Johanna Rantanen

The 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory: Factorial Validity Across Organizations and Measurements of Longitudinal Data

The present study tested the factorial validity of the 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory (BBI-9) 1) . The BBI-9 is comprised of three core dimensions: (1) exhaustion at work; (2) cynicism toward the meaning of work; and (3) sense of inadequacy at work. The study further investigated whether the three-factor structure of the BBI-9 remains the same across different organizations (group invariance) and measurement time points (time invariance). The factorial group invariance was tested using a cross-sectional design with data pertaining to managers (n=742), and employees working in a bank (n=162), an engineering office (n=236), a public sector organization divided into three service areas: admin…

research product

Työn ominaisuuksien merkitys työn ja yksityiselämän välisen rajan hallinnassa

Työn ja yksityiselämän välinen raja on nykyään monissa ammateissa häilyvä, koska työtä ei enää säätele aika ja paikka samassa määrin kuin ennen. Tässä tutkimuksessa etsitään vastausta kahteen pääkysymykseen. Ensinnäkin, millaisia tyylejä yksilöillä on hallita työn ja yksityiselämän välistä rajaa, kun huomioidaan sekä työasioiden kulkeutuminen yksityiselämään että yksityiselämän asioiden kulkeutuminen työhön? Toiseksi, määrittävätkö työn sisältämät vaatimukset ja voimavarat työn ja yksityiselämän rajanhallinnan tyylejä? Tutkimuksemme aineisto on kerätty keväällä 2013 verkkokyselyllä, johon osallistui 1106 eri ammattialoilla työskentelevää työntekijää. Aineistosta löytyi viisi työn ja yksityi…

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Introducing theoretical approaches to work-life balance and testing a new typology among professionals

Clark (2000) defines work-family balance as “satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home, with a minimum of role conflict” (p. 751). In this chapter, we examine how professionals have succeeded in achieving work-life balance in their lives. First, we examine classic and current approaches to multiple roles and then introduce a typology of work-life balance based on the synthesis of the presented theoretical foundation. We propose four types of work-life balance; beneficial, harmful, active, and passive. The employees belonging to each type are expected to differ qualitatively from each other in relation to psychological functioning and role engagement.

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Work–family conflict and psychological well-being: Stability and cross-lagged relations within one- and six-year follow-ups

Abstract The rank-order stability and cross-lagged relations between work-to-family conflict (WFC), family-to-work conflict (FWC), and psychological well-being were examined in two longitudinal studies with full two-wave panel designs. In Study 1 ( n  = 365), the time lag was one year, and in Study 2 ( n  = 153), six years. The Structural Equation Modeling showed that the stability for WFC was .69 over one and .73 over six years. The respective stabilities for FWC were .57 and .48. Cross-lagged relations were not detected between WFC/FWC and low psychological well-being (job exhaustion, marital adjustment, parental stress, and psychological distress), expected to exist on the basis of the i…

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Toimijuuden ja identiteetin yksilölliset ja sosiaaliset painotukset korkeakoulutettujen urapoluilla

Tarkastelemme tutkimuksessa toimijuutta ja identiteettiä korkeakoulutettujen uratarinoissa. korkeakoulutettujen urapolkuja tutkimalla tunnistamme sekä korkeakoulutettujen urien rakentumisen tapoja että yksilön ja yhteiskunnan asettamien odotusten ja tavoitteiden merkitystä urapoluilla. Aineisto koostui Töissä.fi-verkkopalvelun kautta kerätyistä korkeakoulutettujen uratarinoista (N = 462). Tutkimusaineiston narratiivisessa analyysissa tarkastelimme, millaisia urapolkuja uratarinoista oli tunnistettavissa sekä millaisia toimijuuden ja identiteetin yksilöllisiä ja sosiaalisia painotuksia uratarinat sisälsivät. Analyysin pohjalta loimme seitsemän uratyyppitarinaa, jotka nimesimme urapolun raken…

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Motivaatiokin vaatii ohjaamista

Psykologian ja kasvatustieteen tutkijoiden artikkeleista koostetussa teoksessa tarkastellaan motivaation ja oppimisen välistä suhdetta koulun viitekehyksessä.

