Fabrizio Martino
On multiplicities of cocharacters for algebras with superinvolution
Abstract In this paper we deal with finitely generated superalgebras with superinvolution, satisfying a non-trivial identity, whose multiplicities of the cocharacters are bounded by a constant. Along the way, we prove that the codimension sequence of such algebras is polynomially bounded if and only if their colength sequence is bounded by a constant.
A note on cocharacter sequence of Jordan upper triangular matrix algebra
Let UJn(F) be the Jordan algebra of n × n upper triangular matrices over a field F of characteristic zero. This paper is devoted to the study of polynomial identities satisfied by UJ2(F) and UJ3(F). In particular, the goal is twofold. On one hand, we complete the description of G-graded polynomial identities of UJ2(F), where G is a finite abelian group. On the other hand, we compute the Gelfand–Kirillov dimension of the relatively free algebra of UJ2(F) and we give a bound for the Gelfand–Kirillov dimension of the relatively free algebra of UJ3(F).
Specht property for some varieties of Jordan algebras of almost polynomial growth
Abstract Let F be a field of characteristic zero. In [25] it was proved that U J 2 , the Jordan algebra of 2 × 2 upper triangular matrices, can be endowed up to isomorphism with either the trivial grading or three distinct non-trivial Z 2 -gradings or by a Z 2 × Z 2 -grading. In this paper we prove that the variety of Jordan algebras generated by U J 2 endowed with any G-grading has the Specht property, i.e., every T G -ideal containing the graded identities of U J 2 is finitely based. Moreover, we prove an analogue result about the ordinary identities of A 1 , a suitable infinitely generated metabelian Jordan algebra defined in [27] .
Classifying G-graded algebras of exponent two
Let F be a field of characteristic zero and let $$\mathcal{V}$$ be a variety of associative F-algebras graded by a finite abelian group G. If $$\mathcal{V}$$ satisfies an ordinary non-trivial identity, then the sequence $$c_n^G(\mathcal{V})$$ of G-codimensions is exponentially bounded. In [2, 3, 8], the authors captured such exponential growth by proving that the limit $$^G(\mathcal{V}) = {\rm{lim}}_{n \to \infty} \sqrt[n]{{c_n^G(\mathcal{V})}}$$ exists and it is an integer, called the G-exponent of $$\mathcal{V}$$ . The purpose of this paper is to characterize the varieties of G-graded algebras of exponent greater than 2. As a consequence, we find a characterization for the varieties with …
Polynomial growth and star-varieties
Abstract Let V be a variety of associative algebras with involution over a field F of characteristic zero and let c n ⁎ ( V ) , n = 1 , 2 , … , be its ⁎-codimension sequence. Such a sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if V does not contain the commutative algebra F ⊕ F , endowed with the exchange involution, and M, a suitable 4-dimensional subalgebra of the algebra of 4 × 4 upper triangular matrices. Such algebras generate the only varieties of ⁎-algebras of almost polynomial growth, i.e., varieties of exponential growth such that any proper subvariety is polynomially bounded. In this paper we completely classify all subvarieties of the ⁎-varieties of almost polynomial growth by gi…
Polynomial identities for the Jordan algebra of upper triangular matrices of order 2
Abstract The associative algebras U T n ( K ) of the upper triangular matrices of order n play an important role in PI theory. Recently it was suggested that the Jordan algebra U J 2 ( K ) obtained by U T 2 ( K ) has an extremal behaviour with respect to its codimension growth. In this paper we study the polynomial identities of U J 2 ( K ) . We describe a basis of the identities of U J 2 ( K ) when the field K is infinite and of characteristic different from 2 and from 3. Moreover we give a description of all possible gradings on U J 2 ( K ) by the cyclic group Z 2 of order 2, and in each of the three gradings we find bases of the corresponding graded identities. Note that in the graded ca…
On central polynomials and codimension growth
Let A be an associative algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A central polynomial is a polynomial of the free associative algebra that takes central values of A. In this survey, we present some recent results about the exponential growth of the central codimension sequence and the proper central codimension sequence in the setting of algebras with involution and algebras graded by a finite group.
Growth of central polynomials of algebras with involution
Let A be an associative algebra with involution ∗ over a field of characteristic zero. A central ∗-polynomial of A is a polynomial in non- commutative variables that takes central values in A. Here we prove the existence of two limits called the central ∗-exponent and the proper central ∗-exponent that give a measure of the growth of the central ∗-polynomials and proper central ∗-polynomials, respectively. Moreover, we compare them with the PI-∗-exponent of the algebra.
Polynomial Identities of the Jordan algebra UJ2(F)
Ordinary and graded cocharacter of the Jordan algebra of 2x2 upper triangular matrices
Abstract Let F be a field of characteristic zero and U J 2 ( F ) be the Jordan algebra of 2 × 2 upper triangular matrices over F . In this paper we give a complete description of the space of multilinear graded and ordinary identities in the language of Young diagrams through the representation theory of a Young subgroup of S n . For every Z 2 -grading of U J 2 ( F ) we compute the multiplicities in the graded cocharacter sequence and furthermore we compute the ordinary cocharacter.
