Modelling a real situation with tablets: the ball experiment
[EN] In this study we present an experience carried out in an 11th grade class. We use a teaching model designed to work the concepts of family of functions and parameter through the modelling. This model has the characteristic that the data are obtained by students in classroom using tablets and it includes elements that allow them to manage the modelling process. The analysis of the results revealed that the realization of a previous qualitative analysis of the phenomenon studied and the students’ knowledge about the families of functions and the meaning of the parameters are key elements in the management and control of the entire process. Besides, we obtained information about the stude…
Design and implementation of modelling tasks using iPad's: a dual perspective
[EN] This paper presents the design of two experiences to introduce modelling of physical phe-nomena through modelling tasks using iPadR's. Each of the proposals is designed with adi erent vision about modelling. In one case modelling is used as a vehicle to introduceprecise mathematical contents. While, on the other one, we intend to develop an activitythat can help student to improve their modelling competence. Our aim is to present twoproposals to introduce modelling in a ninth or tenth grade classroom
Un modelo de enseñanza de la modelización para trabajar las funciones elementales con el uso de datos reales y tabletas
In this study, we analyse the students’ performances while working on a teaching material that is designed to study some families of functions, through the mathematical modelling of physical phenomena and the use of iPads. This study is done following the theoretical and methodological framework of the Local Theoretical Models. Our research aim is to develop a Local Theoretical Model and to collect, analyse and explain the students' performances when they work in a teaching model that takes into account the use of technology and the incorporation of an analysis of the qualitative properties of the phenomena and the families of functions in the teaching material itself. A study of a group an…
Un estudi exploratori sobre el procés de modelització amb dades reals en l'entorn informàtic dels iPads
El treball d’investigació que presentem és un estudi exploratori sobre l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge del procés de modelització d’una situació real en un grup d’alumnes de 1r de batxillerat. La peculiaritat d’aquest estudi és l’ús de dades reals obtingudes a partir de la gravació d’un vídeo del fenomen estudiat utilitzant iPads®. En particular, el model d’ensenyament que utilitzem permet treballar els conceptes de paràmetre i família de funcions i fa èmfasi en l’anàlisi qualitatiu del fenomen. The research work that we present is an exploratory study about teaching and learning the modelling process of a real situation in a grade 11 student group. The peculiarity of this study is the usage…