Frederic Truchetet
Numérisation 3D de surfaces métalliques spéculaires et diffuses par imagerie infrarouge active
National audience; Depuis plus de 20 ans, le besoin en numérisation 3D de pièces industrielles augmente considérablement. Par conséquent, un grand nombre de techniques expérimentales ont été proposées ainsi que quelques solutions commerciales. Cependant, des difficultés subsistent pour l'acquisition de surfaces optiquement noncoopératives, comme les surfaces transparentes et/ou spéculaires. En effet, la transmission, réfraction ou réflexion spéculaire de la lumière va à l'encontre du fonctionnement des systèmes conventionnels d'acquisition 3D, qui repose sur l'aspect diffus de la réflexion. Un moyen de contourner ce problème est le dépôt d'une couche de poudre matifiante afin de rendre la s…
<title>Human cell texture analysis with quincunx spline wavelet transform</title>
Wavelet transforms are efficient tools for texture analysis and classification. Separable techniques are classically used but present several drawbacks. First, diagonal coefficients contain poor information. Second, the other coefficients contain useful information only if the texture is oriented in the vertical and horizontal directions. So an approach of texture analysis by non-separable transform is proposed. An improved interscale resolution is allowed by the quincunx scheme and this analysis leads to only one detail image where no particular orientation is favored. New orthogonal isotropic filters for the decomposition are constructed by applying McClellan transform on one dimension B-…
Study of ambient light influence for three-dimensional scanners based on structured light
Ambient light in a scene can introduce errors into range data from most commercial three-dimensional range scanners, particularly scanners that are based on projected patterns and structured lighting. We study the effects of ambient light on a specific commercial scanner. We further present a method for characterizing the range accuracy as a function of ambient light distortions. After a brief review of related research, we first describe the capabilities of the scanner we used and define the experimental setup for our study. Then we present the results of the range characterization relative to ambient light. In these results, we note a systematic error source that appears to be an artifact…
Denoising 3D Models with Attributes using Soft Thresholding
International audience; Recent advances in scanning and acquisition technologies allow the construction of complex models from real world scenes. However, the data of those models are generally corrupted by measurement errors. This paper describes an efficient single pass algorithm for denoising irregular meshes of scanned 3D model surfaces. In this algorithm, the frequency content of the model is assessed by a multiresolution analysis that requires only 1-ring neighbourhood without any particular parameterization of the model faces. Denoising is achieved by applying the soft thresholding method to the detail coefficients given by the multiresolution analysis. Our method is suitable for irr…
Generalization of Canny–Deriche filter for detection of noisy exponential edge
This paper presents a generalization of the Canny-Deriche filter for ramp edge detection with optimization criteria used by Canny (signal-to-noise ratio, localization, and suppression of false responses). Using techniques similar to those developed by Deriche, we derive a filter which maximizes the product of the first two criteria under the constraint of the last one. The result is an infinite length impulse response filter which leads to a stable third-order recursive implementation. Its performance shows an increase of the signal-to-noise ratio in the case of blurred and noisy images, compared to the results obtained from Deriche's filter.
Analysis of compatibility between lighting devices and descriptive features using Parzen’s kernel: application to flaw inspection by artificial vision
We present a supervised method, developed for industrial inspections by artificial vision, to obtain an adapted combination of descriptive features and a lighting device. This method must be implemented under real-time constraints and therefore a minimal number of features must be selected. The method is based on the assessment of the discrimination power of many descriptive features. The objective is to select the combination of descriptive features and lighting system best able to discriminate flawed classes from defect-free classes. In the first step, probability densities are computed for flawed and defect-free classes and for each tested combination. The discrimination power of the fea…
Primitives extraction based on structured-light images
International audience; Geometric attributes such as curvature or surface orientation are additional information of the 3D points obtained after the scanning of an object. In the classic 3D chain, characterized by a sequential structure, these information are determined from the dense point cloud (from a 3D scanner). Then, they are used to reduce the amount of information and allows to obtain a simplified model. In this paper, we investigate the possibility to extract some geometric attributes, directly from 2D images obtained by the camera of a structured-light system.
