Maja Von Der Hagen
Neuropädiatrische Differenzialdiagnostik der Mikrozephalie im Kindesalter
ZusammenfassungEine Mikrozephalie betrifft 2–3 % der Bevölkerung und geht oftmals mit einer Intelligenzminderung einher. Die zugrunde liegende Reduktion des Gehirnvolumens kann sowohl durch exogene Faktoren als auch durch genetische Ursachen bedingt sein. Problematisch sind sowohl die uneinheitliche Klassifikation als auch die große Heterogenität der hinter dem klinischen Zeichen Mikrozephalie stehenden Erkrankungen. Im vorliegenden Artikel stellen wir unseren Vorschlag für die diagnostische Herangehensweise an ein Kind mit Mikrozephalie aus neuropädiatrischer Sicht vor.
Diagnostic approach to microcephaly in childhood: a two-center study and review of the literature.
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic approach to microcephaly in childhood and to identify the prevalence of the various underlying causes/disease entities. Method: We conducted a retrospective study on a cohort of 680 children with microcephaly (399 males, 281 females; mean age at presentation 7-8mo, range 1mo-5y) from patients presenting to Charité - University Medicine Berlin (n=474) and University Hospital Dresden (n=206). Patient discharge letters were searched electronically to identify cases of microcephaly, and then the medical records of these patients were used to analyze parameters for distribution. Results: The putative aetiology for microcephaly was ascertain…
Treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with ciclosporin A: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre trial.
Summary Background Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a rare X-linked progressive disease characterised by loss of ambulation at about age 10 years, with death in early adulthood due to respiratory and cardiac insufficiency. Steroids are effective at slowing the progression of muscle weakness; however, their use is limited by side-effects, prompting the search for alternatives. We assessed the effect of ciclosporin A as monotherapy and in combination with intermittent prednisone for the treatment of ambulant patients with this disorder. Methods Our study was a parallel-group, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicentre trial at trial sites of the German muscular dystrophy network, MD-NET, ove…