Antonio Martínez-sabater

Instrumentos de evaluación del uso problemático del teléfono móvil/Smartphone

 El Smartphone se ha convertido en un objeto indispensable en el día a día. Su uso genera en sus usuarios una sensación de independencia, status social, seguridad, control, ocio, etc. No obstante, no todo son ventajas, el uso en exceso del Smartphone ha suscitado temor por su posible carácter adictivo.Las adicciones tecnológicas no se encuentran reconocidas en las principales clasificaciones de trastornos mentales y esto condiciona los instrumentos para la medición de su uso. En este artículo se analizan todas las escalas validadas que miden el uso del teléfono móvil/Smartphone y examinamos el fundamento teórico sobre el que se basan, sus factores de estudio y una descripción so…

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Quality of Life in Individuals Affected by Arnold Chiari Malformation: Comparison and Validation of a Measurement Instrument.

BACKGROUND Introduction. Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM) type I is a pathology whose symptomatology has repercussions for the quality of life of those affected by it. Quality-of-life measurement instruments can allow the severity of the impact of Chiari type I malformation on patients' lives to be monitored. The Chiari Symptom Profile (CSP) is a valid and reliable instrument designed for this purpose. The aim of the study was to adapt the CSP to Spanish and to explore the reliability and validity of this construct in the context of Spanish-speaking patients with ACM. METHODS The English CSP instrument has a good internal validity and consistency. We used a standardized procedure for the li…

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Self-Perception of Dependence as an Indicator of Smartphone Addiction—Establishment of a Cutoff Point in the SPAI–Spain Inventory

Background: In recent years, the abusive use of the smartphone has reached a situation that could be considered pathological. In this sense, different instruments to assess this problematic use or addiction to the smartphone are used. One of these instruments is the Smartphone Addition Inventory (SPAI), which has been validated in the Spanish language (SPAI-Spain). The main difficulty of these scales is to establish a cut-off point that determines such mobile addiction. On the other hand, self-perception was used in different addictions as a predictor of the problem. Aim: The objective of this study was to establish the cut-off point in the scores of the SPAI-Spain, using as a reference the…

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Influencia de la alfabetización en salud sobre la anticoagulación oral: un factor aún desconocido

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Multidisciplinary intervention in the management of breathlessness in people with non-malignant chronic diseases in advanced situation

Resumen El presente trabajo muestra una revisión crítica de un artículo en que se presentan los resultados de un ensayo clínico realizado en un hospital de Reino Unido para estudiar los resultados de una intervención con enfoque paliativo utilizada en el manejo de la disnea en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas en fases avanzadas. Tras el resumen del artículo, destacando los principales resultados obtenidos, se presenta la revisión crítica del artículo, en la que se ha intentado analizar tanto el diseño como la metodología utilizada en el ensayo clínico, como las implicaciones para la práctica de enfermería y especialmente en el ámbito de los cuidados paliativos. Abstract This work shows a…

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Health habits in schoolchildren in urban and rural areas

Introducción. En los primeros años de vida se produce la asimilación e interiorización de los hábitos de salud que van a condicionar la vida adulta, siendo fundamentales las características socioambientales para la adquisición de los mismos. Objetivos Nos planteamos conocer los hábitos de salud que presentan los escolares de dos zonas geográficas contrapuestas: la urbana y la rural. Metodología Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo con alumnos de 10 y 11 años de una zona urbana y de una rural, llevándose a cabo una prueba de comparación de dos proporciones de muestras independientes. Resultados. Se han recogido 104 encuestas (21.2% de ámbito rural) en las cuales se observa la existencia de…

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Complications Associated with Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC) in People Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) in Home Hospitalization

Introduction: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic generated the need to keep immunosuppressed patients away from hospital institutions for as long as possible. This in turn stimulated the implementation of a home hospitalization model for autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT). Purpose: To analyze whether there are significant differences in post-transplantation complications related to catheters observed in patients treated in the home-transplant care modality compared to patients treated in the hospital. Methodology: Observational, analytical, longitudinal, and retrospective study of cases and controls. A convenience sample was chosen, in which the cases comprised 20 patients inclu…

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Wet nurses and their importance in care

Respecto a la figura historia de la nodriza podemos indicar que supuso un elemento normalizado en la sociedad en el entorno de los cuidados con un rol importante en el patrón demográfico.