A coarse to fine 3D acquisition system
International audience; The 3D chain (acquisition-processing-compression) is , most of the time , sequenced into several steps. Such approaches result into an one-dense acquisition of 3D points. In large scope of applications , the first processing step consists in simplifying the data. In this paper , we propose a coarse to fine acquisition system which permits to obtain simplified data directly from the acquisition. By calculating some complementary information from 2D images , such as 3D normals , multiple homogeneous regions will be segmented and affected to a given primitive class. Contrary to other studies , the whole process is not based on a mesh. The obtained model is simplified di…
Extraction de primitives à partir d'images de lumière structurée
National audience; Les attributs géométriques tels que la courbure ou la normale constituent des informations complémentaires aux points 3D obtenus suite à la numérisation d'une surface ou d'un objet. Dans la chaine 3D classique, présentant une structure séquentielle, ces informations sont déterminées à partir du nuage de points dense (issus par exemple d'un scanner 3D). Par la suite, elles sont utilisées pour diminuer la quantité d'information et permettre ainsi d'aboutir à un modèle simplifié (compressé ou modélisé sous forme de primitives). Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à la possibilité d'extraire certains des attributs mentionnés plus haut, directement à partir des images 2D o…
Journée d'Actualité Archéologique en Autunois et en Bourgogne, 18 avril 2014, Autun
International audience; Cette brochure vous permettra de redécouvrirl’ensemble des interventions visant àprésenter les résultats des prospections,fouilles préventives et programmées à Autunmais également dans de nombreux chantiersréalisés en Bourgogne.
Characterization of the 3D information of Calyptogena shells
We propose in this paper an application of multiresolution analysis techniques to extract information contained in the growth increments of a bivalve mollusk called: Calyptogena . The first stage consists in extracting a range image of the mollusk’s shell using a 3-D scanner. Applying a multiresolution analysis enables us to localize precisely those growth increments by preserving relevant details. Moreover, interesting spatial and frequency properties of the multiresolution analysis underline information contained on the shell. Intra-individual variation and inter-individual variations are compared to assume some conclusions as for the ontogenetic evolution of the animal such as periodicit…
Modélisation de scènes agronomiques pour tester et comparer les performances d'algorithmes de discrimination d'adventices
International audience; Dans le cadre de l’agriculture de précision, l’imagerie s’avère être de plus en plus utilisée commeoutil d’aide à la décision pour une gestion spécifique des intrants dans des parcelles cultivées.Dans ce contexte, nous présentons une modélisation de scènes agronomiques afin d’évaluer etde comparer la précision et la robustesse d’algorithmes de discrimination culture/adventices. Lamodélisation de ces images se décompose en deux parties : la première consiste en la modéli-sation d’une parcelle cultivée en simulant la distribution spatiale des plantes (culture et mauvai-ses herbes), la seconde a pour but de projeter le résultat obtenu à travers un capteur optiquepour si…
Supershape Recovery from 3D Data Sets
In this paper, we apply supershapes and R-functions to surface recovery from 3D data sets. Individual supershapes are separately recovered from a segmented mesh. R-functions are used to perform Boolean operations between the reconstructed parts to obtain a single implicit equation of the reconstructed object that is used to define a global error reconstruction function. We present surface recovery results ranging from single synthetic data to real complex objects involving the composition of several supershapes and holes.
A 3D Scanner for Transparent Glass
Many practical tasks in industry, such as automatic inspection or robot vision, often require the scanning of three-dimensional shapes by use of non-contact techniques. However, few methods have been proposed to measure three-dimensional shapes of transparent objects because of the difficulty of dealing with transparency and specularity of the surface. This paper presents a 3D scanner for transparent glass objects based on Scanning From Heating (SFH), a new method that makes use of local surface heating and thermal imaging.
