Salvatore Surdo
Feeding and unusual environments for Actitis hypoleucos (Aves Scolopacidae)
Aggiornamento sulla nidificazione della Tartaruga marina Caretta caretta (Reptilia Cheloniidae) in Sicilia. Riflessioni sul valore della Citizen Science
Updating of egg-laying of Loggerhead sea Turtle Caretta caretta (Reptilia Chelonidae) in Sicily. Remarks on the value of the Citizen Science. The aim of this paper is to put together data on the egg- laying by the Loggerhead sea Turtle Caretta caretta in Sicily, mainly after recordings by amateurs, tourists and occasional observers. 25 nesting events by this turtle are reported in the main island in 2017 and 2018. Comparing these figures with past records, they appear very high; it may be in part due to an awareness campaign carried out in the last years to solicit such reports. This suggests that Sicily may host a much higher nesting population of the Loggerhead sea Turtle than previously …
Sulla presenza di Erctella mazzullii (De Cristofori & Jan, 1832) (Gastropoda: Helicidae) nella Riserva Naturale di Isola delle Femmine (Palermo, Sicilia)
[On the presence of Erctella mazzullii (De Cristofori & Jan, 1832) (Gastropoda: Helicidae) in the Nature Reserve of Isola delle Femmine (Palermo, Sicily, Italy)] The presence of a living population of Erctella mazzullii (De Cristofori & Jan, 1832) (Gastropoda: Helicidae), endemic species of the coastal strip of the Palermo Mountains (Sicily), from Isola delle Femmine or Isola di Fuori (Isola delle Femmine Nature Reserve) is confirmed
Brevi note ornitologiche dalla Sicilia occidentale
Ornithological short notes from western Sicily (Italy)
Land molluscs from the Isola delle Femmine Nature Reserve (north-western Sicily, Italy) (Gastropoda Architaenioglossa Pulmonata)
The results of a study on the fauna of land molluscs from Isola delle Femmine Nature Reserve (NW Sicily, Italy) (Gastropoda Architaenioglossa Pulmonata) are here described. In this small island 23 species have been found, 6 of which are Sicilian endemic taxa. Siciliaria leucophryna microinsularis n. ssp. endemic to the Isola delle Femmine (or Isola di Fuori) is described. For each species ecological, distributional data and information on their presence on this island are provided.
Italian Odonates in the Pandora’s Box: A Comprehensive DNA Barcoding Inventory Shows Taxonomic Warnings at the Holarctic Scale
AbstractThe Odonata are considered among the most endangered freshwater faunal taxa. Their DNA-based monitoring relies on validated reference datasets that are often lacking or do not cover important biogeographical centres of diversification. This study presents the results of a DNA barcoding campaign on Odonata, based on the standard 658 bp 5’ end region of the mitochondrial COI gene, involving the collection of 812 specimens (409 of which barcoded) from peninsular Italy and its main islands (328 localities), belonging to all the 88 species (31 Zygoptera and 57 Anisoptera) known from the country. Additional BOLD and GenBank data from Holarctic samples expanded the dataset to 1294 DNA barc…
Little Egret Egretta garzetta (Linnaeus, 1766) ( Pelecaniformes Ardeidae) and Eurasian crag martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scopoli, 1769) (Passeriformes Hirundidae), two new breeding species for the Egadi Islands (W-Sicily, Italy)
For the first time, the nesting of Eurasian crag martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scopoli, 1769) (Passeriformes Hirundinidae) and Little egret Egretta garzetta (Linnaeus, 1766) (Pelecaniformes Ardeidae) in the Aegadian Islands (W-Sicily, Italy) is reported. Of particular interest is the nesting of the Little egret on the island of Maraone resulting in the first report for Sicily of a heronry on a marine island. Although this nesting environment has already been established in Sardinia, it should be emphasized that until now the establishment of a heronry has never been detected on an islet so far from the mainland.
