Ana Roxin

Vers la conception d'une action de réponse pour la gestion de catastrophe, utilisant la modélisation de connaissances

International audience; Ce travail de positionnement souligne les problèmes actuels liés aux diffé-rents aspects de la collaboration inter agence pendant la réponse à une catastrophe. La coordination et la coopération dépendent de l'usage et du partage d'informations, qui doivent faire face aux problèmes d'interopérabilité, de droits d'accès et de qualité. Le projet de recherche a pour but de fournir une évaluation de l'impact de l'information sur la réponse à une catastrophe afin d'aider la prise de décision concernant l'usage et le partage de l'information en répondant à des questions telles que: quelles informa-tions devraient être partagées ou quelle qualité de données utilisées pour am…

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IA neuro-symbolique pour l'interprétation granulaire des données des bases STUPS© et OTARIES© : défis applicatifs et perspectives

Historiquement, l'intelligence artificielle (IA) s'est divisée en 2 courants selon les hypothèses faites pour modéliser l'intelligence humaine : l'IA symbolique, supposant que des symboles sont nécessaires, et l'IA statistique (plus particulièrement l'IA connexionniste) affirmant le contraire. Dernièrement, l'IA neuro-symbolique tente de réconcilier les 2. Les travaux présentés dans cet article sont en en collaboration avec la Police Scientifique française, dans le contexte du Plan National Stup. Nous présentons les problématiques métiers en lien avec le projet, puis en déduisons les problématiques scientifiques. Après un rappel des domaines de l'IA et leurs limites, nous présentons un état…

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Interpreting Heterogeneous Geospatial Data Using Semantic Web Technologies

International audience; The paper presents work on implementation of semantic technologies within a geospatial environment to provide a common base for further semantic interpretation. The work adds on the current works in similar areas where priorities are more on spatial data integration. We assert that having a common unified semantic view on heterogeneous datasets provides a dimension that allows us to extend beyond conventional concepts of searchability, reusability, composability and interoperability of digital geospatial data. It provides contextual understanding on geodata that will enhance effective interpretations through possible reasoning capabilities. We highlight this through …

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Bridging the Gap between Geospatial and Construction, Geo4Construction 2020

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SimpleBIM: From full ifcOWL graphs to simplified building graphs

International audience; Recent research in semantic web technologies for the built environment has resulted in several proposals to further improve information exchange among stakeholders from the domain. Most notable is the production of several OWL ontologies that allow to capture building data in RDF graphs. For example, an ifcOWL ontology allows to capture IFC data in an RDF graph. As the building data is now available in a semantic graph with an explicit formal basis, it can be restructured and simplified so that it more easily matches the different requirements associated with practical use case scenarios. In this paper, we investigate several proposals and technological approaches to…

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Linked data vocabularies for BIM

Given the high interest in the field of BIM (Building Information Modeling) for Linked Data approaches over the last years, the article at hand presents an evaluation of the main Linked Data vocabularies available for the considered domain. First, Semantic Web layer architecture is presented, along with the 4 main principles of Linked Data. Second, each vocabulary is evaluated according to these 4 principles, while 2 additional ones are added in order to assess the licence associated with the vocabulary (open or not, specified or missing). An overall comparison among the considered vocabularies is also provided, thus helping in choosing which vocabulary to use in future Linked Data applicat…

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International audience; In the context of globalisation, data and knowledge management, and given the need to deliver a quick response to changes in market forces, enterprises have to collaborate using information technologies to succeed in a disparate and dynamical business environment. Enterprise interoperability (EI) is a field of study that aims to improve this collaboration. Moreover, EI addresses problems related to the lack of system interoperability in organisations. In this paper, we focus on approaches which deliver semantic interoperability among enterprise information systems. We conclude by identifying the main drawbacks of such approaches to be adopted by world-wide industry a…

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Automatic ontology-based user profile learning from heterogeneous web resources in a big data context

The Web has developed to the biggest source of information and entertainment in the world. By its size, its adaptability and flexibility, it challenged our current paradigms on information sharing in several areas. By offering everybody the opportunity to release own contents in a fast and cheap way, the Web already led to a revolution of the traditional publishing world and just now, it commences to change the perspective on advertisements. With the possibility to adapt the contents displayed on a page dynamically based on the viewer's context, campaigns launched to target rough customer groups will become an element of the past. However, this new ecosystem, that relates advertisements wit…

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Ontology-based Integration of Web Navigation for Dynamic User Profiling