Features extraction on complex images
The accessibility of inexpensive and powerful computers has allowed true digital holography to be used for industrial inspection using microscopy. This technique allows the capture of a complex image (i.e., one containing magnitude and phase), and the reconstruction of the phase and magnitude information. Digital holograms give a new dimension to texture analysis, since the topology information can be used as an additional way to extract features. This new technique can be used to extend previous work on the image segmentation of patterned wafers for defect detection. The paper presents a comparison between the features obtained using Gabor filtering on complex images under illumination and…
Temperature imaging and image processing in the steel industry
Our aim is twofold: to present our temperature measurement system based on CCD technology, which gives a linear response versus temperature, and to display two industrial applications in which our system has been involved to optimize and characterize the process. We present a short summary dealing with temperature evaluations from radiation measurements. We consider especially the problems of the surroundings, the atmosphere, and the emissivity assumption. After selecting a value for the emissivity, we show that the use of the CCD technology enables us to obtain high spatial and temporal resolution temperature imaging, and provides further information, mainly a linear response versus temper…
Coarse to fine : toward an intelligent 3D acquisition system
International audience; The 3D acquisition-compression-processing chain is , most of the time , sequenced into independent stages. As resulting , a large amount of 3D points are acquired whatever the geometry of the object and the processing to be done in further steps. It appears , particularly in mechanical part 3D modeling and in CAD , that the acquisition of such an amount of data is not always mandatory. We propose a method aiming at minimizing the number of 3D points to be acquired with respect to the local geometry of the part and therefore to compress the cloud of points during the acquisition stage. The method we propose is based on a new coarse to fine approach in which from a coa…
“Scanning from Heating” and “Shape from Fluorescence”
3D surface acquisition is a subject which has been studied to a large extent. A significant number of techniques for acquiring shape have been proposed, and a wide range of commercial solutions are available. Nevertheless, today’s systems still have difficulties when digitizing objects with non-Lambertian surfaces in the visible light spectrum, as is the case of transparent, semi-transparent or highly reflective materials (e.g. glass, crystals, some plastics and shiny metals). In this chapter, some of the issues of traditional scanning systems are addressed by considering various approaches using the radioactive properties of materials, the polarization information of the reflected light as…
Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem and Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression
International audience; Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem stands that any multivariate function can be decomposed into two types of monovariate functions that are called inner and external functions: each inner function is associated to one dimension and linearly combined to construct a hash-function that associates every point of a multidimensional space to a value of the real interval $[0,1]$. These intermediate values are then associated by external functions to the corresponding value of the multidimensional function. Thanks to the decomposition into monovariate functions, our goal is to apply this decomposition to images and obtain image compression. We propose a new algorithm to decomp…
Optical tomography from focus
A model and a method providing a 3D reconstruction of a given translucent object from a series of image acquisitions performed with various focus tunings is proposed. The object is imaged by transmission; refraction, reflection and diffusion effects are neglected. It is modeled as a stack of translucent parallel slices and the acquisition process can be described by a set of linear equations. We propose an efficient inversion technique with O(n) complexity, allowing practical applications with a simple laptop computer in a very reasonable time. Examples of results obtained with a simulated 3D translucent object are presented and discussed.
Genetic algorithms for 3d reconstruction with supershapes
Supershape model is a recent primitive that represents numerous 3D shapes with several symmetry axes. The main interest of this model is its capability to reconstruct more complex shape than superquadric model with only one implicit equation. In this paper we propose a genetic algorithms to re-construct a point cloud using those primitives. We used the pseudo-Euclidean distance to introduce a threshold to handle real data imperfection and speed up the process. Simulations using our proposed fitness functions and a fitness function based on inside-outside function show that our fitness function based on the pseudo-Euclidean distance performs better.
