

Evidence for chiral doublet bands has been observed for the first time in the even-even nucleus 136 Nd . One chiral band was firmly established. Four other candidates for chiral bands were also identified, which can contribute to the realization of the multiple pairs of chiral doublet bands ( M χ D ) phenomenon. The observed bands are investigated by the constrained and tilted axis cranking covariant density functional theory (TAC-CDFT). Possible configurations have been explored. The experimental energy spectra, angular momenta, and B ( M 1 ) / B ( E 2 ) values for the assigned configurations are globally reproduced by TAC-CDFT. Calculated results support the chiral interpretation of the o…

research product

α-spectroscopy studies of the new nuclides 165Pt and 170Hg

The new nuclides 165Pt and 170Hg were produced in the reactions 92Mo(78Kr,5n) and 96Ru(78Kr,4n) at bombarding energies of 418 MeV and 390 MeV, respectively. For 170Hg an α-particle energy of Eα=7590(30)keV and half-life of t1/2=0.08+0.40−0.04ms were deduced, while for 165Pt the corresponding values were 7272(14) keV and 0.26+0.26−0.09ms. Comparison of the reduced α-decay widths with systematics indicates that both α decays are unhindered. Although combining the measured α-decay Q values with extrapolated masses suggests that both new nuclides are unbound to two-proton emission by more than 1 MeV, their α-decay half-lives are too short for this decay mode to compete. Improved data were also …

research product

Lifetime measurements of excited states in ¹⁶³W and the implications for the anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional nuclei

This letter reports lifetime measurements of excited states in the odd-N nucleus $^{163}$W using the recoil-distance Doppler shift method to probe the core polarising effect of the i13/2 neutron orbital on the underlying soft triaxial even-even core. The ratio B(E2:21/2+→17/2+)/B(E2:17/2+→13/2+) is consistent with the predictions of the collective rotational model. The deduced B(E2) values provide insights into the validity of collective model predictions for heavy transitional nuclei and a geometric origin for the anomalous B(E2) ratios observed in nearby even-even nuclei is proposed.

research product

Identification of sub-μs isomeric states in the odd-odd nucleus 178Au

The neutron-deficient gold (Z=79) isotopes in the vicinity of the neutron midshell N=104 provide prolific examples of shape coexistence and isomerism at low excitation energy. They can be probed via a number of different experimental techniques. In this study, two new isomeric states with half-lives of 294(7) and 373(9) ns have been observed in the neutron-deficient odd-odd nuclide 178Au (N=99) in an experiment at the RITU gas-filled separator at JYFL, Jyväskylä. This result was achieved due to the use of a segmented planar germanium detector with a high efficiency at low energies. By applying the recoil-decay tagging technique, they were assigned to decay to two different long-lived α-deca…

research product

Towards saturation of the electron-capture delayed fission probability: The new isotopes $^{240}Es$ and $^{236}Bk$

Abstract The new neutron-deficient nuclei 240 Es and 236 Bk were synthesised at the gas-filled recoil separator RITU. They were identified by their radioactive decay chains starting from 240 Es produced in the fusion–evaporation reaction 209 Bi( 34 S,3n) 240 Es. Half-lives of 6 ( 2 ) s and 22 − 6 + 13 s were obtained for 240 Es and 236 Bk, respectively. Two groups of α particles with energies E α = 8.19 ( 3 ) MeV and 8.09 ( 3 ) MeV were unambiguously assigned to 240 Es. Electron-capture delayed fission branches with probabilities of 0.16 ( 6 ) and 0.04 ( 2 ) were measured for 240 Es and 236 Bk, respectively. These new data show a continuation of the exponential increase of ECDF probabilitie…

research product

Signatures of enhanced octupole correlations at high spin in 136Nd

Experimental signatures of moderately enhanced octupole correlations at high spin in 136Nd are indicated for the first time. The extracted dipole moments of two negative-parity bands are only two times smaller than those of the lanthanide nuclei with N≈90 which present well-established octupole correlations. Calculations using the cranked quasiparticle random phase approximation and a model of quadrupole-octupole rotations with octupole vibrations reveal the structure of the bands and the enhanced octupole correlations at high spin in 136Nd. peerReviewed

