Elina Lehtomäki
Global connectedness in higher education : student voices on the value of cross-cultural learning dialogue
The study explores how sense of global connectedness can be enhanced by creating opportunities for cross-cultural dialogue in higher education. Thematic analysis of randomly selected 15 learning journals, students’ reflections on their learning during an international seminar was used to identify students’ significant learning experiences. The results emphasise the added value of diversity (geographical, disciplinary, cultural and social) among students, faculty and invited presenters for creating meaningful learning. Furthermore, they suggest that designing an integrated approach of contents, contexts and activities for critical engagement in global dialogue and knowledge generation in hig…
The Successful Education Sector Development in Tanzania – Comment on gender-balance and inclusive education
In this paper we discuss to what extent the international and national equality goals regarding gender balance and inclusive education have been reached in the education sector development in Tanzania. According to recent reports, the development trend has been generally positive, and the country is close to achieving its primary education targets. More detailed reviews suggest, however, that current monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are too narrow to catch the critical factors regarding equality, particularly in secondary education. Our comment concerns the achievements and challenges, and emphasises the significance of a multidimensional set of information including in‐depth qualitativ…
The successful education sector development in Tanzania – comment on gender balance and inclusive education
In this paper we discuss to what extent the international and national equality goals regarding gender balance and inclusive education have been reached in the education sector development in Tanzania. According to recent reports, the development trend has been generally positive, and the country is close to achieving its primary education targets. More detailed reviews suggest, however, that current monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are too narrow to catch the critical factors regarding equality, particularly in secondary education. Our comment concerns the achievements and challenges, and emphasises the significance of a multidimensional set of information including in‐depth qualitativ…
Pois oppimisyhteiskunnan marginaalista? : koulutuksen merkitys vuosina 1960-1990 opiskelleiden lapsuudestaan kuurojen ja huonokuuloisten aikuisten elämänkulussa
Koulutuksen, varsinkin erityisopetuksen, on oletettu ehkäisevän syrjäytymistä tai ratkaisevan syrjäytymisen ongelmia. Elina Lehtomäki selvitti koulutuksen merkitystä perusasteen jälkeen erityisopetuksessa opiskelleiden, lapsuudestaan kuurojen ja huonokuuloisten aikuisten elämänkulussa. Tähän ryhmään kuuluvien koulutustaso oli matalampi ja työllisyys heikompi verrattuna väestöön yleensä. Ulkomaisten tutkimusten mukaan koulutustaso, työllisyystilanne ja sosiaalinen asema kuitenkin muuttuivat sukupolvesta toiseen siirryttäessä. Koulutus oli tärkeä tekijä sosiaalisen aseman muutoksessa. Oliko näin myös oppimisyhteiskunnan mallimaassa, Suomessa? After the Second World War, the Finnish education …
Culturally responsive qualitative research
Research to engage voices on the ground in educational development
The article discusses how a variety of qualitative methods could be used for investigating the engagement of the voices on the ground, where the change is expected to happen. It also reviews how qualitative research approaches involve students and teachers, the so-called “target groups” of educational development, as subjects, rather than objects. The qualitative methods are presented here for their potential in engaging the voices on the ground. Actor-centred inquiry and participatory action research consist of data collected, analysed and reported, in collaboration between researchers and the research subjects. Enabling the subjects as autonomous actors to take part in the analysis of the…
Academic achievement and self-concept of deaf and hard-of-hearing and hearing students transitioning from the first to second cycle of primary school in Ethiopia
ABSTRACTThis study was done to examine the transition of deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) and hearing students from the first cycle (Grade 4) to the second cycle (Grade 5) of primary education in Ethiopia. Academic achievement and self-concept were measured longitudinally with 103 DHH and hearing students. Participants were selected from three different settings (special schools, special classes and regular schools). Self-Description Questionnaire I (Marsh, H. W. 1990. Self-Description Questionnaire – I (SDQ I). Manual. MacArthur, NSW, Australia: University of Western Sydney) was used to measure the children’s self-concept. The results showed a decrease in the academic achievement and academi…
Globaali näkökulma mobiiliin oppimiseen : tietotekniikka ja koulutuksen peruspilarit
Koulutuksessa ja kehitysyhteistyössä tarvittavan asiantuntemuksen todellisuus
Kirja-arvostelu teoksesta Tuomas Takala (2001). Koulutus kaikille – tavoitteet ja kehitysmaiden todellisuus. Tampere, DevEd Consulting (omakustanne) peerReviewed
Scaffolding teachers to foster inclusive pedagogy and presence through collaborative action research
Teachers can be influential change agents in transforming their schools if they regularly reflect on their pedagogical practices, looking for improvements that will help all learners reach their fu...
