Belén García-cárceles
Clickers y Exámenes Tipo Test, Herramientas Interactivas de Evaluación Contínua
[EN] In this article, clickers tool is presented as an educational device based on an Electrónic voting system that aims to foster interaction, debate and dynamism in the audience. Among its main advantages over other existing educational resources we can highlight its simplicity, variety of use and ease of implementation in PowerPoint® presentations. Through this experience the use of the clicker system is tested to be used in multiple-choice exams. This tool facilitates time optimization, allows students to obtain immediate assessment of their results and contrast their individual level of knowledge against the class . Likewise, throughout this paper it is assessed the speed and reliabili…
Encuestas a pie de urna en España. ¿Error muestral o sesgo de no respuesta?
Countless examples of misleading forecasts on behalf of both pre-election and exit polls can be found all over the world. Non-representative samples due to differential nonresponse have been claimed as being the main reason for inaccurate exit-poll projections. In real inference problems, it is seldom possible to compare estimates and true values. Electoral forecasts are an exception. Comparisons between estimates and final outcomes can be carried out once votes have been tallied. In this paper, we examine the raw data collected in seven exit polls conducted in Spain and test the likelihood that the data collected in each sampled voting location can be considered as a random sample of actua…
Detección de fraude financiero mediante redes neuronales de clasificación en un caso real español
espanolEste analisis supone una primera aproximacion a la implementacion de modelos de redes neuronales al trabajo pericial para la deteccion de operaciones de fraude. Los datos analizados provienen de un caso real de blanqueo de capitales en el que se esta colaborando con la Policia Nacional Espanola. En ellos se cuenta con informacion de operaciones contables individuales entre las que se cuenta con una proporcion de operaciones bien identificadas como fraudulentas con la que es posible entrenar un modelo de clasificacion. En este trabajo, tras describir brevemente la metodologia utilizada y la estrategia de ajuste se obtiene un modelo con una capacidad predictiva resenable, incluso con d…