Enza Sidoti
Serious games e autoregolazione a scuola: una sfida pedagogica nell'attuale panorama digitale
Il presente lavoro intende riflettere criticamente sul valore pedagogico-educativo dei serious games all’interno dei contesti scolastici, a partire dall’idea di una necessaria implementazione di ambienti di apprendimento supportati da strumenti digitali che possano promuovere competenze cognitive ed emotivo-relazionali, sostenendo la motivazione e la partecipazione degli studenti. In questa cornice, il contributo intende porre l’attenzione sugli interventi di promozione e innovazione delle nuove tecnologie nei contesti didattici e sui vantaggi dei serious games, attraverso un uso critico e autoregolato.
Bem estar familiar e acolhimento de genitores”
"Education therapeutique en oncologie: du corps refuse au corps revècu".
“La colazione dimenticata: comportamenti e influenza di fattori socio familiari relativi al consumo della prima colazione in un campione di popolazione scolastica della Sicilia Occidentale”.
Motivazione e Burnout
Working activities are subjected to different relationship and motivational dynamics which may cause stress and behavioural disorders. Burnout syndrome was indicated as strictly related to motivation and satisfaction in socio sanitary activities.
Un'indagine sulla pratica scolastica relativa all'educazione alla salute in un campione di insegnanti della provincia di Palermo
Planning promotional interventions in health education appears inadeguate, in spite of the great number of legislative and theoric statements. Few Schools, in fact, are capable of realizing activities in health education, either for lack of human and material resources in the school, as well as for difficulties in links and communication with the territory. In front of scholastic presences well developed and competent in health education, coesist an elevated number of schools which consider healt education as an additional work for teachers, giving as acquaired in the family or in other specific courses the relative notions.
Prevenzione della malattia e promozione della salute: possibile sintesi o dicotomia insanabile tra medicina e pedagogia?
"Internacionalização e saude: ambiente, estilo de vita, Educação e patologias correlacionadas".
The Narration to Take Care of Oneself in the Development of Educational Professions
This work aims to highlight the importance of narration and autobiographic practice in looking after oneself. The narration represents a technology of taking care of oneself (Foucault, 1992) and at the same time, facilitates the person in oneself recognition and self-training. The merit of narrating is extremely educational and formative for whoever is preparing to operate a practical training in the field of caring professions, including the educational ones (Zannini, 2003). An active methodology to work through the narration is the autobiographic practice which offers to the pedagogy and the educational research the opportunity to place subjects at the hearth, adding depth to the educatio…
Sorveglianza nutrizionale ed educazione alimentare per la prevenzione dell'obesità in età evolutiva
Seroprevalence of and risk factors for Leishmania seropositivity in a sample population of Western Sicily (Italy)
Background: Leishmania is a vector-borne parasite responsible for significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of and risk factors for Leishmania infantum seropositivity in a sample of Sicilian population.Methods: A total of 260 subjects were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire and requested for an venous blood sample.Results: Overall, 36 subjects (13.8%) were seropositive against L. infantum with a statistically significant higher prevalence of positivity in older subjects (p=0.04). After adjustment for age, a higher risk for Leishmania seropositivity was found in subjects who had pets living outdoors and untreated with anti-p…
“Conoscenze e comportamenti nei riguardi delle pratiche di tatuaggio e piercing in un campione di studenti universitari di Facoltà umanistiche e scientifiche”
“Conoscenze attitudini e pratiche di controllo per la precoce individuazione dei tumori cutanei in un campione di studenti e docenti universitari”.