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Long-term stability in the Big Five personality traits in adulthood

This study investigated the stability of the Big Five personality traits in adulthood from age 33 to 42. Participants (89 men, 103 women) were drawn from the ongoing Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development. The results showed that the mean-level of Neuroticism decreased whereas the mean-level of Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness increased from age 33 to 42. The Structural Equation Modeling analyses revealed both gender differences and similarities in the rank-order stability of the Big Five: Neuroticism and Extraversion were more stable in men than in women, whereas Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousne…

research product

Relationships of work–family coping strategies with work–family conflict and enrichment: The roles of gender and parenting status

This study investigated individual work–family coping strategies (WFCS). We focused on four types of coping efforts and behaviours that employees take up in order to balance their work and family life: (1) ‘Being super at work/home’, (2) ‘Being good enough at work/home’, (3) ‘Prioritizing at work/home’ and (4) ‘Delegating at work/home’. We examined the relationships between WFCS and work–family conflict and between WFCS and work–family enrichment. In addition, we investigated whether parenting status and gender relate to the use of WFCS and their potential moderator role in the linkage between WFCS and work–family conflict and enrichment. The study was based on a sample of Finnish health ca…

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Drivers or Drifters? The “Who” and “Why” of Leader Role Occupancy : A Mixed-Method Study

This study investigated the reasons that leaders have given for their leader role occupancy. By using a mixed-method approach and large leader data, we aimed to provide a more nuanced picture of how leader positions are occupied in real life. We examined how individual leadership motivation may associate with other reasons for leader role occupancy. In addition, we aimed to integrate the different reasons behind leader role occupancy into the framework of sustainable leader careers and its two indicators: leader’s health (occupational well-being) and performance (measured indirectly as followers’ occupational well-being). The survey data consisted of 1,031 leaders from various sectors of wo…

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Longitudinal latent profiles of work–family balance: Examination of antecedents and outcomes.

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Patterns of conflict and enrichment in work-family balance: A three-dimensional typology

Abstract A four-dimensional typology of work-family balance (WFB) that has previously been reported was tested in four samples: Finnish nurses (n=662), Slovenian nurses (n=667), Finnish health and social care workers (n=1493) and Finnish service sector employees (n=827). Latent profile analyses identified three rather than four types of WFB in each sample. In line with the four-dimensional typology, a Beneficial type (56% to 70% of the participants), experiencing high work-to-family and family-to-work enrichment (WFE and FWE) and low work-to-family and family-to-work conflict (WFC and FWC), and an Active type (15% to 20%), experiencing high WFC, FWC, WFE and FWE, emerged; however, the Harmf…

research product

The role of personality and role engagement in work-family balance

The relations between personality, role engagement, and a four-dimensional typology of work-family balance (WFB) were examined within a community-based sample (n = 213) derived from the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS). The typology was formed based on both work-family conflict (WFC) and enrichment (WFE) experiences. The profiles of personality and role engagement differentiated the four WFB types – Beneficial, Harmful, Active, and Passive types. The Beneficial type (low WFC, high WFE; 48.4%) was characterized by low neuroticism, high agreeableness and high conscientiousness. The opposite was observed for the Harmful type (high WFC, l…

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Ohjauksen ammattilaisesta noviisiksi? Ohjaus ammatillisen koulutuksen reformin pyörteissä

Ammatillisen toisen asteen koulutusuudistuksen myötä oppilaitosten eri ammattiryhmien työhön on kehitetty uusia, ennen koettelemattomia ratkaisuja. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan ammatillisten opinto-ohjaajien käsityksiä opinto-ohjauksen ja ohjauksen kehittämisen haasteista uudistuksen jälkeen. Tehtävien uudelleenjärjestelyjen myötä aiemmin selkeästi opinto-ohjaajan vastuu- ja pätevyysalueella olleita toimintoja on siirtynyt heiltä pois. Heidän mahdollisuutensa toimia yhdyshenkilöinä ohjauksen kysymyksissä ovat heikentyneet. Kun aiemmin kehitellyt yhteiset käytännöt eivät enää uudessa tilanteessa ole päteviä, opinto-ohjaajat joutuvat etsimään mahdollisuuksia olla mukana suunnittelemassa, …

research product

Association between vigor and exhaustion during the workweek: a person-centered approach to daily assessments.