The genus Sympetrum Newmann, 1833 (Odonata Libellulidae)
The genus Sympetrum Newmann, 1833 (Odonata Libellulidae)
Temporal changing of Tonnarella lagoon (Mazara del Vallo, Trapani) and its current ornithological value. Aims of this work were to highlight the importance of a small and artificial recently formed wetland area, that presents different interesting ornithological peculiarities. The Tonnarella lagoon is a breeding site of Little Tern Sternula albifrons and Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus, both classified as “endangered” species in 2011 by the Red List of breeding birds in Italy; the site is considered of “national importance“ for Kentish Plover and “recorded site“ for the Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis, due to the consistency of its wintering populations. Besides, the ornithological…
Monitoraggio della popolazione nidificante di fratino in Sicilia nel periodo 2011-2019
Il fratino (Charadrius alexandrinus), è una specie in diminuzione nella maggior parte del suo areale europeo (BirdLife International, 2019). In Italia, è considerata specie “in pericolo” (EN) per via della forte riduzione della popolazione nidificante, presumibilmente del 50%, nel periodo 2000-2010. La regione Sicilia, risulta ad oggi, dopo Sardegna e Veneto, la regione italiana più importante per la nidificazione e lo svernamento del fratino; purtroppo anche la popolazione regionale mostra una diminuzione in linea con quella nazionale, evidenziata da vari autori dalla fine degli anni ’70, poi ulteriormente accentuata nel 2000-2010. Successivamente abbiamo solo lavori a livello locale sullo…
Variazioni nella densità dei rapaci in due aree campione della Sicilia
Aggiornamento della check list degli uccelli della Riserva Naturale Orientata “Isole Dello Stagnone” (Sicilia)
17 years after the publication of LO VALVO & MASSA (1999) the Check List of birds of the “Stagnone Islands” has been updated. The latest observations highlight the importance of the Nature Reserve as Important Birds Area (IBA).
First breeding of Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus (Aves Caprimulgiformes) in the Stagnone di Marsala (Trapani, western Sicily)
New colony of little egrets egretta garzetta at trapani saltpans
Breeding on man made structures has never been cited in literature for this species. First records of breeding in windmill in the saltpans of Trapani are here reported.
The Wood Sandpiper,Tringa glareola, is a regular wintering species in Italy. We revised wintering status of Wood Sandpiper analysing 75 sightings (99 individuals) from December 2001 until January 2019. Data were collected from direct monitoring in Latium and Sicily and integrated by bibliography and national/regional data base. The species is regularly wintering with an estimate population of 1-9 individuals per year (mean value 1.32 individuals/sighting; DS=0.71). Tringa glareola was recorded in 40 sites, 20 Provinces and 10 Regions. Preferred wintering places are in Latium, Sicily and Sardinia. Utilised sites during last wintering seasons are increasing.
Past and current distribution of Charaxes jasius jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) in Sicily in relation to its host plant, Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae)
The authors provide an updated overview of the past and present regional distribution of the two-tailed Pasha Charaxes jasius jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) and its host plant, the strawberry tree Arbutus unedo L. Most of the occurrence data reported in the entomological literature was confirmed, and several new populations have been recently dis- covered. The distribution pattern of the insect and its host plant overlap almost perfectly. C. jasius jasius is more abundant and forms large and stable populations on the Peloritani Mts. and in some areas of the Madonie Mountains. The high number of new records of C. jasius jasius suggests that the species is experiencing a sp…
The Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea PALLAS, 1764 is a species widely distributed in Southeast Europe and central Asia (MACKINNON et al., 2000). Records in N and W Europe (including Northern Italy) mainly involve escapes from captivity since this species of duck is commonly kept in wildfowl collection, private gardens and parks. Despite this, actually, in Sicily the Ruddy Shelduck is considered an irregular migratory and wintering species and the observations must be attributed to the presence of wild individuals (CORSO, 2005). From 2009 to 2017, 67 observations were collected and compared with those included in the available bibliography (CORSO, 2005). The species was observed in 7 differ…
New data on Calomera panormitana panormitana (Ragusa, 1906) in Sicily (Coleoptera Cicindelidae)
Calomera panormitana panormitana (Ragusa, 1906) (Coleoptera Cicindelidae) is an endemic species of Sicily, of remarkable biogeographic and ecological importance. It belongs to a small group of species of eastern Mediterranean distribution and it is peculiar for living on the low rocky coasts, near the sea. In this paper we provide new and summarized data on the presence of this species in Sicily. We examined its habitat, ecology and phenology in detail, and we provide useful elements for a better protection. In particular, the presence of this species also in some small islands, located at a short distance from the coast, highlights the presence of important refuge areas to be protected and…
