Salvatore Gnoffo
Circular Business Models and Their Systemic Implications: The Too Good To Go Case Study
L’organo straordinario di liquidazione e gli organi di governo del comune consustanziali alla sana gestione: un caso di studio
Without wishing in any way to interfere in the substance of the legislation of local authorities in failure, this work concerns the possible contribution that the Extraordinary Liquidation Body (OSL) can make to the municipal government bodies on the rebalancing of a local authority. The starting point of the research project is the formalization of the declaration of bankruptcy approved by the City Council. Its evolutionary prospects are the measures launched in the context of extraordinary management entrusted to a liquidation body at the same time as the preparation of the hypothesis of permanently-rebalanced budget by the competence of the governing bodies in office. In parallel with th…
Lo scopo principale di questa ricerca è quello di inquadrare le possibili relazioni causali fra corruzione negli approvvigionamenti pubblici e performance delle amministrazioni locali. A tal fine, viene adottato un disegno di ricerca che integra dinamicamente metodi quantitativi e qualitativi in ogni fase del processo di studio. Gli approcci Dynamic Performance Management (DPM) e Governance (DPG), supportati da interviste approfondite non-strutturate, modellazioni formali e simulazioni quantitative, sono qui adottati per analizzare un caso di studio rappresentativo di un piccolo comune italiano in cui si sono verificati alcuni episodi di corruzione nelle attività di approvvigionamento nei p…
A dynamic performance management approach to frame corruption in public procurement: a case study
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to frame the causal relationships between corruption in public procurement and performance of local governments. Design/methodology/approach An outcome-based dynamic performance management approach is adopted to explore a representative case study of a small Italian municipality. The model is based on three sources: qualitative primary data generated by face-to-face convergent interviews; secondary data retrieved from documents describing legal cases linked to procurement and open-access repositories; and an extensive literature review. Findings Emphasizing the role of community civic morality systemically may help to understand some counterintuitive re…
Political Patronage in a Small Italian Local Government: An Outcome-Based DPM Approach on Fiduciary Practices
Corruption is “the abuse of public office for personal gain” (World Bank, 1997: 8). Although this definition captures a broad notion of corrupt behaviour, many forms of corruption actually occur in small municipalities each reflecting context-specific features and dynamics. Their impacts are rather evident, but their cause-effects relationships are not always clear, so that tangled issues may ineluctably arise without an apparent explanation. As such, a systemic focus is needed in order to gain an insightful understanding of particular configurations of malfeasance at local level in the attempt to hinder them in the future. The aim of this research project is to explore the dynamic relation…