research product

Spectroscopy of Kr70 and isospin symmetry in the T=1 fpg shell nuclei

The recoil-β tagging technique has been used in conjunction with the 40 Ca(32 S ,2n) reaction at a beam energy of 88 MeV to identify transitions associated with the decay of the 2 + and, tentatively, 4 + states in the nucleus 70 Kr. These data are used, along with previously published data, to examine the triplet energy differences (TED) for the mass 70 isobars. The experimental TED values are compared with shell model calculations, performed with the JUN45 interaction in the fpg model space, that include a J = 0 isospin nonconserving (INC) interaction with an isotensor strength of 100 keV. The agreement is found to be very good up to spin 4 and supports the expectation for analog states th…

research product

Lifetime Measurements of Excited States in $^{172}$Pt and the Variation of Quadrupole Transition Strength with Angular Momentum

Lifetimes of the first excited 2 + and 4 + states in the extremely neutron-deficient nuclide 172 Pt have been measured for the first time using the recoil-distance Doppler shift and recoil-decay tagging techniques. An unusually low value of the ratio B ( E 2 : 4 + 1 → 2 + 1 ) / B ( E 2 : 2 + 1 → 0 + gs ) = 0.55 ( 19 ) was found, similar to a handful of other such anomalous cases observed in the entire Segré chart. The observation adds to a cluster of a few extremely neutron-deficient nuclides of the heavy transition metals with neutron numbers N ≈ 90 – 94 featuring the effect. No theoretical model calculations reported to date have been able to explain the anomalously low B ( E 2 : 4 + 1 → …

research product

Highly deformed bands in Nd nuclei: New results and consistent interpretation within the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky formalism

International audience; Three new highly-deformed (HD) bands are identified in Nd136 and the highly deformed band of Nd137 is extended at higher spin by four transitions, revealing a band crossing associated with the occupation of the second νi13/2 intruder orbital. Extended cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations are performed for all HD bands observed in Nd134, Nd136, and Nd137, achieving for the first time a consistent interpretation of all HD bands in the Nd nuclei. The new interpretation has significant consequences, like the change of parity of the yrast HD bands of Nd134 and Nd136, and the involvement of two negative-parity neutron intruder orbitals in the configurations of most HD b…

research product

Production cross section and decay study of $^{243}$Es and $^{249}$Md

In the study of the odd-$Z$, even-$N$ nuclei $^{243}$Es and $^{249}$Md, performed at the University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, the fusion-evaporation reactions $^{197}$Au($^{48}$Ca,2$n$)$^{243}$Es and $^{203}$Tl($^{48}$Ca,2$n$)$^{249}$Md have been used for the first time. Fusion-evaporation residues were selected and detected using the RITU gas-filled separator coupled with the focal-plane spectrometer GREAT. For $^{243}$Es, the recoil decay correlation analysis yielded a half-life of $24 \pm 3$s, and a maximum production cross section of $37 \pm 10$ nb. In the same way, a half-life of $26 \pm 1$ s, an $\alpha$ branching ratio of 75 $\pm$ 5%, and a maximum production cross section of 300 $\pm$ 80 nb…

research product

Lifetime measurements of lowest states in the πg7/2⊗νh11/2 rotational band in I112

research product

A position sensitive β−γ coincidence technique for sample analysis with the upgraded PANDA device

Abstract PANDA (Particles And Non-Destructive Analysis) is measuring system developed for non-destructive analysis of samples for safety, security and safeguards. The capabilities of the PANDA device were expanded by the addition of a thick silicon detector for β particle detection. The upgraded device can now be used for position-sensitive α − γ and β − γ coincidence measurements of various kinds of radioactive samples. The capability of the PANDA device in using the β − γ coincidence technique was tested using a mixed source of 134Cs and 226Ra. In addition, the ability of PANDA to locate nuclides emitting β particles from samples was tested using a combined sample containing a mixed 134Cs…

research product

Decay spectroscopy of 171,172Os and 171,172,174Ir

We report on a study of the α-decay fine structure and the associated Eα−Eγ correlations in the decays of 171,172Os and 171,172,174Ir. In total, 13 new α-decay energy lines have been resolved, and three new γ-ray transitions have been observed following the new decay branches to 168Re and 167W. The weak α-decay branch from the bandhead of the νi13/2 band in 171Os observed in this work highlights an unusual competition between α, β, and electromagnetic decays from this isomeric state. The nucleus 171Os is therefore one of few nuclei observed to exhibit three different decay modes from the same excited state. The nuclei of interest were produced in 92Mo(83Kr,xpyn) fusion-evaporation reactions…

research product

Decay spectroscopy of Pb97182179 and evidence for a 9/2− intruder state in Tl98181179