SICILIAN NATURALISTIC NEWS: 11 Aclista alticollis; 12 Mycomya (Mycomya) prominens; 13 Empis (Leptempis) confusa; 14 Sciapus platypterus; 15 Myopa picta; 16 Diaea dorsata; 17 Franklinothrips megalops; 18 Dasyhelea bilineata; 19 Forcipomyia (Synthridomyia) murina; 20 Forcipomyia (Euprojoannisia) psilonota; 21 Incertana drepanensis
SICILIAN NATURALISTIC NEWS: 11 Aclista alticollis; 12 Mycomya (Mycomya) prominens; 13 Empis (Leptempis) confusa; 14 Sciapus platypterus; 15 Myopa picta; 16 Diaea dorsata; 17 Franklinothrips megalops; 18 Dasyhelea bilineata; 19 Forcipomyia (Synthridomyia) murina; 20 Forcipomyia (Euprojoannisia) psilonota; 21 Incertana drepanensis
Evidence suggests an opportunistic entomophagous diet of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia in Sicily during breeding and post-breeding periods
Insects are known to represent a critical part of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia diet throughout its breeding range. Yet, the composition of the diet in the storks breeding in the Mediterranean regions remains poorly explored. Here, we investigated the diet of a population of white storks from Sicily through pellets collected in 2003, 2007, and 2020. A total of 1,928 prey items were identified and classified into six categories. Insects dominated the diet in all years and represented 99.06% of the whole prey number. Two orders of insects were mainly consumed, namely Orthoptera, which were the most frequent prey, followed by Coleoptera. Within these, carabid beetles were dominant, followed …
Status, distribution and conservation of Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus (Aves, Charadriiformes) in Sicily
The Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a sen sitive species whose national breeding population has been undergo ing a sharp decrease, up to 50%, in 2010 compared to the previous decade. Due to the lack of updated data and fragmented knowledge about its current status and distribution in Sicily, a specific and accu rate monitoring of this species was carried out during the years 2018 and 2019. About 230 km of coastline and 64 UTM squares 10x10 km were investigated during the breeding seasons, and a total of 205-287 pairs have been estimated for the whole region, distributed in 41 UTM squares (including the island of Favignana). Pairs are mainly concen trated in the complex of “Saline …
Una revisione critica della check-list e della bibliografia degli Odonati della Sicilia
Metodologia di valutazione della qualità ambientale: applicazione ad aree umide siciliane
Come valutare e classificare le aree naturali A wetland habitat assessment technique (H.A.T.) has been used to screening 16 wetlands of Sicily. H.A.T. uses breeding birds and wintering Anatidae as indicators of habitat quality. Faunal index values are greater for the natural areas using breeding birds. Faunal index value differences between natural and artificial areas are not so evident using wintering Anatidae.
Update of the checklist of the birds of the Nature Reserve “Saline di Trapani e Paceco” (Sicily). The present work provides an update to the checklist of birds of the “Saline di Trapani e Paceco” published nine years ago by IENTILE (2008). The overall number of bird species increased from 209 to the current value of 229. The present work also includes a quantitative estimate of the breeding and wintering species. A table, detailing the number of individuals of each species present for each month of the year at the Saline di Trapani and Paceco, is included. This work aims at underscoring the importance of the Saline as an Important Bird Area (IBA), as a key area for the migration pathways of…
Bibliografia Ornitologica Siciliana
Notes on wintering waders in the coastal humid zones of province of Trapani (Sicily). The coastal wetlands of Trapani still are of great national importance for migratory and wintering waders despite the dramatic reduction occurred in the last hundred years. During this research the author carried out surveys in coastal wetlands from Trapani to Mazara del Vallo, in order to estimate qualitative and accurate quantitative values of wintering waders. The census includes four winters, from 2012-13 to 2015-16 and was carried out in the months of December and January. Noteworthy is the wintering for three consecutive years of the Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus, the wintering of Oystercatcher Haem…
Recensione di BEE L., OXFORD G. & SMITH H., 2020. Britain’s spiders. A field guide. 2nd ed. full revised and updated. Britain’s Wildlife series, Princeton: 496 pages, 700+colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps. € 23,99
Is Common tern Sterna hirundo (Aves Sternidae) regular breeding in Sicily?
Centosessantasette anni di reperti di Saga pedo in Italia diacronicamente rivisitati
Osservazioni di Cephalota circumdata imperialis (KLUG, 1834) (Insecta Carabidae Cicindelinae) in Sicilia.
Records of Cephalota circumdata imperialis (KLUG, 1834) (Insecta Carabidae Cicindelinae) in Sicily.
