M. Reitz
223. Perioperative Risikoerkennung durch Bestimmung von Faktoren der Blutgerinnung, Fibrinolyse und Wundheilung
Bei 16 Patienten wurden vor und nach grossen Oberbaucheingriffen insgesamt 9 Faktoren der Blutgerinnung, der Fibrinolyse und der Wundheilung bestimmt: Prothrombin, Fibrinogen, Plasminogen, Antithrombin III Alpha-I-Antitrypsin, C-1-Esterase-Inaktivator, Alpha-2-Makroglobulin, Faktor XIII, Fibronectin. Es fand sich zunachst ein signifikanter postoperativer Abfall bei praktisch allen Faktoren. Traten schwere postoperative Komplikationen auf (4 Patienten), so kam es vor allem beim Antithrombin III und Faktor XIII am 3. postoperativen Tag zu einem noch deutlicheren Abfall.
Tissue trauma after surgery activates blood coagulation. This results in a change and in the consumption of important inhibitors.We investigated the oonoentraticn of antithrorfoin III (AT III), ∝ 1-antitrypsin (∝l-AT), ∝ 2- macrogloublin (∝ 2-M) and Cl-inactivator (Cl-INH) in the blood plasma by means ofradial iirmunodiffusicn in 16 patients before surgery, after surgery and cn the 1st, 3rd and 7th days after surgery. In 11 patients normal wound healing wasobserved (group A), while in 5 patients amplicationsoccurred (group B). AT III: Fall in concentration upto the 3rd day after surgery, then a rise in concentration. In the patients with impaired wound healing there was a particularly marke…
Increasing rates of DNA single-strand breaks in lymphocytes of clinical personnel handling cytostatic drugs
A total of 27 persons, working in cancer stations with exposure to cytostatics, and 40 healthy control persons were examined for DNA single-strand breaks in peripheral lymphocytes. Non-smoking personnel from cancer stations were found to have an increased rate of DNA single-strand breaks compared to the non-smoking control subjects. In the case of smokers an increased rate of DNA single-strand breaks could be recorded for those working in cancer stations as well as with the controls. DNA single-strand breaks indicate reversible damage to DNA. As DNA repair is not perfect in every case, an increased number of DNA single-strand breaks leads to irreversible DNA damage.
Comparison of DNase, DNA-polymerase and RNA-polymerase activities present in the DNA-bindung proteins of normal human dermis, epidermis, horny layer and psoriatic scales
DNA-binding proteins (DBP) of normal human dermis, epidermis, horny layer and psoriatic scales represent a tissue-specific group of mostly nuclear nonhistone proteins. To analyse their function, the different DBP fractions were examined concerning the presence of DNase, DNA-polymerase and RNA-polymerase activities. DBP of normal epidermis and horny layer contain four different DNases. One DNase of both DBP fractions is active only at pH 5.0. Three DNases of epidermal DBP are active at a pH-range from 5.0--8.5, while the corresponding DNases of horny layer-DBP are most active at pH 7.4. Probably these DNases have changed their pH-optimum during keratinisation. DBP of psoriatic scales include…
Immunological investigations in two brothers with ataxia telangiectasia Louis-Bar
Two of three brothers with the classical signs of ataxia telangiectasia were investigated for their immunological disorders at the ages of 13 and 16 years, respectively. The elder brother also suffers from autoimmune hemolytic anemia, a complication which has not yet been described in the course of ataxia telangiectasia. Immunological investigations made in both brothers showed a reduction in the number and function of T lymphocytes. The number of B lymphocytes was normal, among which there were cells staining for IgA, although serum IgA was absent. It seems possible that this phenomenon is caused by a disturbance in the process of maturation of lymphoid cells with a lack of differentiation…
Untersuchungen zur Stimulierbarkeit und zur Differenzierung von Lymphocyten nach Traumen
Traumatische Gewebsschaden haben nicht nur lokale Reaktionen zur Folge, sie konnen auch Veranderungen im Gesamtorganismus hervorrufen. Postoperativ wurde ein gehauftes Auftreten von Komplikationen, die durch bekannte Mechanismen nicht voll erklart werden konnen, beobachtet. Dazu gehoren die Haufigkeit bakterieller, mykotischer und viraler Infektionen und die Beschleunigung der Metastasenbildung bei Carcinompatienten.