The development of technology for handling information on a Big Data-scale is a buzzing topic of current research. Indeed, improved techniques for knowledge discovery are crucial for scientific and economic exploitation of large-scale raw data. In research collaboration with an industrial actor, we explore the applicability of ontology-based knowledge extraction and representation for today's biggest source of large-scale data, the Web. The goal is to develop a profiling application, based on the implicit information that every user leaves while navigating the online, with the goal to identify and model preferences and interests in a detailed user profile. This includes the identification o…

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Semantic Catalogue to Manage Data Sources in Disaster Management System

International audience; With the climate change, disasters occur more frequently and the need for efficient disaster management systems becomes highly recommended to save lives. This paper deals with a study of existing systems, with the intention of determining the main recent improvement in the domain. The heterogeneous data integration process is a major central point. Thus, a semantic system with three main components is proposed as a new position in the disaster management systems. These three components are a knowledge base, a reasoner and a semantic catalogue. The knowledge base provides a controlled vocabulary and allows storing information retrieval. The semantic catalogue facilita…

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COBieOWL, an OWL ontology based on COBie standard

International audience; Building Information Modelling (BIM) standards have been recognized by construction and political actors as a highly promising tool for resolving issues of data dematerialization, notably in the field of Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management. Among worldwide-adopted BIM standards, there is COBie. COBie’s goals are to dematerialize building data and to enhance building information interoperability. Nevertheless, COBie data is available in static formats such as STEP or spreadsheet templates. Such formats lack logical formalisms and semantic features provided by languages such as OWL. Because of this, in this paper, we propose a method for sem…

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Semantic interoperability between BIM and GIS – review of existing standards and depiction of a novel approach

International audience; When it comes to Big Data ecosystems, main technical challenges pertain to defining links between data, information and knowledge, thus reaching interoperability. Interoperability issues are addressed in the context of data curation related tasks. Interoperability is a major prerequisite for achieving data automation, validation, thus fighting counter-productiveness (notably through data incentivisation). The demand for interoperable, reusable and open data is more and more present, thus pushing forward the research for innovation data curation approaches. This article gives a high level description of our approach for bridging the interoperability gap among GIS (Geo…

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A Semantic Web Approach for Building View Definitions

International audience

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Vocabulaires de données pour le BIM

International audience

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Previous BIM-GIS Integration Approaches: Analytic Review and Discussion

Even though, BIM and GIS are two different technologies (e.g. standards, data format), and used for distinctive situations/objectives they are complementary. As a result, we have noticed an increase association between Building Information Model (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) in construction projects for multiple use cases. Where on one hand, BIM represents detailed geometric and semantic information through building life cycle, while GIS covers geo-visualization, decision making and geospatial modelling. In this article, we are going to present an analytic review (approaches, advantages and limits) and discussion of previous studies that tackle BIM and GIS incorporation.

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Nouvelles perspectives du BIM

Les dernières avancées dans la modélisation des informations du bâtiment et la maquette numérique ont permis d'améliorer l'efficacité des livraisons et performances, en catalysant des méthodes de travail innovantes dans le domaine général de l'architecture, de l'ingénierie et de la construction (AEC). Malgré les nombreux outils et technologies numériques et les différentes normes ouvertes BIM, il demeure un besoin croissant d'interopérabilité entre acteurs et logiciels.Allant de cas d'études constitués par des projets industriels réels à des projets recherche, les six chapitres de cet ouvrage témoignent de l'intérêt de la filière et des entreprises pour adapter et faire évoluer leurs pratiq…

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Semantically Adapting IFC Model Relations into OWL Properties

International audience

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Querying and reasoning over large scale building data sets

International audience; The architectural design and construction domains work on a daily basis with massive amounts of data. Properly managing, exchanging and exploiting these data is an ever ongoing challenge in this domain. This has resulted in large semantic RDF graphs that are to be combined with a significant number of other data sets (building product catalogues, regulation data, geometric point cloud data, simulation data, sensor data), thus making an already huge dataset even larger. Making these big data available at high performance rates and speeds and into the correct (intuitive) formats is therefore an incredibly high challenge in this domain. Yet, hardly any benchmark is avai…

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Proceedings of the 8th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC2020)

International audience

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A Framework to Improve the Disaster Response Through a Knowledge-Based Multi-Agent System

The disaster response still faces problems of collaboration due to lack of policies concerning the information exchange during the response. Moreover, plans are prepared to respond to a disaster, but drills to apply them are limited and do not allow to determine their efficiency and conflicts with other organizations. This paper presents a framework allowing for different organizations involving in the disaster response to assess their collaboration through its simulation using an explicit representation of their knowledge. This framework is based on a multi-agent system composed of three generic agent models to represent the organizational structure of disaster response. The decision-makin…

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Investigating Potential Alignments between Modelica Standard Library and SAREF Ontologies

International audience; Simulation tools based on the Modelica language provide comprehensive modelling and simulation approaches for building energy systems. However, the simulation and optimisation of such systems are data-driven processes, lacking a common understanding of information structure within the process. This paper investigates the possible semantic alignments of the Smart Appliances REFerence (SAREF) ontology and its extension for building domain, SAREF4BLDG, with the Modelica Standard Library (MSL). Using the MSL, a residential heating system has been modelled in OpenModelica, an open-source modelling and simulation environment. Then, SAREF and its extension SAREF4BLDG semant…

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FOWLA, A Federated Architecture for Ontologies.

