Fatima Suleman
La production et valorisation des compétences sur le marché du travail : des approches néo-classiques à l'économie des conventions
This research starts from human capital theory to study the production and valorization of competences in the labor market. Using the potentials and constraints of the neo-classical approach, the incorporation of other areas of economic science as well as other social sciences contributions are proposed. We believe that the key notions economics of education - human capital and wages, are necessary but they are inadequate to explain the level of individual competence or his level of remuneration. We propose a coherent integration of the theoretical and methodological tools of economics of education as well as of the economics of conventions and economics of human resources. And it includes …
Diversity of human capital attributes and diversity of remunerating systems
08004 - 17 p.; Document de travail de l'IREDU 2008-02; This paper aims at comparing the respective impact of the traditional Human Capital Variables (HCV) and of competences explicitly assessed on employees' remuneration. The data are derived from an original survey conducted in five large banking companies in Portugal. Six hundred clerks were interviewed regarding their individual characteristics (age, gender, education, experience in the labour market, experience in the company). Their respective supervisors were asked to assess their competences using a list of thirty skills. Complementary models are used in this research, relating to earnings and the distribution of profit shares to emp…
Production et destruction de la compétence individuelle : le rôle de l'expérience professionnelle
Cet article présente les résultats d'une recherche de l'impact sur le niveau des compétences individuelles des variables représentant traditionnellement le capital humain. La discussion se centre autour de la façon dont l'éducation et l'expérience professionnelle participent au processus de production de compétences utiles sur le marché du travail ou, au contraire, à leur obsolescence.Les données proviennent d'une enquête au sein de cinq banques au cours de laquelle nous avons demandé aux superviseurs d'évaluer les compétences de 600 employés (de guichet et chargés de clientèle). Il s'agit d'une hétéro-évaluation fondée sur une liste de compétences et de comportements.La thématique centrale…
Diversity of human capital attributes and diversity of remunerations
07053 - 16 pages; The purpose is to provide some empirical evidence for promoting new insights into the economics of education. Particular attention is paid to the concept of competence and its influence on employee reward. The paper aims at comparing the impact on fixed earnings and flexible pay of the traditional human capital theory variables (education and experience) on the one hand and of specifically identified and assessed competences, on the other hand. The objective is to test if the HCV (years of schooling, years of labour market experience) and competences substitute or complement each other in the definition of earnings.