Nana Assyne
Business Model Canvas Should Pay More Attention to the Software Startup Team
Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a tool widely used to describe startup business models. Despite the various business aspects described, BMC pays a little emphasis on team- related factors. The importance of team-related factors in software development has been acknowledged widely in literature. While not as extensively studied, the importance of teams in software startups is also known in both literature and among practitioners. In this paper, we propose potential changes to BMC to have the tool better reflect the importance of the team, especially in a software startup environment. Based on a literature review, we identify various components related to the team, which we then further suppor…
Soft Competencies and Satisfaction Levels for Software Engineers: A Unified Framework
The importance of software engineers’ competency has long been established as a key pillar for the development of robust software in order to achieve quality software. Software engineering competency research is not necessarily lacking. Nevertheless, the satisfaction derived from using software competency needs more investigation. The aim of this study is to identify soft competencies from empirical data and create satisfaction levels for software engineers’ soft competencies. The result shows 63 soft competencies with three different satisfaction levels consisting of basic, performance and delighters. The paper contributes to the SEC research by highlighting the satisfaction levels of soft…
The state of research on software engineering competencies: A systematic mapping study
Considering the critical role of software in modern societies, we face an urgent need to educate more competent software professionals. Software engineering competencies (SEC) are considered the backbone of successfully developing software products. Consequently, SEC has become a hotspot for software engineering research and practice. Although scientific literature on SEC is not lacking, to our knowledge, a comprehensive overview of the current state of SEC research is missing. To that end, we conducted an extensive and systematic review of the SEC literature. We provide an overview of the current state of research on SEC, with a particular focus on common SEC research areas. In addition to…
The Essential Competencies of Software Professionals : A Unified Competence Gate Framework
Context Developing high-quality software requires skilled software professionals equipped with a set of basic and essential software engineering competencies (SEC). These competencies and the satisfaction levels derived from them change over a project's lifecycle, or as software professionals move from one project to another. Objective Previous studies suggest a lack of means enabling SEC stakeholders to identify and assess competencies suitable for different projects. Additionally, previous research has mainly portrayed SEC to be static and overlooked their evolution over time and across projects. We investigate how we could effectively identify and match the competencies of software profe…
Towards a Security Competence of Software Developers
Software growth has been explosive as people depend heavily on software on daily basis. Software development is a human-intensive effort, and developers' competence in software security is essential for secure software development. In addition, ubiquitous computing provides an added complexity to software security. Studies have treated security competences of software developers as a subsidiary of security engineers' competence instead of software engineers' competence, limiting the full knowledge of the security competences of software developers. This presents a crucial challenge for developers, educators, and users to maintain developers' competences in security. As a first step in pushi…
Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity: A Systematic Mapping of Literature
Due to the ever-increasing complexities in cybercrimes, there is the need for cybersecurity methods to be more robust and intelligent. This will make defense mechanisms to be capable of making real-time decisions that can effectively respond to sophisticated attacks. To support this, both researchers and practitioners need to be familiar with current methods of ensuring cybersecurity (CyberSec). In particular, the use of artificial intelligence for combating cybercrimes. However, there is lack of summaries on artificial intelligent methods for combating cybercrimes. To address this knowledge gap, this study sampled 131 articles from two main scholarly databases (ACM digital library and IEEE…
Hard Competencies Satisfaction Levels for Software Engineers: A Unified Framework
Software engineer’s/developer’s competency has long been established as a key pillar for the development of software. Nevertheless, the satisfaction levels derived from using a competency needs more investigation. The aim of this paper is to propose a framework for identifying hard competencies and their satisfaction levels. The paper contributes to the software engineering competency research by highlighting the satisfaction levels of hard competence for the benefit of the educators (academia), software engineers and users of software competence (practitioner). peerReviewed
A Dynamic Software Startup Competency Model
Current literature suggests that engineering activities of software engineering and software startup engineering differ. Thus, there is the need to elicit competencies specific for software startup engineering. This paper proposes a model that provides the various types of competencies and their respective relevance at the various stages of software startup evolution. peerReviewed
Startup Trust Model: The Role of Trust in Successful Software Startup
the increasing desire by many for a better world and easier living conditions have contributed to various efforts to the frontiers of innovation in information technology (IT). The ensuing phenomena is the launch of many software startups to give meaning to such innovations in IT. Interestingly, the rate at which many of such startups fail is usually higher than expected. A collaborative effort by actors in IT innovation ecosystem has been posited to lead to a successful startup. However, there is the need for a trust model to ensure that the collaborative effort become meaningful. Through the lens of Morgan and Hunt's commitment trust theory, this study examines the antecedents of trust am…