Amparo Belloch Fuster
Creencias sobre la salud y los medicamentos en la población asmática española. Validación de 2 instrumentos para su medida
Resumen Introduccion Se ha procedido a la traduccion, validacion y aplicacion en poblacion asmatica espanola del Cuestionario de Creencias sobre la Salud (CCS; 19 items en 6 dominios) y el Cuestionario de Creencias sobre los Medicamentos (CCM; 18 items en 2 subescalas: generico y especifico). Pacientes y metodos El trabajo se llevo a cabo, durante 2 sesiones, en 126 pacientes con asma estable y diferentes grados de gravedad. En la primera se practico una espirometria forzada y se recogieron ademas caracteristicas sociodemograficas y datos de historia clinica. En la segunda, los pacientes rellenaron cuestionarios de ansiedad (STAI) y depresion (Beck), asi como las versiones espanolas del CCS…
Importancia de la disnea basal e inducida en la calidad de vida de los pacientes con EPOC
Objetivo La disnea es el principal sintoma de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cronica (EPOC), por lo que tiene un papel importante en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS). Sin embargo, guarda una relacion debil con la gravedad de la obstruccion y hay pocos datos sobre como influye en la CVRS. Asi pues, nuestro objetivo ha sido averiguar los determinantes de la disnea basal y como influye esta en la CVRS de los pacientes con EPOC. Pacientes y metodos Se estudio a 101 pacientes con EPOC, a los que se realizaron exploracion funcional completa, test de provocacion bronquial (n = 70) y test de la marcha (TM). Se midieron la disnea basal, la inducida por broncoconstrictor y por e…
[Spanish asthma patients' beliefs about health and medicines: validation of 2 questionnaires].
Abstract Objective We translated 2 health beliefs questionnaires–an instrument based on the health belief model (HBM) containing 19 items in 6 domains and the Beliefs About Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) containing 18 items divided into a general and a specific section–and then administered and validated them in a group of Spanish patients with asthma. Patients and Methods In 2 clinical visits data were collected on 126 patients with stable asthma of different levels of severity. At the first visit, the patients underwent spirometry and were asked questions about sociodemographic factors and clinical history. At the second visit, they completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Beck Dep…
Contenidos obsesivos, miedo a la enfermedad y asco.
Abstract: Recently, data about the associations between disgust and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have show some inconsistencies, which might be due to the differential role of disgust sensitivity and propensity, the influence of other variables, or the heterogeneity of OCD contents. This study examines the relationships among disgust sensitivity and propensity, fear of illness, and different obsessional contents in university students (N = 114). Disgust propensity was the most relevant variable in predicting Doubt/checking contents (19% of explained variance, EV), and fear of illness and disgust sensitivity were the most relevant variables predicting Contamination (EV: 21% and 8%, re…
Attentional Biases and Vulnerability to Depression
This study was designed to examine selective processing of emotional information in depression. It focuses on possible attentional biases in depression, and whether such biases constitute a cognitive vulnerability factor to suffer from the disorder or, on the contrary, they reflect a feature associated exclusively with the clinical level of depression. 81 participants were included in the study: 15 with a diagnosis of Major Depression; 17 were diagnosed as Dysthymia; 11 participants scored over 18 in the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979); 15 participants, in whom a sad mood state was induced by an experimental mood induction (Velten technique + music, or biographic…
Propuestas para un enfoque transdiagnóstico de los trastornos mentales y del comportamiento: Evidencia, utilidad y limitaciones = Proposals for a transdiagnostic perspective of mental and behavioural disorders: Evidence, usefulness, and limitations
The high rates of comorbidity and cross-sectional covariation between disorders are oneof the main limitations of current psychiatric diagnostic approaches, which moreover are based oncategories defined by clinical features rather than assumptions about etiology. These limitations areespecially manifest as regards anxiety and depressive disorders, and also are evident in eating disorders.The accumulating evidence on symptom overlap has led several authors to suggest the existenceof common and shared pathology dimensions across anxiety and depressive disorders,postulating a transdiagnostic approach to these disorders. At the same time, transdiagnostic treatmentsfor emotional disorders have b…
Impact of Baseline and Induced Dyspnea on the Quality of Life of Patients With COPD
Objective Dyspnea is the main symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and as such is an important determinant of health-related quality of life. It is, however, weakly correlated to severity of obstruction and there is little information available on how it exercises its effect on health-related quality of life. The aims of this study were to identify the determinants of baseline dyspnea and to ascertain how that factor influences the health-related quality of life of patients with COPD. Patients and methods A total of 101 patients with COPD were studied. Tests included full lung function assessment, the bronchial provocation test (n=70), and the 6-minute walk test. The foll…