B.f. Maume

A lipid transfer protein binds to a receptor involved in the control of plant defence responses

AbstractLipid transfer proteins (LTPs) and elicitins are both able to load and transfer lipidic molecules and share some structural and functional properties. While elicitins are known as elicitors of plant defence mechanisms, the biological function of LTP is still an enigma. We show that a wheat LTP1 binds with high affinity sites. Binding and in vivo competition experiments point out that these binding sites are common to LTP1 and elicitins and confirm that they are the biological receptors of elicitins. A mathematical analysis suggests that these receptors could be represented by an allosteric model corresponding to an oligomeric structure with four identical subunits.

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High-performance liquid chromatographic study of the regulation of phospholipid metabolism in cultured adrenocortical cells

Abstract A rapid high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the separation of phospholipids was developed for minute samples of total lipids (ca. 200 μg). The method was applied to the study of the phospholipid metabolism in adrenocortical cell cultures. A complete separation of the different cellular phospholipid classes was achieved in 40 min. Good resolution of the phospholipid peaks was obtained, which allowed the collection of each individual class of phospholipids for further analysis of radioactivity and fatty acid composition by gas chromatography. When cells were incubated with [U-14C]glycerol or [U-14C]palmitate the bulk of the radioactivity was found in cellular ph…

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Analysis of resveratrol in Burgundy wines

Recent studies have shown that resveratrol (3,5,4'‐trihydroxystilbene), a phytoalexin related to grape disease resistance, could occur in American and Bordeaux wines. It was also suggested that resveratrol might have cardioprotective activities in humans, as a result of drinking wine. We report here the presence of this compound in Burgundy wines. Analysis of resveratrol in wine was carried out using gas chromatography and gas chromatography—mass spectrometry.

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Geranylgeranyl as well as farnesyl moiety is transferred to Ras p21 overproduced in adrenocortical cells transformed by c-Ha-rasEJ oncogene.

The ras-transformed newborn rat adrenocortical (RTAC) cells were obtained by transfection with the mutated c-Ha-rasEJ oncogene. They are proliferative and tumorigenic cells characterized by expression of the c-Ha-rasEJ oncogene and overexpression of a wild-type ras oncogene. The overproduced Ras p21 was identified here as Ki-Ras p21 by western blotting using a specific anti-Ki-Ras monoclonal antibody. Radioactivity derived from [14C]mevalonolactone was strongly incorporated into Ras p21 overproduced in RTAC cells. RTAC cells pretreated with lovastatin and labeled with either [3H]geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate or [3H]farnesyl-pyrophosphate incorporated also radioactivity into Ras p21. These re…

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Effects of 12 beticolins, Cercospora beticola toxins, on proliferation of ras-transformed adrenocortical cell

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Combination of the novel farnesyltransferase inhibitor RPR 130401 and the gerannylgeranyltransferase-1 inhibitor GGTI-298 disrupts MAP kinase activation and G1-S transition in Ki-Ras-overexpressing transformed adrenocortical cells

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Elicitins trap and transfer sterols from micelles, liposomes and plant plasma membranes

Using elicitins, proteins secreted by some phytopathogenic Oomycetes (Phytophthora) known to be able to transfer sterols between phospholipid vesicles, the transfer of sterols between micelles, liposomes and biological membranes was studied. Firstly, a simple fluorometric method to screen the sterol-carrier capacity of proteins, avoiding the preparation of sterolcontaining phospholipidic vesicles, is proposed. The transfer of sterols between DHE micelles (donor) and stigmasterol or cholesterol micelles (acceptor) was directly measured, as the increase in DHE fluorescence signal. The results obtained with this rapid and easy method lead to the same conclusions as those previously reported, u…

research product

Aldosterone biosynthesis induced by ACTH and angiotensin II in newborn rat adrenocortical cells transfected by c-EJ-Ha-ras oncogene

Abstract Adrenocortical cells were obtained by fractionated trypsination of newborn rat adrenal glands and transfected with a plasmid containing the EJ T24 -Ha-ras oncogene. Isolation of adhesive cells led to a proliferative cell line with an overexpression of 21 kDa ras protein. These cells incubated with corticosterone or deoxycorticosterone as the precursor produced a high level of 18-hydroxycorticosterone and aldosterone as identified by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry. ACTH and angiotensin II increased the basal production of aldosterone nineteen-fold and six-fold respectively. Under ACTH stimulation the ratio between aldosterone and 18-hydroxycorticosterone production was 1:3. T…

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Tobacco cells contain a protein, immunologically related to the neutrophil small G protein Rac2 and involved in elicitor-induced oxidative burst

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Fatty acids bind to the fungal elicitor cryptogein and compete with sterols

Abstract Cryptogein is a proteinaceous elicitor of plant defense reactions which also exhibits sterol carrier properties. In this study, we report that this protein binds fatty acids. The stoichiometry of the fatty acid–cryptogein complex is 1:1. Linoleic acid and dehydroergosterol compete for the same site, but elicitin affinity is 27 times lower for fatty acid than for sterol. We show that C7 to C12 saturated and C16 to C22 unsaturated fatty acids are the best ligands. The presence of double bonds markedly increases the affinity of cryptogein for fatty acids. A comparison between elicitins and known lipid transfer proteins is discussed.

