Giuseppe Gianguzzi
Chemical-physical and nutritional characteristics of mature-green and mature-ripe ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit cultivated in Mediterranean area during cold storage
Introduction - Mango is a very short postharvest life climacteric fruit. Mangoes are usually harvested firm and green because they are often assigned to long transportation before reaching the market, or they are collected after color break for local markets. In both cases, temperature control is the most critical factor in fruit ripening management. The aim of this study was to investigate the quality evolution of mature-green and mature-ripe mango fruit submitted to 8°C and 90 ± 5% of relative humidity to assess the possibility to prolong its postharvest life. Materials and methods - The fruit of mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Kensington Pride) grown in a Mediterranean environment was s…
Postharvest Application of Sulphur Dioxide Fumigation to Improve Quality and Storage Ability of "Red Globe" Grape Cultivar During Long Cold Storage
Table grape cv 'Red Globe' is produced in Sicily and in other areas of Southern Italy. This produce is very appreciated by consumers, having the best rankings in the world market for exports and quality. Nevertheless, despite it is a non-climacteric fruit, table grape is very perishable, both after harvest, and during postharvest handling and cold storage. In fact, also at low temperatures, table grape is very sensitive to fungal infection (Botrytis cinerea) and other diseases, like gray mold, which is very aggressive. For this reason, a standard practice is to fumigate table grape with sulphur dioxide (SO2), after storage in chambers. The growing market request of table grape cv. 'Red Glob…
Fruit quality evaluation of affirmed and local loquat (Eriobotrya japonicaLindl) cultivars using instrumental and sensory analyses
Introduction. Fruit quality can be evaluated by combining instrumental and sensory analyses. These methodologies have been affirmed and tested on different fruit tree species, but loquat is still little known from this point of view. Materials and methods. In this trial, conducted in Palermo and Catania (Sicily, Italy), both instrumental and sensory analyses were carried out on fruit of 8 loquat affirmed cultivars (‘Golden Nugget’, ‘Peluche’) and local cultivars (‘Marceno’, ‘Sanfilippara’, ‘Nespolone di Trabia’, ‘Virticchiara’, ‘Bianco Dolce’ and ‘BRT20’) with the aim of assessing their quality traits. Results and discussion. The sensory results agreed quite well with the physicochemical da…
Chemical–physical characteristics, polyphenolic content and total antioxidant activity of three Italian-grown pomegranate cultivars
Background: In Mediterranean countries, there is an increasing demand for pomegranate fruits due to their antioxidant properties and nutritional values. The large diffusion of new genotypes and cultivars requires the knowledge of all fruit characteristics in connection with the cultivation area, to satisfy the market demand. This study seeks to determine the fruit quality attributes and nutraceutical values of three pomegranate cultivars (Wonderful, Acco and Kamel) grown in the Mediterranean climate. Methods: The fruits were evaluated for their main physico-chemical traits (weight, volume, height, width, thickness, total arils number, total arils weight, juiciness, fruit index, peel index a…
Effects of gellan-based coating application on litchi fruit quality traits
The use of gellan-based coating formulation on litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ‘Wai Chee’) fruit was investigated in order to determine its ability to improve color conservation and to maintain the overall quality. Fruits were treated with gellanbased coating (0.5% w/v) and glycerol (3% w/v) after dipping in ascorbic acid (1.5% w/v) and then stored at 5°C and 90% relative humidity for 15 days. Changes in peel color, soluble solid content, tritatable acidity, weight loss, antioxidant activity and phenolic content, were measured. Formulations containing gellan-based coating exhibited slightly improved water barrier properties and showed their active role in maintaining color characteristics an…
Yield, pomological characteristics, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of Annona cherimola Mill. grown in mediterranean climate
The agronomic and qualitative responses of the cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) fruit grown in Mediterranean climate are not properly studied. Fruits of Fino de Jete, the most diffused worldwide cultivar of cherimoya, and Torre 1 a new genotype obtained by breeding program in Sicily, Italy, were collected at commercial ripening and subjected to productive (yield efficiency, number of fruits, crop load), analytical (fruit weight, transversal diameter, longitudinal diameter, total soluble solid content, titratable acidity, seed weight, seed number, peel and pulp weight, pulp/seed ratio and colorimetric analysis), bioactive compound content (total antioxidant activity, Phenolic and Carotenoi…