The purpose of this quantitative diary study was to investigate daily vigor and exhaustion using a person-centered approach. The study also investigated whether and how experiences of vigor and exhaustion relate to a state of being recovered. A total of 256 Finnish employees filled in a diary questionnaire during five consecutive workdays. Vigor and exhaustion showed strong negative interdependence within and between days. However, by applying a person-centered analysis, we were able to differentiate three groups with meaningful variation in vigor and exhaustion. The groups were labeled as Constantly vigorous (n = 179), Concurrently vigorous and exhausted (n = 30) and Constantly exhausted (…

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Opinto-ohjaajien työn ja työolojen tutkimus jatkuu

Opinto-ohjaajien työnkuvia ja työhyvinvointia on tutkittu Jyväskylän ja Joensuun yliopistoissa jo 1990-luvulta lähtien (mm. Lairio & Puukari, 1999; Puhakka & Silvonen, 2011). Näille tutkimuksille jatkona on nyt toteutettu yhteistyössä SOPO ry:n kanssa Ohjaajat työssään 2017 ja Opinto-ohjauksen ammattilaiset työssään 2019 eli OHJAT-seurantakyselytutkimus. Seuraavassa vuoden 2019 kyselyn uunituoreita alustavia havaintoja. nonPeerReviewed

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The Circumplex Model of Occupational Well-being : Its Relation with Personality

The purpose of this study was to identify different types of occupational well-being based on the circumplex model (Russell, 1980; Warr, 1994), and to examine how these types are related to the Big Five personality profiles. The middle-aged participants were drawn from the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (N = 183). Application of a person-oriented approach with latent profile analysis yielded four types of occupational well-being: (a) Engaged (30%), (b) Ordinary (54%), (c) Bored-out (9%), and (d) Burned-out (7%). The personality profiles showed a strong relationship with these occupational well-being types. Resilient individuals (low in neuroticism and hig…

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Organizational Initiatives for Promoting Employee Work-Life Reconciliation Over the Life Course. A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies

This review aimed to explore the initiatives, interventions, and experiments implemented by employing organizations and designed to support the work-life reconciliation at workplaces, and the effects of these actions on employees’ well-being at work. A systematic literature review was conducted on the basis of a search in PsycInfo, ERIC, and the ISI Web of Science database of Social Sciences between January 2000 and May 2015. Those studies were included in which either organizational or individual-level initiatives, interventions, or experiments were implemented by employers at workplaces in order to promote the work-life reconciliation of their employees. Work-life reconciliation was consi…

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Associations between Mental Well-being and Personality from a Llife Span Perspective

The associations between personality traits and mental well-being are analyzed using data from the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (initial N = 369; 53% males). At ages 33/36 to 50, the NEO-PI and Scales of Psychological and Social Well-Being as well as indicators of emotional well-being were administered. At ages 8 and 14, socioemotional behaviors were assessed by teachers. First, both genders show high relative continuity in the Big Five personality traits and mental well-being during mid-adulthood. Second, the developmental course of neuroticism and extraversion during mid-adulthood is similar to that of psychological well-being: over 80% of the partici…

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The Role of Work-Nonwork Boundary Management in Work Stress Recovery

The aim of the present study conducted among 1,106 Finnish employees was to identify boundary management profiles based on cross-role interruption behaviors from work to nonwork and from nonwork to work. Adopting a person-oriented approach through latent profile analysis, 5 profiles were identified: Work Guardians (21% of the employees), Nonwork Guardians (14%), Integrators (25%), Separators (18%), and an Intermediate Group (22%). We then examined differences between these profiles with respect to recovery experiences (psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control during off-job time) and recovery outcomes (vigor and exhaustion). Work Guardians had the poo…

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Cross-national and longitudinal investigation of a short measure of workaholism

