Helmut E. Meyer
2-D differential membrane proteome analysis of scarce protein samples
Proteome studies with small sample amounts are difficult to perform, especially when membrane proteins are the focus of interest. In our study a new method for the analysis of scarce membrane protein samples combining large gel 2-D-CTAB/SDS-PAGE with fluorescence dye saturation labelling (satDIGE) was developed, allowing a highly sensitive differential analysis of different cell states. After Triton X-114 phase partitioning, enriched membrane protein samples of T cells were labelled at cysteine residues using fluorescence dyes and separated by large gel 2D-CTAB/SDS-PAGE. For a differential analysis 3 mug protein was found to be sufficient to detect proteins in a widespread well-separated di…
Identification of major histocompatibility complex class II-associated peptides derived from freshly prepared rat Langerhans cells using MALDI-PSD and Edman degradation
The isolation and identification is described of MHC class II-bound peptides derived from Langerhans cells. A combination of preparative micro-HPLC, MALDI-MS, Edman degradation was used for determining the amino acid sequence of MHC-associated peptides. Sample handling was crucial because fractions containing trace amounts of material require immediate storage at −80 °C to prevent peptide losses.