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Positive affectivity and health

RESUMEN Clásicamente se ha relacionado la afectividad positiva con la salud, y se intuye que hay una conexión directa entre ambas. De hecho, se cree que el desarrollo de sentimientos y emociones positivas ejerce un papel preventivo respecto a la enfermedad; o lo que es lo mismo, actúa como factor protector de la salud. En este texto se pretende explorar la relación entre ambos conceptos a través de diversos postulados teóricos de la Psicología de las emociones. Como resultados principales destaca la confirmación de la hipótesis que apunta a una íntima relación entre estos dos aspectos. Muchos autores consideran que en la actitud o forma de reaccionar ante los estímulos que nos rodean, está …

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Spanish Version of the Scale 'Eventos Adversos Associados às Práticas de Enfermagem' (EAAPE): Validation in Nursing Students

Healthcare carried out by different health professionals, including nurses, implies the possible appearance of adverse events that affect the safety of the patient and may cause damage to the patient. In clinical practice, it is necessary to have measurement instruments that allow for the evaluation of the presence of these types of events in order to prevent them. This study aims to validate the “Eventos adversos associados às práticas de enfermagem” (EAAPE) scale in Spanish and evaluate its reliability. The validation was carried out through a cross-sectional study with a sample of 337 nursing students from the University of Valencia recruited during the 2018–19 academic year. An explorat…

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Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI): Translation, adaptation and validation of the tool in Spanish adult population

The wide functionality and the vast range of attributes offered by smartphones has led to a substantial increase in the average amount of time these devices are used per day. An excessive use of these tools has been shown to result in symptomatology similar to psychological disorders caused by substance addiction. In Spain, smartphone use has risen exponentially but the effects of this increase remain unclear. Therefore, an instrument is required to help determine the extent of smartphone addiction in the Spanish population. The Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI) is a valid and reliable mean to identify and measure smartphone addiction and so, the aim of this research is the translation …

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Los expósitos y su representación en “La Gazeta de Madrid”

La existencia de diarios oficiales permite a los Estados informar de la actividad legislativa y administrativa. Diferentes estudios han utilizado estos boletines para analizar la información sociosanitaria de un momento histórico determinado. Nos planteamos como objetivo valorar la evolución de las referencias respecto a los expósitos y su relación con las nodrizas en la “Gazeta de Madrid”, permitiendo la categorización en función de los aspectos tratados. Se plantea la revisión y análisis de contenido de las 130 referencias aparecidas entre 1751 y 1926 que cumplían los criterios establecidos. Tras la lectura, transcripción, cumplimentación y categorización de la información recopilada se r…

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Malformación de Arnold-Chiari y siringomielia en atención primaria. A propósito de un caso

Rare diseases, due to their epidemiological characteristics, and sometimes to the non-specific symptoms, are difficult to diagnose routinely at Primary Care Level. A case is presented of Arnold Chiari malformation in a young male patient with early insidious presentation (neck pain and sub-occipital headaches) consulting due to the emergence of new symptoms (paresthesias, muscular weakness, cervicobrachial and radiating lumbar pain, and headaches after mild exertion).

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Malformación de Arnold-Chiari: la pérdida de la sonrisa

La Malformación de Arnold-Chiari es una enfermedad rara caracterizada por la presencia de síntomas insidiosos que pueden suponer un retraso en el diagnóstico. Las características sintomatológicas como el dolor, la pérdida de fuerza progresiva, los mareos, etc., junto con los efectos secundarios de los fármacos indicados para el tratamiento sintomático (anticonvulsionantes, antidepresivos, analgésicos, etc.) supone una pérdida de la calidad de vida de la persona. Aspectos de la calidad de vida que en un entorno biomédico suelen pasar desapercibidos, y juntamente, con la falta de repercusión exterior de la patología, supone la incomprensión de las personas del entorno. Con el fin de poder con…