The present study investigated the factor structure of the 10-item version of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS). The DUWAS-10 is intended to measure workaholism with two correlated factors: working excessively (WE) and working compulsively (WC). The factor structure of the DUWAS-10 was examined among multi-occupational samples from the Netherlands (n=9,010) and Finland (n=4,567) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). CFAs revealed that the expected correlated two-factor solution showed satisfactory fit to the data. However, a second-order factor solution, where WE comprised the first-order factors “working frantically” and “working long hours”, and WC the first-order factors “obsess…

research product

Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS) -kyselyn rakenne- ja sisällön validiteetti suomalaisen työelämä- ja uraohjauksen näkökulmasta

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan uuden, Yhdysvalloissa kehitetyn Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS) -kyselyn soveltuvuutta työn merkitysten ja täyttymysten kokemusten kartoittamiseen osana ohjausprosessia suomalaiseen kyselyaineistoon (n = 218) perustuen. VMS-kysely sisältää neljä työn merkityksen ja täyttymyksen osa-aluetta: perustarpeet, itseen suuntautuminen, yhteisöön suuntautuminen ja itsensä ylittäminen. Konfirmatorisen faktorianalyysin tulokset osoittivat, että VMS-kyselyn neliulotteinen faktorirakenne vastasi odotettua ja osa-alueiden reliabiliteetit olivat hyvät, kun jäljelle jätettiin suomalaiseen aineistoon parhaiten soveltuvat väittämät. Tulokset tukevat VMS-kyselyn suomenkielisen…

research product

Work-family interface and psychological well-being : a personality and longitudinal perspective

Tunne-elämältään tasapainoiset henkilöt kokevat muita harvemmin, että työ vie ajan perheeltä. Henkinen väsymys työssä ja parisuhteen ongelmat ennakoivat puolestaan psyykkistä pahoinvointia. Muun muassa nämä tulokset nousivat esiin Johanna Rantasen väitöstutkimuksessa, jossa hän tutki, onko yksilön persoonallisuudella merkitystä työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen kannalta.Rantanen havaitsi, että persoonallisuuden piirteet: tunne-elämän tasapainoisuus, sovinnollisuus, tunnollisuus, ulospäinsuuntautuneisuus ja avoimuus uusille kokemuksille, ovat hyvin pysyviä yksilön ominaisuuksia aikuisuudessa. Ne ovat myös merkittäviä työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen tuntemusten ennakoijia tilannetekijöide…

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Longitudinal Leisure Activity Profiles and Their Associations with Recovery Experiences and Job Performance

We aimed to identify longitudinal leisure activity profiles among working adults and their links to recovery experiences and job performance. Leisure activities, recovery experiences, and job performance were investigated among 831 employees using survey data collected in spring 2013 (T1) and 2014 (T2). Through latent profile analysis (LPA), four stable longitudinal leisure activity profiles were identified. “Social Sports(wo)men” (46%) engaged in physical and social activities but rarely in creative or cultural activities. “Active Artists” (23%) pursued all leisure activities, particularly creative activities. “Socially & Culturally Inactives” (17%) exercised frequently but seldom engaged …

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Mistä syntyy kasvatus- ja opetusalan ammattilaisten työn merkityksellisyys?

Työn merkityksellisyys on yksilön voimavara ja auttaa vastaamaan työelämän kuormittavuuden ja kiivastahtisuuden haasteisiin. Myös opettajat alan eri sektoreilla kokevat työn merkityksellisyyden voimavarana, joka edistää heidän jaksamistaan ja hyvinvointiaan. Mutta mistä syntyy kasvatus- ja opetusalan ammattilaisten työn merkityksellisyys ja millä tolalla se on? Muun muassa tätä selvitetään Jyväskylän yliopiston toteuttamassa ja Työsuojelurahaston tukemassa MEANWELL-hankkeessa. nonPeerReviewed

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Uraohjaajien osaaminen ja haasteet työelämän murroksessa