Rational supershapes for surface reconstruction
Simple representation of complex 3D data sets is a fundamental problem in computer vision. From a quality control perspective, it is crucial to use efficient and simple techniques do define a reference model for further recognition or comparison tasks. In this paper, we focus on reverse engineering 3D data sets by recovering rational supershapes to build an implicit function to represent mechanical parts. We derive existing techniques for superquadrics recovery to the supershapes and we adapt the concepts introduced for the ratioquadrics to introduce the rational supershapes. The main advantage of rational supershapes over standard supershapes is that the radius is now expressed as a ration…
Multiresolution Analysis for Irregular Meshes
International audience; The concept of multiresolution analysis applied to irregular meshes has become more and more important. Previous contributions proposed a variety of methods using simplification and/or subdivision algorithms to build a mesh pyramid. In this paper, we propose a multiresolution analysis framework for irregular meshes with attributes. Our framework is based on simplification and subdivision algorithms to build a mesh pyramid. We introduce a surface relaxation operator that allows to build a non-uniform subdivision for a low computational cost. Furthermore, we generalize the relaxationoperator to attributes such as color, texture, temperature, etc. The attribute analysis…
<title>Multiresolution description of range images through 2D quincunx wavelet analysis</title>
In this paper, we present a method for performing a multi- scale analysis on range images by using the wavelet transform, that is capable of revealing multi-resolution information. An accurate non-contact optical system based upon laser triangulation is used to determine the depth information of the object being scanned. The resulting range image is treated as a gray-level image by using a multi- resolution approach based on the generalization of the cascade algorithm using the quincunx wavelet transform. The quincunx wavelet assures very fine analysis. This method allows reconstruction of non-subsampled images that correspond to decompositions previously done at chosen scales. Multi-resolu…
Real-time characterization of aspect flaws on warped surface by artificial vision
Artificial vision is an efficient means of assuring the quality of a certain class of products. The vision system must respect the industrial constraints, in particular, the production rate. The geometrical features of flaws are pertinent information used for the acceptance of the controlled product. This article presents a real-time algorithm for the geometrical characterization of defects located on warped objects. The algorithms described enable the characterization of defects by their size and their 2-D shape. Both parameters are calculated in real time by simple reference to a look-up table. The 2-D shape is obtained by a geometrical transform and an interpolation. The efficiency of th…
Multiresolution Analysis for Meshes with Appearance Attributes
International audience; We present a new multiresolution analysis framework for irregular meshes with attributes based on the lifting scheme. We introduce a surface prediction operator to compute the detail coefficients for the geometry and the attributes of the model. Attribute analysis gives appearance information to complete the geometrical analysis of the model. A set of experimental results are given to show the efficiency of our framework. We present two applications to adaptive visual-ization and denoising.
Discrete wavelet transform implementation in Fourier domain for multidimensional signal
Wavelet transforms are often calculated by using the Mallat algorithm. In this algorithm, a signal is decomposed by a cascade of filtering and downsampling operations. Computing time can be important but the filtering operations can be speeded up by using fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based convolutions. Since it is necessary to work in the Fourier domain when large filters are used, we present some results of Fourier-based optimization of the sampling operations. Acceleration can be obtained by expressing the samplings in the Fourier domain. The general equations of the down- and upsampling of digital multidimensional signals are given. It is shown that for special cases such as the separab…
Karhunen-Loe`ve transform applied to region-based segmentation of color aerial images
