Matthew Romney

Singular quasisymmetric mappings in dimensions two and greater

For all $n \geq 2$, we construct a metric space $(X,d)$ and a quasisymmetric mapping $f\colon [0,1]^n \rightarrow X$ with the property that $f^{-1}$ is not absolutely continuous with respect to the Hausdorff $n$-measure on $X$. That is, there exists a Borel set $E \subset [0,1]^n$ with Lebesgue measure $|E|>0$ such that $f(E)$ has Hausdorff $n$-measure zero. The construction may be carried out so that $X$ has finite Hausdorff $n$-measure and $|E|$ is arbitrarily close to 1, or so that $|E| = 1$. This gives a negative answer to a question of Heinonen and Semmes.

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Quasiconformal geometry and removable sets for conformal mappings

We study metric spaces defined via a conformal weight, or more generally a measurable Finsler structure, on a domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ that vanishes on a compact set $E \subset \Omega$ and satisfies mild assumptions. Our main question is to determine when such a space is quasiconformally equivalent to a planar domain. We give a characterization in terms of the notion of planar sets that are removable for conformal mappings. We also study the question of when a quasiconformal mapping can be factored as a 1-quasiconformal mapping precomposed with a bi-Lipschitz map.

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Reciprocal lower bound on modulus of curve families in metric surfaces

We prove that any metric space $X$ homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^2$ with locally finite Hausdorff 2-measure satisfies a reciprocal lower bound on modulus of curve families associated to a quadrilateral. More precisely, let $Q \subset X$ be a topological quadrilateral with boundary edges (in cyclic order) denoted by $\zeta_1, \zeta_2, \zeta_3, \zeta_4$ and let $\Gamma(\zeta_i, \zeta_j; Q)$ denote the family of curves in $Q$ connecting $\zeta_i$ and $\zeta_j$; then $\text{mod} \Gamma(\zeta_1, \zeta_3; Q) \text{mod} \Gamma(\zeta_2, \zeta_4; Q) \geq 1/\kappa$ for $\kappa = 2000^2\cdot (4/\pi)^2$. This answers a question concerning minimal hypotheses under which a metric space admits a quasiconfor…

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On the inverse absolute continuity of quasiconformal mappings on hypersurfaces

We construct quasiconformal mappings $f\colon \mathbb{R}^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{3}$ for which there is a Borel set $E \subset \mathbb{R}^2 \times \{0\}$ of positive Lebesgue $2$-measure whose image $f(E)$ has Hausdorff $2$-measure zero. This gives a solution to the open problem of inverse absolute continuity of quasiconformal mappings on hypersurfaces, attributed to Gehring. By implication, our result also answers questions of V\"ais\"al\"a and Astala--Bonk--Heinonen.

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Uniformization with infinitesimally metric measures

We consider extensions of quasiconformal maps and the uniformization theorem to the setting of metric spaces $X$ homeomorphic to $\mathbb R^2$. Given a measure $\mu$ on such a space, we introduce $\mu$-quasiconformal maps $f:X \to \mathbb R^2$, whose definition involves deforming lengths of curves by $\mu$. We show that if $\mu$ is an infinitesimally metric measure, i.e., it satisfies an infinitesimal version of the metric doubling measure condition of David and Semmes, then such a $\mu$-quasiconformal map exists. We apply this result to give a characterization of the metric spaces admitting an infinitesimally quasisymmetric parametrization.

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