Fattori di rischio per la salute nell’abuso di Internet
Cura e progetto di Vita. Strategie di azione educativa
Il testo offre una lettura pedagogica della cura educativa interpretata come aver cura dell’altro perché l’altro impari ad avere cura di sé. La formazione di educatori e pedagogisti deve essere orientata alla conoscenza e alla cura di sé per aiutare l’altro a prendere consapevolezza ed assumersi la responsabilità delle proprie cure. La dimensione della cura di sé e dell’altro richiama competenze comunicative, relazionali ed empatiche, indispensabili affinché il rapporto di cura diventi formativo. La particolarità della competenza pedagogica è la progettualità educativa, in cui la persona viene accompagnata nel processo di costruzione di sé e del proprio progetto di vita, progetto inteso non…
Educacao Terapeutica e Crianca Hemofilica
“Attitudini delle studentesse di medicina all’educazione tra pari per la prevenzione dell’AIDS”
An investigation was carried out aimed to define the alimentary habit and rate of growth in two groups of students in Trapani and Milan. Information on alimentary habit was obtained by a multiple choice questionnaire; the rate of growth was evaluated determining auxological and nutritional status. A control system defined as "nutritional monitoring program" at national level, will determine the condition for a national multicenter program of obesity prevention.
Mobbing: la prevenzione del disagio e la promozione del benessere in ambito lavorativo.
A survey on planning, expectations and factors influencing the stabilization process of migrating people in Palermo, Western Sicily
Background. Europe constitutes a major pole of attraction for the migratory fluxes. The migrating population is made up of many different individuals, carrying different projects of life and expectations. The consistence of the phenomena, in few decades, will be responsible for deep changes in the demographic structure of the European population. The purpose of this investigation was to attempt to draw an identikit of migrating people and to evaluate those factors which may be considered important to positively influence the process of stabilization. Moreover, the research tried to evaluate the differences among those migrating people who have recently arrived, still considering this countr…
Stili di vita e salute dei giovani in età scolare: rapporto sui dati della regione sicilia HBSC (Health behaviour in school-aged children - comportamenti collegati alla salute dei ragazzi di età scolare) 2009-2010
La pediculosi a scuola: percorsi di prevenzione e di educazione alla salute
“Humanização, recxiprocidade e solidariedade na internacionalização da educação superior”
Mobbing: dalla malattia professionale alla promozione del benessere in ambito lavorativo
Supportive care in onco-haematologic service: therapeutic patient education and burnout prevention in health workers
L’educazione terapeutica del paziente è parte integrante dell’assistenza e del trattamento medico, volta ad aiutare il paziente, la sua famiglia a capire e convivere con la malattia e le cure. L’intervento di educazione terapeutica è di particolare necessità in contesti come il settore dell’oncoematologia pediatrica per la particolare strutturale fragilità dei pazienti e i problemi connessi alle terapie. Nei dipartimenti di oncologia per altro il personale sanitario è esposto alla possibilità di sviluppare una sindrome di burnout. Insieme ad elevati standard professionali e competenze tecniche al persoanle sanitario si richiedono pertanto capacità relazionali generalmente non incluse nel cu…
L’Educatore e il minore autore di reato nell’ottica della prevenzione
Negli anni recenti il processo penale nell’ambito della giustizia minorile italiana e dei relativi provvedimenti avverso il minore sono andati incontro a profonda revisione. Le norme prevedono una serie di misure alternative per legare il periodo di punizione al reinserimento all’esterno una volta scontata la pena. L’azione giudiziaria è volta alla tutela dei bisogni fondamentali del minore e al potenziamento del suo processo educativo. L’intervento penale è volto al recupero del processo evolutivo del minore e tutta la fase processuale esorta a realizzare un cambiamento attraverso progetti di recupero. In questo contesto è ritenuta fondamentale la figura dell’educatore che con le sue speci…
Il ruolo educativo della psicomotricità in età evolutiva: il vissuto dei Genitori e dei Docenti
La nozione di "schema corporeo" a partire dagli anni Sessanta, trova spazio tra gli obiettivi e le finalità riferiti all'educazione motoria e fisica a scuola. Attraverso i contributi della psicomotricità di P. Vayer, P. Aucouturier, J. Le Boulch, si fanno strada principi educativi e metodologici che vedono l'Educazione del e attraverso il corpo quale strumento fondamentale di conoscenza di sé, di un metodo di apprendimento che coinvolge in egual misura l'emozionale e il cognitivo. Il suo graduale riconoscimento quale centro di identità da cui parte ogni esperienza, ha dato luogo ad una crescente attenzione alle potenzialità conoscitive del corpo, ma anche di quelle espressive delle emozioni…
Perceptions and experiences of a sample of nontraditional students in transition from Higher Education to the Labour Market in Western Sicily.