The use of the Karhunen-Loeve transform (KLT) for region- based segmentation of aerial images by color and textural attributes is presented. Our aerial images are shown to be homogeneous color im- ages within the Karhunen-Loeve color representation space, which means they can be represented more easily and the region-based seg- mentation algorithms can be optimized. For texture analysis, the KLT is the basis of the local linear transform (LLT) and allows structural infor- mation about textures to be represented in an optimal and condensed manner. The LLT provides a system of textural analysis in the form of an adapted filter bank. We end the paper by presenting a method for merg- ing textur…
Multiscale analysis of range image: its use for growth increment characterization
A new image-processing approach for object analysis in life and earth sciences is presented. This approach is based on a multireso- lution algorithm in image processing. A clamshell surface has been digi- tized using a noncontact optical sensor based on laser triangulation. The 3-D surface obtained constitutes an image that can be characterized by multiresolution analysis. The application of this method to the study of a bivalve shell surface (Unio sp., Recent Atlantic, Holocene) allowed the various growth increments and their potential relationship with environ- mental constraints to be measured. The algorithm used in this paper is based on the wavelet transform theory. © 1999 Society of P…
Scanning From Heating : extension pour la numérisation 3D de surfaces métalliques spéculaires
National audience; En raison des difficultés liées à la réflexion spéculaire de certaines surfaces, peu de méthodes répétables ont été proposées pour mesurer la forme en trois dimensions des objets métalliques polis. Nous présentons l'application sur ce type de matériau d'une nouvelle approche appelée " Scanning From Heating ". Cette méthode a été initialement développée pour la numérisation 3D d'objets transparents. Du fait des nombreuses différences de propriétés physiques entre métaux et diélectriques, le principe de fonctionnement de la méthode SFH doit être modifié. Une simulation des échanges thermique grâce à un logiciel de calcul par éléments finis a permis de déterminer comment ada…
We propose a mesh comparison method using a new attribute deviation metric. The considered meshes contain geometrical and appearance attributes (material color, texture, temperature, etc.). The proposed deviation metric computes local differences between the attributes of two meshes. A mesh comparison assessment can be done easily and quickly using this metric. The techniques proposed are applicable in a number of ways, e.g. 3D matching and registration, and the example described in the paper is the simplification of a surface by iteratively reducing its complexity according to an error metric. The results are presented showing the success of the algorithm through comparisons with other me…
Noise estimation from digital step-model signal
International audience; This paper addresses the noise estimation in the digital domain and proposes a noise estimator based on the step signal model. It is efficient for any distribution of noise because it does not rely only on the smallest amplitudes in the signal or image. The proposed approach uses polarized/directional derivatives and a nonlinear combination of these derivatives to estimate the noise distribution (e.g., Gaussian, Poisson, speckle, etc.). The moments of this measured distribution can be computed and are also calculated theoretically on the basis of noise distribution models. The 1D performances are detailed, and as our work is mostly dedicated to image processing, a 2D…
Proc. of SPIE, Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications II
Toward a virtual reconstruction of an antique three-dimensional marble puzzle
International audience; Abstract | Introduction | Related Work | Acquisition Setup, Proposed Prototype: Calibration and Visibility | Preprocessing of Scanned Three-Dimensional Fragment Data | Processing of Scanned Three-Dimensional Surface Data: Matching | Conclusion and Future Works | Appendices | Acknowledgments | ReferencesAbstract. The reconstruction of broken objects is an important field of research for many applications, such as art restoration, surgery, forensics, and solving puzzles. In archaeology, the reconstruction of broken artifacts is a very time-consuming task due to the handling of fractured objects, which are generally fragile. However, it can now be supported by three-dim…
Application du Scanning From Heating à la numérisation 3D de surfaces métalliques spéculaires
Because of the difficulty of dealing with specularity of several surfaces, few methods have been proposed to measure three-dimensional shapes of specular metallic objects. In this paper we present an application on this kind of material of an approach called "Scanning From Heating". This approach has been developed initially for 3D reconstruction of transparent objects. This article presents an application of the working principle of SFH method on material with high thermal conductivity and low absorptivity.
