Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling of arenediazonium salts catalyzed by alginate/gellan-stabilized palladium nanoparticles under aerobic conditions in water
The use of palladium nanoparticles stabilized by natural. beads made of an alginate/gellan mixture in the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction of arenediazonium. tetrafluoroborates with potassium aryltrifluoroborates. (1 : 1 molar ratio) with loading as low as 0.01–0.002. mol% under aerobic, phosphine-, and base-free conditions. in water is described. The catalyst system can be reused. several times without significant loss of activity.
Present-day uplift of the European Alps: Evaluating mechanisms and models of their relative contributions
Abstract Recent measurements of surface vertical displacements of the European Alps show a correlation between vertical velocities and topographic features, with widespread uplift at rates of up to ~2–2.5 mm/a in the North-Western and Central Alps, and ~1 mm/a across a continuous region from the Eastern to the South-Western Alps. Such a rock uplift rate pattern is at odds with the horizontal velocity field, characterized by shortening and crustal thickening in the Eastern Alps and very limited deformation in the Central and Western Alps. Proposed mechanisms of rock uplift rate include isostatic response to the last deglaciation, long-term erosion, detachment of the Western Alpine slab, as w…