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Abstract The proliferation of GM16 and 4CDTras-transformed newborn rat adrenocortical (RTAC) cells and Y1 mouse adrenal tumor cells was inhibited by beticolins, the fungal toxins extracted fromCercospora beticola, at submicromolar concentrations in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibitory concentrations for half the maximum inhibition were 150, 75 and 25 n M for beticolin-1 and 230, 150 and 50 n M for beticolin-2 in GM16, 4CDT and Y1 cells respectively. Beticolins strongly inhibited the production of 11β-hydroxysteroids on the second and third days of treatment in a dose-dependent manner between 0.1 and 1 μ M . Beticolins were shown by confocal microscopy to be localized in cytoplasmic organelle…

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Geranylgeranyl as well as farnesyl moiety is transferred to Ras p21 overproduced in adrenocortical cells transformed by c-Ha-ras oncogene

International audience

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Inhibition of cellular growth and steroid 11 beta-hydroxylation in RAS-transformed adrenocortical cells by the fungal toxins beticolins

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Combination of the novel farnesyltransferase inhibitor RPR130401 and the geranylgeranyltransferase-1 inhibitor GGTI-298 disrupts MAP kinase activation and G(1)-S transition in Ki-Ras-overexpressing transformed adrenocortical cells.

To test the Kirsten-Ras (Ki-Ras) alternative prenylation hypothesis in malignant transformation, we used a novel farnesyltransferase inhibitor competitive to farnesyl-pyrophosphate, RPR130401, and a CaaX peptidomimetic geranylgeranyltransferase-1 inhibitor GGTI-298. In Ki-Ras-overexpressing transformed adrenocortical cells, RPR130401 at 1-10 microM inhibited very efficiently the [(3)H]farnesyl but not [(3)H]geranylgeranyl transfer to Ras. However, proliferation of these cells was only slightly sensitive to RPR130401 (IC(50)=30 microM). GGTI-298 inhibited the growth of these cells with an IC(50) of 11 microM but cell lysis was observed at 15 microM. The combination of 10 microM RPR130401 and…

research product

Synthesis and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of reduced compounds derived from 6 alpha- and 6 beta-hydroxy-11-deoxycorticosterone.

Abstract A series of thirty two 6-hydroxylated steroids were synthesized by selective reduction of the 4–5 double bond, the 3-oxo group, and/or the 20-oxo group of 6α- and 6β-hydroxyDOC. The different reactions leading to the production of specific isomers are discussed. The gas chromatographic and spectrometric characteristics of the methoxime-trimethylsilyl (MO-TMS) or trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives of the isomers obtained are given. The gas chromatographic separation of the syn- and anti -isomers of the methoxime in position 3 was found to be characteristic of the configuration of the hydroxyl in position 6. The difference between methylene unit values of syn- and anti- isomers is much…

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Effect of rat plasma high density lipoprotein with or without apolipoprotein E on the cholesterol uptake and on the induction of the corticosteroid biosynthetic pathway in newborn rat adrenocortical cell cultures

Abstract High density lipoprotein (HDL) has been shown to induce the cellular accumulation of cholesterol esters and the biosynthesis of 21-hydroxysteroids (corticosteroids) newborn rat adrenocortical cells cultivated in serum-free medium. In order to identify the component(s) of HDL responsible for these effects, we investigated the ability of rat HDL subfractions and HDL with or without apolipoprotein E to deliver cholesterol to cells and to stimulate the steroid biosynthetic pathways in adrenal cultured cells. The total cholesterol uptake from HDL 2 was greater than that observed with HDL rich in apolipoprotein E (HDL 1 and HDL c ). Furthermore, the increase of the ratio between 21-hydro…

research product

Tobacco cells contain a protein, immunologically related to the neutrophil small G protein Rac2 and involved in elicitor-induced oxidative burst.

Abstract Suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana tabacum generated active oxygen species (AOS) when they were treated with the proteinaceous elicitor, cryptogein. This response was blocked by diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of the neutrophil NADPH oxidase. When microsomal extracts of tobacco cells were probed with an antibody directed against the human small G protein Rac2, two immunoreactive proteins were detected at 18.5 and 20.5 kDa. The same experiment performed with cytosolic extracts of tobacco cells led to the observation of a strong immunoreactive protein at 21.5 kDa only in the cryptogein-treated cells. The appearance of this cytosolic protein was related to the production of AOS…

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