Arnaud Piombini

Modéliser le rôle des paysages dans les choix d'itinéraires pédestres

Actuellement, la marche a pied suscite un regain d'interet comme mode de transport complementaire. Dans le cadre de cet article, nous partons de l'hypothese que l'adaptation de l'environnement urbain aux attentes des pietons, notamment d'un point de vue paysager, est une etape essentielle de la revalorisation de ce mode de deplacement. A cette fin, nous proposons une demarche permettant de decrire les comportements pedestres et d'identifier les preferences paysageres des pietons dans les villes de Besancon et de Lille. La methode d'analyse se fonde sur les modeles de choix discret, couramment utilises dans la modelisation des choix individuels. Celle-ci permet de mesurer, de maniere desagre…

research product

Paysages et choix d'itinéraires pédestres en milieu urbain. Une nouvelle approche par les bifurcations

Walking has long been neglected in urban mobility research. In the context of a sustainable mobility, it is now included into numerous works including various approaches. The well-known models of flows affectation are often used to study the behaviour of pedestrians and to identify their preferences. However, the factors that are usually chosen to describe the urban environment are usually limited or inappropriate to the pedestrian movement. In addition, these models assume that the choices made by pedestrians are predetermined at the start of each trip, without any possible decision intervening along these trips. In this paper, we propose to test the role of urban landscape by using a new …

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Expériences innovantes dans le domaine des transports urbains. Regard comparatif sur quelques expériences étrangères


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Affect, Uncertainty, and Decision-Making

International audience; Decision-making is a complex cognitive process of selecting an action among various alternatives. Everyday life is full of situations calling for multiple decisions: living somewhere, moving home, choosing a route, changing route are all decisions that determine our life setting and way of life. These decisions may have a limited impact or over the longer term may cause slight inconvenience, a fleeting feeling of well-being or deep unease, or possibly even unbearable anxiety.

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Préférences, utilité, choix et attractivité

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Deviations in pedestrian itineraries in urban areas: a method to assess the role of environmental factors

Walking has long been neglected in urban-mobility research, but it is now making its way into numerous studies using various approaches. Empirical data are often processed in well-known models of flow allocation to study the behaviour of pedestrians and to identify their preferences. However, these models assume that route choices are predetermined at the start of each trip and do not admit any possible intervening decision along these trips. We propose to overcome this limitation through a new method for the analysis of pedestrian behaviour. This method, which we call ‘deviation analysis’ consists of (1) identifying the intersections from which a pedestrian has chosen a route longer than …

research product

Un modèle de choix discret pour analyser le rôle des paysages dans les choix d'itinéraires pédestres

ACTI; International audience; Actuellement, la marche à pied suscite un regain d'intérêt comme mode de transport complémentaire. Dans le cadre de cet article, nous partons de l'hypothèse que l'adaptation de l'environnement urbain aux attentes des piétons, notamment d'un point de vue paysager est une étape essentielle de la revalorisation de ce mode de déplacement. A cette fin, nous proposons une démarche permettant de décrire les comportements pédestres et d'identifier les préférences paysagères des piétons. La méthode d'analyse se base sur les modèles de choix discret, couramment utilisés dans la modélisation des choix individuels. Les résultats montre que les piétons cherchent à minimiser…

research product

Urban layout, landscape features and pedestrian usage

ACL; International audience; The analysis of the factors which condition walking in the urban environment is an important issue in urban planning. The present work is based on the hypothesis that the landscape, in its entirety, plays a role in encouraging pedestrian movements. The frequency of pedestrian traffic in the streets is analyzed as a function of accessibility and landscape preferences with the help of a conceptual framework. By defining accessibility as the measurement of the integration of the space syntax, preferences are researched using multiple stepwise regression of visual variables. This method has been applied to an area in the city of Lille (France) where the pedestrian f…

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Les cartes postales de paysage : un outil d'analyse territoriale

Résumés des communications pp. 30-31

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Apport d'un formalisme psychologique à la modélisation des préférences individuelles. Application aux choix d'itinéraires pédestres

With the increasing need for a sustainable mobility, pedestrian movement analysis lately increased. In an attempt to get a more detailed knowledge of urban pedestrian movement, we intend to model the pedestrian's route choices. Our first approach is based on simple economic models, the discrete choice models. A psychological theory is added in the process in order to improve the pedestrian behaviour simulation. Results show that psychological formalisms are useful for individual choices' modelling. For this reason they could be used more systematically in the framework of urban mobility

research product

Preferences, Utility, Choice, and Attractiveness

International audience; The purpose of this chapter is to specify what is meant by preferences, utility, choice, and attractiveness in the context of daily and residential mobility. These notions will be addressed from the angles of economics, geography, and psychology. We are interested in the process of choice leading to a decision and action with spatial consequences, primarily in terms of residential mobility even if factors pertaining to local daily mobility such as modal choice and route choice are evoked.

research product

Vers une définition des ambiances urbaines favorables à la mobilité pédestre

International audience; Actuellement, la marche à pied suscite un regain d’intérêt comme mode de transport complémentaire. En effet, les décideurs locaux semblent vouloir atténuer le déséquilibre existant entre modes de déplacement au sein des agglomérations. En géographie, la mobilité se réfère à la pratique des échanges et des déplacements qu’effectuent les individus ou groupes d’individus ; cette mobilité est susceptible de révéler les propriétés des lieux et de participer à leur transformation. Parmi tous les modes de déplacement, la marche à pied implique un rapport privilégié entre les personnes et l’espace dans lequel elles évoluent. Le paysage visible, en tant qu’élément du cadre de…

research product

Encourager la marche grâce aux paysages urbains

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