The very neutron-deficient isobars Pb-179 and Tl-179 have been produced using the fusion-evaporation reactions Pd-104(Kr-78,xpyn), where x = 2. The gas-filled separator RITU was employed to transpo ...

research product

Lifetime measurements of excited states in $^{163}$W and the implications for the anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional nuclei

Grahn, Tuomas/0000-0002-6255-2279; Herzan, Andrej/0000-0002-6736-7638; Cullen, Dave/0000-0002-0041-1606; Barber, Liam/0000-0002-7409-9352; Keatings, James Michael/0000-0003-4271-8021; SAYGI, BAHADIR/0000-0001-5406-506X; Greenlees, Paul/0000-0002-5986-5274; Spagnoletti, Pietro/0000-0002-7674-989X; Parr, Edward/0000-0001-6204-4461; Bondili, S Nara Singh/0000-0002-4096-2429

research product

Production cross section and decay study of Es243 and Md249

In the study of the odd-$Z$, even-$N$ nuclei $^{243}$Es and $^{249}$Md, performed at the University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, the fusion-evaporation reactions $^{197}$Au($^{48}$Ca,2$n$)$^{243}$Es and $^{203}$Tl($^{48}$Ca,2$n$)$^{249}$Md have been used for the first time. Fusion-evaporation residues were selected and detected using the RITU gas-filled separator coupled with the focal-plane spectrometer GREAT. For $^{243}$Es, the recoil decay correlation analysis yielded a half-life of $24 \pm 3$s, and a maximum production cross section of $37 \pm 10$ nb. In the same way, a half-life of $26 \pm 1$ s, an $\alpha$ branching ratio of 75 $\pm$ 5%, and a maximum production cross section of 300 $\pm$ 80 nb…

research product

Identification of a 6.6μs isomeric state in Ir175

research product

Spectroscopy of Kr 70 and isospin symmetry in the T=1 fpg shell nuclei SPECTROSCOPY of Kr 70 and ISOSPIN SYMMETRY ... D. M. DEBENHAM et al.

The recoil-β tagging technique has been used in conjunction with the Ca40(S32,2n) reaction at a beam energy of 88 MeV to identify transitions associated with the decay of the 2+ and, tentatively, 4+ states in the nucleus Kr70. These data are used, along with previously published data, to examine the triplet energy differences (TED) for the mass 70 isobars. The experimental TED values are compared with shell model calculations, performed with the JUN45 interaction in the fpg model space, that include a J=0 isospin nonconserving (INC) interaction with an isotensor strength of 100 keV. The agreement is found to be very good up to spin 4 and supports the expectation for analog states that all t…

research product

Evidence against the wobbling nature of low-spin bands in 135Pr

International audience; The electromagnetic character of the ΔI=1 transitions connecting the 1- to 0-phonon and the 2- to 1-phonon wobbling bands should be dominated by an E2 component, due to the collective motion of the entire nuclear charge. In the present work it is shown, based on combined angular correlation and linear polarization measurements, that the mixing ratios of all analyzed connecting transitions between low-lying bands in 135Pr interpreted as 0-, 1-, and 2-phonon wobbling bands, have absolute values smaller than one. This indicates predominant M1 magnetic character, which is incompatible with the proposed wobbling nature. All experimental observables are instead in good agr…

research product

In-beam spectroscopic study of $^{244}$Cf

The ground-state rotational band of the neutron-deficient californium ( Z = 98 ) isotope 244 Cf was identified for the first time and measured up to a tentative spin and parity of I π = 20 + . The observation of the rotational band indicates that the nucleus is deformed. The kinematic and dynamic moments of inertia were deduced from the measured γ -ray transition energies. The behavior of the dynamic moment of inertia revealed an up-bend due to a possible alignment of coupled nucleons in high- j orbitals starting at a rotational frequency of about ℏ ω = 0.20 MeV . The results were compared with the systematic behavior of the even-even N = 146 isotones as well as with available theoretical c…

research product

Tilted precession bands in $^{135}$Nd

International audience; Two new excited bands built on the πh11/2 configuration have been identified in Nd135 in addition to the known πh11/2 band. The energy spectra of the excited bands and the available electromagnetic transition probabilities are in good agreement with theoretical results obtained using quasiparticle-plus-triaxial-rotor model calculations. The properties of the bands identify them as tilted precession bands instead of wobbling bands. Our results give a new insight into the interpretation of the low-lying bands in odd-A mass nuclei, and can stimulate future studies to address the nuclear triaxiality.