International audience; The progress of information and communication technologies has greatly increased the quantity of data to process. Thus, managing data heterogeneity is a problem nowadays. In the 1980s, the concept of a Federated Database Architecture (FDBA) was introduced as a collection of components to unite loosely coupled federation. Semantic web technologies mitigate the data heterogeneity problem, however due to the data structure heterogeneity the integration of several ontologies is still a complex task. For tackling this problem, we propose a loosely coupled federated ontology architecture (FOWLA). Our approach allows the coexistence of various ontologies sharing common data…

research product


International audience; On the Web, pages are often dynamically generated and allow publishers to individually adapt contents to each viewer. Underlying systems must correctly understand the user's context - crucial especially in the case of online advertisement placement. The article at hand describes our proposition of a novel profiling system, adapted to the special needs of digital advertising. Based on Semantic Web Technologies, the MindMinings system relies on an ontology to enable thorough understanding of each user's context and needs. The underlying ontology structure also provides enhanced interoperability with semantically annotated knowledge resources, notably vocabularies from …

research product

Context-aware semantic Web service discovery protocol

The Web of today represents a broad space where users research, discover and share information. In this context, the process of Web service discovery plays a significant role. Indeed, such process allows linking the information published by service providers and the requests of users, looking for information. Generally, such process involves text or keyword-based techniques. Still, this kind of discovery fails in retrieving only relevant information. Our approach is to design a more " intelligent " system that allows using a knowledge base during the service discovery process, as it is done in the Semantic Web vision. This thesis presents a framework for semantic Web service discovery using…

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Materials Communicating with the BIM: Aims and First Results of the McBIM Project

This paper introduces McBIM, a French national research project working on on-line monitoring on concrete structure. This project gathers 3 french laboratories (the CRAN, LAAS and LIB) associated with one company (360SmartConnect/FINAO SAS) that are working together from 2018 to 2021. It proposes 1) to design a “communicating concrete”, made of concrete equipped with embedded low-energy wireless microsensor network, able to manage and exchange data using BIM standards, and 2) to demonstrate the usefulness of this approach across several building lifecycle phases, namely the manufacturing, construction and exploitation phases for structural health monitoring. The paper will first start by in…

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Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web

International audience

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Semantic User Profiling for Digital Advertising

International audience; With the emergence of real-time distribution of online advertising space (“real-time bidding”), user profiling from web navigation traces becomes crucial. Indeed, it allows online advertisers to target customers without interfering with their activities. Current techniques apply traditional methods as statistics and machine learning, but suffer from their limitations. As an answer, the proposed approach aims to develop and evaluate a semantic-based user profiling system for digital advertising.

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Dynamic, Behavior-Based User Profiling Using Semantic Web Technologies in a Big Data Context

pp. 363-372; International audience; The success of shaping the e-society is crucially dependent on how well technology adapts to the needs of each single user. A thorough understanding of one's personality, interests, and social connections facilitate the integration of ICT solutions into one's everyday life. The MindMinings project aims to build an advanced user profile, based on the automatic processing of a user's navigation traces on the Web. Given the various needs underpinned by our goal (e.g. integration of heterogeneous sources and automatic content extraction), we have selected Semantic Web technologies for their capacity to deliver machine-processable information. Indeed, we have…

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Active Learning System in the Context of the Social Semantic Web

In this paper we present the concept and the implementation of an Active Semantic Learning System that takes advantage of the Social Semantic Web in order to deliver an efficient and personalized learning experience to the learner. Active participation of the learner is encouraged through the social learning approach and through techniques that adapt the learning content to learners' needs and preferences. The semantic layer allows us to define a common understanding of the data used to describe the objects in the learning system. The objects in the learning system are described using semantic web technologies. Domain ontologies and explicit logic rules are defined in order to allow data in…

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Semantic and Multi-scale BIM/CIM/LIM

Compliance checking for building models, cities and territories involve formalizing a set of model schema knowledge and constraint. The objective of our study is to propose: an information model to federate heterogeneous data sources describing an urban area (building and building environment) along with a method for formally specifying of urban rules. The overall goal we pursue is to be able to query and to verify data against different regulations and/or requirements. The purpose of this article is to describe our approach for interoperability among different data sources (e.g. IFC, CityGML) thus creating a consistent description of an urban area.