The Eurasian spoonbill Platalea leucorodia in Sicily between 1972 and 2018, distribution and ecology
The observations of the Eurasian spoonbill made in Sicily between 1972 and 2018 were collected and analyzed. The presences, initially scarce and referred to a few sites, have consolidated over time, and gradually have affected an increasing number of sites. The observations were concentrated in the coastal salt pans and exsalt pans systems, secondarily in the mouths and in inland waters, below 100 m a.s.l.. The greatest number of Eurasian spoonbill was found in the migration period, both post and pre-reproductive; in the summer the lowest values. The average number of birds per flock, compared to subsequent years, from November to January did not vary significantly, while it was variable in…
Passero Passer italiae x hispaniolensis nidificante su barca da pesca in Sicilia
This short note reports the curious breeding, in terms of nest features, of several Sparrows mainly showing the phenotype of the Spanish Sparrow or Passer prope hispaniolensis, though, few males exhibited less barred flanks as for the Passer italiae. This is in agre- ement with the ambiguous taxonomy of Sparrows of Sicily that is emerged over the past 150 years. As matter of fact, the taxonomic classification of the Sicilian sparrow spans from Passer hispaniolen- sis to Passer italiae and includes hybrid species in between. Massa et al (2022) propose to name these populations Passer italiae x hispa- niolensis. Here, for the first time, the curious nesting of Passer prope hispa- niolensis on…
Storno nero Sturnus unicolor
SICILIAN NATURALISTIC NEWS: 8 Muscicapa striata tyrrhenica; 9 Garella (Characoma) nilotica; 10 Mycterus curculioides.
SICILIAN NATURALISTIC NEWS: 8 aMediterranean Flycatcher Muscicapa striata tyrrhenica Schiebel, 1910 (Aves Muscicapidae); 9 Garella (Characoma) nilotica (Rogenhofer, 1881) (Lepidoptera Nolidae) 10 Mycterus curculioides Fabricius, 1781 (Coleoptera Mycteridae)
Il presente lavoro sintetizza le conoscenze sulla Cicogna bianca nidificante in Sicilia negli ultimi 29 anni, dal 1991 (anno della prima nidificazione) al 2020. Per la raccolta dei dati sono state seguite le linee guida dell’International White Stork Census. Vengono presentate una cartina di distribuzione che illustra l’areale della specie attraverso un confronto temporale e alcune tabelle relative all’andamento annuale delle coppie nidificanti in Sicilia (sia HPa che HPm), al numero dei pulli involati e alla media (±SD) per nido. Dopo una crescita della popolazione nidificante, da una coppia fino a un massimo di 82 nel 2013, si è avuto un leggero calo e il numero di nidi si è stabilizzato …
Nuovi dati sull’espansione dell’occhione Burhinus oedicnemus in Sicilia. Una riflessione sulla citizen science
New data on the expansion of the Eurasian Thick-knee Burhinus oedicnemus in Sicily. A consideration of citizen science.In this work, we collected records of Eurasian Thick-knee observa-tions in Sicily by using scientific literature, citizen science programs, and social networks as data sources. The aims of this work is creat-ing a complete and up-to-date dataset, which also includes the authors’ targeted research in the field. As compared with records previously reported in literature, the data collected here, which cover the last fif-teen years, show a clear expansion trend for the Eurasian Thick-kneein Sicily. About one third of these new records come from Facebook groups dedicated to bio…
First Record of Eurasian Spoonbills Platalea leucorodia feeding on Branchiopoda in a temporary wetland
The diet of the Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia is poorly documented with only the most common prey groups known, namely small fishes, amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, molluscs, worms, leeches and plant material. Here, the first observations of three small crustaceans, Branchiopoda Triops cancriformis (Notostraca), Chirocephalus diaphanus (Anostraca), and Cyzicus tetracerus (Spinicaudata) are documented as prey of the Eurasian Spoonbill in a temporary wetland near the San Teodoro salt pan (Marsala, western Sicily). These observations provide a new insight into the foraging ecology of the species, showing its extreme opportunism in targeting small prey when feeding in a temporary we…
Prima nidificazione dell'Avocetta, recurvirostra avosetta, in Sicilia
First breeding of Avocet, recurvirosta avosetta, in salt ponds in western Sicily
Sicilian Naturalistic News: 3 Hermetia illucens; 4 Ancylolomia tripolitella; 5 Gavia immer; 6 Bucanetes githagineus; 7 Clubonia terrestris.