Classifying Algebras with Graded Involutions or Superinvolutions with Multiplicities of their Cocharacter Bounded by One
Let A be superalgebra over a field of characteristic zero and let ∗ be either a graded involution or a superinvolution defined on A. In this paper we characterize the ∗-algebras whose ∗-cocharacter has multiplicities bounded by one, showing a set of ∗-polynomial identities satisfied by such algebras.
Differential Identities and Varieties of Almost Polynomial Growth
Let V be an L-variety of associative L-algebras, i.e., algebras where a Lie algebra L acts on them by derivations, and let c(n)(L) (V), n >= 1, be its Lcodimension sequence. If V is generated by a finite-dimensional L-algebra, then such a sequence is polynomially bounded only if V does not contain UT2, the 2 x 2 upper triangular matrix algebra with trivial L-action, and UT2 epsilon where L acts on UT2 as the 1-dimensional Lie algebra spanned by the inner derivation epsilon induced by e11. In this paper we completely classify all the L-subvarieties of var(L)(UT2) and var(L)(UT2 epsilon) by giving a complete list of finite-dimensional L-algebras generating them.
Varieties of algebras with pseudoinvolution and polynomial growth
Let A be an associative algebra with pseudoinvolution (Formula presented.) over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and let (Formula presented.) be its sequence of (Formula presented.) -codimensions. We shall prove that such a sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if the variety generated by A does not contain five explicitly described algebras with pseudoinvolution. As a consequence, we shall classify the varieties of algebras with pseudoinvolution of almost polynomial growth, i.e. varieties of exponential growth such that any proper subvariety has polynomial growth and, along the way, we shall give also the classification of their subvarieties. Finally, we shall de…
Varieties of special Jordan algebras of almost polynomial growth
Abstract Let J be a special Jordan algebra and let c n ( J ) be its corresponding codimension sequence. The aim of this paper is to prove that in case J is finite dimensional, such a sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if the variety generated by J does not contain U J 2 , the special Jordan algebra of 2 × 2 upper triangular matrices. As an immediate consequence, we prove that U J 2 is the only finite dimensional special Jordan algebra that generates a variety of almost polynomial growth.
Varieties of algebras with pseudoinvolution: Codimensions, cocharacters and colengths
Abstract Let A be a finitely generated superalgebra with pseudoinvolution ⁎ over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic zero. In this paper we develop a theory of polynomial identities for this kind of algebras . In particular, we shall consider three sequences that can be attached to Id ⁎ ( A ) , the T 2 ⁎ -ideal of identities of A: the sequence of ⁎-codimensions c n ⁎ ( A ) , the sequence of ⁎-cocharacter χ 〈 n 〉 ⁎ ( A ) and the ⁎-colength sequence l n ⁎ ( A ) . Our purpose is threefold. First we shall prove that the ⁎-codimension sequence is eventually non-decreasing, i.e., c n ⁎ ( A ) ≤ c n + 1 ⁎ ( A ) , for n large enough. Secondly, we study superalgebras with pseudoinvoluti…
Polynomial identities for the Jordan algebra of a degenerate symmetric bilinear form
Let J(n) be the Jordan algebra of a degenerate symmetric bilinear form. In the first section we classify all possible G-gradings on J(n) where G is any group, while in the second part we restrict our attention to a degenerate symmetric bilinear form of rank n - 1, where n is the dimension of the vector space V defining J(n). We prove that in this case the algebra J(n) is PI-equivalent to the Jordan algebra of a nondegenerate bilinear form.
Superinvolutions on upper-triangular matrix algebras
Let UTn(F) be the algebra of n×n upper-triangular matrices over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic zero. In [18], the authors described all abelian G-gradings on UTn(F) by showing that any G-grading on this algebra is an elementary grading. In this paper, we shall consider the algebra UTn(F) endowed with an elementary Z2-grading. In this way, it has a structure of superalgebra and our goal is to completely describe the superinvolutions which can be defined on it. To this end, we shall prove that the superinvolutions and the graded involutions (i.e., involutions preserving the grading) on UTn(F) are strictly related through the so-called superautomorphisms of this algebra. We …
Standard polynomials and matrices with superinvolutions
Abstract Let M n ( F ) be the algebra of n × n matrices over a field F of characteristic zero. The superinvolutions ⁎ on M n ( F ) were classified by Racine in [12] . They are of two types, the transpose and the orthosymplectic superinvolution. This paper is devoted to the study of ⁎-polynomial identities satisfied by M n ( F ) . The goal is twofold. On one hand, we determine the minimal degree of a standard polynomial vanishing on suitable subsets of symmetric or skew-symmetric matrices for both types of superinvolutions. On the other, in case of M 2 ( F ) , we find generators of the ideal of ⁎-identities and we compute the corresponding sequences of cocharacters and codimensions.
Central polynomials of graded algebras: Capturing their exponential growth
Let G be a finite abelian group and let A be an associative G-graded algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A central G-polynomial is a polynomial of the free associative G-graded algebra that takes central values for all graded substitutions of homogeneous elements of A. We prove the existence and the integrability of two limits called the central G-exponent and the proper central G-exponent that give a quantitative measure of the growth of the central G-polynomials and the proper central G-polynomials, respectively. Moreover, we compare them with the G-exponent of the algebra.