Alejandro Torres
Split Bregman Method for Gravitational Wave Denoising
This paper presents a progress report in our aim to develop a Total Variation algorithm for denoising of gravitational waves. These algorithms, are routinely employed in the context of image processing and they do not need any a priori information on the signals. We apply our method to two different types of numerically-simulated gravitational wave signals, namely burst produced from the core collapse of rotating stars and waveforms from binary black hole mergers, and present a preliminary assessment of its capabilities.
Electrocatalytic Behavior of Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and Extended Tetrathiafulvalene (exTTF) [FeFe] Hydrogenase Mimics
TTF- and exTTF-containing [(μ-S2)Fe2(CO)6] complexes have been prepared by the photochemical reaction of TTF or exTTF and [(μ-S2)Fe2(CO)6]. These complexes are able to interact with PAHs. In the absence of air and in acid media an electrocatalytic dihydrogen evolution reaction (HER) occurs, similarly to analogous [(μ-S2)Fe2(CO)6] complexes. However, in the presence of air, the TTF and exTTF organic moieties strongly influence the electrochemistry of these systems. The reported data may be valuable in the design of [FeFe] hydrogenase mimics able to combine the HER properties of the [FeFe] cores with the unique TTF properties
Total-variation-based methods for gravitational wave denoising
We describe new methods for denoising and detection of gravitational waves embedded in additive Gaussian noise. The methods are based on Total Variation denoising algorithms. These algorithms, which do not need any a priori information about the signals, have been originally developed and fully tested in the context of image processing. To illustrate the capabilities of our methods we apply them to two different types of numerically-simulated gravitational wave signals, namely bursts produced from the core collapse of rotating stars and waveforms from binary black hole mergers. We explore the parameter space of the methods to find the set of values best suited for denoising gravitational wa…
Engineering Bacteria to Form a Biofilm and Induce Clumping in Caenorhabditis elegans
Bacteria are needed for a vast range of biotechnological processes, which they carry out either as pure cultures or in association with other bacteria and/or fungi. The potential of bacteria as biofactories is hampered, though, by their limited mobility in solid or semisolid media such as agricultural or domestic waste. This work represents an attempt toward overcoming this limitation by associating bacterial biotechnological properties with the transport ability of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We report here biofilm formation on C. elegans by engineered Escherichia coli expressing a Xhenorhabdus nematophila adhesion operon and induction of nematode social feeding behavior (clumping…
CCDC 2012973: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alejandro Torres, Alba Collado, Mar Go��mez-Gallego, Carmen Rami��rez de Arellano, Miguel A. Sierra|2021|ACS Org. Inorg. Au|2|23|doi:10.1021/acsorginorgau.1c00011