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Contents of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Subject in the Undergraduate Nursing Curricula of Spanish Universities: A Cross-Sectional Study

Background: Nursing students must receive adequate training in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), which could allow them to acquire sufficient knowledge to solve the future SRH needs of everyone. In this study, the contents of the SRH subject in the undergraduate nursing curricula of 77 Spanish universities were examined to determine what SRH training nursing students are receiving. Methods: The contents of the SRH subject of all the curricula that were available online were reviewed. The distribution of the contents (topics) in the two areas (reproductive health and sexual health) was analyzed, and the prevalence of each topic was established. It was also determined whether there were d…

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Relationship between Determinants of Health, Equity, and Dimensions of Health Literacy in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

Background: Health literacy (HL) has been linked to empowerment, use of health services, and equity. Evaluating HL in people with cardiovascular health problems would facilitate the development of suitable health strategies care and reduce inequity. Aim: To investigate the relationship between different dimensions that make up HL and social determinants in patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in patients with cardiovascular disease, aged 50&ndash

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Wet-nurses in the ABC newspaper (1903-1920)

espanolEn el proceso de alimentacion infantil a lo largo de la historia una de las opciones ha sido la descarga en las nodrizas tanto a nivel familiar como institucional. Esta figura social se ha reflejado en la prensa y puede ser estudiada en funcion de su representacion. Nos planteamos como objetivo adquirir una vision social a traves del analisis de un corpus de documentos del diario ABC de Madrid entre los anos 1903 a 1920. Metodologicamente se ha recurrido a la revision y analisis de contenido del diario ABC en el periodo indicado de las noticias, anuncios y demas referencias del termino nodriza. Se han recuperado y analizado 999 documentos, que se corresponden al 41% corresponden a of…

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Estudio descriptivo del consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes de Gandia

Resumen Introducción: La morbimortalidad en los países desarrollados se relaciona con hábitos adquiridos en la adolescencia. El alcohol es la droga más consumida por los adolescentes españoles, planteando su uso abusivo un problema preocupante para la salud pública. Objetivo: Valorar el patrón de consumo de bebidas alcohólicas de los jóvenes estudiantes de 4º de ESO de la ciudad de Gandía y las características que definen a esta población y al entorno en el que se realiza. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal del consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes de entre 15 y 18 años de Gandía, que se lleva a cabo mediante una encuesta con diferentes cuestiones relacionadas con l…

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Importance of nutritional assessment tools in the critically ill patient: A systematic review

BackgroundAmong the risks of the critically ill patient, one of the aspects to be taken into account is the high probability of occurrence of malnutrition risk (40–50%). This process leads to increased morbimortality and worsening. The use of assessment tools allows the individualization of care.ObjectiveTo analyze the different nutritional assessment tools used during the admission of critically ill patients.MethodsSystematic review of the scientific literature related to the nutritional assessment of critically ill patients. Between January 2017 and February 2022, articles were rescued from the electronic databases “Pubmed,” “Scopus,” “CINAHL” and “The Cochrane Library”; which will analyz…

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Desarrollo y evaluación psicométrica de una forma abreviada de la escala de posicionamiento ante el diagnóstico enfermero

El Position on Nursing Diagnosis (PND) es una escala que utiliza la técnica del diferencial semántico para medir las actitudes hacia el concepto diagnóstico enfermero. El estudio objetivó desarrollar una forma abreviada de la versión española de esta escala, evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas y eficiencia. Se utilizó un doble enfoque empírico-teórico para obtener una forma reducida del PND, el PND-7-SV, que fuera equivalente a la original. Mediante un diseño transversal a través de encuesta, se evaluó la fiabilidad (consistencia interna y fiabilidad test-retest), validez de constructo (análisis factorial exploratorio, técnica de grupos conocidos y validez discriminante) y de criterio (va…

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Spanish Nurses’ Knowledge about Palliative Care. A National Online Survey