Artikkelissa tutkitaan uraohjaajien kokemuksia heidän tarvitsemastaan osaamisesta ja kohtaamistaan haasteista työelämän murroksessa. Osaamisen ja haasteiden tutkimuksella voidaan tunnistaa uraohjauksen kriittisiä kysymyksiä sekä lisätä ohjauksen laatua ja tehokkuutta. Aineisto koostuu yhdeksästä avoimesta asiantuntijahaastattelusta, jotka analysoitiin luokittelevalla sisällönanalyysillä. Uraohjaajien kokemukset tarvitsemastaan osaamisesta jakautuivat kahteen pääluokkaan: 1) uraohjauksen tuntemus ja soveltaminen, 2) uraohjaajien resilienssi ja metakognitiiviset kyvyt. Kokemukset työn haasteista jakautuivat kolmeen pääluokkaan: asiakasrajapinta, uraohjaajien toiminta ja yhteiskunnallinen viit…

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Timing of Adult Transitions

Regarding the differences in timing of adult transitions (i.e., completion of education, full-time employment, having an intimate relationship, having a child) and their relation to childhood antecedents and adulthood psychological functioning, 282 participants were examined. The study was based on the ongoing Finnish Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development in which the same individuals have been followed from age 8 to mid-adulthood. Three groups were formed: On-Time Transitions (all transitions by age 27), Late Transitions (at least one transition after age 27), and Partial Transitions (not all transitions at age 42). Participants with all transitions (On-Time o…

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Työpaikkatason toimenpiteet työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamisen tukemiseksi työuran eri vaiheissa: systemaattinen katsaus interventiotutkimuksista

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Onko hoppu? -kehittämistutkimus : yliopisto-opiskelijoiden urasuunnittelutaitojen ja työelämävalmiuksien vahvistaminen

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Profiles of early career insecurity and its outcomes in adolescence : A four‐wave longitudinal study

This study investigated the developmental profiles of perceived early career insecurity (ECI) and their outcomes among adolescents (n = 1416) during a critical educational transition from basic education to upper secondary education. We found three distinct latent profiles with varying amounts of ECI: Profile 1: Moderate and decreasing ECI before the transition (57%); Profile 2: Low-decreasing ECI before the transition but increasing ECI after the transition (31%); and Profile 3: High and stable ECI during the transition (12%). Moreover, the ECI profiles related to school and life satisfaction as well as to school stress and dropout intentions in a meaningful way consistent with the stresso…

research product

The Role of Work-Nonwork Boundary Management in Work Stress Recovery

The aim of the present study conducted among 1,106 Finnish employees was to identify boundary management profiles based on cross-role interruption behaviors from work to nonwork and from nonwork to work. Adopting a person-oriented approach through latent profile analysis, 5 profiles were identified: Work Guardians (21% of the employees), Nonwork Guardians (14%), Integrators (25%), Separators (18%), and an Intermediate Group (22%). We then examined differences between these profiles with respect to recovery experiences ( psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control during off-job time) and recovery outcomes (vigor and exhaustion). Work Guardians had the po…

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Ohjaajat työssään 2017 : tutkimustiedote

Ohjaajat työssään 2017 –tutkimus toteutettiin vuoden 2017 lokakuussa sähköisenä kyselynä, joka suunnattiin niin opinto- ja oppilaanohjaajille kuin muillekin opinto-ohjauksen koulutuksen käyneille ohjausalan ammattilaisille eri tehtävissään (uraohjaaja/ valmentaja, opettajatuutori, koulutussuunnittelija jne.). Kutsun kyselyyn sai kaikkiaan 2394 henkilöä, kun pääasiallisina sähköpostikutsulistan lähteinä käytettiin lääninhallituksen ja Suomen opinto-ohjaajat ry:n tietoja. Kutsun saaneista tutkimukseen osallistui 39 % eli yhteensä 942 vastaajaa. nonPeerReviewed

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Longitudinal study on reciprocity between personality traits and parenting stress

