Josep M. Rossell
Passive-damping design for vibration control of large structures
In this work, a systematic strategy to design passive damping systems for structural vibration control is presented. The proposed design methodology is based on the equivalence between decentralized static velocity-feedback controllers and passive damping systems. By using recent developments in static output-feedback control, the design of passivedamping systems can be formulated as a single optimization problem with Linear Matrix Inequality constraints. Moreover, this optimization problem can be efficiently solved with standard numerical tools, even for large dimension systems. Due to its computational effectiveness, the proposed methodology can be applied to the design of passive damping…
Discrete-time static output-feedback semi-decentralized H<inf>&#x221E;</inf> controller design: An application to structural vibration control
In this work, we present a new and effective method to design discrete-time static output-feedback H ∞ controllers. This new method, based on a Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) formulation, introduces a suitable transformation of the LMI variables that allows to obtain an explicit expression for the output-feedback gain matrix. Moreover, for problems involving a set of subsystems with information exchange constraints, a convenient structure on the LMI variables can be imposed in order to design semi-decentralized controllers, where the corresponding output-feedback gain matrix has a prescribed zero-nonzero structure. To illustrate the proposed methodology, discrete-time static velocity-feedba…
Semi-decentralized strategies in structural vibration control
Published version of an article published in the journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4173/mic.2011.2.2 In this work, the main ideas involved in the design of overlapping and multi-overlapping controllers via the Inclusion Principle are discussed and illustrated in the context of the Structural Vibration Control of tall buildings under seismic excitation. A detailed theoretical background on the Inclusion Principle and the design of overlapping controllers is provided. Overlapping and multi-overlapping LQR controllers are designed for a simplied five-story building model. Numerical simulations are conducted to asses the pe…
Discrete-time static output-feedback H<inf>&#x221E;</inf> controller design for vehicle suspensions
This paper provides a direct and practical presentation of a novel methodology for static output-feedback controller design. The proposed design strategy has been successfully applied in the fields of control systems for seismic protection of large buildings and multi-building structures, control of offshore wind turbines, and active control of vehicle suspensions. The positive results obtained in these initial applications clearly indicate that this approach could be an effective tool in a large variety of control problems, for which an LMI formulation of the statefeedback version of the problem is available. The main objective of the paper is to facilitate a brief and friendly presentatio…
Landing gear suspension control through adaptive backstepping techniques with H∞ performance
Author's version of a chapter published in the book: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.00589
Discrete-time multioverlapping controller design for structural vibration control of tall buildings under seismic excitation
Published version of an article from the journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Also available from the publisher:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/636878 In this paper, a computationally effective strategy to obtain multioverlapping controllers via the Inclusion Principle is applied to design discrete-time state-feedback multioverlapping LQR con- trollers for seismic protection of tall buildings. To compute the corresponding control actions, the proposed semidecentralized controllers only require state information from neighboring stories. This particular configuration of information exchange allows introducing a dramatic reduction in the transmission range required for a wireless imp…
Static output-feedback controller design for vehicle suspensions: an effective two-step computational approach
In this study, a novel two-step methodology is applied in designing static output-feedback controllers for a class of vehicle suspension systems. Following this approach, an effective synthesis of static output-feedback controllers can be carried out by solving two consecutive linear matrix inequality optimisation problems. To illustrate the main features of the proposed design strategy, two different static output-feedback H 8 controllers are designed for a quarter-car suspension system. The first of those controllers uses the suspension deflection and the sprung mass velocity as feedback information, whereas the second one only requires the sprung mass velocity to compute the control acti…
Active-passive control strategy for adjacent buildings
Author's version of a chapter in the book: 2011 Proceedings of the American Control Conference. Also available from the publisher at: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=05991059 In this paper, a control strategy to mitigate the vibrational response of adjacent buildings under seismic excitation is presented. The proposed strategy combines inter-building passive actuators with active actuators placed in the building stories. The main ideas are presented by means of a simplified two-building model; however, a semi-decentralized overlapping approach via the inclusion principle has been used to impose a proper information exchange structure suitable for wireless control of larg…
