E. Becht

Lektine als biologische Marker beim Harnblasenkarzinom

Der Verlust der Blutgruppenantigenitat wird beim Urothelkarzinom der Harnblase als Marker der zellularen Entdifferenzierung angesehen. Daraus last sich vermuten, das wahrend der malignen Transformation Veranderungen in der Glykoproteinzusammensetzung der Zellmembranen stattfinden.

research product

Active immunotherapy of stage IV renal cell cancer using autologous tumor cells

A total of 53 patients with stage IV renal cell carcinoma were treated by vaccination with autologous tumor cells in Candida-antigen after palliative tumor nephrectomy. Follow-up has been up to 9 years. Complete remission within 48 months after nephrectomy was observed in 3 patients, while 6 showed partial remission and 18 are stable with disease. Of 26 patients with rapid progression, 17 died within 1 year after operation. The best response was seen in metastases to the liver and lung. CNS-lesions or bone metastases do not appear to respond to this treatment. We conclude that this mode of therapy is beneficiary to a certain group of patients and should be offered, as no severe side effects…

research product

Conservative surgery of renal cell carcinoma.

Abstract From 1967 to 1985 conservative surgery (enucleation, n = 49; partial resection, n = 7) was performed for renal tumors in 57 patients (age 31-77, mean 54.8 years). Imperative indications for conservative surgery (n = 29) were chronic renal failure, benign pathology of contralateral kidney, functional or anatomical solitary kidney, and bilateral tumors. Elective conservative surgery (n = 28) was done for small, peripherally located lesions, in cases of uncertain malignancy and in one tumor detected by chance during stone surgery. Tumors removed for imperative indications were 2-11 cm (mean 5.8 cm) in size. In the elective group, tumor size ranged from 1 to 7 cm (mean 3.3 cm). Follow-…

research product

Postersitzung 11: Erektile Dysfunktion

Klinische Beobachtungen haben gezeigt, das Zigarettenrauchen eine wichtige pathogenetische Rolle bei der erektilen Dysfunktion spielt. In unserer Impotenz-Sprechstunde fiel uns auf, das einige unserer Patienten mit geringgradiger arterieller Insuffizienz nach Zigarettengenus eine verminderte pharmako-induzierte Erektion erzielten. Einige dieser Patienten wurden nach Einstellung des Zigarettenkonsums wieder potent, ohne das zusatzliche Papaverin-Phentolamin-Injektionen notwendig gewesen waren. Aus diesen Beobachtungen heraus entwikkelten wir eine tierexperimentelle Studie, um den Einflus des Zigarettenrauchens auf die penile Erektion zu untersuchen.

research product

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the renal capsule

We report about an extremely rare case of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) of the renal capsule. The tumor is composed of fibroblast-like cells arranged in a storiform pattern and histiocyte-like cells with multinucleated giant cells, both showing no iron reaction. Characteristic of the histiocytic quality of the tumor are numerous PAS-positive intracytoplasmic droplets which can be identified as erythrophagosomes only under the electron microscope. Emphasis is put on the preoperative differential diagnosis of the tumor from renal cell carcinoma as well as on its histogenesis and prognosis.

research product

Local excision of urothelial cancer of the upper urinary tract.

Abstract In 9 of 93 patients (9.7%) with urothelial cancer of the upper tract (7 renal pelvis tumors, 3 ureteral tumors), conservative surgery was employed using a free peritoneal autotransplant for replacement of the renal pelvis in 5 kidneys. Absolute indications for conservative surgery were solitary kidneys/nonfunctioning contralateral kidneys in 4 patients and bilateral tumors in 1 patient. Local recurrences developed 1-3 years after operation in 4 of 6 kidneys (3 patients), 3 of which had grade-2 and grade-3 primary lesions. All patients were treated successfully by repeated local excision. In the presence of a normal contralateral kidney, local tumor excision was done electively in 4…

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