Fabio Tuzzolino
Intraductal aspiration: a promising new tissue-sampling technique for the diagnosis of suspected malignant biliary strictures
Brushing is the most commonly used technique for biliary sampling at ERCP, despite its limited sensitivity. To evaluate intraductal aspiration (IDA) as a new combined endoscopic technique for cytodiagnosis, its cellular adequacy, diagnostic accuracy for cancer detection, feasibility, and safety. Prospective, observational study. Single tertiary referral center. IDA cellular adequacy, diagnostic accuracy for cancer detection, feasibility, and safety. From April 2009 to September 2010, 42 consecutive patients with suspected malignant biliary stricture underwent ERCP, with tissue sampling obtained with IDA. IDA included performance of standard brushing in all patients. After standard brushing,…
Come monitorare e analizzare i tassi d'infezione in un centro trapianti d'organo solido
Le infezioni rappresentano un’importante causa di mortalità e morbilità nei pazienti trapiantati d’organo solido. Per conoscere il numero e l’impatto di queste complicanze in ambiente ospedaliero è necessario implementare un sistema di monitoraggio di tutte le infezioni correlate alle pratiche assistenziali (ICPA) mettendole in relazione con altre informazioni legate al ricovero.
Circulatory response to volume expansion and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in refractory ascites: Relationship with diastolic dysfunction
Abstract Background Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy may lead to heart failure in stressful circumstances, such as after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) placement. Aim To examine whether acute volume expansion predicts haemodynamic changes after TIPS and elicits signs of impending heart failure. Methods We prospectively evaluated refractory ascites patients (group A) and compensated cirrhotics (group B), who underwent echocardiography, NT-proBNP measurement, and heart catheterization before and after volume load; group A repeated measurements after TIPS. Results 15 patients in group A (80% male; 54 ± 12.4 years) and 8 in group B (100% male; 56 ± 6.2 years) were enrolled. Echoca…
Lamivudine monoprophylaxis for de novo HBV infection in HBsAg-negative recipients with HBcAb-positive liver grafts.
We followed the efficacy of long-term lamivudine monotherapy in preventing development of de novo hepatitis B (DNHB) in a large cohort of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-negative recipients with grafts from hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb)-positive donors. Recipients were observed over a long follow-up. Between July 1999 and December 2008, 45 patients (median age 54, range 19-67) who were HBsAg negative before transplantation were included in the study of monoprophylaxis with lamivudine starting on post-operative day 1, and continuing for life. Mean follow-up: 37.9 months; median 32.1 months (range 2.4-117). No suspension of therapy was reported during the study. Post-transplantation, …
Single center report on complications in steroid-free immunosuppressive therapy of liver transplant recipients
sj-pdf-1-ueg-10.1177_2050640620924302 - Supplemental material for Multicentric Italian survey on daily practice for autoimmune pancreatitis: Clinical data, diagnosis, treatment, and evolution toward pancreatic insufficiency
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-ueg-10.1177_2050640620924302 for Multicentric Italian survey on daily practice for autoimmune pancreatitis: Clinical data, diagnosis, treatment, and evolution toward pancreatic insufficiency by Luca Barresi, Matteo Tacelli, Stefano Francesco Crinò Fabia Attili, Maria Chiara Petrone, Germana De Nucci, Silvia Carrara, Guido Manfredi, Gabriele Capurso, Claudio Giovanni De Angelis, Lucia Crocellà, Alberto Fantin, Maria Francesca Dore, Alessandra Tina Garribba, Ilaria Tarantino, Nicolò De Pretis, Danilo Pagliari, Gemma Rossi, Gianpiero Manes, Paoletta Preatoni, Ilenia Barbuscio, Fabio Tuzzolino, Mario Traina, Luca Frulloni, Guido Costamagna, Paolo Giorgio Arcidiac…
sj-pdf-1-ueg-10.1177_2050640620924302 - Supplemental material for Multicentric Italian survey on daily practice for autoimmune pancreatitis: Clinical data, diagnosis, treatment, and evolution toward pancreatic insufficiency
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-ueg-10.1177_2050640620924302 for Multicentric Italian survey on daily practice for autoimmune pancreatitis: Clinical data, diagnosis, treatment, and evolution toward pancreatic insufficiency by Luca Barresi, Matteo Tacelli, Stefano Francesco Crinò Fabia Attili, Maria Chiara Petrone, Germana De Nucci, Silvia Carrara, Guido Manfredi, Gabriele Capurso, Claudio Giovanni De Angelis, Lucia Crocellà, Alberto Fantin, Maria Francesca Dore, Alessandra Tina Garribba, Ilaria Tarantino, Nicolò De Pretis, Danilo Pagliari, Gemma Rossi, Gianpiero Manes, Paoletta Preatoni, Ilenia Barbuscio, Fabio Tuzzolino, Mario Traina, Luca Frulloni, Guido Costamagna, Paolo Giorgio Arcidiac…
Complications in Immunosuppressive Therapy of Liver Transplant Recipients
BACKGROUND: In liver transplantation (LT), modern immunosuppressive protocol is focused on early corticosteroid (CS) weaning. The aim of the study was to investigate all early transplant-related complications using Clavien grading system, in order to identify a significant relation in two homogenous groups of consecutive liver transplanted patients, only different for steroid avoidance in immunosuppressive regimen. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One group was treated with a tacrolimus-based CS-free immunosuppressive protocol, the other one underwent tacrolimus plus low dose CS therapy. The preoperative continuous variables analyzed were age, gender, model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score, a…