In recent years a long economic crisis has affected the occupational opportunities of young people. In Italy, unemployment among 20-34 year olds, reached percentage values as high as 40%. The purpose of this work was to investigate perceptions and expectations of a group of nontraditional students about to graduate in Western Sicily. A group of 200 nontraditional students (112F/88M) attending final year classes in four randomly selected university courses were interviewed using a 25 item questionnaire. The students selected were concerned about the post-graduation period, and all complained about the scarcity of employment opportunities in the south of Italy. Indeed, a distance remains betw…
End of life pedagogy and empathetic guidance
The scientific progress has recently provoked profound physical and conceptual changes related to the end of life (EOL), and it has been necessary an intense debate about EOL and euthanasy. It is significant to define death as the absence of life qualities and not as a physical end. Hence, the end stage of our life is a crucial and meaningful moment. For this reason, it is essential to try to integrate the purely technical perspective with an ethic of guidance, which allows patients to live in dignity their death. For this reason, it urges to engage a continue and deep educational and experiential co-construction on the end of life, aware of its precariousness.
“Comportamenti e variabili culturali in relazione al consumo di frutta e verdura e alla attività fisica in un campione di adolescenti e di studenti universitari”.
A pilot study of internet usage patterns in a group of italian university students.
Diversi studi dimostrano come grazie al movimento si instaurino rapporti con l’ambiente e come questa relazione sia determinante nel processo di apprendimento di ogni individuo. Il corpo è il primo mezzo con cui l’individuo sperimenta l’ambiente, è il primo canale di comunicazione fra lui e gli altri e continuerà ad essere l’intermediario privilegiato nella relazione con gli altri, tra il mondo interno e quello esterno a sé (Federici, Valentini, Tonini Cardinali, 2008, p.85). Il presente articolo nasce dall’esigenza di descrivere una proposta di intervento che prevede l’integrazione del metodo Terzi con gli exergames, con lo scopo di potenziare le abilità visuo-spaziali e favorire il miglio…
“Euthanasia: Health Promotion for the Quality of Death”
“Parassitosi intestinali: conoscenze, comportamenti e influenza di fattori socio familiari in un campione di alunni e docenti di Scuola Primaria”
Femminicidio ed educazione di coppia: una pedagogia in estinzione?
Il problema della violenza sulle donne richiede risposte culturali ed educative prima che legali e repressive. La violenza contro le donne e un tentativo di cancellare la loro identita e minarne l’indipendenza e la liberta di scelta. L’educazione ha evidenziato l’incapacita dell’Europa a sviluppare una vera uguaglianza di genere e indica, allo stesso modo, la necessita di trovare nuovi percorsi per ridare senso alla esistenza della donna in quanto donna e significato a parole come uguale opportunita, differenza di genere, autodeterminazione, di-chiarando tolleranza zero ad ogni livello di violenza contro le donne e attivando azioni con-certate fra gli attori della politica, della cultura e …
Sistema mafioso e anticomunità. Percorsi per leggere le comunità criminali.
The studies on to mafia feeling take sprout from reflections, bibliographical searches and workshop conducted by a group teachers of the athenaeum of Palermo at the end of the years ’80. The incipit from which the authors have departed is that in Sicily the attitude towards the mafia crime it constitutes a ‘cultural theme’, consequential from the inner of transpersonal relationships typical of the social context and above all family in which the subjects in evolutionary age are found. This contribution get up from the psyco-pedagogic theme of the education and the development of community in criminal contexts, in a society without values that it loses the same sense of community and affilia…
Prevalence, knowledge, attitudes and practices towards body art in university students: body art as an indicator of risk taking behaviours?