Recent Advances in Static Output-Feedback Controller Design with Applications to Vibration Control of Large Structures
Published version of an article in the journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4173/mic.2014.3.4 Open Access In this paper, we present a novel two-step strategy for static output-feedback controller design. In the first step, an optimal state-feedback controller is obtained by means of a linear matrix inequality (LMI) formulation. In the second step, a transformation of the LMI variables is used to derive a suitable LMI formulation for the static output-feedback controller. This design strategy can be applied to a wide range of practical problems, including vibration control of large structures, control of oshore wind turbine…
Vibration control strategy for large-scale structures with incomplete multi-actuator system and neighbouring state information
The synthesis of optimal controllers for vibrational protection of large-scale structures with multiple actuation devices and partial state information is a challenging problem. In this study, the authors present a design strategy that allows computing this kind of controllers by using standard linear matrix inequality optimisation tools. To illustrate the main elements of the new approach, a five-story structure equipped with two interstory actuation devices and subjected to a seismic disturbance is considered. For this control setup, three different controllers are designed: an ideal state-feedback H 8 controller with full access to the complete state information and two static output-fee…
Feasibility issues in static output-feedback controller design with application to structural vibration control
Recent results in output-feedback controller design make possible an efficient computation of static output-feedback controllers by solving a single-step LMI optimization problem. This new design strategy is based on a simple transformation of variables, and it has been applied in the field of vibration control of large structures with positive results. There are, however, some feasibility problems that can compromise the effectiveness and applicability of the new approach. In this paper, we present some relevant properties of the variable transformations that allow devising an effective procedure to deal with these feasibility issues. The proposed procedure is applied in designing a static…
Sequential design of multioverlapping controllers for structural vibration control of tall buildings under seismic excitation
In this article, a computationally effective strategy to obtain multioverlapping controllers via the inclusion principle is applied to design a state-feedback multioverlapping linear-quadratic regulator controller for a 20-story building. The proposed semidecentralized controller only requires state information of neighboring stories to compute the corresponding control actions. This particular information exchange configuration allows introducing a dramatic reduction in the transmission range required for a wireless implementation of the communications system. More specifically, just a one-story transmission range is required by the proposed multioverlapping controller, while a full-buildi…
Feedback vibration control of a base-isolated building with delayed measurements using h<inf>&#x221E;</inf> techniques
In this paper we address the problem of vibration reduction of buildings with delayed measurements, where the delays are time-varying and bounded. We focus on a convex optimization approach to the problem of state-feedback H ∞ control design. An appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and some free weighting matrices are used to establish some delay-range-dependent sufficient conditions for the design of desired controllers in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The controller, which guarantees asymptotic stability and an H ∞ performance, simultaneously, for the closed-loop system of the structure, is then developed. The performance of the controller is evaluated through the simu…
Static output-feedback control under information structure constraints
An important challenge in the static output-feedback control context is to provide an isolated gain matrix possessing a zero-nonzero structure, mainly in problems presenting information structure constraints. Although some previous works have contributed some relevant results to this issue, a fully satisfactory solution has not yet been achieved up to now. In this note, by using a Linear Matrix Inequality approach and based on previous results given in the literature, we present an e cient methodology which permits to obtain an isolated static output-feedback gain matrix having, simultaneously, a zero-nonzero structure imposed a priori. Peer Reviewed
Feedback vibration control of a base-isolated building with delayed measurements using h∞ techniques
Published version of a paper presented at the American Control Conference (ACC), 2010. (c) 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works n this paper we address the problem of vibration reduction of buildings with delayed measurements, where the delays are time-varying and bounded. We focus on a convex optimization approach to the problem of state-feedback H ∞ control design. An appropriate …
Landing gear suspension control through adaptive backstepping techniques with H∞ performance
