S. Máñez
Evaluation Activities in Pharmacognosy
La implantación del EEES comporta un nuevo sistema educativo enfocado al aprendizaje basado en el trabajo del estudiante, el cual deja de ser un sujeto pasivo que adquiere y memoriza conocimientos para convertirse en un sujeto activo de su desarrollo competencial y ser capaz de gestionar sus conocimientos eficientemente, bajo la tutela del profesor. Esto implica modificar no sólo la docencia sino también la evaluación, que como parte esencial del proceso educativo, asegura cubrir necesidades de aprendizaje y actualizar contenidos, proporciona retroalimentación, reflexión y análisis de la propia práctica y permite corregir deficiencias y mejorar metodologías. En Farmacognosia, actualmente en…
Structural considerations on the iridoids as anti-inflammatory agents.
Abstract Twelve iridoid glycosides have been evaluated for their anti-inflammatory activity on two models: the carrageenan-induced mouse paw edema and the TPA-induced mouse ear edema. Loganic acid was the most active (44.4% edema inhibition) on the former test, whereas the catalpol derivative mixture isolated from Scrophularia, aucubin, verbenalin, and loganin, showed the highest activity (from 72.0 to 80.0% edema inhibition) on the latter. The results allowed us to establish the relationship between the structure and anti-inflammatory activity on the basis of the different patterns of substitution, particularly hydroxylation, unsaturation, and acylation.
Investigations on the Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Triterpenoids fromDiospyros leucomelas*
Three triterpenes were isolated from Diospyros leucomelas and identified as betulin, betulinic acid, and ursolic acid. They showed anti-inflammatory activity in the carrageenan and serotonin paw edema tests and TPA and EPP ear edema tests. The blockade of their effects by progesterone, actinomycin D, and cycloheximide has served to determine the mechanism of action in relationship with that of glucocorticoids. Betulinic acid was the most affected and therefore a mode of action similar to these drugs may be postulated for it.
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Flavonol Glycosides fromErythrospermum monticolumDepending on Single or Repeated Local TPA Administration
Two anti-inflammatory principles were isolated from the methanol extract of the leaves of Erythrospermum monticolum (Flacourtiaceae). The isolation was based on a guided bioassay of the inhibitory activity on TPA-induced ear edema in mice. These compounds were identified as quercetin 3-O-xylosyl(1-->2) rhamnoside and quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside. In addition, their effects on a chronic topic inflammation model were evaluated.