Josep Crespo Hervás
The role of perceived value and emotions in the satisfaction and future intentions of spectators
The quality of service offered by sports entities has become a good predictor of user satisfaction and also future intentions. To know the future intentions of customers of any service is a key objective to develop service improvement and retention strategies. This need has also become apparent to professional sports clubs. In this study, the relationship between quality, perceived value, emotions, satisfaction and future intentions of spectators are analyzed for a sporting event. Using a sample of 563 spectators and modeling with structural equations, results indicate that perceived value is the best predictor of the satisfaction and future intentions of spectators, while quality and emoti…
Perceived Value in Sporting Events (PVSP): A Further Step for the Strategic Management
The perception of sporting events spectators is a crucial area of research in the sport management field. These studies analyze different variables, the perceived value of which has gained relevance in recent years. By providing superior value to consumers, organizations can achieve a competitive advantage and guarantee their sustainability. However, a limitation found in the literature is that most of the scales used to measure it are one-dimensional or with single items, and do not provide enough information. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Value (PVSE) for the evaluation of sporting events. The questionnaire was…
Past, present and future of goal scoring analysis in professional soccer (Pasado, presente y futuro del análisis de goles en el fútbol profesional)
Abstract. The aim of this theoretical review is to summarize the key performance indicators and contextual variables that have been related to goal scoring in soccer, as well as to discuss the new perspectives and future challenges for the development of research studies on this topic. Firstly, situational variables such as match location, time of the game, opponent level, as well as match status have been shown to have an influence on goal scoring. Secondly, tactical factors such as the team possession type of start, starting zone, initial opponent positioning, type of attack, pass number per possession, type of assist, finishing zone and type of finishing have been described as performanc…
La investigación sobre emprendimiento en el ámbito deportivo. Revisión de los documentos publicados en la WOS
Este artículo presenta una revisión de las investigaciones realizadas sobre emprendimiento en el ámbito deportivo, basándose en los documentos publicados en la WOS sobre esta temática. Se han encontrado 109 documentos publicados en esta base de datos hasta el año 2014, habiendo sido éstos clasificados según el autor, la revista publicada, las palabras clave utilizadas, el año de publicación, el idioma utilizado, la institución de procedencia del autor de correspondencia y el país de éste mismo. Para medir el impacto de éstos, se han utilizado los índices Recs, LCS y GCS. Los resultados muestran que el año en el que más publicaciones se han realizado es el 2011, que la mayoría de éstas son e…
Relationship Between Satisfaction and Social Perception of the Negative Impacts of Sporting Events
Sporting events can be important stimulators of the cities that host them. The aim of this chapter is to find the relationship established between the residents' perception of the negative impacts associated with the holding of three sporting events in the same city and the degree of satisfaction with their hosting them. A total of 567 subjects in Valencia (Spain) were interviewed. A questionnaire composed of nine items about possible negative impacts and an indicator of overall satisfaction with the celebration of the event was used for this work. The results showed that the residents' perception of the possible waste of taxpayers' money associated with the construction of event facilities…
Brand Perception and Its Relation to Perceived Performance of a Public Sports Service
In sport context, many contributions are involved in the perception of quality and satisfaction in sport services, but in regards to brand perception, such studies are much less common. Virtually no work is aimed at brand awareness of sports services. In the book chapter the authors expose a case study that analyze the users perception of the image of the service and is related to some performance indicators such as quality of service, satisfaction and future intentions. Data analysis is performed using structural equations and measurement scales adapted to sports facilities. The results of this study show that quality is explained by congruence with a high percentage of variance (76.6%), t…
Análisis de las intenciones de emprender en deporte a través de modelos lineales vs QCA = Analysis of sport entrepreneurial intentions through linear models vs QCA
Resumen: Las altas tasas de desempleo juvenil en España han generado que el emprendimiento deba ser considerado una buena salida laboral para los jóvenes recién graduados. Concretamente, el sector deportivo se presenta como una industria viable para que los jóvenes titulados emprendan, siendo escasos los estudios sobre emprendimiento realizados con estos estudiantes. Por tanto, es el objetivo del presente estudio conocer cuáles son las variables predictoras de la intención de emprender de los estudiantes pre-graduados del sector deportivo a través de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado, añadiendo también algunas variables sociodemográficas (género y experiencia laboral). Para ello se h…
La influencia del género y de la formación académica en la intención de emprender de los estudiantes de ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte
Objeto: El objetivo del presente artículo es conocer si existen diferencias en las variables que explican la intención de emprender de los estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte atendiendo a la formación y al género de éstos. Diseño/metodología: Para conocer las intenciones de emprender y las distintas variables relacionadas con el emprendimiento se utilizó un cuestionario previamente validado. Éste fue administrado a 578 estudiantes pre-graduados (1er - 4º curso) y post-graduados de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de Valencia. Aportaciones y resultados: Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p≤0.05) en las variables que predicen la inten…