Utilizzo di tecniche innovative per limitare i danni da freddo in piante di mango (Mangifera indica L.) in clima mediterraneo
Effects of Rapid Refrigeration and Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Fruit Quality Traits
Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is a tropical fruit characterized by a rapid pericarp browning and dehydration during postharvest, resulting in an accelerated shelf life and in a loss of consumer appreciation and consequently of its market value. The aim of our study was to assess litchi fruit chemical-physical and sensory quality changes during postharvest and shelf life using rapid refrigeration (RR) and active modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). Litchi fruits were picked at commercial harvest and were divided in 4 groups: not treated fruit (CTR); rapid refrigerated fruit (RRF); modified atmosphere packed fruit (MAP); hydrogen peroxide treated and modified atmosphere packed fruit (MAP+).…
La confezione in atmosfera controllata migliora la qualità post-raccolta del lici
La coltivazione del frutto in Sicilia è una realtà in espansione e su cui in futuro puntare. Necessario affinare le tecniche di conservazione per allungare la shelf-life dei frutti di lici
Yield, pomological characteristics, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of <i>Annona cherimola Mill.</i> grown in mediterranean climate
The agronomic and qualitative responses of the cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) fruit grown in Mediterranean climate are not properly studied. Fruits of Fino de Jete, the most diffused worldwide cultivar of cherimoya, and Torre 1 a new genotype obtained by breeding program in Sicily, Italy, were collected at commercial ripening and subjected to productive (yield efficiency, number of fruits, crop load), analytical (fruit weight, transversal diameter, longitudinal diameter, total soluble solid content, titratable acidity, seed weight, seed number, peel and pulp weight, pulp/seed ratio and colorimetric analysis), bioactive compound content (total antioxidant activity, Phenolic and Carotenoi…
Motivations, adoption and impact of voluntary environmental certification in the Italian Forest based industry: The case of the FSC standard
Abstract Over the past few years several private voluntary schemes have been developed worldwide to address the environmental issues in the forest based industry. Using survey data, this study analyse the main factors motivating companies operating in the Italian forest based industry to implement FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) standard, as a tool to promote responsible forest management and traceability of derived products, and the impact of this standard on the economic and organisational results. The findings provide evidences that signalling mechanisms drive the entrepreneurs towards the adoption of FSC certification, followed by moral and ethical reasons. In terms of impact, emerges …
La coltivazione del melograno in Sicilia: qualità dei frutti e adattamento di due cultivar
Nel presente lavoro sono stati monitorati gli stadi fenologici di due varietà di melograno durante una stagione produttiva al fine di studiarne l’evoluzione e l’adattamento utilizzando la scala BCH. I risultati hanno permesso di valutare l’andamento vegeto-produttivo di queste varietà di melograno in clima mediterraneo.
Dinamiche di crescita e qualità dei frutti di mango (Mangifera indica L.) in ambiente Mediterraneo e Subtropicale
Phenology and Fruit Growth Dynamics of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) in Greenhouse and Open Air in Mediterranean Climate
AbstractPhenological evolution of shoots and fruit growth of three mango varieties—Keitt, Osteen and Tommy Atkins—were monitored during two reproductive seasons, from full flowering to fruit harvest on trees cultivated in the open air and inside a greenhouse, in the island of Sicily—Italy. The aim of the study was to assess the behavior of mango trees subjected to summer high temperatures under a permanent plastic cover in the Mediterranean climate. Differences between open air and greenhouse emerged in the dates of first record of major phenological stages and in their duration, and in the fruit growth rates. Greenhouse cultivated trees showed a significant anticipation of flowering and ri…
El moteado del níspero causado por Fusicladium eriobotryaees la principal enfermedad de este cultivo en la cuenca mediterránea, afectando principalmente a hojas y frutos. Recientemente, la biología del patógeno y la epidemiología de la enfermedad han sido estudiadas en profundidad, y los resultados obtenidos han permitido el desarrollo de un modelo epidemiológico “EriScab”, capaz de predecir la infección de frutos por conidios de F. eriobotryae. Este modelo, que utiliza como inputs variables meteorológicas, ha sido validado en la principal zona de cultivo de la provincia de Alicante, Callosa d’En Sarrià, sobre frutos de la variedad Algerie. El objetivo de este trabajo es: (i) evaluar la rob…