Peri-Operative Liver Regeneration of the Remnant Liver Volume after Right Hepatectomy for Living Donation: A Multiple Regression Analysis
Early liver regeneration was studied in a series of 70 patients who underwent right hepatectomy for living donation from November 2004 to January 2010. Liver regeneration was evaluated by multidetector computed tomography at a mean time of 61.07 days after surgery. Pre-surgical variables such as age, weight, height, body mass index, liver function tests, creatinine, platelet count, international normalized ratio, glucose, and variables detected with preoperative multidetector computed tomography imaging, including diameter of main portal vein, steatosis, original liver volume and spleen volume, were investigated as potential predictors of liver regeneration. Future remnant liver volume was …
Resistive index of ophthalmic artery as an imaging biomarker of hypertension-related vascular and kidney damage
Aim: Resistive index of ophthalmic artery (RI-OA) is associated with atherosclerotic diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of RI-OA and hypertension-related vascular and kidney damage. Materials and methods: Two-hundred and eighty hypertensive patients underwent evaluation of RI-OA, carotid atherosclerosis and level of 24 h albuminuria. Results: Albuminuria and carotid atherosclerosis were positively associated with RI-OA independently of other cardiovascular risk factors. Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis allowed us to calculate a cut-off value of RI-OA >0.625, which would be suspicious about the existence of atherosclerotic disease. Conclusion:…
Neurological Screening in Elderly Liver Transplantation Candidates: A Single Center Experience.
Background: Cerebral small vessels disease (cSVD) is an age-related disorder and risk factor for stroke and cognitive/motor impairments. Neurological complications (NCs) are among the causes of adverse outcomes in older liver transplant recipients. This study sought to determine whether cSVD predicts acute NCs in over 65-year-old liver transplant patients. Methods: Data were collected, from a retrospective medical chart review, of 22 deceased donor liver transplant recipients aged 65 years or older with a pre-operative brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We used the Fazekas score (0–3) as a quantitative measurement of the vascular lesion load seen in the MRI. We analyzed all post-operat…
Radiation exposure in biliary procedures performed to manage anastomotic strictures in pediatric liver transplant recipients: comparison between radiation exposure levels using an image intensifier and a flat-panel detector-based system.
The aim of this study was to estimate radiation exposure in pediatric liver transplants recipients who underwent biliary interventional procedures and to compare radiation exposure levels between biliary interventional procedures performed using an image intensifier-based angiographic system (IIDS) and a flat panel detector-based interventional system (FPDS). We enrolled 34 consecutive pediatric liver transplant recipients with biliary strictures between January 2008 and March 2013 with a total of 170 image-guided procedures. The dose-area product (DAP) and fluoroscopy time was recorded for each procedure. The mean age was 61 months (range 4–192), and mean weight was 17 kg (range 4–41). The…
The Administration of Exogenous Surfactant during Cold Preservation Can Improve Pulmonary Function after Lung Transplantation in a Swine Model of Prolonged Ischemia
To evaluate in patients with cirrhosis requiring an elective TIPS for refractory ascites, if acute volume expansion may elicit signs of impending heart failure, and if this can predict hemodynamic changes occurring after TIPS.
La rigenerazione del fegato dopo epatectomia: un’analisi mediante regressione multipla del volume futuro residuo epatico mediante l’utilizzo di tomografia computerizzata multi-detettoriale
Diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis in children: blinded, comparative study of magnetic resonance versus endoscopic cholangiography.
Summary Background Magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) has been validated as comparable to endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) for the diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis (SC) in adult patients. In children, MRC is widely used based mainly on non-comparative studies. Patients and methods ERCs and MRCs of seven children (median age 9, range: 7–20 years) with SC and 17 controls (median age 6, range: 2 months–20 years) with other chronic liver diseases were reviewed in a blinded, random and independent way. All patients underwent both examinations within a 6-months slot. All ERCs and 17 MRCs were performed under general anesthesia. One radiologist evaluated both ERCs and MRCs and …
Accuracy of doppler echocardiography in measuring right-heart pressure in patients with pulmonary hypertension
The assessment of pulmonary pressure is of great clinical importance not only for diagnostic purposes, but also for prognosis in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. The present study was undertaken on a consecutive basis with a group of patients who had had a previous diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension based on echocardiography, and were referred to our institute. The aim of this study was to determine how accurate Doppler echocardiography is in measuring right-heart pressures.
