A. Grenz

DNA image cytometry in stomach carcinoma. Its relation to histomorphologic parameters and its influence on prognosis

BACKGROUND The influence of DNA content on the prognosis in stomach cancer is controversial. METHOD After curative resection of stomach carcinomas (adenocarcinomas [n = 58]; signet ring cell carcinomas [n = 24]; undifferentiated carcinomas [n = 21]), the influence of the DNA content and histomorphologic parameters on the prognosis was examined. RESULTS In the multivariate regression analysis, the prognosis depended on the lymph node status (P = 0.0009), pT stage (P = 0.02), tumor localization (P = 0.03), and histologic type (P = 0.05). The prognosis was independent of the DNA content. Furthermore, the degree of differentiation, operative procedure, safety distance, size of the tumor, and se…

research product

Prognostisch relevante Faktoren nach kurativer Resektion von Magenkarzinomen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des DNS-Gehaltes

Bei 103 Patienten wurde nach kurativer Resektion von Magenkarzinomen (Adenokarzinome n = 58, Siegelringzellkarzinome n = 24, undifferenzierte Karzinome n = 21) der Einflus des DNS-Gehaltes der Tumorzellen sowie der ublichen histomorphologischen Beurteilungsparameter auf die Prognose uberpruft. In der multivariaten Regressionsanalyse war die Prognose vom Lymphknotenstatus (p =0,0009), vom pT-Stadium (p = 0,02), von der Tumorlokalisation (p = 0,03) und vom histologischen Typ (p = 0,05) aber nicht vom DNS-Gehalt abhangig. Weiterhin hatten keinen Einflus auf die Prognose der Differenzierungsgrad, das operative Vorgehen, der Sicherheitsabstand, die Tumorgrose, das Geschlecht und das Alter des Pa…

research product

Vergleich der DNS-Analyse mit histomorphologischen parametern beim Magenkarzinom

After curative resection of stomach carcinomas (adenocarcinomas: n=58, signet ring cell carcinomas: n = 24, undifferentiated carcinomas: n = 21) the DNA content of the tumor cells was compared with the histomorphological parameters. There was a correlation between the DNA content and the histomorphological parameters. The DNA analysis had no additionally prognostic influence. In the multivariate regression analysis the prognosis depended on lymph node status (p=0.0009), pT-stage (p = 0.02), tumor localization (p = 0.03) and the histological type (p=0.05). The prognosis was independent of the DNA content. Furthermore, neither did the degree of differentiation, the operative procedure, the sa…

research product