Quality changes in fresh-cut mango cubes submitted to different gas partial pressure of active MAPs
The study was performed to assess chemical-physical and sensory quality changes in 4±1°C stored fresh-cut mangos and to test the effect of active modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) with different gas partial pressures. Sicilian fruits of ‘Keitt’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) were immerged in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) after being peeled. Next, the flesh was cut in cubes and dipped in citric acid (0.5%, w/v) and ascorbic acid (0.5%, w/v). Treated fruits were placed in a non-perforated high density polyethylene package flushing different gas mixtures and kept at 4°C for 21 days. We used four different gas partial pressures: a) 60 kPa N2, 30 kPa CO2 and 10 kPa O2; b) 30 kPa CO2 and 70 kPa N2; c) …
Distribution, ecology and conservation survey on theCeltis tournefortiisubsp.aetnensis(Celtidaceae: Cannabaceae) populations in Sicily
Results of research on the Celtis tournefortii subsp. aetnensis (Celtidaceae-Cannabaceae) populations in Sicily, based on the monitoring of the various nuclei distributed in the territory, are presented. In particular, two new important unpublished stations located in the southern part of the Sicani Mountains, widespread over an area of approximately 75 hectares, are reported. It is highlighted that the species, besides the lava flows of the western slope of Mount Etna (Catania province), is tied to conoids present in five other disjointed sub-ranges, often with fragmentary and relictual stations: (1) Nebrodi Mountains inland (Cesarò territory, Messina province); (2) Madonie Mountains inlan…
Pomological Traits, Sensory Profile and Nutraceutical Properties of Nine Cultivars of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) Fruits Grown in Mediterranean Area
In this paper the diversity of fruit quality within nine loquat cultivars, including five international affirmed cultivars (Algerie, Golden Nugget, Peluche, Bueno, El Buenet) and four local cultivars (Sanfilippara, Nespolone di Trabia, BRT20 and Claudia), were investigated in order to discriminate the variation in pomological characteristics, sensory profile, and antioxidant properties. Finally, to evaluate potential bioactivity, antiproliferative activity of hydrophilic extracts from loquat fruits was assessed, at dietary relevant concentrations, against three human epithelial cell lines. Even though the international cultivars confirmed an appropriate level of commercial qualities in asso…
Effect of Harvest Date on Mango (Mangifera Indica L. Cultivar Osteen) Fruit’s Qualitative Development, Shelf Life and Consumer Acceptance
The qualitative characteristics of mango fruits change throughout their development process and are also influenced by their duration. Harvesting at different times after the fruit set affects external and internal quality and the post-harvest behavior and management possibilities of the fruits. The objective of this study was to assess the evolution of the most important physicochemical and organoleptic parameters of cv. Osteen fruits concern the length of their stay on the plant and also to their post-harvest management. For this reason, fruits were harvested progressively in ten pickings. The study showed that mango fruits that are kept on the tree reach the best quality traits, correspo…
Fruit production and quality evaluation of four litchi cultivars (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) grown in Mediterranean climate
Introduction - The agronomic and qualitative responses of the litchi fruit (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) grown in Mediterranean climate are not yet studied. In this study, yield components, physico-chemical and sensory traits of four commercial litchi cultivars were recorded over two productive seasons. Materials and methods - Fruits of the cvs Tai So, Wai Chee, Brewster and Kwai Mai were collected at commercial maturity stage and subjected to productive (yield, efficiency, number of fruits, crop load), analytical (fruit weight, transversal diameter, longitudinal diameter, moisture, total soluble solid content (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), TSS/TA ratio, seed weight, peel weight, percentage of …
Studio dei meccanismi di crescita dei frutti di due varietà di mango coltivate in ambiente mediterraneo