Marginaalin ääni perusasteen jälkeisen koulutuksen kehittämisessä: Kuurojen ja huonokuuloisten opiskelijoiden kaksi koulutussukupolvea
”Ruotsalaisten ja yhdysvaltalaisten tutkimusten mukaan kuurojen ja huonokuuloisten aikuisten koulutustaso, työllisyystilanne ja sosiaalinen asema ovat muuttuneet sukupolvesta toiseen siirryttäessä. Koulutus on ollut tärkeä tekijä sosiaalisen aseman muutoksessa. Näin ei vielä ole tapahtunut oppimisyhteiskunnan mallimaassa, Suomessa”, aiheesta väitellyt Elina Lehtomäki kirjoittaa. nonPeerReviewed
Exploring global responsibility in higher education students’ cross-cultural dialogues
This study engages with current debate around global education and internationalization of higher education(HE). There is an identified need to critically reflect on how global education commitments are introduced to HE students, and how the debates are brought to individual as well as institutional levels. The study explores how students in a Finnish university develop their understanding of global education, citizenship and potential dispositions towards global responsibility. The students participated in an international seminar on the global Education for All (EFA) process, with purposefully planned participatory activities and cross-cultural dialogues, and reflected on their learning a…
Educational research from Tanzania 1998–2008 concerning persons with disabilities: What can we learn?
The global Education For All process and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities have increased the attention given to marginalised and excluded groups showing the need to enhance the education of persons with disabilities. In Sub-Saharan Africa a number of poorly disseminated studies investigate education of persons with disabilities. This paper provides an analysed overview of a decade of Tanzanian studies and reports on the education of persons with disabilities produced from 1998 to 2008. Key findings are highlighted and gaps in the research identified and suggestions are offered for future investigations. The education of persons with disabilities needs to be addre…
As Capable as Other Students: Tanzanian Women with Disabilities in Higher Education
Globally, persons with disabilities are underrepresented in higher education. In sub-Saharan Africa, where opportunities for higher education are especially limited, women are unlikely to continue their education. This research investigates women in Tanzanian higher education with the double marginalisation of being a woman and having disabilities. The women were interviewed on what factors enabled access and participation for their educational success. A thematic analysis of qualitative data was applied. All of the women interviewed were motivated to complete their degrees. Key enabling factors were encouragement from their families and previous teachers, full participation in student life…
Questioning Human Rights: The Case of Education for Children and Youth with Disabilities in Ethiopia
This chapter focuses on the politics of education as a basic human right. We analyze the challenges and opportunities implied in realizing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and operationalizing the human rightsbased approach to disability (HRBAD) with a case study on the inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in the regular education system of Ethiopia. The existing situation is highlighted with lived experiences of persons with disabilities and comments by organisations of persons with disabilities, education professionals, and government officials who were interviewed between August and October 2013 in Ethiopia. When successful, the HRBAD and its critica…
Developing inclusive pre-service and in-service teacher education : Insights from Zanzibar primary school teachers
Developing inclusive teacher education to improve learning and schooling for all children is attracting increasing interest worldwide. This study examined teachers’ insights into the development of inclusive teacher education by drawing on collaborative action research conducted by 20 primary school teachers in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and self-reflective journals kept by the teachers and the first author. The qualitative thematic content analysis revealed: (1) the need to embed inclusive education and action research into pre-service and in-service teacher education curricula and (2) both school-based organisational learning and school–…
Moving towards inclusion: how Zanzibar succeeds in transforming its education system?
Ever since the proclamation of the Salamanca Statement (1994) and the Dakar Framework for Action (2000), several countries across the globe have been improving their education systems making remark...
How Do Higher Education Students Negotiate Global Responsibility in Education?
The significance of student voice: female students’ interpretations of failure in Tanzanian secondary education
Abstract: In Tanzania, the national examinations are used as the primary tools for selection and transition from lower to upper secondary education. Female students are more likely to fail in the national exams and to drop out from education. This article examines the perspectives of female students concerning their advancement in secondary education. Two sets of qualitative data, responses to a research questionnaire from 100 female lower secondary school students and follow-up interviews with seven mature students enrolled in a non-formal school who had failed in the national examinations, were analysed to identify critical issues influencing the educational advancement of female students…
Inhimilliset toimintamahdollisuudet oikeudenmukaisuuden ja tasa-arvon kriteereinä
Uusia ikkunoita terapisoitumiskeskusteluun.
Gender and Disability : Challenges of Education Sector Development in Tanzania
In line with the UN Millennium Development Goals, the government of Tanzania has set poverty reduction as the most important challenge for the future. Education is a key sector in the long-term process of poverty reduction. Three of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) focus on gender. The Progress report (UN Secretariat, 2005), however, fairly strongly states that it is unlikely, that any of these three MDGs can be met, if women lack the education, influence and resources to care for their families, and to fully participate in the development process. In this paper, we analyse findings of previous research on gender and disability in the education sector development and explore ways to …