(1) Background: Nurses can find people with advanced diseases or in their last days of life during their professional careers and in many different care settings. For this reason, they need to have at least a basic level of palliative care education since they are the professional cohort treating these patients in a very close way. This research aims to determine the level of knowledge in palliative care of Spanish nurses and establish any possible difference based on their experience and training in palliative care. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional design using survey methods (distributed an online questionnaire) aimed at Spanish registered nurses. A validated questionnaire (PCQN-SV) was use…

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Utility of social networks and online data collection in nursing research: Analysis of Spanish nurses’ level of knowledge about palliative care

Introduction Internet-based social networks are used by nurses with different purposes, including the creation of working groups and to share and create knowledge. Purpose To evaluate the utility of social networks in the dissemination of an online questionnaire and to measure Spanish RNs’ knowledge about palliative care. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. Using social networks we distributed an online questionnaire with the Spanish version of Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses (PCQN-SV) throughout August 2015. Results A direct relationship between the number of responses and the questionnaire’s apparitions in each social network was found. Comparing the results obtai…

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Health literacy of patients on oral anticoagulation treatment- individual and social determinants and effect on health and treatment outcomes

Abstract Background Assessment health literacy in people with cardiovascular health problems would facilitate the development of appropriate health strategies for the care and reduction of complications associated with oral anticoagulation therapy. Aim: To evaluate the relationship between health literacy and health and treatment outcomes (concordance with oral anticoagulants, Normalized Ratio control and occurrence of complications) in patients with cardiovascular pathology. Methods Observational, analytic and cross-sectional study carried out on 252 patients with cardiovascular pathology (atrial fibrillation, flutter or valve prosthesis), aged 50–85 years, accessing primary care services …

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An instrument to measure nurses’ knowledge in palliative care: Validation of the Spanish version of Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses

Background Palliative care is nowadays essential in nursing care, due to the increasing number of patients who require attention in final stages of their life. Nurses need to acquire specific knowledge and abilities to provide quality palliative care. Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses is a questionnaire that evaluates their basic knowledge about palliative care. The Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses (PCQN) is useful to evaluate basic knowledge about palliative care, but its adaptation into the Spanish language and the analysis of its effectiveness and utility for Spanish culture is lacking. Purpose To report the adaptation into the Spanish language and the psychometric analysis of the Palliativ…

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Additional file 1: of Relation between health literacy, self-care and adherence to treatment with oral anticoagulants in adults: a narrative systematic review

PRISMA checklist. (DOC 63 kb)

research product

Contents of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Subject in the Undergraduate Nursing Curricula of Spanish Universities, a Cross Sectional Study

Background: Nursing students must receive adequate training in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), which could allow them to acquire sufficient knowledge to solve the future SRH needs of everyone. In this study, the contents of the SRH subject in the undergraduate nursing curricula of 77 Spanish universities were examined to determine what SRH training nursing students are receiving. Methods: The contents of the SRH subject of all the curricula that were available online were reviewed. The distribution of the contents (topics) in the two areas (reproductive health and sexual health) was analyzed, and the prevalence of each topic was established. It was also determined whether there were d…

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Conocimientos en cuidados paliativos de los profesionales de enfermería de un hospital español

Resume Objective: to determine the level of knowledge in palliative care of nursing staff at a Spanish tertiary care hospital. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study. Data were collected about the results of the Spanish version of the Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses (PCQN), sociodemographic aspects, education level and experience in the field of palliative care. Univariate and bivariate descriptive analysis was applied. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05 in all cases. Results: 159 professionals participated (mean age 39.51 years ± 10.25, with 13.96 years ± 10.79 of professional experience) 54.7% possessed experience in palliative care and 64.2% educational background (mainly b…

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Análisis de la cultura de seguridad en el ámbito de la identificación del paciente por el alumnado de enfermería egresado de la Universidad

Objetivos: El proceso asistencial supone la existencia de problemas de seguridad que afectan a la calidad de vida y que se incrementan en la ancianidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la cultura de seguridad de los profesionales de enfermería. Metodología: Se planteó la elaboración de un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal mediante la administración de una encuesta a una muestra de los alumnos/as egresados/as de la facultad en los últimos tres cursos. El cuestionario constaba de 39 ítems de respuesta múltiple estructurado en aspectos profesionales, seguridad del paciente e identificación del paciente. Los datos fueron recopilados en una base de datos Excel y se realizó el anál…