A crop field modeling to simulate agronomic images
In precision agriculture, crop/weed discrimination is often based on image analysis but though several algorithms using spatial information have been proposed, not any has been tested on relevant databases. A simple model that simulates virtual fields is developed to evaluate these algorithms. Virtual fields are made of crops, arranged according to agricultural practices and represented by simple patterns, and weeds that are spatially distributed using a statistical approach. Then, experimental devices using cameras are simulated with a pinhole model. Its ability to characterize the spatial reality is demonstrated through different pairs (real, virtual) of pictures. Two spatial descriptors …
3D shape extraction of internal and external surfaces of glass objects
Three-dimensional (3D) digitization of manufactured objects has been investigated for several years and consequently, many techniques have been proposed. Even if some techniques have been successfully commercialized, most of them assume a diffuse or near diffuse reflectance of the object’s surface, and difficulties remain for the acquisition of “optically non cooperative” surfaces, such as transparent or specular ones. To address such surfaces, we propose a non conventional technique, called “Scanning from Heating” (SfH). In contrast to classical active triangulation techniques that acquire the reflection of visible light, we measure the thermal emission of the heated surface. The aim of th…
The Kolmogorov Spline Network for Image Processing
In 1900, Hilbert stated that high order equations cannot be solved by sums and compositions of bivariate functions. In 1957, Kolmogorov proved this hypothesis wrong and presented his superposition theorem (KST) that allowed for writing every multivariate functions as sums and compositions of univariate functions. Sprecher has proposed in (Sprecher, 1996) and (Sprecher, 1997) an algorithm for exact univariate function reconstruction. Sprecher explicitly describes construction methods for univariate functions and introduces fundamental notions for the theorem comprehension (such as tilage). Köppen has presented applications of this algorithm to image processing in (Köppen, 2002) and (Köppen &…
Gabor filters in industrial inspection: a review. Application to semiconductor industry
This paper focuses on reviewing some recent works of the use of Gabor filters dealing with industrial applications. After a brief recall of Gabor filter basis, the two usual uses of Gabor filters are recalled: filter bank approach and filter design approach. The third part presents recent published works domain by domain. A fourth part exposes our own work with Gabor Filters for defect detection on semiconductor. A short conclusion summarizes the paper.
New methods for analysing colour texture based on the Karhunen–Loeve transform and quantification
In this article, we offer an original study on the analysis of the texture of colour images based on Local Linear Transforms (LLT). Our colour approach is based on the separability of the data which reduces the number of texture parameters. We also propose the extension of Run Lengths (RL) and Co-occurrence Matrixes (CM) to colour images. In this respect, two different ways were explored (data merging and quantification). We finally present a comparative study showing the efficiency of the first method (LLT) as well as the complementary nature of the other methods (RL, CM).
Estimation de surface de Bézier à partir d'images de lumière structurée dans une optique de compression
National audience; Compression of 3D datas has become a topic of increasing importance over the evolution of scanners. With evolution of technologies, the commercial scanners give more and more data points, which can lead to difficulties in transmission or storage. In most cases, the acquisition does not take into account the final use of the data. While in many cases, this would limit the number of points. In this paper, we propose an approach which simplifies the scatterplot for industrial purposes using Bezier surfaces.
Development of a multispectral imagery device devoted to weed detection
Multispectral imagery is a large domain with number of practical applications: thermography, quality control in industry, food science and agronomy, etc. The main interest is to obtain spectral information of the objects for which reflectance signal can be associated with physical, chemical and/or biological properties. Agronomic applications of multispectral imagery generally involve the acquisition of several images in the wavelengths of visible and near infrared. This paper will first present different kind of multispectral devices used for agronomic issues and will secondly introduce an original multispectral design based on a single CCD. Third, early results obtained for weed detection…
New Representations for Multidimensional Functions Based on Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem. Applications on Image Processing
Mastering the sorting of the data in signal (nD) can lead to multiple applications like new compression, transmission, watermarking, encryption methods and even new processing methods for image. Some authors in the past decades have proposed to use these approaches for image compression, indexing, median filtering, mathematical morphology, encryption. A mathematical rigorous way for doing such a study has been introduced by Andrei Nikolaievitch Kolmogorov (1903-1987) in 1957 and recent results have provided constructive ways and practical algorithms for implementing the Kolmogorov theorem. We propose in this paper to present those algorithms and some preliminary results obtained by our team…
A new Adaptive and Progressive Image Transmission Approach using Function Superpositions
International audience; We present a novel approach to adaptive and progressive image transmission, based on the decomposition of an image into compositions and superpositions of monovariate functions. The monovariate functions are iteratively constructed and transmitted, one after the other, to progressively reconstruct the original image: the progressive transmission is performed directly in the 1D space of the monovariate functions and independently of any statistical properties of the image. Each monovariate function contains only a fraction of the pixels of the image. Each new transmitted monovariate function adds data to the previously transmitted monovariate functions. After each tra…
We present a new multiresolution analysis framework based on the lifting scheme for irregular meshes with attributes. We introduce a surface prediction opera- tor to compute the detail coefficients for the geometry and the attributes of the model. Attribute analysis gives appearance information to complete the geomet- rical analysis of the model.We present an application to adaptive visualization and some experimental results to show the efficiency of our framework.