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Towards the Design of Respond Action in Disaster Management Using Knowledge Modeling

This position paper highlights current problems linked to the aspects of the multi-agency collaboration during disaster response. The coordination and cooperation depend on the information sharing and use which must face up to interoperability, access rights, and quality problems. The research project aims at providing an assessment of information impact on the disaster response in order to support the decision-making about what information shared or what quality of data used to improve the response efficiency. Our research approach propose to combine an information system able to integrate heterogeneous data and a simulation system to assess different strategies of information sharing, dis…

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Modélisation sémantique et programmation générative pour une simulation multi-agent dans le contexte de gestion de catastrophe

La gestion de catastrophe nécessite une préparation collaborative entre les divers intervenants. Les exercices collaboratifs visent à entraîner les intervenants à appliquer les plans préparés ainsi qu’à identifier les problèmes et points d’améliorations potentiels. Ces exercices étant coûteux, la simulation informatique est un outil permettant d’optimiser la préparation à l’aide d’une plus grande diversité de cas. Cependant, les travaux de recherche centrés sur la simulation et la gestion de catastrophe sont spécialisés sur un problème spécifique plutôt que sur l’optimisation globale des plans préparés. Cette limite s’explique par le défi que constitue la réalisation d’un modèle de simulati…

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Proceedings of 6th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC2018)

International audience

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Connecting Granular and Topological Relations through Description Logics

Granularity deals with organizing in greater or lesser detail data, information, and knowledge that resides at a granular level. This organization is carried out according to certain criteria, which thereby provide a context view or dimension also called granular perspective. Topological relations express spatial associations among geospatial features (points, polylines, and polygons); they represent a horizontal spatial analysis. The two domains allow scientists to conceive different perspectives of the world. In this article, we aim to combine the two representations through Description Logics (DL) rules to relate granular (vertical representation) and geospatial topological (horizontal r…

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Enrichissement sémantique d'un fichier IFC pour une extraction partielle dynamique

International audience; La dématérialisation de l'ensemble des données et des processus dans le domaine du bâtiment est un enjeu mondial depuis ces 10 dernières années. Au-delà de la simple représentation géométrique d'un bâtiment, le BIM s'impose petit à petit comme un système d'information coopératif complexe, intégrant avec difficulté les données et pratiques hétérogènes des différents acteurs du domaine. La restitution intégrée de ces données aux usagers du bâtiment est une opération délicate. Pour répondre à ce verrou, nous utilisons une approche sémantique de représentation du bâtiment et particulièrement de la norme IFC. Cette approche permet d'extraire des fichiers IFC valides, part…

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Customizing Semantic Profiling for Digital Advertising

International audience; Personalization is the new magic buzzword of application development. To make the complexity of today's application functionalities and information spaces "digestible", customization has become the new go-to technique. But while those technologies aim to ease the consumption of media for their users, they suffer from the same problematic: in the age of Big Data, applications have to cope with a conundrum of heterogeneous information sources that have to be perceived, processed and interpreted. Researchers tend to aim for a maximum degree of integration to create the perfect, all-embracing personalization. The results are wide-range, but overly complex systems that su…

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Integration, Bewertung und Nutzung heterogener Datenquellen mittels semantischer Werkzeuge

In diesem Artikel stellen wir unsere Forschung in der Integration von Geodaten in einen Semantic Web Kontext in unserem Projekt Semantic GIS vor. Zunächst möchten wir den Zweck und die Vorteile einer Integration und Interpretation von Daten in das Semantic Web beleuchten und anschließend unseren Integrationprozess bestehend aus Datengewin-nung, automatischer Interpretation, Qualitätssicherung und Provenance sowie den Datenzugriff erklären. Um die Anwendung unserer Forschung zu demonstrieren gehen wir auf zwei Anwendungsfälle in unserem Projekt ein: Die Bewertung von OpenStreetMap Daten und die Verbesserung des Katastrophenschutzes mittels semantischem Reasoning. Wir schließen den Artikel mi…

research product

Linking BIM and GIS Standard Ontologies with Linked Data

International audience; Following the analysis of existing BIM and GIS standards, formats, differences in the interpretations of the underlying concepts have been identified. Still, in each of the two considered domains several ontologies have been defined for these terms without seeking an alignment among their definitions. With this scope in mind, this article presents several mappings expressed by means of explicit semantic links between GIS concepts (as present in the related ontologies for the ISO 191XX standard family) and BIM concepts (as represented in the IFC standard ISO 16739:2018). Such semantic mappings are defined in order to ensure a knowledge continuum between both domains, …

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