Céline Demougeot
Atteinte des vaisseaux dans les spondyloarthrites axiales
Resume La spondylarthrite ankylosante est un rhumatisme inflammatoire chronique caracterise par une atteinte des entheses entrainant des douleurs inflammatoires et une impotence fonctionnelle. La spondylarthrite est associee potentiellement a des manifestations extra-articulaires (uveite, psoriasis, maladie intestinale chronique inflammatoire) et des comorbidites (cardiovasculaire et osteoporose) qui en font avec l’ankylose, la gravite de cette maladie. Comme de nombreuses maladies systemiques inflammatoires, il existe une surmortalite liee a une atteinte cardiovasculaire responsable d’un sur-risque d’infarctus du myocarde, d’accidents vasculaires cerebraux et d’evenements thromboemboliques…
DHA dose-dependently reduces atherosclerosis: a putative role for its peroxidation metabolites, F4-Neuroprostanes
International audience
La teneur hépatique en F4-Neuroprostanes : une variable prédictive majeure de la réduction de la plaque d’athérome
Le fichier annexe contient le livre des résumés; Les propriétés athéroprotectrices des acides gras polyinsaturés de type n-3 à longue chaîne (AGPI n-3 LC), et en particulier de l’acide docosahexaénoique (DHA) ont été largement décrites. Néanmoins, les mécanismes d’action restent encore mal connus. Les recherches se sont récemment orientées vers l’identification des métabolites oxygénés issus des AGPI n-3 LC qui sont de plus en plus considérés comme des effecteurs majeurs de leurs effets athéroprotecteurs. Dans ce contexte, une étude dose-réponse de supplémentation en DHA a été réalisée chez un modèle animal d’athérosclérose (souris LDLR-/-) afin d’étudier les relations entre la progression …
Physical training and hypertension have opposite effects on endothelial brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression
AIMS: Changes in circulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels were reported in patients with or at risk for cardiovascular diseases associated with endothelial dysfunction, suggesting a link between BDNF and endothelial functionality. However, little is known on cardiovascular BDNF. Our aim was to investigate levels/localization, function, and relevance of cardiovascular BDNF. METHODS AND RESULTS: BDNF levels (western blotting) and localization (immunostaining) were assessed in the heart and aorta from rats with impaired (spontaneously hypertensive rats [SHR]), normal (Wistar Kyoto rats [WKY]), and improved (SHR and WKY subjected to physical training) endothelial function. BD…
''Comparative Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Mature BDNF Production in Control versus Stroke Rats''
Quirie, Aurore | Hervieu, Marie | Garnier, Philippe | Demougeot, Celine | Mossiat, Claude | Bertrand, Nathalie | Martin, Alain | Marie, Christine | Prigent-Tessier, Anne; International audience; ''Physical exercise constitutes an innovative strategy to treat deficits associated with stroke through the promotion of BDNF-dependent neuroplasticity. However, there is no consensus on the optimal intensity/duration of exercise. In addition, whether previous stroke changes the effect of exercise on the brain is not known. Therefore, the present study compared the effects of a clinically-relevant form of exercise on cerebral BDNF levels and localization in control versus stroke rats. For this purpo…
Opposite effects of hypertension and physical exercise on cerebrovascular BDNF levels
International audience
The paradox of omega 3 PUFAs: autoprotection although highly susceptible to peroxidation
National audience
''Effect of stroke on arginase expression and localization in the rat brain''
Quirie, Aurore | Demougeot, C. Eline | Bertrand, Nathalie | Mossiat, Claude | Garnier, Philippe | Marie, Christine | Prigent-Tessier, Anne; International audience; ''Because arginase and nitric oxide (NO) synthases (NOS) compete to degrade l-arginine, arginase plays a crucial role in the modulation of NO production. Moreover, the arginase 1 isoform is a marker of M2 phenotype macrophages that play a key role in tissue remodeling and resolution of inflammation. While NO has been extensively investigated in ischemic stroke, the effect of stroke on the arginase pathway is unknown. The present study focuses on arginase expression/activity and localization before and after (1, 8, 15 and 30days) …
Multi-variate analysis predicts clinical outcome 30 days after middle cerebral artery infarction
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To evaluate the functional prognostic value of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy performed within the 5 days of an infarction of the middle cerebral artery territory, compared with previously demonstrated prognostic factors. METHODS: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed on 77 consecutive non-comatosed patients during the acute stage of middle cerebral artery infarction. The functional status was determined for each patient via the Orgogozo score. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic data were acquired in the infarction and in contra-lateral normal tissue and the results were expressed as metabolite ratios. Correlations were evaluated between t…
Anti-atherogenic action of DHA in LDLR-/- mice: are DHA oxygenated metabolites players in the resolution of inflammation?
National audience
Aerobic exercise for axial spondyloarthritis - its effects on disease activity and function as compared to standard physiotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Aim To evaluate the impact of an aerobic fitness program on disease activity, defined by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) and on C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) in case of axial spondyloarthritis. Methods A systematic review of the literature, following the Prisma recommendations, was performed by two reviewers on the PubMed and Embase databases. Controlled trials assessing the efficacy of aerobic exercises compared to physiotherapy on axial spondyloarthritis disease activity were included. The diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis was meeting the New York criteria and/o…
Atheroprotective effects and peroxidation of docosahexaenoic acid: is there a direct link?
International audience
Lipid profiling following intake of the Omega 3 fatty acid DHA identifies the peroxidized metabolites F-4-Neuroprostanes as the best predictors of atherosclerosis prevention
International audience; The anti-atherogenic effects of omega 3 fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) are well recognized but the impact of dietary intake on bioactive lipid mediat or profiles remains unclear. Such a profiling effort may offer novel targets for future studies into the mechanism of action of omega 3 fatty acids. The present study aimed to determine the impact of DHA supplementation on the profiles of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) oxygenated metabolites and to investigate their contribution to therosclerosis prevention. A special emphasis was given to the non-enzymatic metabolites knowing the high susceptibility of DHA to free radical…