Reciprocal associations between the Big Five personality traits and parenting stress—including both parents’ feelings of their distress and perception of their incompetence as parents—were studied with 248 participants (49% of which were males). Longitudinal data, collected at ages 33/36, 42 and 50 years, were used. Cross-lagged path analysis revealed that in case of both mothers and fathers, neuroticism at age 33 predicted high parenting stress, and extraversion at age 33 predicted low parenting stress at age 42. Also, parenting stress at age 36 predicted high neuroticism and low extraversion at age 42. From age 42 to 50, only high parenting stress contributed to low neuroticism. Thus, mo…

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The prospective effects of work–family conflict and enrichment on job exhaustion and turnover intentions: comparing long-term temporary vs. permanent workers across three waves

This study investigated work–family conflict (WFC) and enrichment (WFE) in relation to job exhaustion and turnover intentions among long-term temporary (n = 384) and permanent (n = 430) workers. We used three-wave data collected among Finnish university employees in 3 consecutive years. The participants were either permanently or temporarily employed for the whole 3-year period. The results showed that permanent employees reported both higher WFC and WFE during the follow-ups than temporary employees. Temporary workers reported higher job exhaustion and turnover intentions compared to permanent workers. Job contract functioned as a moderator: high WFC showed a prospective effect on increase…

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Overcommitment as a predictor of effort-reward imbalance: evidence from an 8-year follow-up study.

Objective The effort–reward imbalance (ERI) model includes the personal characteristic of overcommitment (OC) and the job-related characteristics of effort, reward, and ERI, all of which are assumed to play a role in an employee’s health and well-being at work. The aim of the present longitudinal study was to shed more light on the dynamics of the ERI model by investigating the basic hypotheses related to the role of OC in the model, ie, to establish whether an employee’s OC could be a risk factor for an increased experience of high effort, low reward, and high ERI at work. Methods The study was based on 5-wave, 8-year follow-up data collected among Finnish professionals in 2006 (T1, N=747)…

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Uraohjaus tärkeää yliopisto-opiskelijoille : kohtaavatko tarpeet ja tarjonta?

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The Big Five Personality Dimensions, Work-Family Conflict, and Psychological Distress

Abstract. The Big Five personality dimensions were examined as possible risk, resource, vulnerability, or protective factors in the link between work-family conflict and psychological distress. Data were derived for 75 men and 80 women from the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), in which the NEO Personality Inventory was completed at age 33, and work-family conflict and psychological distress were assessed at age 36. Neuroticism was positively linked to work-to-family conflict (WFC), family-to-work (FWC) conflict, and psychological distress in both genders. Neuroticism was also a moderator strengthening the link between WFC and psychological distress…

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Johtamismotivaation merkitys korkeasti koulutettujen urapoluilla ja työhyvinvoinnissa : MOTILEAD-hankkeen loppuraportti

Käsillä oleva raportti on Työsuojelurahaston rahoittaman MOTILEAD-tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti. Tutkimushankkeessa oli kaksi osaa. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä, MOTI-Survey-pitkittäistutkimuksessa selvitettiin korkeasti koulutettujen henkilöiden johtamismotivaatiota sekä sen merkitystä heidän työurilleen ja työhyvinvoinnilleen. Tutkimuksen toisessa, MOTI-Train-tutkimusosuudessa selvitettiin johtamisvalmennuksessa kerättyyn aineistoon perustuen johtamismotivaation ja johtajaidentiteetin rakentumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. MOTI-Survey-pitkittäistutkimuksessa tavoitteenamme oli tutkia johtamismotivaation pysyvyyttä neljän vuoden aikana sekä johtamismotivaation roolia johtajien taustojen, johto…

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Work–Family Boundary Management Profiles in Two Finnish Samples : A Person-oriented Approach

Background: The present study aims to identify different work-family boundary management profiles among Finnish employees, and examine how these relate to conflict between work and family or their mutual enrichment. Method: Participants from two samples, one consisting of university staff (n1 = 1,139) and another of nurses (n2 = 271), were asked to respond to an online survey concerning work-family boundary management, work-to-family enrichment, and work-to-family conflict scales. Results: A cluster analysis identified three profiles in both samples: segmentors, integrators and favoring family over work in the university sample, and segmentors, integrators and favoring work over family in t…

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Do individual coping strategies help or harm in the work–family conflict situation? Examining coping as a moderator between work–family conflict and well-being.