Boolean operations with implicit and parametric representation of primitives using R-functions
We present a new and efficient algorithm to accurately polygonize an implicit surface generated by multiple Boolean operations with globally deformed primitives. Our algorithm is special in the sense that it can be applied to objects with both an implicit and a parametric representation, such as superquadrics, supershapes, and Dupin cyclides. The input is a constructive solid geometry tree (CSG tree) that contains the Boolean operations, the parameters of the primitives, and the global deformations. At each node of the CSG tree, the implicit formulations of the subtrees are used to quickly determine the parts to be transmitted to the parent node, while the primitives' parametric definition …
Multi-scale analysis of shell growth increments using wavelet transform
Abstract Shell increments contain information related to the evolution of the environment in which the organism grew during its biomineralization. To extract the information from variations in shell topography, a new and promising technique is presented, involving multi-scale analysis of the shell topography using a B-spline wavelet transform. An accurate non-contact optical system, based on laser triangulation, is used to map the shell surface. The resulting range image is treated as a grey-level image by using a multi-resolution approach based on the generalization of the cascade algorithm. This method allows reconstruction of non-subsampled images that correspond to the projection onto t…
Scanning from heating: 3D shape estimation of transparent objects from local surface heating.
Today, with quality becoming increasingly important, each product requires three-dimensional in-line quality control. On the other hand, the 3D reconstruction of transparent objects is a very difficult problem in computer vision due to transparency and specularity of the surface. This paper proposes a new method, called Scanning From Heating (SFH), to determine the surface shape of transparent objects using laser surface heating and thermal imaging. Furthermore, the application to transparent glass is discussed and results on different surface shapes are presented.
Kolmogorov superposition theorem for image compression
International audience; The authors present a novel approach for image compression based on an unconventional representation of images. The proposed approach is different from most of the existing techniques in the literature because the compression is not directly performed on the image pixels, but is rather applied to an equivalent monovariate representation of the wavelet-transformed image. More precisely, the authors have considered an adaptation of Kolmogorov superposition theorem proposed by Igelnik and known as the Kolmogorov spline network (KSN), in which the image is approximated by sums and compositions of specific monovariate functions. Using this representation, the authors trad…
Generic attribute deviation metric for assessing mesh simplification algorithm quality
International audience; This paper describes an efficient method to compare two triangular meshes. Meshes considered here contain geometric features as well as other surface attributes such as material colors, texture, temperature, radiation, etc. Two deviation measurements are presented to assess the differences between two meshes. The first measurement, called geometric deviation, returns geometric differences. The second measurement , called attribute deviation, returns attribute differences regardless of the attribute type. In this paper we present an application of this method to the Mesh Simplification Algorithm (MSA) quality assessment according to the appearance attributes. This ass…
Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem and Its Application to Multivariate Function Decompositions and Image Representation
International audience; In this paper, we present the problem of multivariate function decompositions into sums and compositions of monovariate functions. We recall that such a decomposition exists in the Kolmogorov's superposition theorem, and we present two of the most recent constructive algorithms of these monovariate functions. We first present the algorithm proposed by Sprecher, then the algorithm proposed by Igelnik, and we present several results of decomposition for gray level images. Our goal is to adapt and apply the superposition theorem to image processing, i.e. to decompose an image into simpler functions using Kolmogorov superpositions. We synthetise our observations, before …
A nonlinear derivative
International audience; A nonlinear derivative is directly defined in the discrete domain. This derivative is motivated by the asymmetry of pattern in discrete signal as step or edge in 2D signal. Thanks to the special definition (in the discrete domain) of this derivative, pattern can be detected in a univocal way. This derivative is the only one able to perfectly detect and localize ideal edges in image. Beside this fundamental benefit, the derivative has the nice property to reduce noise. Ap- plications to edge detection, noise reduction and noise estimation are described and their performances are studied.