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Young people are attracted by body art and consider it as a way of being “different”. Body art (tattoos, piercing, etc.) represents an important socio-cultural phenomenon which is not risk free for health. Existing literature, moreover, points out that deviant behaviours and unhealthy lifestyles are significantly associated with body art.</p><p><strong>Objective and methods</strong>: The research was aimed to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of university students towards body art, highlighting the association between body art and some demographic variables, deviant behaviours, unhealthy lifestyles, kn…
Il mobbing: dalla malattia professionale alla promozione del benessere sul lavoro
Insegnanti di sostegno: fattori di rischio per patologia psichiatrica? Una indagine nel nord e sud italia,
Il cibo come farmaco: probiotici, prebiotici, simbiotici
Enteric microflora represent a protective barrier against infectious viruses, bacteria and toxins. Nutritional supplements constituted of live germs, producing and maintaining a condition of enteric eubioses may offer therapeutic possibilities against different pathologies.
Valutazione psicopedagogica e riabilitazione educativa negli ospedali pediatrici
The hospital recovery has a fandamental role concerning the diagnosis and the following treatment. The hospitalised child is subjected to a psychological trauma, linked to different factors, such as age, pathology, social and family context where he lives. He feels happy if the structure pays attention not only at his disease but also if it can satisfy all his needs.
Igiene e Pedagogia Sanitaria
A survey on lifestyle and attitudes on fruit and vegetable consumption and participation in physical activity in a sample of secondary school and university students from Palermo, Western Sicily
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Fruit and vegetable (F&amp;V) consumption, and physical activity (PA), are thought to be some of the most important protective factors that can improve long-term health quality of life. Many epidemiological studies indicate, in fact, that F&amp;V consumption and PA are health-promoting and are correlated with the beneficial effects and positive outcomes such as preventing some chronic diseases. Evidence, however, indicates that large proportions of adolescents are not consuming the minimum servings of F&amp;V as recommended by experts and a high percentage of them have sedentary habits.</p><p><strong>Objective a…
Body Mass index, family lifestyle, physical activity and eating behaviour on a sample of primary school students in a small town of western Sicily.
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Obesity is actually a discernible issue in prosperous western society and is dramatically increasing in children and adolescents. Many studies indicate that obesity in childhood may become chronic disease in adulthood and, particularly, those who are severely overweight have an increased risk of death by cardiovascular disease. Understanding the determinants of life style and behavior in a person’s youth and making attempts to change children’s habits is considered a key strategy in the primary prevention of obesity. This study aims to find a correlation between Body Mass Index, (BMI), physical activity and eating behavior and to identify, e…
Manuale di metodologia epidemiologica per la promozione della salute e la prevenzione della disabilità
Immigrazione e progettualità: Professione lavavetro
Promuovere la salute nella comunità. Elementi di pedagagia sanitaria
L’opera proposta si pone come una rilettura di alcuni eventi comunitari ed analizza alcuni rilevanti momenti di patologia sociale associati alle diverse età della vita – i minori, la coppia, la famiglia, gli anziani - visti nel loro contesto di costruzione di benessere o di malessere. Il volume per contenuti e obiettivi si colloca sia nell’ambito delle scienze della salute sia nell’ambito delle scienze pedagogiche interdisciplinarietà che consente di approfondire gli aspetti diversi dei temi affrontati. La messa di dati raccolta è uno stimolo ad una presa di coscienza che porti ad una “diagnosi di comunità” e proponga soluzioni educative, economiche, sociali e ambientali.
Survey on lifestyle and attitudes on fruit and vegetable comsumption and participation in physical activity in a sample of secondary school and university students from Palermo Western Sicily.
Sessualità e disabilità: tra dimensione affettiva, tabù e ipocrisia
PROGETTO SALUTE: La refezione scolastica
“Body Mass Index, family lifestyle, physical activity and eating behavior in a sample of young adolescents in a small town of Western Sicily”.
