Pierre Mordant
Fibroblast Growth Facor 19, a Downregulated Factor in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Inhibits Mice Lung Fibrosis
Risk factors for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity and mortality among solid cancer patients and impact of the disease on anticancer treatment: A French nationwide cohort study (GCO-002 CACOVID-19).
Background Cancer patients are thought to have an increased risk of developing severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection and of dying from the disease. In this work, predictive factors for COVID-19 severity and mortality in cancer patients were investigated. Patients and Methods In this large nationwide retro-prospective cohort study, we collected data on patients with solid tumours and COVID-19 diagnosed between March 1 and June 11, 2020. The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality and COVID-19 severity, defined as admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) and/or mechanical ventilation and/or death, was one of the secondary endpoints. Results From April 4 to June 11, 2020, 1289…
Isolated Lung Perfusion as an Adjuvant Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Lung Metastases: A Preclinical Study in a Pig Model
BackgroundThe lung is a frequent site of colorectal cancer (CRC) metastases. After surgical resection, lung metastases recurrences have been related to the presence of micrometastases, potentially accessible to a high dose chemotherapy administered via adjuvant isolated lung perfusion (ILP). We sought to determine in vitro the most efficient drug when administered to CRC cell lines during a short exposure and in vivo its immediate and delayed tolerance when administered via ILP.MethodsFirst, efficacy of various cytotoxic molecules against a panel of human CRC cell lines was tested in vitro using cytotoxic assay after a 30-minute exposure. Then, early (operative) and delayed (1 month) tolera…
Un traitement antifongique périopératoire influence-t-il la morbidité postopératoire et la survie à long terme après une résection pulmonaire pour aspergillome ?
Resume Objectifs Le traitement chirurgical des aspergillomes pulmonaires permet de controler les symptomes, de prevenir les complications et d’ameliorer la survie. Dans les formes accessibles a la chirurgie, l’impact d’un traitement antifongique demeure controverse. L’objectif de cette etude est d’analyser l’impact d’un traitement antifongique sur la morbidite postoperatoire et la survie globale des patients operes pour un aspergillome pulmonaire. Methodes De janvier 1989 a decembre 2010, 113 patients ont ete operes pour un aspergillome pulmonaire. Parmi eux, 64 patients ont recu un traitement antifongique dans la periode perioperatoire et ont ete inclus dans le groupe 1, 49 patients n’ont …