G. Raciti

Osservational Study on Early Diagnosis of Prostate Carcinoma in Sicily and Calabria

The diagnosis of prostate carcinoma has been monitored in Sicily and Calabria for one year. Material e Methods Twenty-seven urological centres of Sicily and Calabria joined the study. Detailed informations about age, familiarity, PSA, Gleason score and TNM stage at diagnosis were centralized between november 2001 and november 2002. Results 721 patients have been recruited. The median age was 73 years. More than 80% of the patients were older than 65 years. Median PSA was 14 ng/ml. The clinical stage at diagnosis was T1c in 33% of patients and 67% had an organ confined prostate cancer (T1-T2). Familiarity was detected in 8% of cases. Age and PSA at diagnosis in these patients were similar t…

research product

Onset of nuclear vaporization inAu197+197Au collisions

Multifragmentation has been measured for [sup 197]Au+[sup 197]Au collisions at [ital E]/[ital A]=100, 250, and 400 MeV. The mean fragment multiplicity increases monotonically with the charged particle multiplicity at [ital E]/[ital A]=100 MeV, but decreases for central collisions with incident energy, consistent with the onset of nuclear vaporization. Molecular dynamics calculations follow some trends but underpredict the observed fragment multiplicities. Including the statistical decay of excited residues improves the agreement for peripheral collisions but worsens it for central collisions.

research product

Fragment Flow and the Multifragmentation Phase Space

Fragment distributions have been measured for Au+Au collisions at [ital E]/[ital A]=100 and 1000 MeV. A high detection efficiency for fragments was obtained by combining the ALADIN spectrometer and the MSU-Miniball/WU-Miniwall array. At both energies the maximum multiplicity of intermediate mass fragments (IMF) normalized to the size of the decaying system is about one IMF per 30 nucleons but the element distributions show significant differences. Within a coalescence picture the suppression of heavy fragments in central collisions at [ital E]/[ital A]=100 MeV may be related to a reduction of the density in momentum space which is caused by the collective expansion.

research product


This paper aims to demonstrate how much Adrian Henri’s poetry changed in his last years. As a member of the Liverpool Poets together with Roger McGough and Brian Patten, Adrian Henri was attracted by what Edward Lucie-Smith called ‘performativity’. The three of them very often played public readings. Their poetry was a real ‘oral’ literature, lyrical, as only British poetry can be. Mortified by a heart attack in the late ‘90s, Henri changed his life and literary stile, adopting a more subjective and romantic use of the words, whose main power was to be evocative as well as rich in symbols.

research product

Performance of HPGe detectors in high magnetic field

A new generation of high-resolution hypernuclear gamma$-spectroscopy experiments with high-purity germanium detectors (HPGe) are presently designed at the FINUDA spectrometer at DAPhiNE, the Frascati phi-factory, and at PANDA, the antiproton proton hadron spectrometer at the future FAIR facility. Both, the FINUDA and PANDA spectrometers are built around the target region covering a large solid angle. To maximise the detection efficiency the HPGe detectors have to be located near the target, and therefore they have to be operated in strong magnetic fields B ~ 1 T. The performance of HPGe detectors in such an environment has not been well investigated so far. In the present work VEGA and EURO…

research product

How radical prostatectomy procedures have changed over the last 10 years in Italy: a comparative analysis based on more than 1500 patients participating in the MIRROR-SIU/LUNA and the Pros-IT CNR study

Purpose Therapeutic strategies for prostate cancer (PCa) have been evolving dramatically worldwide. The current article reports on the evolution of surgical management strategies for PCa in Italy. Methods The data from two independent Italian multicenter projects, the MIRROR-SIU/LUNA (started in 2007, holding data of 890 patients) and the Pros-IT-CNR project (started in 2014, with data of 692 patients), were compared. Differences in patients' characteristics were evaluated. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify characteristics associated with robot-assisted (RA) procedure, nerve sparing (NS) approach, and lymph node dissection (LND). Results The two cohorts did not …

research product

Resolution, efficiency and stability of HPGe detector operating in a magnetic field at various gamma-ray energies

Abstract The use of High Purity Germanium detectors (HPGe) has been planned in some future experiments of hadronic physics. The crystals will be located close to large spectrometers where the magnetic fringing field will not be negligible and their performances might change. Moreover high precision is required in these experiments. The contribution of magnetic field presence and long term measurements is unique. In this paper the results of systematic measurements of the resolution, stability and efficiency of a crystal operating inside a magnetic field of 0.8 T, using radioactive sources in the energy range from 0.08 to 1.33 MeV, are reported. The measurements have been repeated during sev…

research product

Present status of the caloric curve of nuclei

Abstract Spectator decay was studied for the system Au + Au at an energy of 1000 A·MeV and the decay of the interaction region at energies between 50 and 200 A·MeV. In both cases temperatures were derived from several double-ratios of neighboring isotopes and from the population of excited states in 5 Li and 4 He. Agreement was found among the different isotope temperatures and also among the two excited state temperatures. The comparison of isotope and excited state temperatures, however, reveals large differences, which cannot be explained by feeding corrections. At incident energies between 600 and 1000 A·MeV the energy spectra of fragments and also neutrons of the decaying projectile sp…

research product

Alcune osservazioni sulle lettere di Theodor W. Adorno a Thomas Mann. Ruoli, intepretazioni, forzature

research product

The FIRST experiment at GSI

The FIRST (Fragmentation of Ions Relevant for Space and Therapy) experiment at the SIS accelerator of GSI laboratory in Darmstadt has been designed for the measurement of ion fragmentation cross-sections at different angles and energies between 100 and 1000 MeV/nucleon. Nuclear fragmentation processes are relevant in several fields of basic research and applied physics and are of particular interest for tumor therapy and for space radiation protection applications. The start of the scientific program of the FIRST experiment was on summer 2011 and was focused on the measurement of 400 MeV/nucleon 12C beam fragmentation on thin (8 mm) graphite target. The detector is partly based on an alread…

research product

Diagnosi precoce del carcinoma prostatico in Sicilia e Calabria. Dati preliminari di uno studio osservazionale del GSTU e della SSCU

research product

Electromagnetic fission of $^{238}$U at 600 and 1000 MeV per nucleon

Electromagnetic fission of238U projectiles at E/A =600 and 1000 MeV was studied with the ALADIN spectrometer at the heavy-ion synchrotron SIS. Seven different targets (Be, C, Al, Cu, In, Au and U) were used. By considering only those fission events where the two charges added up to 92, most of the nuclear interactions were excluded. The nuclear contributions to the measured fission cross sections were determined by extrapolating from beryllium to the heavier targets with the concept of factorization. The obtained cross sections for electromagnetic fission are well reproduced by extended Weizsacker-Williams calculations which include E1 and E2 excitations. The asymmetry of the fission fragme…

research product

Late Autumn Poem; The Poet's Garden; A,A,B,B,; Haiku

Traduzione dei testi di Roger McGough da "Sky in the Pie", Penguin, Londra, 1985

research product

"Table 1" of "Electromagnetic fission of U-238 at 600-MeV and 1000-MeV per nucleon"

Electromagnetic fission.

research product