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A new model for the relations between longitudinal personality profiles and psychological functioning through middle age

Personality traits and psychological functioning were assessed three times between the ages from 33 to 50 years (average N = 250) in the Finnish Jyvaskyla Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development. Five longitudinal personality profiles were extracted: Resilient, Overcontrolled, Undercontrolled, Reserved, and Ordinary. The Resilients (neuroticism low, other traits high) were higher in optimism and personal control over development than the Overcontrolleds (neuroticism high, other traits low) at all ages, whereas the Overcontrolleds were higher in anxiety and depressive symptoms. Other profiles were between them in these characteristics. The Undercontrolleds (high openness and…

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Työn merkityksellisyyden johtaminen: Työn merkitysten ja täyttymysten kyselyn mahdollisuudet ja haasteet

Leadership and meaningful work: The possibilities and challenges of the Vocational Meaning and Fulfillment Survey In this study we examined how leaders perceive meaningful work and if the new Vocational Meaning and Fulfillment Survey (VMFS) could be used as a leadership tool in organizations. The data were collected through 22 semistructured thematic interviews and analyzed with a phenomenographic approach. Three categories of perspectives on meaningful work were found: individual, organizational and holistic. The VMFS was perceived as a useful and practical tool by most of the leaders. It could be used at individual, team, and organizational levels to measure the experience of meaningfulwo…

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Paths from socioemotional behavior in middle childhood to personality in middle adulthood.

Continuity in individual differences from socioemotional behavior in middle childhood to personality characteristics in middle adulthood was examined on the assumption that they share certain temperament-related elements. Socioemotional characteristics were measured using teacher ratings at ages 8 (N = 369; 53% males) and 14 (95% of the initial sample). Personality was assessed at age 42 (63% of the initial sample; 50% males) using a shortened version of the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI); the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP); and the Adult Temperament Questionnaire (ATQ). Three models were tested using structural equation modeling. The results confirmed paths (a) from behavioral …

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Conflicting personal goals: a risk to occupational well-being?

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating role of goal conflict in the relationship between the contents of managers’ personal work goals and occupational well-being (burnout and work engagement). Eight goal categories (organization, competence, well-being, career-ending, progression, prestige, job change, and employment contract) described the contents of goals. Goal conflict reflected the degree to which a personal work goal was perceived to interfere with other life domains. Design/methodology/approach – The data were drawn from a study directed to Finnish managers in 2009 (n=806). General linear models were conducted to investigate the associations between go…

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Interface between work and family: A longitudinal individual and crossover perspective

This study assessed longitudinal individual and crossover relationships between work-family conflict and well-being in the domains of work (job satisfaction) and family (parental distress) in a sample of 239 dual-earner couples. The results revealed only longitudinal individual effects over a 1-year period. First, high family-to-work conflict (WFC) at Time 1 was related to a high level of work-to-family conflict (WFC) 1 year later in both partners. Second, the wife's high level of FWC was related to her decreased job satisfaction 1 year later. Thus, the longitudinal effects identified supported normal causality, that is, work-family conflict led to poor well-being outcomes or increased perc…

research product

Heijastavatko työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen kokemukset yksilön elämänarvoja?

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin yksilön elämänarvojen yhteyttä työn ja perheen välisen ristiriidan ja rikastavuuden kokemuksiin. Analyysit perustuivat 50-vuotiaisiin Lapsesta aikuiseksi - pitkittäistutkimuksen osanottajiin (n = 156, 53 % miehiä). Schwartzin (1992) menetelmällä tarkastellut elämänarvot olivat hyväntahtoisuus, universalismi, turvallisuus, yhdenmukaisuus, hedonismi, itseohjautuvuus, suoriutuminen, stimulaatio, traditiot ja valta. Suoriutuminen ja universalismi olivat myönteisesti yhteydessä sekä työn ja perheen välisen ristiriidan että rikastavuuden kokemuksiin. Sen sijaan stimulaatio oli myönteisesti yhteydessä vain ristiriidan ja yhdenmukaisuus vain rikastavuuden kokemuksi…

research product