Short- and long-term effects of the transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt on portal vein thrombosis in patients with cirrhosis
Background and aims Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) negatively impacts the prognosis in patients with cirrhosis. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) placement in patients with cirrhosis complicated by PVT. Methods Seventy consecutive cirrhotic patients with non-tumoural PVT treated with TIPS for portal hypertension complications from January 2003 to February 2010 in a tertiary-care centre were followed until last clinical evaluation, liver transplantation, or death. Results TIPS was successfully placed without major procedure-related complications. After TIPS, the portal venous system was completely recanalised in 57% of pati…
Liver Perfusate Natural Killer Cells from Deceased Brain Donors and Association with Acute Cellular Rejection after Liver Transplantation: A Time-to-Rejection Analysis
Background The ability to predict which recipients will successfully complete their posttransplant clinical course, which is crucial for liver transplant (LT) programs. The assessment of natural killer (NK) cell subset determined by flow cytometry from a monocentric series of consecutive liver perfusates could help identify risk factors portending adverse LT outcomes. Methods Liver perfusates were collected during the back-table surgical time after the procurement procedures for donors after brain death. Lymphocytic concentrations and phenotypes were matched with donors after brain death characteristics and indications, timing, surgical techniques, outcomes, and biopsy-proven acute cellular…
Early Regeneration of the Remnant Liver Volume after Right Hepatectomy for Living Donation: A Multiple Regression Analysis.
Early liver regeneration was studied in a series of 70 patients who underwent right hepatectomy for living donation between November 2004 and January 2010. Liver regeneration was evaluated with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) at a mean of 61.07 days after surgery. Presurgical variables [eg, age, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), liver function tests, creatinine levels, platelet counts, international normalized ratio, and glucose levels] and variables detected with preoperative MDCT imaging [eg, main portal vein diameter, steatosis, original liver volume, and spleen volume (SV)] were investigated as potential predictors of liver regeneration. The future remnant liver volume (FR…
Multicentric Italian survey on daily practice for autoimmune pancreatitis: Clinical data, diagnosis, treatment, and evolution toward pancreatic insufficiency
BACKGROUND: Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a rare, and relatively new, form of chronic pancreatitis. The management of AIP can vary considerably among different centres in daily clinical practice. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to present a picture of epidemiological, clinical characteristics, outcomes, and the real-life practice in terms of management in several academic and non-academic centres in Italy. METHODS: Data on the clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up, treatments, frequency of relapses, and long-term outcomes were retrospectively collected in a cohort of AIP patients diagnosed at 14 centres in Italy. RESULTS: One hundred and six patients were classified as type 1 AI…
Changes in Pulmonary Volumes in Patients Who Underwent Lung Transplantation for Pulmonary Fibrosis
I modelli statistici HGLM per la valutazione diagnostica: il caso della fi brosi epatica HCV correlata
Impatto sui risultati delle diverse tecniche chirurgiche per il trapianto di fegato nel paziente adulto: esperienza dell'Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione
The addition of simvastatin administration to cold storage solution of explanted whole liver grafts for facing ischemia/reperfusion injury in an area with a low rate of deceased donation: a monocentric randomized controlled double-blinded phase 2 study.
Abstract Background Liver transplantation is the best treatment for end-stage liver disease. The interruption of the blood supply to the donor liver during cold storage damages the liver, affecting how well the liver will function after transplant. The drug Simvastatin may help to protect donor livers against this damage and improve outcomes for transplant recipients. The aim of this study is to evaluate the benefits of treating the donor liver with Simvastatin compared with the standard transplant procedure. Patient and methods We propose a prospective, double-blinded, randomized phase 2 study of 2 parallel groups of eligible adult patients. We will compare 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month g…
Role of Allelic Imbalance in Predicting Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Recurrence Risk After Liver Transplant.
BACKGROUND One of the most controversial problems for liver transplantation in patients affected by hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains the lack of an oncologic staging system to predict cancer recurrence after liver transplantation (LT). We analyzed allelic imbalance (AI) in 19 microsatellites, and assessed the post-LT HCC recurrence risk. MATERIAL AND METHODS Seventy-one patients were included; 18 had tumor recurrence within 5 years post-transplant. Molecular analysis was done in the primary HCC and peripheral blood samples: a total of 19 microsatellites was used to assess AI. Specific AI was evaluated when outside of range value between 0.66 and 1.5. Based on data in the literature, w…
Mini-Invasive Approach Contributes to Expand the Indication for Liver Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Without Increasing the Incidence of Posthepatectomy Liver Failure and Other Perioperative Complications: A Single-Center Analysis.
Liver resection (LR) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the best alternative option for increasing the survival of many patients with intermediate or advanced stages of the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging classification. Mini-invasive approach may play a positive role in treating a tumor rising almost exclusively in a diseased liver.A prospectively collected database was retrospectively reviewed for 167 consecutive patients who underwent LR between 1999 and 2015.A total of 38 LRs were performed from 1999 to 2009 (Period I), and 129 between 2010 and 2015 (Period II). Laparoscopic procedures increased from 5.3% to 38.1%. Not undergoing laparoscopic LR increased length of stay, and Cl…