Regularization Preserving Localization of Close Edges
International audience; In this letter, we address the problem of the influence of neighbor edges and their effect on the edge delocalization while extracting a neighbor contour by a derivative approach. The properties to be fulfilled by the regularization operators to minimize or suppress this side effect are deduced, and the best detectors are pointed out. The study is carried out in 1-D for discrete signal. We show that among the derivative filters, one of them can correctly detect our model edges without being influenced by a neighboring transition, whatever their separation distance is and their respective amplitude is. A model of contour and close transitions is presented and used through…
3D Scanning of specular and diffuse metallic surfaces using an infrared technique
International audience; For the past two decades, the need for 3D Scanning of industrial objects has increased significantly. Therefore, many experimental techniques and commercial solutions have been proposed. However, difficulties remain for the acquisition of optically non-cooperative surfaces, such as transparent or specular surfaces. To address highly reflective metallic surfaces, we propose the extension of a technique that was originally dedicated to glass objects. In contrast to conventional active triangulation techniques that measure the reflection of visible radiation, we measure the thermal emission of a surface, which is locally heated by a laser source. Considering the thermop…
Methods cooperation for multiresolution motion estimation
For a medical application, we are interested in an estimation of optical flow on a patient's face, particularly around the eyes. Among the methods of optical flow estimation, gradient estimation and block matching are the main methods. However, the gradient-based approach can only be applied for small displacements (one or two pixels). Gener- ally, the process of block matching leads to good results only if the searching strategy is judiciously selected. Our approach is based on a Markov random field model, combined with an algorithm of block match- ing in a multiresolution scheme. The multiresolution approach allows de- tection of a large range of speeds. The large displacements are detect…
Attitude measurement by artificial vision
The recent development of light and low-cost airborne platforms (microlight, drones, kites, balloons,...) has led to the need for simple and low-cost devices allowing attitude measurement with respect to a reference horizon of the platform itself or of an embedded setting. A theoretical study of the conditions for measuring attitude angles from artificial vision is proposed and an original practical algorithm allowing these measurements to be performed in real time is described. An implementation in a CMOS retina circuit is also presented. These points are illustrated by experiments confirming the feasibility of the device.
Spatial and thermal measurements using thermography CCD during HF soldering of metallic tubes
High frequency soldering allows high production speed, contactless heating and good quality of the weld. The speed limit of soldering is principally imposed by a good drive of the metal in the profiling machine. To control a HF soldering process, the authors propose a new method and approach which consists in controlling the temperature with a thermal image acquisition system developed in their laboratory. Their computer vision, described in this paper, is based on CCD thermography. This technology brings many advantages and tools in the measurement of thermal and spatial parameters. In fact, high spatial (800/spl times/600 pixels) and temporal resolutions, good relative thermal resolution …
Progressive transmission of secured images with authentication using decompositions into monovariate functions
International audience; We propose a progressive transmission approach of an image authenticated using an overlapping subimage that can be removed to restore the original image. Our approach is different from most visible water- marking approaches that allow one to later remove the watermark, because the mark is not directly introduced in the two-dimensional image space. Instead, it is rather applied to an equivalent monovariate representation of the image. Precisely, the approach is based on our progressive transmission approach that relies on a modified Kolmogorov spline network, and therefore inherits its advantages: resilience to packet losses during transmis- sion and support of hetero…