research product

Collective rotation of an oblate nucleus at very high spin

International audience; A sequence of nine almost equidistant quadrupole transitions is observed in Nd137. The sequence represents an extremely regular rotational band that extends to a spin of about 75/2 and an excitation energy of ≈4.5MeV above yrast. Cranked mean-field calculations of the Nilsson-Strutinsky type suggest an oblate shape for the band. They reproduce the observed I(I+1) dependence of the rotational energy whereas predicting a pronounced decrease in the deformation, which is the hallmark of antimagnetic rotation.

research product

Evidence for octupole collectivity in 172Pt

Excited states in the extremely neutron-deficient nucleus 172Pt were populated via 96Ru(78Kr,2p) and 92Mo(83Kr,3n) reactions. The level scheme has been extended up to an excitation energy of  ~ 5 MeV and tentative spin-parity assignments up to Iπ = 18+. Linear polarization and angular distribution measurements were used to determine the electromagnetic E1 character of the dipole transitions connecting the positive-parity ground-state band with an excited side-band, firmly establishing it as a negative-parity band. The lowest member of this negative-parity structure was firmly assigned spin-parity 3-. In addition, we observed an E3 transition from this 3- state to the ground state, providing…

research product

Identification of sub- μs isomeric states in the odd-odd nucleus Au178

The neutron-deficient gold (Z=79) isotopes in the vicinity of the neutron midshell N=104 provide prolific examples of shape coexistence and isomerism at low excitation energy. They can be probed via a number of different experimental techniques. In this study, two new isomeric states with half-lives of 294(7) and 373(9) ns have been observed in the neutron-deficient odd-odd nuclide Au178 (N=99) in an experiment at the RITU gas-filled separator at JYFL, Jyvaskyla. This result was achieved due to the use of a segmented planar germanium detector with a high efficiency at low energies. By applying the recoil-decay tagging technique, they were assigned to decay to two different long-lived α-deca…

research product

TPEN: A Triple-foil differential Plunger for lifetime measurements of excited states in Exotic Nuclei

Abstract A Triple-foil differential Plunger for Exotic Nuclei (TPEN) has been developed to measure the lifetimes of excited states in nuclei with small production cross-sections. TPEN utilises one target foil and two degrader foils to make differential lifetime measurements: directly determining the decay function and its derivative at a single plunger distance setting. The direct measurement of the decay function and its derivative removes the requirement to measure γ -ray intensities at several target-to-degrader distances, thereby reducing the beam-time required relative to a conventional plunger with a single-degrader foil. This paper describes the commissioning of TPEN in the lifetime …

research product

Deformation of the proton emitterCs113from electromagnetic transition and proton-emission rates

The lifetime of the $(11/{2}^{+})$ state in the band above the proton-emitting $(3/{2}^{+})$ state in $^{113}\mathrm{Cs}$ has been measured to be $\ensuremath{\tau}=24(6)$ ps from a recoil-decay-tagged differential-plunger experiment. The measured lifetime was used to deduce the deformation of the states using wave functions from a nonadiabatic quasiparticle model to independently calculate both proton-emission and electromagnetic $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray transition rates as a function of deformation. The only quadrupole deformation, which was able to reproduce the experimental excitation energies of the states, the electromagnetic decay rate of the $(11/{2}^{+})$ state and the proton-emis…

research product

Chirality of $^{135}$Nd reexamined: Evidence for multiple chiral doublet bands

One new pair of positive-parity chiral doublet bands have been identified in the odd-$A$ nucleus $^{135}$Nd which together with the previously reported negative-parity chiral doublet bands constitute a third case of multiple chiral doublet (M$\chi$D) bands in the $A\approx130$ mass region. The properties of the M$\chi$D bands are well reproduced by constrained covariant density functional theory and particle rotor model calculations. The newly observed M$\chi$D bands in $^{135}$Nd represents an important milestone in supporting the existence of M$\chi$D in nuclei.

research product