E. Muscolino

Hydrogel scaffolds blends to host Spheroids from human adipose stem cells

INTRODUCTION Adipose stem cells represent a reliable source of stem cells for their widely demonstrated potential in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering applications. New recent insights show that 3D models may properly mimic the native tissue properties; in fact Spheroids from Adipose derived Stem Cells (S-ASCs) displayed enhanced regenerative abilities if compared to 2D models. Stem cell therapy success is determined by "cell-quality" thus the involvement of stress signals and cellular aging need to be deeply investigated. The development of 3D cell-laden hydrogels has enabled to mimic the peculiar scenario of a native tissue. We studied SASCs-cell quality and tested their viabil…

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Idrogeli a base di xiloglucano e k-carragene con sferoidi di cellule staminali adipose umane come scaffolds per la medicina rigenerativa

Con l’obiettivo di sviluppare scaffold per la rigenerazione dei tessuti umani con sferoidi di cellule staminali adipose (S-ASC), questo lavoro indaga le proprietà degli idrogeli formati da dei polisaccaridi che subiscono transizioni sol-gel indotte dalla temperatura e le loro miscele: k-carragene (k-C) e xiloglucano parzialmente degalattosilato (Deg-XG). Gli idrogeli sono network polimerici idrofili rigonfiati dall'acqua. La morfologia e le proprietà meccaniche degli idrogeli sono fortemente influenzate dalla loro composizione, grado di reticolazione e di rigonfiamento. Quando sono progettati come scaffold, devono avere sufficiente integrità meccanica per fornire supporto alle cellule, dall…

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Adipose stem cell spheroids-laden hydrogels for minimally invasive bone and cartilage regeneration interventions

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During the past decades, the use of antibiotics has grown worldwide in different fields, from medicine to agriculture, leading to antibiotic resistance of microbes, which is the cause of thousands of deaths every year worldwide. [1, 2] Finding new antibiotics is becoming more and more difficult because their development is no longer convenient in term of the cost–benefit ratio for the pharmaceutical industry. The interest in egg white proteins, such as ovoalbumin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme, has risen especially because of their demonstrated antimicrobial activities. [3] These antimicrobial proteins can then be used to enrich wound dressing films that requires a high level of control of mi…

research product

Miscele di k-carragenina e PVA come bio-inchiostri per stampa 3D di scaffold per la ricostruzione della cartilagine

Introduzione La k-carragenina (kC) è un poligalattano solfato ottenuto da alghe rosse con un contenuto di estere-solfato dal 25 al 30% e una peso molecolare medio ben superiore a 100 kDa. È formato da unità alternate di D-galattosio e 3,6-anidro-galattosio (3,6-AG) unite da legami α-1,3 e β-1,4-glicosidici. [1] Il kC assomiglia ai glicosaminoglicani (GAG) che sono i costituenti centrali dei tessuti connettivi, può essere quindi studiato per produrre scaffold per l'ingegneria tissutale. Il kC è solubile in acqua a temperature superiori a 60 °C e può formare gel stabili raffreddandosi. Le reti di kC sono forti, fragili e l'assenza di porosità interconnesse può limitare la colonizzazione dell'…

research product

Idrogeli con sferoidi di cellule staminali adipose per interventi mini-invasivi di rigenerazione ossea o cartilaginea

Introduzione Lo xiloglucano (XG) è un polisaccaride sia di struttura che di riserva, perché svolge il ruolo di matrice nelle pareti cellulari delle piante superiori ma è anche presente in alcuni semi, tra i quali tamarindo. Lo xiloglucano da semi di tamarindo è disponibile in commercio, è un polimero biocompatibile, approvato dalla FDA per uso alimentare. È caratterizzato da uno scheletro di β-(1, 4)-D-glucano parzialmente sostituito da α-(1, 6)-D-xilosio e β-(1, 2)-D-galattossilosio. La scissione enzimatica di alcuni dei residui di galattosio fornisce allo XG proprietà di gelificazione indotte da variazioni di temperatura. In particolare, quando viene rimosso il 35% circa dei residui di ga…

research product

Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder as Functional Additive in Cookies to Protect SH-SY5Y Cells

The aim of this work is the evaluation of the addition of Moringa leaf powder (MLP) in cookies in terms of antioxidant properties, dough processability and sensorial properties of the cookies. The total content of biophenols and flavonoids in MLP was detected and the identification of the bioactive molecules was performed by HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS measurements, before and after oven treatment at 180 ◦C for 20 min. After a preliminary evaluation of the MLP water soluble fraction (MLPsf) cytotoxicity, its protective effect against an oxidative injury induced in the SH-SY5Y cells was assessed. Data evidence that the bioactive molecules present in MLPsf are effective in preventing ROS production and i…

research product

In-situ gelling xyloglucan formulations as 3D artificial niche for adipose stem cell spheroids.

Abstract Three-dimensional spheroidal cell aggregates of adipose stem cells (SASCs) are a distinct upstream population of stem cells present in adipose tissue, with enhanced regeneration properties in vivo. The preservation of the 3D structure of the cells, from extraction to administration, can be a promising strategy to ensure optimal conditions for cell viability and maintenance of stemness potential. With this aim, an artificial niche was created by incorporating the spheroids into an injectable, in-situ gelling solution of partially degalactosylated xyloglucan (dXG) and an ad hoc formulated culture medium for the preservation of stem cell spheroid features. The evolution of the mechani…

research product

Injectable hydrogel formulations to host adipose stem cell spheroids for stemness maintenance and bone and cartilage regeneration

Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) represent a great promise for tissue regeneration as fat is a very abundant source of stem cells (1) and owing to their ability to self-renew and differentiate into specific tissue types (2). In general, they are usually cultured as two-dimensional (2D) adherent monolayers, not representative of the in vivo condition, often entailing lower cell viability and, more in general, a lower “cell quality” in terms of regenerative potential (3, 4). When ASCs are cultured in low adhesion flasks and with a suitable culture medium, they aggregate in the form of three-dimensional spheroids (SASCs). The incorporation of these spheroids into injectable, in-si…

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k-Carrageenan and PVA blends as 3D printing bioinks for cartilage reconstruction scaffolding

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Injectable xyloglucan hydrogels incorporating spheroids of adipose stem cells for bone and cartilage regeneration

Abstract Cartilage or bone regeneration approaches based on the direct injection of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) at the lesion site encounter several challenges, related to uncontrolled cell spreading and differentiation, reduced cell viability and poor engrafting. This work presents a simple and versatile strategy based on the synergic combination of in-situ forming hydrogels and spheroids of adipose stem cells (SASCs) with great potential for minimally invasive regenerative interventions aimed to threat bone and cartilage defects. Aqueous dispersions of partially degalactosylated xyloglucan (dXG) are mixed with SASCs derived from liposuction and either a chondroinductive or an osteoinduc…

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