Author's version of a chapter published in the book: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.00589 Landing gear suspension systems fulfill the tasks of absorbing the vertical energy of the touch-down as well as providing passenger and crew comfort with a smooth ground ride before take-off and after landing. They are also designed to have optimal performance in the case of a hard landing. In general, the tasks of aircraft landing gears are complex and sometimes lead to a number of contradictory requirements. Although there are existing modifications of aircraft shock absorbers to reduce the problem, …
Static output-feedback control for vehicle suspensions: a single-step linear matrix inequality approach
In this paper, a new strategy to design static output-feedback controllers for a class of vehicle suspension systems is presented. A theoretical background on recent advances in output-feedback control is first provided, which makes possible an effective synthesis of static output-feedback controllers by solving a single linear matrix inequality optimization problem. Next, a simplified model of a quarter-car suspension system is proposed, taking the ride comfort, suspension stroke, road holding ability, and control effort as the main performance criteria in the vehicle suspension design. The new approach is then used to design a static output-feedbackH∞controller that only uses the suspensi…
Vibration control for adjacent structures using local state information
In this paper, a novel strategy for structural vibration control of multi-structure systems is presented. This strategy pays particular attention to mitigating negative interstructure interactions. Moreover, it is based on recent advances in static output–feedback control, which make possible the efficient computation of decentralized velocity-feedback controllers by solving a single-step optimization problem with Linear Matrix Inequality constraints. To illustrate the main ideas, a local velocity-feedback energy-to-peak controller is designed for the seismic protection of a two-building system. This controller is remarkably effective and extremely simple. Moreover, it can also be implement…
Optimal design of complex passive-damping systems for vibration control of large structures: An energy-to-peak approach
Published version of an article in the journal: Abstract and Applied Analysis. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/510236 Open Access We present a new design strategy that makes it possible to synthesize decentralized output-feedback controllers by solving two successive optimization problems with linear matrix inequality (LMI) constraints. In the initial LMI optimization problem, two auxiliary elements are computed: a standard state-feedback controller, which can be taken as a reference in the performance assessment, and a matrix that facilitates a proper definition of the main LMI optimization problem. Next, by solving the second optimization problem, the …
Semiactive–passive structural vibration control strategy for adjacent structures under seismic excitation
Abstract The objective of this paper is to study a structural vibration control strategy for seismic protection of multi-structure systems that combines interstructure passive damping elements with local feedback control systems implemented in the substructures. These local feedback control systems are independently designed and operated, and use semiactive devices with limited actuation capacity as force actuators. The combined action of local semiactive feedback control systems and passive interstructure links can produce an appropriate reduction in the substructures' vibrational response and, simultaneously, provides additional protection against interstructure collisions. The proposed s…
Active-passive decentralized H∞ control for adjacent buildings under seismic excitation
Author's version of a chapter in the book: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.01192 In this paper, a control strategy to reduce the vibrational response of adjacent buildings under seismic excitation is presented. The proposed strategy combines passive linking elements with an active decentralized H∞ control system. The overall active-passive control system admits decentralized design and operation, and achieves an excellent vibrational reduction when the active control system works; in case of a full or partial failure of the active control system, a remarkable reduction in the vibrational res…
Structural Vibration Control for a Class of Connected Multistructure Mechanical Systems
Published version of an article from the journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Also available from the publisher:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/942910 A mathematical model to compute the overall vibrational response of connected multistructure mechanical systems is presented. Using the proposed model, structural vibration control strategies for seismic protection of multibuilding systems can be efficiently designed. Particular attention is paid to the design of control configurations that combine passive interbuilding dampers with local feedback control systems implemented in the buildings. These hybrid active-passive control strategies possess the good properties of passive contro…
Active Vibration Control in Mechanical Systems
1 School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 3015, Yikuang Street No. 2, Nangang District, Harbin 150001, China 2Department of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Agder, 4898 Grimstad, Norway 3 Institute of Automation and Complex Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, 47057 Duisburg, Germany 4Department of Applied Mathematics III, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), 08242 Manresa, Spain