Skin surveillance attitudes and behaviors in relation to skin checks for early signs of skin cancer in a sample of secondary school students and teachers in Palermo, Western Sicily
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Malignant melanoma (MM) can be readily treated in its earliest stages: survival rate, when detected early, is up to 95,0%. This justifies investigations on contributive factors and measures for precocious detection of skin tumors to improve early detection and to increase survival rates. The purpose of this survey was to collect information about knowledge, attitudes and behaviors on prevention in relation to skin checks for early signs of skin cancer on a sample of secondary school students and teachers.</p><p><strong>Methods</strong>: A sample of secondary school students and teachers from Palermo, was recruited usi…
Bisogni educativi speciali: Insegnanti di sostegno ed integrazione in Sicilia
Inclusive didactics and assistive technologies: the experience of a group of special needs teachers
This paper describes the results of an exploratory survey aimed to examine the experience of a group of special needs teachers on the use of ICT in teaching to students with autism spectrum disorder. It is focused on the effectiveness of video modeling as a tool through which to learn (self-learning and imitation) specific skills in the field of personal autonomy. By sharing the thought of Rossi (2012), which has stated that "digital technologies provide to school an extraordinary opportunity to put on the agenda the issue of learning and, together with it, the professionalism of teachers", the authors handed out a questionnaire to a group of special needs teachers of a Comprehensive School…
Abitare la nuova scuola. Embodied cognition e spazi di apprendimento.
With the help of the new technology, schools could re-examine the role of the teacher and offer experiences of individual development within shared spaces to the young generation of digital natives. By redesigning the learning environment and incorporating elements of the Embodied Cognition Design, in line with the indications of the national curriculum, students will be well prepared for the future, with capabilities and responsibilities, and will tend towards the realization of the self as active, critical and aware citizens. But, with the pressure of new technologies, a profound restructuring of learning teaching methodologies is also required, incorporating new architectural arrangement…
“Perceived Quality and Healthcare Service Satisfaction of Patient in a General Hospital of Western Sicily”.
Educazione terapeutica del paziente oncologico
La refezione scolastica
Rehabilitation should be considered as a global process which as from the medical treatment is aimed also to social integration at all levels of the disable individual. The purpose is directed to intervene not when somethin is not functioning but to act before in a way to establishing the conditions for a better quality of lyfe. Such conceptual change was determined in the first place by OMS statements which are not anymore referred to a disease to be removed but to the health which must be protected and promoted by means of educational interventions.
Professione Pedagogista. Fondamenti scientifici e normativi.
Igiene Scolastica e Promozione della Salute
Education Therapeutique en oncologie: du corps refusé au corps vecu
Detenzione minorile e ruolo dell'Educatore
A survey on knowledge and perceptions regarding head lice on a sample of teachers and students in primary schools of north and south of Italy.
High rates of pediculosis are found in every part of the world. The age-range most affected is between 3 and 12 years. No-nit policies are ineffective in preventing infestations. On the other hand, misdiagnosis and overuse of pediculicides, increase resistance to treatment. Lack of information leads people to consider this kind of infestation to be associated to low social classes and immigrants. This research has been implemented to find out about the information level on pediculosis on a sample of students (722) and teachers (408) of some primary schools in northern and southern Italy, and to highlight the role of personal aspects such as age, gender, cultural level, geographical position…
Therapeutic patient education: from the cure to taking care
Tickborne zoonoses in the Mediterranean
Pedagogia Sanitaria
Un'indagine sulla percezione del rischio di esposizione ai raggi solari in un campione di studenti della scuola secondaria superiore
Exposure to ultraviolet rays increases cutaneous cancer risk. Individual cumulative exposure depend largely on dura- tion of exposure on life, on the period of exposure, on the use of solar filter. Excessive exposure in young age, increases possibility of cutaneous cancer development. Exposure to ultraviolet rays must be gradual and protec- ted to obtain favourable positive effects on the state of well being