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Desarrollo y evaluación psicométrica de una forma abreviada de la escala de posicionamiento ante el diagnóstico enfermero

El Position on Nursing Diagnosis (PND) es una escala que utiliza la técnica del diferencial semántico para medir las actitudes hacia el concepto diagnóstico enfermero. El estudio objetivó desarrollar una forma abreviada de la versión española de esta escala, evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas y eficiencia. Se utilizó un doble enfoque empírico-teórico para obtener una forma reducida del PND, el PND-7-SV, que fuera equivalente a la original. Mediante un diseño transversal a través de encuesta, se evaluó la fiabilidad (consistencia interna y fiabilidad test-retest), validez de constructo (análisis factorial exploratorio, técnica de grupos conocidos y validez discriminante) y de criterio (va…

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Knowledge about Palliative Care and Attitudes toward Care of the Dying among Primary Care Nurses in Spain

Objective: To analyze the knowledge in palliative care and the attitudes toward caring for the dying of nurses who carry out their professional activity in primary care in Spain. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out among Spanish primary care centers. Participants: A total of 244 nurses who had completed their primary care work and agreed to participate in this study were included. Main measurements: The level of knowledge in palliative care was analyzed using the PCQN-SV scale, and attitudes toward care of the dying were measured with the FATCOD-S scale, both of which are instruments that are validated in Spain. Results: Regarding the level of knowledge…

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Relation between health literacy, self-care and adherence to treatment with oral anticoagulants in adults: a narrative systematic review

Background Oral anticoagulants (OAC) are widely used in patients with cardiovascular diseases. However, for optimal OAC self-care patients must have skills, among which health literacy (HL) is highlighted. We aimed to describe the relation between HL and self-care in cardiovascular patients on OAC treatment. Methods Electronic searches were carried out in the PubMed, Scopus, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, SciELO, IME-Biomedicina, CUIDEN Plus and LILACS databases, limited to Spanish and English language and between January 2000–December 2016. Papers reported on adults older than 18 years, taking OAC by themselves for at least three months. PRISMA guidelines were used for p…

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En este artículo planteamos una revisión de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos (CINAHL, CUIDEN, MEDLINE) con el fin de valorar la importancia de la neoplasia testicular en la adolescencia y el papel fundamental del profesional de enfermería-, concretamente de la enfermera escolar, en la detección precoz de esta patología. Una vez analizado el tema y tras tomar conciencia de la importancia de enseñar prácticas de autoexploración testicular correctas, se ha concluido que la enfermera escolar no debe desarrollar únicamente una actividad asistencial, sino que entre sus funciones se debe contemplar la promoción de la salud y la prevención del cáncer testicular. Dentro del proceso educado…

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Analysis of Spanish nursing students' knowledge in palliative care. An online survey in five colleges.

Abstract Along their professional career, nurses can find patients who require palliative care (PC). It is necessary to have at least a basic education in this area, that should be acquired during their university education. The objective of this descriptive online-survey set in five nursing Colleges was to analyze Spanish nursing students’ knowledge in PC, offering an image of the status of education in PC. 619 students took an online questionnaire with the Spanish version of the Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses (PCQN-SV), which also collected information about their education in the field of PC. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed, and a predictive binary logistic regression m…

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Usefulness of Midline Catheters versus Peripheral Venous Catheters in an Inpatient Unit: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial

Canalization of vascular accesses is one of the most used techniques in hospitalization units. When talking about peripherally inserted catheters, we can differentiate between peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVC), midline catheters, and long peripheral catheters (LPC). Midline catheters are rarely used despite being recommended for intravenous therapies lasting more than six days. This research is a pilot study of a longitudinal clinical trial. It aims to compare the complications associated with intravenous therapy between the control group (CG) with a PIVC and the experimental group (EG) with a midline in an Internal Medicine Unit of a Spanish hospital for three months. In this study, …

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