Sicilian Naturalistic News: 3 Hermetia illucens; 4 Ancylolomia tripolitella; 5 Gavia immer; 6 Bucanetes githagineus; 7 Clubonia terrestris.
Fanello Linaria cannabina
Indagine comparativa sulla popolazione nidificante di Fratino Charadrius alexandrinus (Aves, Charadriiformes) nelle saline della Provincia di Trapani
Comparative survey on the population of the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus in the salt pans of Trapani province. This paper deals with a 2016 census of the breeding population of the Kentish plover in the saltpans of trapani and of the Stagnone di marsala. In the same area a previous census of this species was carried out forty years ago by Massa (1977). the comparison between data collected in the 1970s and in 2016 reveals that the population of the Kentish plover has been dramatically declining, with 70% decrease in the overall area (ca. 1,230 ha). Although responsibile for an additional 8% reduction of wetlands in the last few decades, direct human intervention is not likely to b…
Status, distribution and conservation of Kentish plover <em>Charadrius alexandrinus</em> (Aves, Charadriiformes) in Sicily
The Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a sensitive species whose national breeding population has been undergoing a sharp decrease, up to 50%, in 2010 compared to the previous decade. Due to the lack of updated data and fragmented knowledge about its current status and distribution in Sicily, a specific and accurate monitoring of this species was carried out during the years 2018 and 2019. About 230 km of coastline and 64 UTM squares 10x10 km were investigated during the breeding seasons, and a total of 205-287 pairs have been estimated for the whole region, distributed in 41 UTM squares (including the island of Favignana). Pairs are mainly concentrated in the complex of “Saline di T…
L’importanza delle zone umide artificiali della Sicilia occidentale per la conservazione degli uccelli acquatici in Sicilia
New data on Siciliaria septemplicata (R.A. Philippi, 1836) complex (Gastropoda Clausiliidae) from the surroundings of Palermo (NW-Sicily, Italy)
Siciliaria septemplicata (R.A. Philippi, 1836) (Gastropoda Clausiliidae) endemic from northwestern Sicily (Italy) is revised, using shell and genital characters. The diversity of the species complex, the taxonomic history, faunal data and distributional relationships are examined. Siciliaria septemplicata vincentii n. ssp. and S. septemplicata mariastellae n. ssp. from the surroundings of Palermo are here described
Records of Zygonyx torridus (Kirby 1889) (Insecta Odonata) in Italy.
On some new reports on the spider fauna of Italy and Sicily (Arachnida Araneae)
New spiders (Arachnida Araneae) from Sicily (Italy) are reported, some new for Italy, in this paper. Particularly, twelve genera and sixteen new species are examined: Agelena orientalis C.L. Koch, 1837; Cyclosa algerica Simon, 1885; Larinia lineata (Lucas, 1846); Argenna patula (Simon, 1874), Lathys arabs Simon, 1910, Marilynia bicolor (Simon, 1870), Canariphantes zonatus (Simon, 1884), Cresmatoneta mutinensis (Canestrini, 1868), Diplocephalus graecus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873), Lepthyphantes leprosus (Ohlert, 1865), Ostearius melanopygius (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1880), Pelecopsis bucephala (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875), Pelecopsis inedita (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875), Lasaeola convexa (Bla…
One hundred and fifty years of ornithology in Sicily, with an unknown manuscript by Joseph Whitaker
A new complete check-list of Birds of Sicily is presented in this paper, with a comparison with previous lists for a period of one hundred and fifty years. Further, an unknown manuscript by Joseph Whitaker “Birds of Sicily”, dated back to ca. 1920, has been transcribed and is here presented integrally. Thus, lists of birds here presented have been separated as follows: i) Doderlein (1869–1874); ii) Whitaker (1920); iii) Iapichino & Massa (1989), Lo Valvo et al. (1993) iv) Corso (2005), Ientile & Massa (2008); v) 2010–2020: Massa et al. (2015) and personal observations; vi) long-term trend: personal observations. Overall, 437 species are listed. Out of 283 species regularly present i…
Recensione di GALLIANI C., SCHERINI R. & PIGLIA A., 2017. Dragonflies and damselflies of Europe. A scientific approach to the identification of European Odonata without capture - WBA Handbooks 7, Verona, 352 pp. € 40,00
The Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola is a relatively common wader species breeding in Scandinavia (except the South) and further East in Finland, the Baltic States and Russia, all the way to the Bering Strait (CRAMP & SIMMONS, 1983) and from 1969 irregular breeding in North America, Aleutine islands (WHITE et al., 1974). According to data reported in bibliography it is considered as an occasional wintering, a transaharan migrant common during migrations, but irregular in winter (BRICHETTI & FRACASSO, 2015). The species is subdivided into four biogeographic populations. A waterbird “population” can be defined as a distinct assemblage of individuals which does not experience significant…
Citizen Science: Sicilian Naturalistic News. 1. Natula averni (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) ; 2. Lindenia tetraphylla (Odonata, Gomphidae).