Quality Changes of Tropical and Subtropical Fresh-Cut Fruits Mix in Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Application of passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) for shelf life extension of mixed pineapple slices, mango pieces and orange segments, was evaluated. Fruits of Ananas cv ‘Gold’, Mango cv ‘Keitt’ and Orange cv ‘Washington Navel’ were washed, sanitized, peeled and cut. Minimal processed fruits were packed under 2 different atmospheres, passive (air) and active MAP (70% N2, 10 %O2, 20 %CO2), and stored at 10±1 °C with 85±5% RH for 12 days. Changes in package atmosphere composition, weight loss, color, texture, pH, soluble solids, sensory attributes, were evaluated after cutting and at three subsequent stages of storage (the 3 day, 6d, 9d, and the 12 day). Color parameters L* and b* s…
Pomological, Sensorial, Nutritional and Nutraceutical Profile of Seven Cultivars of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill)
In this work, the food quality of four international (Campas, Chaffey, Fino de Jete and White) and three local (Daniela, Torre1 and Torre2) cultivars of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill) was investigated. With this aim, pomological traits, sensorial attributes, physiochemical parameters (pH, total soluble content and total acidity), nutritional composition (macro- and micro-nutrients) and nutraceutical values (bioactive compounds, radical scavenging and antioxidant properties) were evaluated. Among the seven observed cultivars, Fino de Jete was identified as the best, not only for its commercial attributes such as pomological traits and physiochemical values, but also for its nutritional co…
Fruit Growth Stage Transitions in Two Mango Cultivars Grown in a Mediterranean Environment
Studying mango (Mangifera 
Evaluation of quality attributes and consumer preference of fresh or imported mangoes in Italy
Mango is a climacteric fruit with a very short shelf-life due to its rapid ripeness after harvest. Generally, fruit from tropical countries and directed to longer transportation (EU markets), are in general harvested firm, before complete ripening (mature-green stage). This harvest practice usefully for mango fruit storability and transportability, generally causes fruits quality and taste decrease. The present study was conducted to evaluate quality attributes and consumer preference of fresh or imported mangoes in Italy. Mango fruit imported from abroad (cv Keitt, Kent and Osteen) were collected from 2 different large-scale organized distribution markets (LD). Mango fruits (cv Keitt, Kent…
Gelso in Sicilia: qualità, caratterizzazione e comportamento dei frutti in post-raccolta
Il gelso è una pianta arborea originaria dell'Asia e della Persia, introdotta in Italia dai Romani per le sue proprietà medicinali, oltre che per fini alimentari. Si distinguono due specie principali, comunemente denominati: gelso bianco e nero. I frutti, tipiche more di colore bianco violaceo o nero, sono molto apprezzati dall'uomo sin dall'antichità, sebbene vengano spesso collocati tra i frutti minori per la loro scarsa diffusione commerciale. Oggi, l'elevato interesse per le proprietà nutraceutichedi tali frutti spinge gli agricoltori ad una rivalutazione della gelsicoltura. Punto dolente della commercializzazione del gelso è la gestione post-raccolta a causa della brevissima shelf-life…
Fruit Quality Traits of Six Ancient Apple (Malus domesticaBorkh) Cultivars Grown in the Mediterranean Area
ABSTRACTToday, ancient cultivars have been considered obsolete and replaced, leading to a dramatic loss of genetic diversity. In this trial we examined the quality of the six ancient apple cultivars: Bommino, Gelato, Miliadeci, Rotolari, Turco, and Virchiata. Fruit was submitted to the determination of physicochemical traits and a sensory profile was defined by a trained panel using 20 attributes. We also detected biometric data using a specific descriptor list. Obtained data showed interesting physicochemical and sensory traits among the observed cultivars. ‘Rotolari’, ‘Bommino’, and ‘Gelato’ should be used in breeding programs and revaluated for a placement on specific local markets.
Tree-Ripe Mango Fruit: Physicochemical Characterization, Antioxidant Properties and Sensory Profile of Six Mediterranean-Grown Cultivars
Some of the key components that contribute to the acceptance of high-quality fresh mangoes by consumers are its flavour, odour, texture and chemical constituents that depend mainly on level of maturity. In the European market, the demand for tree-ripened fruit has increased in recent decades. Nevertheless, the qualitative response and the marketable characteristics of tree-ripened mango fruit grown in the Mediterranean area are not yet studied. Tree-ripened fruits of cv Keitt, Glenn, Osteen, Maya, Kensington Pride and Tommy Atkins were submitted to analytical (fruit weight, transversal diameter, longitudinal diameter, flesh firmness, total soluble solid content, titratable acidity, seed wei…