The 2nd and the 3rd record in Sicily for Natula averni; the 1st was at Belice mouth (ODÉ et al., 2011). The 2nd site record in Sicily for Lindenia tetraphylla; the 1st was at lake “Lago della Trinità” (Castelvetrano,Trapani) (SURDO, 2017).
First record of Lindenia tetraphylla (Vander Linden, 1825) and rediscovery of Orthetrum nitidinerve (Selys, 1841) in Sicily (Insecta: Odonata)
The first Sicilian record of Lindenia tetraphylla and a new regional record of Orthetrum nitidinerve, species not recorded since 1975 in mainland Sicily, are here reported. All individuals of L. tetraphylla and O. nitidinerve were observed in the same site in the province of Trapani.
List of scientific publications by Bruno Massa
The scientific articles (including abstracts and books) published by Bruno Massa are listed according to years. The numerous reviews Bruno has written in recent years, greatly contributing to the dissemination of scientific knowledge, are excluded.
Sulla distribuzione di alcuni Uccelli nidificanti in provincia di Trapani (Sicilia)
A distanza di 10 anni dalla pubblicazione dell’ultimo Atlante dei Vertebrati di Sicilia si rivede la distribuzione delle specie nidificanti, alla luce di nuovi dati raccolti, al fine di aggiornare il loro status. Nel presente lavoro vengono elencate solo le specie di uccelli, rilevate in questi ultimi anni, non segnalate come nidificanti nei precedenti Atlanti e le specie già trattate ma che hanno riportato delle variazioni significative nella loro distribuzione. Updating of the distribution of some breeding birds in the province of Trapani (Sicily). This work deals with the distribution of the breeding birds in the province of Trapani (western Sicily); here are provided and updated the sta…
Electrocution is a serious conservation problem worldwide for a large number of bird species (BEVANGER, 1994, 1998; BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2004; PRINSEN et al., 2011). Due to its wide extension, it is necessary to seek methods that optimize the identification of the most dangerous pylons (JANSS and FERRER, 2001; MANOSA, 2001), lines and the highest risk areas (TINTÓ et al., 2010; GUIL et al., 2011). Actually, the data on bird mortality caused by electrocution and collision in Sicily are deficient, however, a preliminary study suggests that the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia L., 1758) is one of the most threatened species inside two Special Protection Areas (SPA) (ZAFARANA and BARBERA, 2016).…
Citizen science project to monitor wildlife: a first census of wintering Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Sicily
Citizen science can represent an effective tool for large- scale data collection and can be used to improve scientific knowledge and define species distribution ranges before proper planning of related conservation strategies. A regional census of wintering Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Sicily, never achieved before, was organized by GAM (Gruppo Aquila Minore - Booted Eagle Group) on 12 Janu- ary 2020, involving 90 people from several organizations. A total of 112 wintering individuals have been recorded for the whole region, col- lecting related data about their colour morph, habitat preference and altitude. A regional estimate of 180-220 wintering individuals was cal- culated, also …
Caprimulgus europaeus In recent years Update on the distribution of breeding Nightjar in Sicily. there have been numerous observations of Nightjar in areas where it had never previously been observed. In some cases the reason may be a deeper exploration, but in other cases the possible explanation is the expansion of the species. However, it is quite interesting the change in the habitat by this species. The present paper provides an update of its status based on data collected in the fifteen years following the publication of the last Sicilian Atlas of breeding birds.
Calandra e Citizen Science: lo status della popolazione siciliana
3. Eurasian Thick-knee Burhinus oedicnemus
Eurasian Thick-knee Burhinus oedicnemus
8. Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius
Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius
9 . Collared Sand Martin Riparia riparia
Collared Sand Martin Riparia riparia